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Meridian S.I. Secondary School Championships
Finn Campbell
Competed for:
Also attended
boys U17 double sculls
Heat 1
: placed 6
1 -
Finn Campbell
(stroke) |
Stephen Campbell
Coach - Sarah Goldsmith
Event #
1: boys U16 2X
2: girls U17 1X
3: girls U18 2-
4: boys U17 4+
5: boys U15 4X+
6: boys U18 2-
7: girls U16 4+
8: girls U17 8+
9: boys U18 4X+
10: girls U18 4+ (L)
11: girls U15 8+
12: boys U16 4X+
13: boys N18 4+
14: boys U15 8+
15: girls U16 2X
16: boys U18 4+ (L)
17: boys U17 4X+
18: girls U18 1X
19: girls U15 2X
20: boys U18 4+
21: girls U18 4+
22: girls U17 2X
23: boys U17 1X
24: girls U16 8+
25: boys U16 4+
26: girls U18 2X
27: girls U15 4X+
28: girls U17 4+
29: boys U17 8+
30: boys U18 2X
31: girls U16 4X+
32: boys U15 4+
33: boys U16 8+
34: girls U18 4X+
35: girls N18 4+
36: boys U17 2X
37: boys U18 1X
38: girls U17 4X+
39: girls U15 4+
40: boys U15 2X
41: girls U18 8+
42: boys U18 8+
19: girls U15 2X
27: girls U15 4X+
39: girls U15 4+
11: girls U15 8+
15: girls U16 2X
31: girls U16 4X+
7: girls U16 4+
24: girls U16 8+
2: girls U17 1X
22: girls U17 2X
38: girls U17 4X+
28: girls U17 4+
8: girls U17 8+
18: girls U18 1X
26: girls U18 2X
3: girls U18 2-
34: girls U18 4X+
21: girls U18 4+
41: girls U18 8+
10: girls U18 4+ (L)
35: girls N18 4+
40: boys U15 2X
5: boys U15 4X+
32: boys U15 4+
14: boys U15 8+
1: boys U16 2X
12: boys U16 4X+
25: boys U16 4+
33: boys U16 8+
23: boys U17 1X
36: boys U17 2X
17: boys U17 4X+
4: boys U17 4+
29: boys U17 8+
37: boys U18 1X
30: boys U18 2X
6: boys U18 2-
9: boys U18 4X+
20: boys U18 4+
42: boys U18 8+
16: boys U18 4+ (L)
13: boys N18 4+
All regions
South Island
All schools
Ashburton College
Avonside Girls High School
Buller High School
Burnside High School
Christchurch Boys High School
Christchurch Girls High School
Christs College
Columba College
Craighead Diocesan School
Cromwell College
Darfield High School
Dunstan High School
James Hargest College
John McGlashan College
Kaiapoi High School
Kavanagh College
Kings High School
Logan Park High School
Marian College
Marlborough Boys College
Marlborough Girls College
Mt Aspiring College
Nelson College
Nelson College For Girls
Otago Boys High School
Otago Girls High School
Queens High School
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Rangiora High School
Roncalli College
Southland Boys High School
Southland Girls High School
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Hildas Collegiate
St Kevins College
St Margarets College
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Timaru Boys High School
Timaru Girls High School
Verdon College
Villa Maria College
Waitaki Boys High School
Waitaki Girls High School
Wakatipu High School
All athletes
Aaron Woodhead (obhs)
Abbey Clark (sldg)
Abbey Jenkins-McCaw (colu)
Abbie Irving (sthi)
Abby Nattrass (rrgs)
