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All results
Event #
1: womens Open 1X
2: mens Open 2-
3: girls U17 4+
4: mens Nov 8+
5: womens Open 2-
6: mens Open 1X
7: boys U17 4+
8: girls U17 2X
9: womens Open 4-
9A: womens Open 4+
10: mens Nov 4+
11: mens Open 4-
11A: mens Open 4+
12: boys U17 2X
13: womens Open 2X
14: womens Nov 4+
15: boys U17 8+
16: girls U17 1X
17: womens Open 4X-
17A: womens Open 4X+
18: womens Nov 4X+
19: boys U17 1X
20: mens Open 2X
21: girls U17 8+
22: mens Nov 4X+
23: mens Open 4X-
23A: mens Open 4X+
24: womens Nov 8+
25: girls U17 4X+
26: mens Nov 2X
27: womens Open 8+
28: boys U17 4X+
29: womens Nov 2X
30: mens Open 8+
16: girls U17 1X
8: girls U17 2X
25: girls U17 4X+
3: girls U17 4+
21: girls U17 8+
1: womens Open 1X
13: womens Open 2X
5: womens Open 2-
17: womens Open 4X-
9: womens Open 4-
17A: womens Open 4X+
9A: womens Open 4+
27: womens Open 8+
29: womens Nov 2X
18: womens Nov 4X+
14: womens Nov 4+
24: womens Nov 8+
19: boys U17 1X
12: boys U17 2X
28: boys U17 4X+
7: boys U17 4+
15: boys U17 8+
6: mens Open 1X
20: mens Open 2X
2: mens Open 2-
23: mens Open 4X-
11: mens Open 4-
23A: mens Open 4X+
11A: mens Open 4+
30: mens Open 8+
26: mens Nov 2X
22: mens Nov 4X+
10: mens Nov 4+
4: mens Nov 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Petone Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Star Boating Club
Wellington Rowing Club
All athletes
Aisling Kerkin (stac)
Alice Mellanby (welc)
Alice Wright (welc)
Allister Grange (welc)
Amy Robson (welc)
Amy Wright (petc)
Anastasia Burn (stac)
Andre Gordon-Lacey (stac)
Andrew Morse (stac)
Angus Todd (welc)
Anika Terry (stac)
Anna Baines (stac)
Annabel Higgie (stac)
Annabel Johnstone (welc)
Annabelle Neilson (stac)
Annika Naschitzki (stac)
Ariana Welch-Nattras (porc)
Ashton Dawson (welc)
Ava Anderson (stac)
Bailey Craig (welc)
Bastian Scotts-Bahle (welc)
Beatrice Hooper (welc)
Bella Matthews (petc)
Bella Ritchie (stac)
Bella Smolnicki (stac)
Benjamin Rowan (welc)
Benjamin Taylor (stac)
Bennet Tucker (welc)
Beth Ross (petc)
Bianca van Dyke (stac)
Braid MacRae (welc)
Brenna Brown (porc)
Brittany Turner (porc)
Brooke Gordon (stac)
Caitlin Grice (stac)
Caitlin Ritchie (stac)
Caleb Soderberg (welc)
Callum Gray (petc)
Cameron Clark (stac)
Cameron Edwards (welc)
Cathan Tamarapa (welc)
Charlie Hoggard (stac)
Charlotte Robertson (welc)
Charlotte Russon (welc)
Charlotte Stephen (welc)
Christine Phillips (welc)
Christopher Josey Kerr (stac)
Claire Hardie (petc)
Claire Wright (petc)
Clara Morris (stac)
Claudette Wicks (welc)
Claudia Ombler-Welch (stac)
Connor Burns (stac)
Connor McLeod (stac)
Conor English (welc)
Conor Geoghegan (welc)
Courtney Grant (welc)
Daniel Gendall (stac)
Daniel Petrovich (stac)
Daniel Ward (welc)
Daniel Yska (welc)
Dante Tilley (petc)
Darian Foulcher-Jones (welc)
Darian Maughan (stac)
David Hack (welc)
David Ravine (stac)
David Sheppard (porc)
Dion Blackmore (welc)
Dominique Tennant (welc)
Eamonn Carr (welc)
Edward Cade (petc)
Eleanor Bradley (welc)
Eleanor Olson (welc)
Eleanor Steel (welc)
Elizabeth Jackson (stac)
Ella Pudney (petc)
Ella Vodanovich (welc)
Eloise O'Connell (welc)
Elroy Lederman (welc)
Emilia Brown (welc)
Emma McLean (stac)
Emma Rudge (stac)
Francie Morrow (welc)
Fred Beaumont (stac)
Freya Farrar (welc)
Gabriel Bell (welc)
Gabrille Clarke-Cox (porc)
Gareth Latornell (welc)
George McIntyre (stac)
George Mitchell (stac)
Georgia Beck (welc)
Georgia Limacher (stac)
Georgina Bourke (stac)
Grace Habershon (welc)
Grace Washington (stac)
Grace Whitaker (petc)
Greta Morrison (welc)
Griffin Hunt (welc)
Gus Higgie (stac)
Gus Stone (welc)
Hamish Ulberg (welc)
