In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Event #
1: girls U18 4+
2: boys U16 2X
3: boys U17 2X
4: girls U15 8X+
5: boys U18 4+
6: womens Club 1X
7: womens Open 2-
8: mens Club 2X
9: mens Int 2X
10: boys U15 2X
11: mens Nov 2X (1000m)
12a: mens mst 1X (1000m)
12b: mens mst 4X± (1000m)
13a: womens mst 4X±
13b: womens mst 1X (1000m)
14: girls U18 2-
15: mens Open 2X
16: girls U16 4+
17: girls U17 4+
18: boys U18 4X+
19: boys U16 8+
20: boys U17 8+
21: mens Club 4+
22: womens Open 2X
23: womens Nov 8+
24: girls U15 8+
25: mens Nov 4+
26: boys U15 4+
27: mens Int 4+
28: mens Open 2-
29: girls U17 1X
30: girls U18 1X
31: womens Club 4+
32: boys U18 2X
33: boys U16 4+
34: boys U17 4+
35: mens Club 1X
36: girls U16 8+
37: girls U17 8+
38: mens Open 4X-
39: womens Open 4-
40: girls U15 4+
41: womens Int 4+
42: womens Nov 4+
43: womens Club 2X
44: girls U18 2X
45: boys U17 1X
46: boys U18 1X
47: girls U16 4X+
48: girls U17 4X+
49: mens Nov 8+
50: boys U15 8+
51: womens Open 1X
52: womens Club 4X-
53: mens Open 4-
54: girls U18 4X+
55a: mens mst 4± (1000m)
55b: mens mst 2X (1000m)
56a: womens mst 2X (1000m)
56b: womens mst 4+ (1000m)
57: womens Nov 2X (1000m)
58: girls U15 2X
59: womens Int 2X
60: mens Nov 4X+
61: boys U15 4X+
62: boys U18 2-
63: girls U18 8+
64: womens Club 8+
65: womens Open 8+
66: mens Club 4X-
67: mens Open 1X
68: boys U16 4X+
69: boys U17 4X+
70: girls U16 2X
71: girls U17 2X
72: womens Nov 4X+
73: girls U15 4X+
74: womens Open 4X-
75: boys U15 8X+
76: boys U18 8+
77: mens Club 8+
78: mens Open 8+
58: girls U15 2X
73: girls U15 4X+
40: girls U15 4+
4: girls U15 8X+
24: girls U15 8+
70: girls U16 2X
47: girls U16 4X+
16: girls U16 4+
36: girls U16 8+
29: girls U17 1X
71: girls U17 2X
48: girls U17 4X+
17: girls U17 4+
37: girls U17 8+
30: girls U18 1X
44: girls U18 2X
14: girls U18 2-
54: girls U18 4X+
1: girls U18 4+
63: girls U18 8+
51: womens Open 1X
22: womens Open 2X
7: womens Open 2-
74: womens Open 4X-
39: womens Open 4-
65: womens Open 8+
13b: womens mst 1X (1000m)
56a: womens mst 2X (1000m)
13a: womens mst 4X±
56b: womens mst 4+ (1000m)
57: womens Nov 2X (1000m)
72: womens Nov 4X+
42: womens Nov 4+
23: womens Nov 8+
59: womens Int 2X
41: womens Int 4+
6: womens Club 1X
43: womens Club 2X
52: womens Club 4X-
31: womens Club 4+
64: womens Club 8+
10: boys U15 2X
61: boys U15 4X+
26: boys U15 4+
75: boys U15 8X+
50: boys U15 8+
2: boys U16 2X
68: boys U16 4X+
33: boys U16 4+
19: boys U16 8+
45: boys U17 1X
3: boys U17 2X
69: boys U17 4X+
34: boys U17 4+
20: boys U17 8+
46: boys U18 1X
32: boys U18 2X
62: boys U18 2-
18: boys U18 4X+
5: boys U18 4+
76: boys U18 8+
67: mens Open 1X
15: mens Open 2X
28: mens Open 2-
38: mens Open 4X-
53: mens Open 4-
78: mens Open 8+
12a: mens mst 1X (1000m)
55b: mens mst 2X (1000m)
12b: mens mst 4X± (1000m)
55a: mens mst 4± (1000m)
11: mens Nov 2X (1000m)
60: mens Nov 4X+
25: mens Nov 4+
49: mens Nov 8+
9: mens Int 2X
27: mens Int 4+
35: mens Club 1X
8: mens Club 2X
66: mens Club 4X-
21: mens Club 4+
77: mens Club 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Ashburton Rowing Club
Avon Rowing Club
Avonside Girls High School
Burnside High School
Canterbury Rowing Club
Cashmere High School
Christ's College Rowing Club
Christchurch Boys High School
Christchurch Girls High School