Abigail Ashby (burn)
Abigail Chamberlain (timg)
Abigail Goodhew (crai)
Abigail James (sthi)
Adam Harper (mlbb)
Adam Hollander-Dunn (obhs)
Adrian Burt (nelb)
Alastair Sinclair (stan)
Albonie Skerrett (colu)
Aleisha King (oghs)
Aleisha McLennan (jhar)
Aleshia Lawson (jhar)
Alex Deller (stan)
Alex Fisher (duns)
Alex Fowler (chco)
Alex Jamieson (waka)
Alex Kennedy (rahs)
Alex Priest (rrgs)
Alex Wing (chco)
Alex Winsloe (mtas)
Alexandra Hazlett (stmg)
Alexandra Staples (stmg)
Alice Austin (rrgs)
Alice Eastwick (stan)
Alice Elliot (mlbg)
Alice MacLeod (rrgs)
Alice Mullins (marn)
Alysha McKay (oghs)
Amanda Rowe (stan)
Amber Coote (jhar)
Amber Henderson (avsg)
Amelia Goodwin (rrgs)
Amelia Murray (rrgs)
Amelia Nisbet (rrgs)
Amy Brydon (vill)
Amy Cullimore (ashb)
Amy Lane (ncog)
Andrew Baddeley (cbhs)
Andrew Barakaukas (stbd)
Andrew Benington (waka)
Andrew Gillions (duns)
Andrew King (stan)
Andrew Sherratt (cbhs)
Andrew Springford (chco)
Andrew Wakefield (burn)
Angus Knox (khsd)
Angus Lane (duns)
Angus Mann (chco)
Angus McKenzie (chco)
Angus Port (chco)
Angus Shaw (waka)
Anna Bethell (rrgs)
Anna Calder (sldg)
Anna Hawkins (mlbg)
Anna Low (avsg)
Anna McAslan (sthi)
Anna Sands (stmg)
Anna-Liese Calder (stmg)
Annabel Davidson (vill)
Annabel Shaw (cghs)
Annabelle Button (stmg)
Annie Montgomery (rrgs)
Annie Rea (burn)
Anon Boy (sldb)
Anthony Ellis (mlbb)
Anya Morrison (rrgs)
Aoife Platts (cghs)
Ariah Stuart (oghs)
Ariana Horsley (waka)
Ariana Deborah Williams (vill)
Armano Papageorge (cbhs)
Ashleigh Day (timg)
Ashleigh Jenkins-Hansen (sldg)
Ashleigh Thomson (cghs)
Ashley Poole (avsg)
Astraea Miller (sldg)
Aziz Askin (timb)
Bailey McCulloch (verd)
Beatrix Heaphy-Hall (stan)
Bella Forde (jhar)
Ben Ardagh (chco)
Ben Black (mlbb)
Ben Crosbie (stan)
Ben Daly (stbd)
Ben Leeming (jhar)
Ben McHardy (cbhs)
Ben Morgan (timb)
Ben Peters (jhar)
Ben Youngman (cbhs)
Benjamin Lawrence (stbd)
Benjamin Rush (ronc)
Bernard Lloyd (cbhs)
Beth Calverly (duns)
Bethany Robertson (stkv)
Blake Houghton (stbd)
Bond Brownrigg (stan)
Bonnie Murray (stmg)
Brad Darling (ronc)
Brad Faul (chco)
Brad Tucker (stbd)
Bradley Basham (rahs)
Bradley Ryan (timb)
Bradley Thompson (crom)
Breanna Moller (marn)
Bridget Austin (ronc)
Bridget Buchan (rrgs)
Bridget Corkery (sldg)
Briony McKenzie (sthi)
Brittany Allan (jhar)
Brittany Kucenko (avsg)
Brittany MacDonald (burn)
Brittany More (stkv)
Brittany Smith (darf)
Broc Connelly (stbd)
Brodie Hume (obhs)
Bronwyn Lancaster (burn)
Brook Nikora (ncog)
Brook Robertson (nelb)
Brooke Cantwell (vill)
Brooke Saunders (ncog)
Brydie Ockwell (sthi)
Bryony Bunting (jhar)
Bryony Ivamy (crai)
Caitlan Kearney (stkv)
Caitlin Sisson (vill)
Caleb Watkins (nelb)
Caleb Withers (burn)
Callum Cruickshank (chco)
Callum Maher (stbd)
Calypso Goldsmith (qhsd)
Cameron Abbey (chco)
Cameron Clemence (chco)
Cameron Crampton (timb)
Cameron Fraser (ronc)