Hannah Comans (welc)
Hannah Gilmore (porc)
Hannah Hodgkinson (stac)
Hannah Ward (welc)
Harry Beaumont (stac)
Harry Delany (stac)
Harry Saker (stac)
Hayden Robertson (welc)
Hayden Ryan (welc)
Henry Morrow (stac)
Henry Whitford-Lee (stac)
Hine Apanui-Barr (stac)
Holley-Anne McLuskie (welc)
Hugh Morrison (stac)
Hugh Woodbury (welc)
Hugo Swartz (stac)
Irena Bayliss (stac)
Isabelle Paul (stac)
Isobel Entwisle (stac)
Izzy Paotonu (stac)
Jack McLean (porc)
Jack Perkins (stac)
Jack Roy (stac)
Jack Woodbury (welc)
Jade Barclay (porc)
Jae Morse (stac)
Jahred Seumanutafa (porc)
James Banks (welc)
James Budge (stac)
James McAnallen (petc)
James Nicholas (stac)
James Taylor (welc)
Jamie Saunders (petc)
Jane Emerson (stac)
Jess Holland (welc)
Jessica MacPherson (stac)
Jessie Payne (stac)
Joe Morris-Lee (stac)
Joe Whitmore (stac)
Joel de Rose (welc)
Jordan Compton (welc)
Jordan Martin (welc)
Josephine Dunne (stac)
Josh Blackmore (welc)
Josh Williams (stac)
Joshua McKone (welc)
Joshua Michael (stac)
Joshua Ngaia (welc)
Kahu Henare (petc)
Kate Molony (stac)
Katherine Dewar (stac)
Kim Hunter (welc)
Kiwa Eruiti (stac)
Kylie Welch (porc)
Lara Dingle (petc)
Laura Heycoop (welc)
Laurel Conroy (porc)
Leigh Coleman (welc)
Leo English (welc)
Liam Hawthorne (porc)
Liam McGill (porc)
Liam O'Shannassy (porc)
Lisa Mohn (stac)
Lisa Rofe (welc)
Liv McKenzie (stac)
Lizzie Holmes (stac)
Louis Bugand (welc)
Louisa Whooley (stac)
Louise Griffin (welc)
Lucas Toovey (stac)
Lucy Bird (petc)
Lucy Rhodes (stac)
Lucy Robertson (welc)
Madeleine Knowles (stac)
Madeline Barker (stac)
Madeline Starnes (stac)
Madeline Whyte (welc)
Marcus Gamboni (stac)
Mark Brown (welc)
Matt Borgdorff (welc)
Matt Horgan (welc)
Matt Latta (stac)
Matthew Belworthy (stac)
Matthew Clay (stac)
Max Allen (welc)
Maya Williams (welc)
Megan Starnes (stac)
Mereana Taylor (welc)
Michael Cook (petc)
Michael Luke (welc)
Michael Rudge (stac)
Michael Sheppard (porc)
Molly Steel (welc)
Moragh Graham (welc)
Natasha Bull (welc)
Natasha Parrant (welc)
Natasha Pringle (welc)
Nathan Cuttance (porc)
Nathaniel Bennington (stac)
Niamey Izzett (petc)
Nicola Cryer (stac)
Nina Brown (welc)
Nina Smolnicki (stac)
Octavia Mercer (welc)
Oliver Kang (welc)
Olivia Treacy (stac)
Patrick Bull (porc)
Patrick Gibson (stac)
Patrick McIntyre (stac)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Paul Argue (welc)
Paul Glover (welc)
Paul Moreno (welc)
Pauline Trow (welc)
Phillip Wilson (stac)
Phoebe Baigent (welc)
Rachel Habershon (welc)
Rachel Hooper (welc)
Rachel Masson (welc)
Rebecca O'Niell (porc)
Rebeccah Harding (welc)
Regan Grubb (porc)
Renee Coffey (petc)
Riaa Sekona (welc)
Robbie Delany (stac)
Robert Cookson (stac)
Rochelle Wilson (welc)
Rosie Townsend (stac)
Rosie Wall (welc)
Ruby Willis (petc)
Rupert O'Brien (petc)
Ruth Trow (welc)
Sam Allen (welc)
Sam Morgan (porc)
Sam Plummer (welc)
Sam Roache (welc)
Sam Rush (stac)
Sam Wilkins (stac)
Sanne White (welc)
Sarah Boyle (welc)
Sarah Manners (stac)
Sarah Scrimshaw (stac)
Simon Tanner (stac)
Sofia Udovenko (stac)
Sophie Fitzgerald (stac)
Sophie McGill-Smith (stac)
Stacy Hardman (welc)
Stephen O'Connell (porc)
Tane Wahitapu (welc)
Tayne Laird-Mahu (welc)
Tessa Dalgety Evans (welc)
Theo Beaumont (stac)
Thomas Cummack (stac)
Thomas Gray (stac)
Thomas Simpson (welc)
Toby Pearce (porc)
Toby Pearce (welc)
Trent Kokich (petc)
Tristan Cade Cotter (stac)
Troy O'Reilly (petc)
Veronica Noetzli (stac)
Victoria Bell (stac)
Victoria Wilson (stac)
Will Pearson (welc)
Willea Pieterse (welc)
William Fahey (welc)
William Johnstone (stac)
Zara Simpson (stac)
Queens Cup
11A: mens open coxed four
Division 1
Petone Rowing Club 1