Columba College Rowing Club
Cromwell Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
Invercargill Rowing Club
Marian College
North End Rowing Club
Oamaru Rowing Club
Otago Boys High Rowing Club
Otago Girls High School
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Port Chalmers United Rowing Club
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Shirley Boys High School
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Timaru Rowing Club
Twizel Rowing Club
Union Rowing Club
Villa Maria College
Waihopai Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wanaka Rowing Club
All athletes
Aaliyah Cumming (oghs)
Aaliyah Fowler (duac)
Aaliyah Keery (avsg)
Aaron Maxwell (oamc)
Abbey Mason (oghs)
Abbey Mason (otac)
Abby Phillips (wtuc)
Abby Power (avsg)
Abe McArthur (chcc)
Adam Chapman (shir)
Adam Johnston (burn)
Adar Benaia (avnc)
Adar Benaia (burn)
Aidan Elvines (ashc)
Aime Wright (duac)
Alannah Hamilton (noec)
Alejo Linares-Fontona (oamc)
Alex Carrodus (stan)
Alex Fletcher (shir)
Alex Landon-Lane (burn)
Alex Lynch (vill)
Alex Muirhead (cbhs)
Alex Taylor (vill)
Alex Todhunter (chcc)
Alexandra Beal (avnc)
Alexandra Hopa-Parke (timc)
Alexandra Kinder (vill)
Alexandra Williamson (timc)
Alice Merriman (oghs)
Alicia Webster (wtuc)
Alison Howlett (noec)
Alison Howlett (pcuc)
Alyssa McCartin (curc)
Amalia Ling (stan)
Amanda Shallard (timc)
Amber Cunningham (colc)
Amber Hewitt (wnkc)
Amber Williams (avnc)
Amber Williams (rrgs)
Amelia Cannon (cash)
Amelia Cunningham (cash)
Amelia Findlater (colc)
Amelia Jack (invc)
Amelia Meates (marn)
Amelia Smith (invc)
Amelia Speight (stan)
Amy Reddish (curc)
Amy Taggart (timc)
Anabel Nicholson-Sell (cghs)
Andrew Jolly (wtuc)
Andrew Lindsay (cbhs)
Andrew Norton (uncc)
Andy Beuzenberg (cash)
Aneka Rossiter (wnkc)
Angus Coull (ctyc)
Angus Forrest (wtuc)
Angus Gilbertson (cbhs)
Angus Hill (stan)
Angus Kenny (duac)
Angus Kenny (otac)
Angus Lange (stbd)
Angus Lill (cbhs)
Angus Marquet (shir)
Angus Templeton (cbhs)
Angus Wynn-Williams (chcc)
Anita Dazzi (uncc)
Anna Clinch (cghs)
Anna Divers (oghs)
Anna Divers (otac)
Anna Hutchens (noec)
Anna Rikiti (invc)
Annabelle Scott (timc)
Annie Blakey (noec)
Annie Metcalfe (oamc)
Anthony Cowley (obhc)
Anthony Willard (avnc)
Anton Jurasovich (timc)
Anton Verheul (stan)
Antonia Bachop (colc)
Antonio Frances-Rees (timc)
April Linares-Fontona (oamc)
April Merriman (oghs)
Arabella Lay (cash)
Archer Pascoe (cbhs)
Archie Batchelor (chcc)
Archie Calder (stan)
Archie McGillivray (cbhs)
Aria Johnston (avsg)
Arisa Mori (stan)
Arlia Murphy (duac)
Arlia O'Sullivan (ctyc)
Ash Fleming (avsg)
Ashton Corkery (stan)
Ava Gilbert (wtuc)
Ava Trelease (cghs)
Ava Young (timc)
Axel Pekkari (obhc)
Bailey Dowling (duac)
Bailey Dowling (otac)
Bailey Smith (timc)
Becky Tuke (ctyc)
Bella Kitson (cghs)
Bella Mendiola (marn)
Bella Sarginson (wnkc)
Belle Cleland Hall (cash)
Ben Bampton (timc)
Ben Bartlett (timc)
Ben Brown (cbhs)
Ben Chittock (stan)
Ben Cooper (avnc)
Ben Donaldson (cbhs)
Ben Dyson (oamc)
Ben Farrell (stan)
Ben Fleming (stbd)
Ben Mason (obhc)
Ben Mills (noec)
Ben Pawson (stan)
Ben Simmons (cbhs)
Ben Stockman (cash)
Ben Wratt (timc)
Ben Wright (stcc)
Ben Young (chcc)
Ben Zino (cbhs)
Benjamin Burrow (obhc)
Benjamin Hartnell (stan)
Benjamin MacGregor (stbd)
Benjamin Rowley (stan)