Campbell Stewart (stcc)
Campbell Youngman (cbhs)
Cara Davis (rrgs)
Caroline Coates (stmg)
Carron Hamilton (timg)
Catherine Croft (stan)
Catherine Shields (rrgs)
Celia Vink (marn)
Chad Ternent (mlbb)
Chantelle Ross (oghs)
Charles Pears (chco)
Charlie Haines (stbd)
Charlie Stocker (cbhs)
Charlotte Carter (cghs)
Charlotte Cowen (rrgs)
Charlotte Foster (colu)
Charlotte Kenny (rrgs)
Charlotte Matheson-Watts (colu)
Charlotte McIntyre (rrgs)
Charlotte Penniket (mtas)
Charlotte Peter (mlbg)
Charlotte Tomkins (stmg)
Charlotte Wilson (ashb)
Charlotte Worner (rrgs)
Chloe Ferguson (jhar)
Chris Chang (chco)
Christian Robinson (stkv)
Christina Greenwood (stmg)
Claire Fairhall (bull)
Claire Shingleton (vill)
Clara Marris (cghs)
Clare Ford (rrgs)
Clarice Flynn (marn)
Claudia Grave (sthi)
Claudia Ryan (oghs)
Claudia Stuart (ncog)
Clay Forward (jmcg)
Clemintine Maxwell (waka)
Cleo Gilmour (oghs)
Colin Frew (duns)
Conner Muir (duns)
Connor Hoffman (cbhs)
Connor Houghton (stbd)
Conor Mercer (stan)
Conor Orsbourn (cbhs)
Cooper Gilmour (obhs)
Cordelia Calder (sldg)
Corey Nicholas (bull)
Courtney Chamberlain (stmg)
Courtney Thomas (verd)
Daniel Gold (obhs)
Daniel Lorimer (timb)
Daniel Moore (stbd)
Daniel Palmer (cbhs)
Daniel Ryan (stcc)
Danielle Ewen (burn)
Danielle Lawrence (marn)
Danny Cockfield (bull)
Danny Vanturnhout (rahs)
Denym Antonievic (bull)
Devon Caffell (marn)
Devon Gusscott (bull)
Dominic Schwarz (mtas)
Douglas Hilson (nelb)
Dylan Lovett (jhar)
Eachann Bruce (mtas)
Eilee Robinson (stkv)
Elise Basher (bull)
Elizabeth Shields (sldg)
Elizabeth Zandbergen (ronc)
Ella Dromgool (cghs)
Ella Eglington (rrgs)
Ella Prier (stan)
Ella Stoner (stmg)
Ella van Zijl (oghs)
Ellen Kirkwood (colu)
Elliot Harvey (mlbb)
Elliot Parsons (wtkb)
Elsie Brownlea (marn)
Emilie Batt (stmg)
Emily Burtenshaw (timg)
Emily Bynevelt (burn)
Emily Close (sldg)
Emily Duncan (oghs)
Emily Lough (verd)
Emily Roach (marn)
Emma Booth (stmg)
Emma Ferner (burn)
Emma Hunt (vill)
Emma Mears (ashb)
Emma Petersen (rrgs)
Emma Wylie (cghs)
Ethan Borcovsky (timb)
Ethan Edmunds-Scott (crom)
Ethan Ward (mlbb)
Evan Kennedy (rahs)
Eve Kennedy (loga)
Eve MacFarlane (rrgs)
Ezra Ritchie (cbhs)
Fabian Dolamore (cbhs)
Felicity Ryan (stmg)
Fenella Brown (burn)
Finn Campbell (loga)
Fiona McLachlan (stmg)
Fletcher Homan (khsd)
Fran McGuigan (marn)
Francie Turner (rrgs)
Francis Auwerda (stbd)
Francis Donaldson (stbd)
Freddy Faull (chco)
Fredericka Archibald (stmg)
Fritha Powell (cghs)
Gabby Buchanan (waka)
Gabriel Callaghan (nelb)
Gabriela McCormack (marn)
Gabrielle Crawford (colu)
Gaby Watson (vill)
Gareth Burnett (obhs)
Gemma Roberts (verd)
Gemma Watherston (rrgs)
Geoffrey Morris (obhs)
George Adams (cbhs)
George Clifford (chco)
George Coslett (stan)
George Davie (stbd)
George Murray (chco)
George Sim (chco)
George Wadworth (chco)
Georgia Cameron (stmg)
Georgia Collett (crai)
