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Event #
1: womens Open 1X
2: mens Open 2-
3: girls U17 4+
4: mens Nov 8+
5: womens Open 2-
6: mens Open 1X
7: boys U17 4+
8: girls U17 2X
9: womens Open 4-
9A: womens Open 4+
10: mens Nov 4+
11: mens Open 4-
11A: mens Open 4+
12: boys U17 2X
13: womens Open 2X
14: womens Nov 4+
15: boys U17 8+
16: girls U17 1X
17: womens Open 4X-
17A: womens Open 4X+
18: womens Nov 4X+
19: boys U17 1X
20: mens Open 2X
21: girls U17 8+
22: mens Nov 4X+
23: mens Open 4X-
23A: mens Open 4X+
24: womens Nov 8+
25: girls U17 4X+
26: mens Nov 2X
27: womens Open 8+
28: boys U17 4X+
29: womens Nov 2X
30: mens Open 8+
16: girls U17 1X
8: girls U17 2X
25: girls U17 4X+
3: girls U17 4+
21: girls U17 8+
1: womens Open 1X
13: womens Open 2X
5: womens Open 2-
17: womens Open 4X-
9: womens Open 4-
17A: womens Open 4X+
9A: womens Open 4+
27: womens Open 8+
29: womens Nov 2X
18: womens Nov 4X+
14: womens Nov 4+
24: womens Nov 8+
19: boys U17 1X
12: boys U17 2X
28: boys U17 4X+
7: boys U17 4+
15: boys U17 8+
6: mens Open 1X
20: mens Open 2X
2: mens Open 2-
23: mens Open 4X-
11: mens Open 4-
23A: mens Open 4X+
11A: mens Open 4+
30: mens Open 8+
26: mens Nov 2X
22: mens Nov 4X+
10: mens Nov 4+
4: mens Nov 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Petone Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Star Boating Club
Wellington Rowing Club
From Wellington Rowing Club
Alice Mellanby
Alice Wright
Allister Grange
Amy Robson
Angus Todd
Annabel Johnstone
Ashton Dawson
Bailey Craig
Bastian Scotts-Bahle
Beatrice Hooper
Benjamin Rowan
Bennet Tucker
Braid MacRae
Caleb Soderberg
Cameron Edwards
Cathan Tamarapa
Charlotte Robertson
Charlotte Russon
Charlotte Stephen
Christine Phillips
Claudette Wicks
Conor English
Conor Geoghegan
Courtney Grant
Daniel Ward
Daniel Yska
Darian Foulcher-Jones
David Hack
Dion Blackmore
Dominique Tennant
Eamonn Carr
Eleanor Bradley
Eleanor Olson
Eleanor Steel
Ella Vodanovich
Eloise O'Connell
Elroy Lederman
Emilia Brown
Francie Morrow
Freya Farrar
Gabriel Bell
Gareth Latornell
Georgia Beck
Grace Habershon
Greta Morrison
Griffin Hunt
Gus Stone
Hamish Ulberg
Hannah Comans
Hannah Ward
Hayden Robertson
Hayden Ryan
Holley-Anne McLuskie
Hugh Woodbury
Jack Woodbury
James Banks
James Taylor
Jess Holland
Joel de Rose
Jordan Compton
Jordan Martin
Josh Blackmore
Joshua McKone
Joshua Ngaia
Kim Hunter
Laura Heycoop
Leigh Coleman
Leo English
Lisa Rofe
Louis Bugand
Louise Griffin
Lucy Robertson
Madeline Whyte
Mark Brown
Matt Borgdorff
Matt Horgan
Max Allen
Maya Williams
Mereana Taylor
Michael Luke
Molly Steel
Moragh Graham
Natasha Bull
Natasha Parrant
Natasha Pringle
Nina Brown
Octavia Mercer
Oliver Kang
Paul Argue
Paul Glover
Paul Moreno
Pauline Trow
Phoebe Baigent
Rachel Habershon
Rachel Hooper
Rachel Masson
Rebeccah Harding
Riaa Sekona
Rochelle Wilson
Rosie Wall
Ruth Trow
Sam Allen
Sam Plummer
Sam Roache
Sanne White
Sarah Boyle
Stacy Hardman
Tane Wahitapu
Tayne Laird-Mahu
Tessa Dalgety Evans
Thomas Simpson
Toby Pearce
Will Pearson
Willea Pieterse
William Fahey
From Wellington Rowing Club
Queens Cup
Crew from Wellington Rowing Club
Show all of this club's results
Also attended
womens Nov double sculls
Division 2
: result (CANCELLED)
3 -
Charlotte Stephen
(stroke) |
Greta Morrison
Coach - David Carr-Smith