Benjamin Visser (stbd)
Benjamin Wood (stan)
Benji Ward (chcc)
Beth Anderson (noec)
Beth Clarke (timc)
Beth Dunbar (curc)
Beth Fox (vill)
Billy Grant (duac)
Billy McCully (timc)
Blake McGuigan (avnc)
Bradley Moore (shir)
Brayden Keep (shir)
Brendan Eyles (whoc)
Brendon McKenna (uncc)
Bridget Morris (cghs)
Bridget Sinclair (noec)
Briearnah Heuff (cash)
Brielle Pierson (cghs)
Brittany Allan (invc)
Brodie Barsby (shir)
Bronte Daniels (curc)
Brooke O'Connor (whoc)
Brooke Williams (duac)
Bruno Vaughan (chcc)
Bryah Moriarty (burn)
Bryce Abernethy (duac)
Caitlin Jamieson (cghs)
Caitlin Nicholas (avsg)
Caitlyn Day (cghs)
Caleb Brown (stan)
Caleb Fitzsimmons (cbhs)
Caleb Parsons (stbd)
Caleb Turnbull (whoc)
Callum O'Connor (whoc)
Cameron Anisy (stcc)
Cameron Blyth (stan)
Cameron Henderson (cbhs)
Cameron Long (cbhs)
Cameron McConchie (shir)
Cameron Moffat (timc)
Campbell Irwin (burn)
Caoimhe Dempsey (oguc)
Carlos Tawhai (whoc)
Casey Herbert (vill)
Casey Thwaites (invc)
Cassidy Harrop (oamc)
Cecille Grant (stan)
Celia Horn (avnc)
Charles Nicholson-Sell (cbhs)
Charlette Grant (timc)
Charli McLeod (wtuc)
Charlie Baker (cbhs)
Charlie Bushell (chcc)
Charlie Campbell (wtuc)
Charlie Clemens (timc)
Charlie McIntosh (stan)
Charlotte Binnie (cghs)
Charlotte Chater (cghs)
Charlotte Cox (ashc)
Charlotte Gray (rrgs)
Charlotte Mason (noec)
Charlotte Menzies (marn)
Charlotte Muir (wtuc)
Charlotte O'Rourke (vill)
Charlotte Restieaux (vill)
Charlotte Thompson (oghs)
Charlotte Williams (noec)
Charlotte Woods (wtuc)
Chloe Affleck (invc)
Chloe Haglund (cghs)
Chloe Harrington (cghs)
Chloe Robertson (duac)
Chris Brooks (wtuc)
Christina Baker-Burns (avnc)
Christine Joubert (twlc)
Christy Foster (croc)
Cian Hallissey (stbd)
Ciara Kelly (whoc)
Claire Taylor (oghs)
Claudia Kinder (vill)
Claudia O'Shannessey (rrgs)
Claudia Snow (wtuc)
Cody Campbell (obhc)
Cody Docherty (avnc)
Cody Docherty (shir)
Connor Elvidge (cbhs)
Connor Grey (stbd)
Conor White (timc)
Corbin Newlands (avnc)
Corbyn Gibbs (oamc)
Corey Lewis (noec)
Cullam Smith (duac)
Daendie de Beer (duac)
Daichi Nakamura (oguc)
Dakota Bristow (stan)
Daniel Hughes (noec)
Danielle Jarvie (timc)
Danita Ferreira (avnc)
Danny Adams (otac)
Danny Blair (uncc)
David Edh (timc)
David Galbraith (invc)
Deb Hymers-Ross (uncc)
Delicia Obrien (duac)
Denzil Edwards (oamc)
Devon Gamble (oghs)
Dianna Donald (uncc)
Dominic Edmond (chcc)
Dominique McShain (oghs)
Dominique McShain (otac)
Dorothee Pauli (uncc)
Dylan Davis (noec)
Dylan Smith (stan)
Ed Forrest (wtuc)
Ed MacAlister (cbhs)
Eddie Priest (chcc)
Edmund Sherpa (cbhs)
Edward Bayliss (chcc)
Edward Botherway (chcc)
Edward George (obhc)
Edward Lopas (cbhs)
Edward McGuckin (stan)
Eilish McLeod (whoc)
Eliza Herron (wtuc)
Elizabeth Atkins (marn)
Elizabeth Reid (invc)
Ella Cox (cghs)
Ella Creagh (duac)
Ella Dolan (vill)
Ella Fry (noec)
Ella Hart (timc)
Ella Herbert (colc)
Ella McHerron (vill)
Ella st John (wtuc)
Ella Vink (avnc)
Ellen Foley (colc)
Ellie Fraser (stan)
Elliot Stanley (shir)
Eloise Sluis (stan)
Elyse Davey (colc)
Emilie Russell (timc)
Emily Bowden (cghs)
Emily Brown (cghs)
Emily Christison (curc)
Emily Cox (cghs)
Emily Davis (marn)
Emily Esplin (oghs)
Emily Findlay (wnkc)
Emily Hurdle (noec)
Emily Keenan (cghs)
Emily Milne (whoc)
Emma Bradley (wtuc)
Emma Burnside (noec)