Georgia Cotton (colu)
Georgia Dickson (marn)
Georgia Manera (colu)
Georgia Meates (cghs)
Georgia Railton (stan)
Georgia Suckling (cghs)
Georgia Sullivan (rrgs)
Georgia Tangney (stkv)
Georgia Wright (ncog)
Georgie Aitken (ashb)
Georgina Caley (colu)
Georgina Craigie (rrgs)
Georgina Galloway (mtas)
Georgina Pegg (stmg)
Georgina Weston (cghs)
Gerrard Radburn (stcc)
Giovanna Martin (ncog)
Grace Davie (stmg)
Grace Dunne (verd)
Grace Fanning (crai)
Grace Prendergast (vill)
Grace Scown (sthi)
Grace Sellers (cghs)
Grace Spoors (cghs)
Grace Williams (duns)
Grace Yee (cghs)
Graeme Sullivan (stcc)
Grant Lawrence (nelb)
Greg Brand (stbd)
Guy Barnsdale (sldb)
Guy Grant (chco)
Hadley van Schaik (jhar)
Hailey Crosswell (sldg)
Hamish Borowczyk (chco)
Hamish Callaghan (timb)
Hanan Chittock (obhs)
Hannah Bell (marn)
Hannah Bradshaw (cghs)
Hannah Collins (qhsd)
Hannah Davidson (qhsd)
Hannah Day (timg)
Hannah Finlay (crai)
Hannah Hampton (timg)
Hannah Hocquard (mlbg)
Hannah Kennedy (cghs)
Hannah Lumsden (mtas)
Hannah Minty (stmg)
Hannah Stuart (avsg)
Harriet Bush (burn)
Harriet Ingham (stmg)
Harriet Kinnaird (sthi)
Harriet Meates (vill)
Harriet Riley (stan)
Harriet Wadworth (rrgs)
Harriet Wilson (ashb)
Harriett Whittle (rrgs)
Harrison Somerville (mlbb)
Harry Bellamy (cbhs)
Harry Gorringe (chco)
Harry Haywood (cbhs)
Harry Taylor (mlbb)
Hayden Beavis (mlbb)
Hayden Cohen (jhar)
Hayden Kerr (verd)
Hayley Jenkins-McCaw (colu)
Hazel Dawson (loga)
Hazel Urquhart (sthi)
Hazelle Tomlin (avsg)
Heath Arnst (mlbb)
Heather Giles (kaia)
Heather Livesey (ronc)
Hebe Joyce-MacDonald (rrgs)
Henrietta MacDonald (rrgs)
Henry Booth (stan)
Henry Hansen (jhar)
Henry Hurst (chco)
Henry MacDonald (chco)
Henry Stokes (rahs)
Hillary Westbury (stmg)
Holly Bain (waka)
Holly Henderson (sldg)
Holly McIntosh (cghs)
Holly Paterson (cghs)
Holly Scott Lister (rrgs)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (timb)
Hope Westbury (stmg)
Hugo Robertshawe (chco)
Humphrey Lawrence (chco)
Ingrid Mitchell (jhar)
Isaac Johnston (nelb)
Isabel Tait (sldg)
Isabelle McCammon (vill)
Issac Hull (chco)
Jacinta de Haas (avsg)
Jack Acland (chco)
Jack Armstrong (chco)
Jack Ballantyne (chco)
Jack Burmester (chco)
Jack Clifford (chco)
Jack Miles (jmcg)
Jack Proudfoot (ronc)
Jack Robinson (nelb)
Jack Thomas (stbd)
Jack Wilson (chco)
Jacob Forde (jhar)
Jacob Pairama (obhs)
Jacqui Forde (ronc)
Jade Winter (wtkg)
Jaimee Dolan (burn)
Jaimie Harrison (timg)
Jake Kitson (cbhs)
Jake Mason (mlbb)
James Brown (stcc)
James Dobson (duns)
James Feary (cbhs)
James Hampton (cbhs)
James Hasson (stbd)
James Hudson (stbd)
James Lawrence (mlbb)
James Lilley (stbd)
James Lilley (jhar)
James Luxton (chco)
James McIntyre (chco)
James Sandston (chco)
James Smyth (burn)
James Spicer (cbhs)
James Wilson (cbhs)
James Wilson (ronc)
Jamie McKenzie (jmcg)
Jane Medlicott (oghs)
Jared Cross (mlbb)
