Porirua Goodwill

Natasha Pringle

Competed for: WELC

Also attended: mads2015 || niss2015 || kric2015r3 || more...

2girls U17 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: J Trans Ltd
Crew: WELC 2 - Courtney Grant (stroke) | Claudette Wicks | Natasha Pringle | Florence Underhill + Dion Blackmore (cox)
Coaches - Kim O'neill | Harry O'neill

7girls U17 8+

Sponsored by: The Elegant Apron
Crew: WELC 1 - Natasha Bull (stroke) | Alice Parle | Florence Underhill | Claudette Wicks | Courtney Grant | Natasha Pringle | Mereana Taylor | Natasha Parrant + Wallis Greenslade (cox)
Coaches - Kim O'neill | Harry O'neill

21girls U17 2X

Sponsored by: Plimmerton School of Dance
Crew: WELC 2 - Mereana Taylor (stroke) | Natasha Pringle
Coaches - Kim O'neill | Harry O'neill
Crew: WELC 1 - Natasha Bull (stroke) | Claudette Wicks | Florence Underhill | Natasha Pringle + Wallis Greenslade (cox)
Coaches - Kim O'neill | Harry O'neill




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