Emma Christie (noec)
Emma Frampton (invc)
Emma Inglis (stan)
Emma Jarvie (timc)
Emma O'Meara (noec)
Emma Saxon (wtuc)
Emma Schmitz (wtuc)
Emma Smith (wnkc)
Emma Stagg (ashc)
Emma Wallace (noec)
Emma Wood (timc)
Erica Morris (duac)
Ethan Alderlieste (cbhs)
Ethan Allison (stan)
Ethan Hill (stcc)
Eugene Farrell (chcc)
Eunseong Kim (timc)
Eva Hofmans (otac)
Eva Watson (cghs)
Evie Brown (wtuc)
Ezekiel Faamoe-Ioane (invc)
Fearghus Bratten (chcc)
Fergus Beadel (chcc)
Fergus Hepburn (noec)
Fergus Parks (otac)
Fergus Rutledge (stan)
Fin Smith (chcc)
Finn Duncan (obhc)
Finn Jenkins (stcc)
Fiona Watherston (wtuc)
Fletcher Anderson (chcc)
Fletcher Joyce (timc)
Florence Nathan (cash)
Flynn Wilson (croc)
Francesca Gallaway (rrgs)
Franny Ullrich (rrgs)
Fred Calder (cbhs)
Fred Coughlan (avnc)
Freddie Pankhurst (obhc)
Freddy Wright (otac)
Gabby Hunter (oguc)
Gabriella Goodenbour (cghs)
Gabriella Ogg (marn)
Gemma Clydesdale (noec)
Gemma McAllister (whoc)
Georga Bent (timc)
George Allen (cbhs)
George Braithwaite (whoc)
George Gilbertson (cbhs)
George Goodman (chcc)
George Haig (cbhs)
George Johnson (shir)
George Matheson (chcc)
George Pirie (cbhs)
George Procter (noec)
George Rutledge (stan)
George Scurr (obhc)
George Watson (stbd)
Georgia Foster (avnc)
Georgia Freeman (avnc)
Georgia Harris (cghs)
Georgia McCaul (oghs)
Georgia McLean (oghs)
Georgia Sutherland (vill)
Georgia Thomson (wtuc)
Georgie Ffiske (noec)
Georgie Lindsay (curc)
Gerard Wall (ashc)
Gina Weston (marn)
Grace Adams (ashc)
Grace Beattie (noec)
Grace Brownrigg (rrgs)
Grace Harris (invc)
Grace Jennings (invc)
Grace Naylor (croc)
Grace Roesler (oghs)
Grace Shannon (wnkc)
Grace Twaddle (oghs)
Grace Twaddle (otac)
Grace Williams (timc)
Grace Wilson (ashc)
Grant Elvines (ashc)
Grant McKenzie (invc)
Grayson Small (obhc)
Greer Ferguson (croc)
Greg Brand (avnc)
Greg McLaughlin (duac)
Greta Hawke (avsg)
Greta Lines (curc)
Griffin Wingham (noec)
Guin Wilson (otac)
Gus Guzman (stbd)
Gus McQuarrie (chcc)
Gus Orr (chcc)
Guy Chaffey (chcc)
Guy Clarke (chcc)
Guy Taggart (stan)
Hallie Wheeler (avsg)
Hamish Grigg (chcc)
Hamish McCulloch (chcc)
Hamish Turnbull (cbhs)
Hamish Yeatman (timc)
Hanna Scarlet (duac)
Hannah Bisset (croc)
Hannah Cunningham (oamc)
Hannah Horrell (whoc)
Hannah Sherwood (cghs)
Hannah Sims (oghs)
Hannah-Rose Daldry (cash)
Harriet Fraser (burn)
Harriet Heaphy (oamc)
Harriet Leverton (ashc)
Harrison Booth (noec)
Harrison Joseph (avnc)
Harry Brenssell (obhc)
Harry Cameron (shir)
Harry Clark (wtuc)
Harry Kellow-Cropp (shir)
Harry Medlicott (cbhs)
Harry Minty (obhc)
Harry Philip (obhc)
Harry Preston (stan)
Harry Scott (otac)
Harry Wilkinson (otac)
Haxby Hefford (ashc)
Hayden Milne (whoc)
Hayley Ambrose (wnkc)
Hayley Cliffe (avnc)
Hayley Cliffe (burn)
Hayley Duggan (cghs)
Hayley Wratt (timc)
Helen Gunn (ctyc)
Henrietta Ullrich (stan)
Henry Clatworthy (cash)
Henry Farrell (stan)
Henry King (chcc)
Henry Kirk (obhc)
Henry Mossman (chcc)
Henry Sim (obhc)
Henry Wilson (obhc)
Henry Woelders (cbhs)
Hermione Murden (stan)
Holley Dodd (oghs)
Hollie Lintott (cghs)
Holly Cook (noec)
Holly Curtis (stan)
Holly Dalzell (croc)
Holly O'Connor (cghs)
Holly Turnbull (whoc)
Hugh Green (stan)
Hugo Nelson (chcc)
Hunter Walker (obhc)
Ian Cartwright (uncc)
Ian Dyson (uncc)
Imogen Bell (rrgs)
Iona Morton (duac)
Isaac Robertson (avnc)