Jared Sanderson (timb)
Jarod MacLachlan (crom)
Jasmine Smith (bull)
Jasmine Wilson (mlbg)
Jason Berger (chco)
Jayden Dodunski (jmcg)
Jayden Goodyer (nelb)
Jenna Smeehuyzen (oghs)
Jenny Patton (rrgs)
Jenny Storey (rrgs)
Jeremy Bond (rahs)
Jeremy Brydon (stbd)
Jeri Thompson (stcc)
Jess Allison (rrgs)
Jess Linwood (duns)
Jess O'Dowd (stbd)
Jesse Aimer (stan)
Jesse Smith (timb)
Jessica Chamberlain (stmg)
Jessica Gould (loga)
Jessica Hayes (sldg)
Jessica Morgan (crai)
Jessica van Rossum (verd)
Joanna Costello (stmg)
Joe Bennion (nelb)
Joe Earl (chco)
Joe Latta (obhs)
Joe Staurt (stan)
Johannah Kearney (stkv)
John Brady (chco)
Jonas Barakaukas (stbd)
Jonathan Bishop (chco)
Jonathan Sapsford (cbhs)
Jonathon O'Dowd (stbd)
Jonty Holmes (cbhs)
Jordan Green (mlbg)
Jordan Howell (waka)
Jordan Lineham (bull)
Jordan Maher (jhar)
Jordan Saville (jmcg)
Jordan Scott (sthi)
Josh Drummond (crom)
Josh Hunter (cbhs)
Josh Mulligan (obhs)
Josh Natapu (cbhs)
Joshua Thomas Edward Tansey (stcc)
Joyce Bennett-Longley (marn)
Julian Kundig (chco)
Julian Svoboda (rahs)
Julie Russell (jhar)
Juliet Whittaker (ncog)
Kaitlin Saunders (mtas)
Kaitlyn Wylie (cghs)
Karl Manson (mlbb)
Kate Chamberlain (timg)
Kate Darby (cghs)
Kate Dunlevey (sldg)
Kate Lange (stmg)
Kate Manera (colu)
Kate McCulloch (jhar)
Kate McLachlan (rrgs)
Kate Morgan (crai)
Kate Power (cghs)
Kate Slaven (rrgs)
Kate Taal (duns)
Katelyn Froude (jhar)
Katherine Millar (stan)
Katherine Plant (oghs)
Katheryn Chandler (rrgs)
Kathryn Alexander (sthi)
Kathryn Lammers (oghs)
Katie Cotham (burn)
Katie Davidson (qhsd)
Katie McConchie (colu)
Katie McManus (loga)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (vill)
Katie Rasmussen (vill)
Katie Watts (mlbg)
Kazan Watanabe (cbhs)
Kelby Buchanan (waka)
Kelly MacDonald (burn)
Kelsey Bungard (jhar)
Kelsey Tait (vill)
Kelsie Campbell (rrgs)
Kelsie Ellis (crai)
Kenneth Hill (mlbb)
Kenneth McLellan (obhs)
Kerry Bryant (stkv)
Kerryn Olsen (verd)
Keziah McDonald (bull)
Kimberley Dewe (ronc)
Kimberley Jacob (ashb)
Kirstyn Hay (burn)
Kristen Froude (jhar)
Kristen Meaclem (mlbg)
Kristie Nicholson (oghs)
Kristina Anderson (cghs)
Kristina Wheal (vill)
Kristy Eade (sldg)
Kyle Borlase (nelb)
Kyle Harris (duns)
Kyra Morgan (bull)
Lachie Angland (jmcg)
Lachlan Landels (obhs)
Lachlan van Bysterveldt (stbd)
Lala Quaqua (oghs)
Lara Simmons (mlbg)
Laura Everett (oghs)
Laura Foley (waka)
Laura Gibson (crai)
Laura McLeod (burn)
Laura Proud (burn)
Laura Small (crai)
Laura Thomson (oghs)
Laura Williams (vill)
Lauren Buckeridge (jhar)
Lauren Clark (avsg)
Lawrence Marsh (cbhs)
Lee Martin (mtas)
Levi Prier (stan)
Liam Beattie (mlbb)
Liam Spencer (stbd)
Libby Barker (crai)
Libby Masefield (rrgs)
Lisa Owen (jhar)
Lisa Thwaites (ncog)
Lizzy Wallace-Gibbs (colu)
Logan Anderson (mlbb)
Logan Copland (jmcg)
Logan Keys (cbhs)
Logan Scott (nelb)
Loren Burnside (avsg)
