Whangarei Rowing Club's strip

Whangarei Rowing Club

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Crew: WREC 1 - Kenyha Leef (stroke) | Marlies Mitchell
Coach - Grant Clearwater

5womens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Autex Industries
Crew: WREC 1 - Pru Rhynd (stroke) | Katie Haldane | Molly Browne | Sarah White + Hanna Turner (cox)
Coach - Grant Clearwater

6girls U17 1X

Sponsored by: Doors 2000 Limited
Crew: WREC 1 - Sophia Wetzel
Coach - Andrew Wakelin
Crew: WREC 2 - Madison Brooke
Coach - Grant Clearwater

7womens Club 2-

Sponsored by: Carters Commercial
Crew: WREC 1 - Ashlee Greenhalgh (stroke) | Lucy Johnston
Coach - Simon Koller

9boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: Jenkin A-lign Cladding
Crew: WREC 1 - Lucas Gardner (stroke) | Flynn Symonds
Coach - Spencer Nichols

18boys U17 1X

Sponsored by: Moselle Panel & Paint
Crew: WREC 1 - Ben Monaghan
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 2 - Eddie Brownie
Coach - Simon Koller

19girls U18 1X

Sponsored by: Fixed Abode Ltd / Render Trend Ltd
Crew: WREC 1 - Ashlee Greenhalgh
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 2 - Lucy Johnston
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 3 - Shannon Cox
Coach - Andrew Wakelin

21RRec 2X

Sponsored by: Streetsmart Accountants
Crew: WREC 1 - Pru Rhynd (stroke) | Molly Browne
Coach - Grant Clearwater

22boys U16 4X+

Sponsored by: Jenkin A-lign Fencing / Tordeich Engineering
Crew: WREC 1 - Lucas Gardner (stroke) | Calum Sapwell | William Henderson Biss | Flynn Symonds + Wilson Turner (cox)
Coach - Spencer Nichols

25girls Open 2X (L)

Sponsored by: Primrose & Finch
Crew: WREC 1 - Shannon Cox (stroke) | Tyler Nicholas
Coach - Andrew Wakelin

26womens Nov 4+

Sponsored by: Coldmaster Products
Crew: WREC 1 - Madison Brooke (stroke) | Samantha Bailey | Katie Haldane | Sarah White + Hanna Turner (cox)
Coach - Grant Clearwater

27boys U17 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: Porter-Day family
Crew: WREC 1 - Wilson Turner (stroke) | Steely Olsen | William Henderson Biss | Calum Sapwell + Flynn Symonds (cox)
Coach - Spencer Nichols

32womens Club 4+

Sponsored by: Atomic Coffee
Crew: WREC 1 - Julia Ferris (stroke) | Kendall Smith | Susan Dawson | Shannon Cox + Aaron Harold (cox)
Coach - Andrew Wakelin

35girls U17 2X

Sponsored by: Monocast Ltd
Crew: WREC 1 - Maddy Parker (stroke) | Alexandra Godman
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 2 - Sophia Wetzel (stroke) | Madison Brooke
Coach - Andrew Wakelin

41girls U16 1X

Sponsored by: Karapiro Rowing
Crew: WREC 1 - Kenyha Leef
Coach - Grant Clearwater
Crew: WREC 2 - Marlies Mitchell
Coach - Grant Clearwater

43girls U18 2X

Sponsored by: Selectlok (NZ) Ltd
Crew: WREC 1 - Ashlee Greenhalgh (stroke) | Lucy Johnston
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 2 - Tyler Nicholas (stroke) | Shannon Cox
Coach - Andrew Wakelin
Crew: WREC 3 - Maddy Parker (stroke) | Alexandra Godman
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 4 - Pru Rhynd (stroke) | Katie Haldane
Coach - Grant Clearwater

44boys U18 2X

Sponsored by: Dolphin Pacific
Crew: WREC 1 - Ben Monaghan (stroke) | Eddie Brownie
Coach - Simon Koller

47womens Club double sculls

Sponsored by: Belmont Management Services
Crew: WREC 1 - Tyler Nicholas (stroke) | Sophia Wetzel
Coach - Andrew Wakelin
Crew: WREC 2 - Maddy Parker (stroke) | Alexandra Godman
Coach - Simon Koller

50girls U16 4X+

Sponsored by: Commercial Business Services / Wayne J of Harcourt
Crew: WREC 1 - Kenyha Leef (stroke) | Marlies Mitchell | Samantha Bailey | Sarah White + Hanna Turner (cox)
Coach - Grant Clearwater

53mens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Gill & Grundy Concrete Construction
Crew: WREC 1 - Steely Olsen (stroke) | Calum Sapwell | William Henderson Biss | Lucas Gardner + Flynn Symonds (cox)
Coach - Spencer Nichols

57womens Club 4X-

Sponsored by: IE Produce
Crew: WREC 1 - Julia Ferris (stroke) | Kendall Smith | Tyler Nicholas | Susan Dawson
Coach - Andrew Wakelin
Crew: WREC 1 - Ben Monaghan (stroke) | Eddie Brownie
Coach - Simon Koller
Crew: WREC 2 - Steely Olsen (stroke) | Wilson Turner
Coach - Spencer Nichols
Crew: WREC 1 - Kenyha Leef (stroke) | Marlies Mitchell | Madison Brooke | Samantha Bailey + Hanna Turner (cox)
Coach - Grant Clearwater
Crew: WREC 1 - Ashlee Greenhalgh (stroke) | Lucy Johnston | Julia Ferris | Kendall Smith | Maddy Parker | Susan Dawson | Shannon Cox | Alexandra Godman + Aaron Harold (cox)
Coaches - Simon Koller | Andrew Wakelin




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