Isaac Zarifeh (avnc)
Isabel Gallagher (colc)
Isabella Hanning (oamc)
Isabella Herbert (duac)
Isabella Weston-Cooke (colc)
Isabelle Bartlett (timc)
Ishoa Dougherty (cash)
Isla Stewart (stan)
Isla-Rose Heard (cghs)
Issy Young (cash)
Ivana Giacon (avnc)
Ivy Barker (wtuc)
Izzy Blyth (marn)
Jack Chapman (curc)
Jack Clinton (stcc)
Jack Elvy (chcc)
Jack Hearn (shir)
Jack Pearson (otac)
Jack Pledger (obhc)
Jack Robinson (shir)
Jack Wassell (stcc)
Jack Webber (obhc)
Jackie Fetolofai (whoc)
Jacko Siave (stbd)
Jackson Drake (avnc)
Jackson McKenzie (burn)
Jackson Rogers (wtuc)
Jacob Bhatia (stan)
Jacob Bolwell (obhc)
Jacob Eyre-Walker (cbhs)
Jacob Svoboda (curc)
Jacob Wadley (burn)
Jacqui Williams (uncc)
Jaden Farrow (stcc)
Jaedyn Ellenbroek (burn)
Jaimee Trainor (oamc)
Jake Burgess (obhc)
Jake Cutler (chcc)
Jake Haywood (whoc)
Jake Luthi (avnc)
Jake McClean (obhc)
Jakob Mangels (avnc)
Jamari Vou (timc)
James Davidson (timc)
James Glover (cbhs)
James Haig (noec)
James Haig (otac)
James Henderson (stbd)
James MacLean (stan)
James McLaren (stan)
James Steven (timc)
James Tavendale (stan)
James Walsh (stbd)
James Watson (cash)
Jamie Batchelor (chcc)
Jamie Soper (stbd)
Jamie Wolfe (curc)
Jan-Hendrick Kuepper (timc)
Jana Knickenberg (noec)
Jane Sutherland-Norton (uncc)
Janey Gibbons (colc)
Jasmin Rean (curc)
Jasper Rainey (noec)
Jayden Sincock (shir)
Jazlyn Edmonds (duac)
Jed McArthur (avnc)
Jed Taylor (stbd)
Jeff Lopaz (uncc)
Jemima Porter (avnc)
Jemima Porter (rrgs)
Jemmimah McCombe-Rae (croc)
Jenna Bailey (oghs)
Jenna Bailey (otac)
Jenna Montocchio (vill)
Jennifer Everett (timc)
Jess McDonald (invc)
Jesse Heal (wtuc)
Jessica McDowall (whoc)
Jessica Meads (avnc)
Jessica Solomon (colc)
Jimmy Healy (chcc)
Joe Young (cash)
Joel Arona (shir)
Joel Coleman (shir)
John Shingleton (uncc)
John-Luke Fenn (curc)
Johnny Lee (chcc)
Johvaan Renata (stcc)
Jonathan Burnside (obhc)
Jonathan King (curc)
Jonathan Turnbull (whoc)
Jono Henderson (chcc)
Jordan Bristow (cbhs)
Jordan Green (noec)
Jordyn Adlam (cghs)
Jordyn Robinson (croc)
Jorja Kitching (timc)
Jose de Sousa (cbhs)
Josh Booth (noec)
Josh Dent (stcc)
Josh Johnston (chcc)
Josh Kelly (stcc)
Josh Pankhurst (cbhs)
Josh Sammut (obhc)
Josh Wilson (timc)
Joshua Cornish (avnc)
Joshua Hancock (croc)
Joshua Larsson (stcc)
Joshua le Poidevin (stan)
Josie Cook (oguc)
Josie Herbert (colc)
Josie Sparrow (vill)
Julia Coppens (cghs)
Julia Middleditch (vill)
Julia Wynands (vill)
Julie Dyer (invc)
Kady Tull (curc)
Kaia Hutchinson (croc)
Kaia Sheehy Wikio (obhc)
Kaitlyn Sutherland (stan)
Kaiya Casswell (noec)
Karen Lu (avnc)
Karen Lu (burn)
Karen Rickerby (uncc)
Kate Cochrane (whoc)
Kate Crawford (timc)
Kate Dawson (cghs)
Kate Hanning (duac)
Kate Harvey (rrgs)
Kate MacPherson (whoc)
Kate Mathie (marn)
Kate McNeill (avnc)
Kate O'Brien (vill)
Kate Spriggs (croc)
Katelyn McLeod (duac)
Kathleen King (cghs)
Katie Chalk (avnc)
Katie Hawkins (noec)
Katie Howard (cghs)
Katie Mason (oghs)
Katie McHerron (vill)
Kayleb Hancock (croc)
Keely Erskine (wtuc)
Keely Tasker (curc)
Kendal Everest (ctyc)
Kian Wills (timc)
Kim Hamill (ashc)
Kim Harris (uncc)
Kirsten Hoger (wtuc)
Kristen Laing (marn)
Kristin Willis (noec)
Krysta Wills (avnc)
Kururangi Wetini (shir)
Kuziah Mason-Robin (invc)
Kyla Otway (rrgs)
Kyle Hughes (noec)
Kyle Nelson (twlc)