Loren Haggerty (stkv)
Loren Mathewson (qhsd)
Lorenzo Babbage (nelb)
Lori Comer (jhar)
Louis Kimber (stbd)
Louis Redmond (chco)
Louise Bush (burn)
Louise Livesey (ronc)
Louise Thomas (stan)
Luca Killick (stan)
Lucy Fauth (stkv)
Lucy Heenan (verd)
Lucy Johnston (avsg)
Lucy McGrannachan (oghs)
Lucy Whall (avsg)
Lucy Williams (jhar)
Luke Mortimer (chco)
Lulu Hemm (ncog)
Lydia Bishop (stan)
Lydia McIntosh (stmg)
Lydia Milner (stmg)
MacKenzie Aitken (oghs)
Mackenzie Brownlee (burn)
Maddi Davies (mlbg)
Maddie Parker (sthi)
Maddy Cron (stan)
Maddy Stumbles (sthi)
Madeleine Familton (sldg)
Madeleine Hayman (stmg)
Madison Wright (rrgs)
Mandy MacDonald (sthi)
Marc McNeil (stbd)
Marcella Zeestraten (stmg)
Marcia Stewart (waka)
Margaret Williamson (vill)
Mary Gray (oghs)
Mary Hampton (timg)
Mary Jo Keys (cghs)
Maryann Henderson (stan)
Mathilda Hassleman (sthi)
Matt Dowling (mlbb)
Matt Harrington (cbhs)
Matthew Flanagan (cbhs)
Matthew Mears (obhs)
Matthew Plaisted (khsd)
Matthew Richards (stan)
Matthew Ryan (timb)
Matthew Shaw (jmcg)
Max Camphens (cbhs)
Max Holmes (cbhs)
Meg Collyer (rrgs)
Meg McIntosh (mlbg)
Meg Prendergast (verd)
Melanie Duggan (cghs)
Melissa Barry (marn)
Melissa Johnston (loga)
Melissa Lover (marn)
Melissa Zainey (burn)
Michael Borthwick (chco)
Michael Dear (burn)
Michael Donnelly (stbd)
Michael Dougles-Clifford (stbd)
Michael Eden (waka)
Michael Mills (chco)
Michael Pascoe (rahs)
Michalla Thomson (cghs)
Michela Verwey (oghs)
Michelle Barry (vill)
Miguel Molina (stan)
Mitch MacDonald (mlbb)
Mitchell Avery (mlbb)
Mitchell Heslip (jmcg)
Mitchell Horner (nelb)
Mitchell Mowbray (burn)
Molly Brownlee (burn)
Morgan Shepherd (sldg)
Natalie Hodge (stan)
Natalie McDonald (duns)
Natassja Dasios (stmg)
Nathan Flannery (stcc)
Nathaniel Flynn (stbd)
Nicholas Jackson (mtas)
Nicholas Newton (chco)
Nick Burdon (chco)
Nick Drummond (crom)
Nick Fountain (stbd)
Nick Harris (jhar)
Nick Hill (jhar)
Nick McKenzie (nelb)
Nick Thomson (stan)
Nick Wareing (stan)
Nick Yang (chco)
Nicola Darrell (cghs)
Nicole Dyet (jhar)
Nicole Franklin (cghs)
Oli Stone (stbd)
Oliver Conway (nelb)
Oliver Hailes (stkv)
Oliver Johnston (nelb)
Oliver Stick (stan)
Oliver Todd (sldb)
Olivia Ashby (burn)
Olivia Bain (ashb)
Olivia Burtenshaw (timg)
Olivia Capil (sldg)
Olivia Gorton (verd)
Olivia Hall (jhar)
Olivia Loe (stmg)
Olivia Meyer (jhar)
Olivia Morgan (marn)
Olivia Muir (duns)
Olivia Nicolle (cghs)
Olivia Schwass (avsg)
Olivia Smith (duns)
Olivia Thompson (rrgs)
Olivia Watkins (vill)
Olivia Yardley-Vaiese (avsg)
Ollie Behrent (jhar)
Oscar Rasmussen (cbhs)
Paddy Harris (stan)
Paige Meaclem (bull)
Patrick Hill (timb)
Patrick Kearney (stkv)
Paul Hixson (burn)
Penny Thorpe (rrgs)
Perry Goldsmith (loga)
Petra Sparks (rahs)
Phoebe Rhyder (oghs)
Phoebe Spoors (cghs)
Pierce Thomson (cbhs)
Pim Greven (mlbb)
Pip Bishop (stan)
Rachel Best (stmg)
Rachel Jordon (rrgs)
