Alexander Goldstein

Competed for: AKGC

Also attended: mads2018 || niss2018 || hohs2018 || more...

1boys U18 coxed eight

Sponsored by: Cassin family - in memory of Margaret Cassin
Crew: AKGC 1 - Josh Hamilton (stroke) | Austin Carter | Jonty Matla | Jack Ready | Lukas Hakansson | Alexander Goldstein | Thomas Overy | Oliver Burkhardt + Niko Hoare (cox)

3boys U17 coxed four

Sponsored by: Bride family - in memory of Jan Bride
Crew: AKGC 1 - Josh Hamilton (stroke) | Jack Ready | Findlay Carter | Alexander Goldstein + Jonty du Toit (cox)

29boys U18 4+

Sponsored by: Autex Industries
Crew: AKGC 1 - Timothy Hughes (stroke) | Findlay Carter | Hugh Marshall | Alexander Goldstein + Niko Hoare (cox)

63boys U17 2X

Sponsored by: Devonport Flowers
Crew: AKGC 1 - Jonty Matla (stroke) | Alexander Goldstein

69Cmens Club 8+

Sponsored by: Klein Architects
Crew: AKGC 1 - Josh Hamilton (stroke) | Austin Carter | Jonty Matla | Jack Ready | Lukas Hakansson | Alexander Goldstein | Thomas Overy | Oliver Burkhardt + Niko Hoare (cox)

70boys U18 coxed eight

Sponsored by: Cassin family - in memory of Margaret Cassin
Crew: AKGC 1 - Josh Hamilton (stroke) | Austin Carter | Jonty Matla | Jack Ready | Lukas Hakansson | Alexander Goldstein | Thomas Overy | Oliver Burkhardt + Niko Hoare (cox)




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