Lachie Hazlett (chcc)
Lachie Kendrick (shir)
Lachie Osikai-Wilson (shir)
Lachlan Clarke (cbhs)
Lachlan Henderson (chcc)
Lachlan Hill (cbhs)
Lachlan Muir (stan)
Lachlan Nicholas (shir)
Lachlan Taylor (cash)
Laura Taylor (cash)
Lauren Grey (duac)
Lauren Sim (curc)
Lee Wilson (duac)
Leela Spanton (marn)
Leon Barrowcliffe (avnc)
Lewis Meates (stbd)
Liam Alexander (chcc)
Liam Behrnes (cbhs)
Liam Bunting (cbhs)
Liam Carson (cbhs)
Liam Dunstan (cbhs)
Liam Kerr (shir)
Liam McArthur (avnc)
Liam Parker (timc)
Liam Wagteveld (stbd)
Liam Whitaker (shir)
Libby Drummond (noec)
Libby Knowles (cghs)
Liberty Vile (colc)
Lily Armstrong (marn)
Lily McGoldrick (vill)
Lily McLean (oghs)
Livvy Capstick (avsg)
Liz Blair (uncc)
Liz Jarmey (uncc)
Lochlan Herrick (oamc)
Logan Docherty (duac)
Logan Docherty (oamc)
Logan King (cbhs)
Logan McNally (duac)
Loic Billoud (wtuc)
Lola Mill (marn)
Lotte Hope (stan)
Lottie Reed (wtuc)
Louie Bethell (chcc)
Louie Murden (stan)
Louis Allen (otac)
Louis Knight (curc)
Louis Sabonadiere (obhc)
Louisa McGoldrick (vill)
Lucas Erskine (wtuc)
Lucas MacDonald (shir)
Lucia Brown (wnkc)
Lucia Fuller (cghs)
Lucianna Crawford (cghs)
Lucy Anderson (noec)
Lucy Brown (avnc)
Lucy Byars (noec)
Lucy Byars (oamc)
Lucy Harcourt (marn)
Lucy Jackson (avnc)
Lucy Lallemant (cghs)
Lucy Machen (whoc)
Lucy Mayne (cghs)
Lucy Merriman (oghs)
Lucy Shirley (whoc)
Lucy Thompson (whoc)
Luke Goodger (timc)
Luke James (chcc)
Luke Mangels (stcc)
Luke Menzies (chcc)
Luke O'Connor (whoc)
Luke Stedman (stan)
Lydia Fitzgerald (vill)
Lydia Smith (curc)
Lyla Chamberlain (wnkc)
Lynette Williams (invc)
Mackenzie Anderson (croc)
Mackenzie Bryant (duac)
MacKenzie Ealson (duac)
Maddie McLay (otac)
Maddie Sutherland (vill)
Maddison Gittins (cghs)
Maddy Thornton (avsg)
Madison Broadley-Southon (curc)
Madison Sullivan (colc)
Mae McLoughlin (vill)
Maggie Stiven (wnkc)
Maia Tuilaepa (curc)
Malia Banks (duac)
Malia Parsons (curc)
Manawa Greenwood (cghs)
Mark Rayne (avnc)
Mark Smith (otac)
Martha Allan (cash)
Mary Thompson (whoc)
Marzella Debeer (duac)
Matai Washbourn (shir)
Mathew Dunster (cbhs)
Matia Tahura-Paul (invc)
Matilda Evatt (rrgs)
Matilda Hayman (rrgs)
Matthew Butler (cash)
Matthew Ellis (invc)
Matthew Harrington (shir)
Matthew Jenkins (whoc)
Matthew King (croc)
Matthew MacGregor (stbd)
Matthew O'Donnell (stan)
Matthew Rae (ashc)
Matthew Smith (shir)
Matty Barr (stbd)
Maude O'Connell (croc)
Max Balloch (invc)
Max Harrington (obhc)
Max Heywood (chcc)
Max Marsh (chcc)
Max McKeich (cbhs)
Max Nally (whoc)
Max Radclffe (cbhs)
Max Zhang (cbhs)
Maya Bromby (colc)
McGregor Best (avnc)
Meg Creagh (duac)
Melissa Bonilla Casanas (oghs)
Mia Burgess (wtuc)
Mia McNaughton-Vincent (stan)
Mia Parker (timc)
Miah Grey (marn)
Michael Wall (ashc)
Mike Anderson (avnc)
Milla Woolman-Smith (cghs)
Millie Borren (avnc)
Millie Davenport (noec)
Millie Knight (rrgs)
Milly Dickie (rrgs)
Milly McLeod (invc)
Miro Williams (otac)
Mitchell Stewart (otac)
Mitchell Tinnock (whoc)
Mitchell White (avnc)
Mitchell Williamson (cbhs)
Mollie Gibson (ashc)
Mollie Weston (avnc)
Molly Christiansen (croc)
Molly Clayton (timc)
Molly Edwards (avsg)
Molly Graham (vill)
Molly Hattaway (cash)
Molly Judson (cash)
Monique Beyer (uncc)
Monty Vaughan (otac)
Morgan Carter (stan)
Morgan Crossley-Little (oghs)