Rachel McCann (vill)
Rachel Robilliard (stmg)
Rachel Webb (avsg)
Rachel Wilson (colu)
Rebeca Pilcher (rrgs)
Rebecca Chapman (vill)
Rebecca Clark (mtas)
Rebecca Ford (rrgs)
Rebecca French (ashb)
Rebecca Gerard (rrgs)
Rebecca Gregg (vill)
Rebecca Hix (avsg)
Rebecca Martel (rrgs)
Rebecca Mirfin (stan)
Rebecca Newman (rrgs)
Rebecca Smollett (sthi)
Rebecca Thomson (cghs)
Rebekah Rooney (ronc)
Rebekah Salt (rahs)
Redmond McKenzie (stcc)
Reilly Rasmussen (cbhs)
Renee Derwin (crai)
Ricci Persico (nelb)
Richard Newsome-White (chco)
Richie Clarke (stbd)
Robbie Bonisch (cbhs)
Robbie Connell (stbd)
Robbie Coslett (stan)
Robert Cowlishaw (mlbb)
Robert Mears (obhs)
Robert Wilson (stcc)
Rory Callaway (chco)
Rory Wagner (chco)
Rosalie Ellen Calder (vill)
Rose Fowler (cghs)
Rosie Bolderston (stmg)
Rowan Jackman (rahs)
Ruby Braam (cghs)
Ruby Field (waka)
Ruby Hauschild (stmg)
Ruby McIntosh (mlbg)
Ruifa Huang (jmcg)
Rupert Patterson (chco)
Russell Crampton (timb)
Russell Moloney (duns)
Rutger Maasdam (mlbb)
Ruth Hotop (vill)
Ryan Fulton (duns)
Ryan Morton (stkv)
Ryan O'Connell-Cairns (crom)
Ryan Sanders (cbhs)
Saasha Bruce (mtas)
Sacha Coghill (colu)
Salome Kelia Lennon (vill)
Sam Bosworth (chco)
Sam Brownie (cbhs)
Sam Crosbie (stan)
Sam Cruickshank (chco)
Sam Everett (duns)
Sam Godsiff (nelb)
Sam McLeod (jhar)
Sam Morris (chco)
Sam O'Neill (stbd)
Sam Richardson (jmcg)
Sam Shannon (verd)
Sam Slade (stan)
Sam Sugrue (ronc)
Sam Tallott (stan)
Sam Waghorn (cbhs)
Sam Wilding (chco)
Samantha Duggan (cghs)
Sanghyun Lee (cbhs)
Sarah Austin (ronc)
Sarah Bruce (ronc)
Sarah Bungard (jhar)
Sarah Foley (waka)
Sarah Graves (waka)
Sarah Hudson (vill)
Sarah McRobie (crai)
Sarah Nelson (cghs)
Sarah Jane Sullivan (cghs)
Sariska Adams (rrgs)
Sascha Young (verd)
Sasha Roulston (colu)
Savannah Cran (burn)
Scott Baines (stbd)
Scott Barnsdale (sldb)
Scott Buckingham (timb)
Scott Green (nelb)
Scott Wilson (stan)
Seamus Burgess (chco)
Sean Conner (duns)
Sean Iosefa (chco)
Shannon Brawley (ashb)
Shaun Haddock (burn)
Sheldon Williams (jmcg)
Simon Breen (stcc)
Simon Early (chco)
Simon Roberts (stan)
Simone Woodford (vill)
Sinead Farrelly (avsg)
Sophia Davis (avsg)
Sophie Carter (rrgs)
Sophie Collins (sthi)
Sophie Dunn (oghs)
Sophie Garrett (avsg)
Sophie Hammond (stmg)
Sophie Moynihan (stkv)
Sophie Shingleton (vill)
Sophie Stuart (ncog)
Stacey Hore (stkv)
Stefan Meaclem (mlbb)
Stephanie de Hamel (rahs)
Stephen Burt (ronc)
Stephen Campbell (loga)
Steven Arscott (stbd)
Surrey Collett (crai)
Tamika Green (bull)
Tara Moore (vill)
Tare Lowe (duns)
Tayla Chambers (avsg)
Taylor Brownrigg (stan)
Taylor Duncan (sldg)
Tegan Pearson (bull)
Tegan Simpson (wtkg)
Tess Maitland (vill)
Tessa Young (jhar)
Thomas Armstrong (chco)
Thomas Barker (burn)
Thomas Bates (stcc)
Thomas Brady (chco)
Thomas Frost (chco)
Thomas Glassey (stbd)
Thomas Jenkins (sldb)
Thomas Morgan (jhar)