Morgan Crossley-Little (otac)
Murren Halcrow (cash)
Nakita Horne (colc)
Narisa Diack (invc)
Nat Renouf (shir)
Natalie Bocock (avnc)
Natalie Wilson (croc)
Nathan Ager (shir)
Nathan Pollock (pcuc)
Neil Kamat (stbd)
Nell Watherston (wtuc)
Neve Faed (wnkc)
Neve McHugh-Smith (duac)
Neve Sinclair (curc)
Niamh Paterson (colc)
Nic Chamberlain (otac)
Nic Swale (obhc)
Nicholas Dravitzki (stcc)
Nick Turnbull (chcc)
Nico Sia (stcc)
Nicole Campbell (cash)
Nieve Collin (wtuc)
Nikita Bent (timc)
Nikita Clemens (timc)
Nina Jarman (cghs)
Noah James (burn)
Oli Taylor (cbhs)
Oliver Bisley (wtuc)
Oliver Flanagan (stbd)
Oliver Haig (otac)
Oliver Herron (wtuc)
Oliver McDonald (stan)
Olivia Cochrane (cash)
Olivia Cottam (curc)
Olivia Furrie (duac)
Olivia Glen (vill)
Olivia Hughes (avnc)
Olivia McPherson (colc)
Olivia Piebanga (croc)
Olivia Turner (vill)
Olivia Yeoman (avsg)
Ollie Prattley (shir)
Orla Fitzgerald (cghs)
Oscar Anderson (obhc)
Oscar Cochrane (otac)
Oscar Rutledge (stan)
Oteana Manukau-Young (invc)
Owain Harris (croc)
Owen Lea (wnkc)
Paige Furrie (duac)
Paige Gerrard (curc)
Paige Mohs (cghs)
Pam Strong-Van Gestel (uncc)
Paris Elder (invc)
Patrick Carter (avnc)
Patrick Dekker (ashc)
Patrick Fruean (avnc)
Patrick Hartley (wnkc)
Paul Bisset (croc)
Paul Bisset (pcuc)
Peliki Tangifolau (oamc)
Penny Young (avnc)
Peter Adams (uncc)
Peter Rowe (obhc)
Petra Curd-McCullough (cghs)
Phoebe Rolleston (timc)
Phoebe Trolove (timc)
Phoebe Wellstead (duac)
Piper Spencer (cghs)
Pipi Horan (wnkc)
Pippa Bashford (wtuc)
Poppy Jubb (whoc)
Priya Tohiariki (invc)
Quentin Annan (duac)
Quentin Monaghan (stbd)
Quinn Curtis (wnkc)
Quinn Dunne-Cartier (stan)
Quinn Gledhill (timc)
Rachel James (oghs)
Rachel Scobie (wtuc)
Rachel Stephenson (timc)
Railynnetta Ilalio (marn)
Ralph Stewart (otac)
Rebecca Squire (timc)
Rebecca Walker (oguc)
Rebecca Woods (curc)
Reece Soper (invc)
Reese Sanders (avsg)
Reilly Kane (cash)
Reuben Cook (obhc)
Richard Hruby (cbhs)
Rielly Reed (chcc)
Riley Bruce-Hapuku (whoc)
Riley Goad (burn)
Robbie Adams (timc)
Robert McIvor (obhc)
Rohan Key (wtuc)
Rosa Edge (cghs)
Rosa Izard (timc)
Rosa Jones (rrgs)
Rosara Delury-Gorrie (timc)
Rose Cottier (timc)
Rose Ellenden (whoc)
Rose Kellet (ashc)
Rose McArthur (cash)
Rosie Gray (rrgs)
Rosie Paul (timc)
Ruby Boyd (wnkc)
Ruby Bradley (oamc)
Ruby Brosnan (oghs)
Ruby Dingle (cash)
Ruby Macaulay (oamc)
Ruby Norton (avnc)
Ruby Noton (wtuc)
Ryan Facoory (shir)
Ryan Mead-Flower (wtuc)
Ryan Nelson (twlc)
Ryan Pinnell (avnc)
Sally Wylaars (avsg)
Sam Brown (burn)
Sam Bryan (ctyc)
Sam Griffin (cash)
Sam Lamont (burn)
Sam Long (stan)
Sam O'Brien (cash)
Sam Pearce (wnkc)
Sam Pinckney (chcc)
Sam Stevens (shir)
Sam Stewart (cbhs)
Sam Thompson (burn)
Sam Whitaker (chcc)
Sam Willems (chcc)
Sam Wilson (timc)
Samantha Earl (croc)
Samantha Nally (whoc)
Samantha O'Neill (timc)
Samantha Sorenson (timc)
Samantha Tufui (whoc)
Samantha Vance (rrgs)
Samara Goodall (wnkc)
Samara Northmore (vill)
Sammy Harry (wnkc)
Samuel Wield (cbhs)
Sara Harris (timc)
Sarah Aronsen (twlc)
Sarah Cody'Mandell (cghs)
Sarah Halcrow (uncc)
Sarah Scarlett (vill)
Sarah Stewart (invc)
Sarah White (cghs)
Sasha Henley (curc)
Saskia Klinkenberg (avnc)
Savanna Paul (timc)
Scott Alexander (obhc)
Scott Bezett (noec)
Scott Shackleton (cbhs)
Seb Vanden Bosch (timc)
Semisi Taungapeau (otac)
Serena Paine (oghs)
Shakira Mirfin (invc)
Shannon Bayliss (stan)
Shannon Smart (curc)
Shari Tacon (cghs)
Sharni Ross (burn)
Shaun Nimo (whoc)
Shaun Wilks (invc)
Shayla Alexander (duac)
Shayla Tamakehu (croc)
Shelley Atkinson (uncc)
Shelley Washington (uncc)
Sheree Gamble (whoc)
Siena Snow (colc)
Simon Smith (duac)
Simone Wilson (croc)
Sionelle Cahil (invc)
Skye Duncan (cghs)
Skye Morton (duac)
Sofia Taquet (wtuc)
Sonny Gibbard (obhc)
Sonya Sunder (wtuc)
Sophia Linares-Fontona (oamc)
Sophia Rutherford (stan)
Sophia Wheelans (stan)
Sophie Bailey (cghs)
Sophie Bernes (cghs)
Sophie Bowden (cghs)
Sophie Chapman (cghs)
Sophie Fenn (wnkc)
Sophie Gardyne (timc)
Sophie Haughton (cghs)
Sophie Hill (cghs)
Sophie Jefferies (burn)
Sophie Lightbourne (timc)
Sophie Nelson (avnc)
Sophie Nelson (rrgs)
Sophie Pye (avnc)
Sophie Pye (rrgs)
Sophie Radcliffe (cghs)
Sophie Rowland (burn)
Sophie Sinclair (noec)
Sophie Smith (duac)
Sophie Smith (noec)
Sophie Tiffin (avsg)
Stella Cook (avsg)
Stian Langvik (croc)
Stuart Wade (uncc)
Summer Jubb (whoc)
Susan Dyson (uncc)
Susie Crawford (cghs)
Sydney Kay (wtuc)
Sydney Telfer (oguc)
Tahnika White (marn)
Tamara Marcijasz (vill)
Tamara Mason (noec)
Tamara-Ruby Komarova (avnc)
Tamara-Ruby Komarova (avsg)
Tane Norton (shir)
Tanja McDonald (uncc)
Tao Hawkey-Hight (wnkc)
Tarrah Shirley (whoc)
Tasman O'Sullivan (avsg)
Taylor Allan (timc)
Taylor Knudson (vill)
Ted Mayne (cbhs)
Tegan Wisnesky (colc)
Tem Bennett (avnc)
Tessa Handford (colc)
Tessa Reid (rrgs)
Theodore Giannakogiorgos (burn)
Thomas Arscott (stbd)
Thomas Comley (avnc)
Thomas Dobson (chcc)
Thomas McEwan (chcc)
Thomas Ryan (obhc)
Thornton Bickerstaff (croc)
Tiah Moir (marn)
Tilly Woods (wtuc)
Tim Gardner (twlc)
Tim Hopkins (avnc)
Tim Ward (chcc)
Timo Fitzpatrick (wnkc)
Timothy Heritage (cbhs)
Timothy Osmers (avnc)
Tobi Rees (cghs)
Toby Beresford (chcc)
Toby Smillie (cbhs)
Tom Cockburn (shir)
Tom Cotter (chcc)
Tom Flavill (avnc)
Tom Fraser (cbhs)
Tom Giddens (burn)
Tom Jones (chcc)
Tom Mullally (duac)
Tom Penberthy (cbhs)
Tom Rutherford (stan)
Tom Smith (stan)
Tom Tothill (chcc)
Tom Vincent (chcc)
Travis Cleine (cash)
Tyla Smart (curc)
Tyler Stewart (marn)
Vaughn Healey (duac)
Vicki Dent (uncc)
Vladimir Kazmierczak (shir)
Wayne Gloag (duac)
Wendy Duggan (uncc)
Wendy Lawson (uncc)
Will Chaffey (chcc)
Will Davidson (timc)
Will Edwards (duac)
Will Edwards (otac)
Will Evatt (cbhs)
Will Healey (duac)
Will Hofmans (otac)
Will O'Brien (stbd)
Will Rattray (curc)
Will Simcock (chcc)
Will Tayler (timc)
Will Turner (duac)
Will Turner (otac)
Willa Sonntag (croc)
William Bentley (cbhs)
William Chapman (curc)
William Haley (obhc)
William Jones (chcc)
William Light (timc)
William Lindsay (cbhs)
William Olssen (chcc)
William Pirker (shir)
William Talbot (timc)
William Timbs (stan)
William Twiss (stan)
William Watts (cbhs)
Xavier Anisy (stcc)
Yahav Benaia (avnc)
Yahav Benaia (burn)
Yneke Edzes (oamc)
Zach Landon-Lane (burn)
Zachary Taylor (stbd)
Zack Cleaver-Donovan (obhc)
Zack Cleaver-Donovan (otac)
Zack Wilson (timc)
Zak Healey (duac)
Zakai Hedges (shir)
Zander Wiltshire (shir)
Zaya McDonald (curc)
Zeda Mata'U (burn)
Zoe Abbiss (wtuc)
Zoe le Lievre (oamc)
Zoe Millar (curc)
Zoliekah Judd (timc)
Otago Championships
Declan Kelly
Competed for:
Also attended
No results for Declan yet.