Thomas Richards (stan)
Tilley Carroll (colu)
Tim Carey (chco)
Tim Harrex (duns)
Tim Morrison (stbd)
Tim Waghorn (cbhs)
Timothy Handisides (stbd)
Timothy Osmers (stcc)
Timothy Thelning (wtkb)
Toby Pascoe (jhar)
Tom Gordon (chco)
Tom Merrilees (timb)
Tom Nesbit (waka)
Tom Stoner (chco)
Tom Stopforth (rahs)
Tom Sutton (cbhs)
Tom Wooding (stbd)
Tommy Loeffen-Gallagher (chco)
Tori Sangster (jhar)
Travis Mitchell (crom)
Trish Rush (ronc)
Tristan Hegglun (mlbb)
Tyler Collings (timb)
Tyler Smith (kava)
Vanessa Orr (rrgs)
Venessa Hodgkinson (sldg)
Veronica Rotman (waka)
Vicki Sole (timg)
Victoria Kebble (marn)
Victoria Livingstone (stmg)
Whitney Orange (ncog)
William Crawford (ronc)
William Gorton (verd)
William Heap (chco)
William Hudson (stbd)
William Montogomery (stan)
Yesung Shin (chco)
Zach Thompson (stcc)
Zoe Goodwin (rrgs)
Zoe Hollander (sthi)
All coaches
Adam Harriosn (stan)
Adam Harrison (stan)
Alan Thomas (sldb)
Aleisha Aitcheson (oghs)
Allan Ruffell (waka)
Amanda Inkster (mtas)
Andrew Bell (burn)
Anna Hill (stan)
Armin Svoboda (rahs)
Ben Wooding (marn)
Bill Caldwell (nelb)
Bill Campbell (mlbb)
Bob Gilchrist (mlbb)
Bobbie Cahill (verd)
Claire Westoby (bull)
Crews Your Crews For The Si Secondary School Cham (stbd)
Dale Maher (rrgs)
Dan Blair (avsg)
Dan Kelly (ronc)
Danny Young (jhar)
Dave Varney (mtas)
Dean Milne (crai)
Duncan Hollabd (darf)
Duncan Holland (darf)
Evan France (jhar)
Frank O'Connor (chco)
Fred Strachan (obhs)
Gemma Ross (oghs)
Geoff McCrostie (ronc)
George McLeod (marn)
Glen Patterson (timg)
Grace O'Connor (chco)
Greg Smithson (kaia)
Greg Smithson (rahs)
Guy Williams (stcc)
Helen Johnstone (jhar)
Ian Hamilton (sldg)
Ian Hamilton (jhar)
Ian Weenink (ncog)
Jack Allan (jhar)
James Brown (stcc)
James Howard (stan)
James Smith (stcc)
Jamews Howard (stan)
Jessica Jones (oghs)
John O'Connor (jhar)
John Parnell (jmcg)
Justin Eden (waka)
Karl Morgan (oghs)
Laura Caley (qhsd)
Lena Cassidy-Calrk (stan)
Lena Cassidy-Clark (stan)
Mark Cotham (burn)
Matilda Carrell (burn)
Matt Archibald (sthi)
Matt McGovern (colu)
Matthew McGovern (colu)
Maude O'Connell (crom)
Monique Bates (stcc)
Oakley Salton (ncog)
Owen Gould (wtkb)
Owen Gould (wtkg)
Owen Gould (stkv)
Paddy Dowling (stcc)
Pete Gallagher (sthi)
Peter Sinclair (jhar)
Peter Sinclair (sldb)
Richard Hamilton (verd)
Richard Hamilton (jhar)
Richard Hill (kava)
Richard Jarman (avsg)
Rob Bruce (mtas)
Rose French (sldg)
Russell Everett (sldg)
Sarah Goldsmith (loga)
Simon Smith (duns)
St Bede'S Team (stbd)
St Bedes Team (stbd)
Steve Sanders (timb)
Stew Mitchel (stkv)
Stew Mitchell (stkv)
Sue Lowe (duns)
Tamsyn Hayes (colu)
Tegan Simpson (wtkg)
Tessa Boys (crai)
Thomas Stott (jmcg)
Tim Babbage (ncog)
Tim Babbage (nelb)
Toni Eade (verd)
Tonio Eade (verd)
Trevor Wilson (wtkg)
Wayne Fulton (duns)
Woody Muir (duns)
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