In this section
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All results
Meridian Otago Championships
Daniel Lorimer
Competed for:
Also attended
mens Club coxless quad sculls
Heat 1
: placed 4
A Final
: placed 7
1 -
Daniel Lorimer
(stroke) |
Russell Crampton
Hooper Kelly-Smith
Edward Armstrong
boys U18 single
Heat 1
: placed 4
A Final
: placed 4
1 -
Daniel Lorimer
mens Club single
Heat 3
: placed 3
1 -
Daniel Lorimer
Event #
1: womens Club 4+
1A: womens U21 4-
2: boys U16 2X
2A: boys U17 2X
3: womens Open 2-
4: mens Open 1X
5: mens Club 4+
5A: mens U21 4-
6: boys U15 2X
6A: mens Nov 2X
7: mens mst 1X
7A: mens mst 4X-
8: womens mst 1X
8A: womens mst 4X-
15: Open 1X (P)
10: boys U16 8+
10A: boys U17 8+
11: girls U16 4+
11A: girls U17 4+
12: mens Open 4X-
12A: mens Club 4X-
12B: mens U21 4X-
13: womens Club 1X
13A: womens U21 1X
14: womens Nov 8+
14A: girls U15 8+
15: mens Nov 4+
15A: boys U15 4+
16: womens Open 2X
17: girls U17 1X
17A: girls U18 1X
18: mens Open 2-
19: boys U16 4+
19A: boys U17 4+
20: mens Club 2X
20A: mens U21 2X
21: girls U16 8+
21A: girls U17 8+
22: boys U17 1X
22A: boys U18 1X
23: womens Nov 4+
23A: girls U15 4+
24: womens Club 2X
24A: womens U21 2X
25: womens Open 4-
26: mens Nov 8+
26A: boys U15 8+
27: girls U16 4X+
27A: girls U17 4X+
28: womens Nov 2X
28A: girls U15 2X
29: womens Open 1X
30: mens Open 4-
31: mens mst 4-
31A: mens mst 2X
32: womens mst 4-
32A: womens mst 2X
33: mixed Open 2X (P)
34: boys U16 4X+
34A: boys U17 4X+
35: womens Open 8+
35A: womens Club 8+
35B: womens U21 8+
36: mens Club 1X
36A: mens U21 1X
37: mens Open 2X
38: mens Nov 4X+
38A: boys U15 4X+
39: mens U19 2-
40: womens Club 4X-
40A: womens Open 4X-
40B: womens U21 4X-
41: girls U16 2X
41A: girls U17 2X
42: womens Nov 4X+
42A: girls U15 4X+
43: mens Club 8+
43A: mens Open 8+
43B: mens U21 8+
28A: girls U15 2X
42A: girls U15 4X+
23A: girls U15 4+
14A: girls U15 8+
41: girls U16 2X
27: girls U16 4X+
11: girls U16 4+
21: girls U16 8+
17: girls U17 1X
41A: girls U17 2X
27A: girls U17 4X+
11A: girls U17 4+
21A: girls U17 8+
17A: girls U18 1X
13A: womens U21 1X
24A: womens U21 2X
40B: womens U21 4X-
1A: womens U21 4-
35B: womens U21 8+
29: womens Open 1X
16: womens Open 2X
3: womens Open 2-
40A: womens Open 4X-
25: womens Open 4-
35: womens Open 8+
8: womens mst 1X
32A: womens mst 2X
8A: womens mst 4X-
32: womens mst 4-
28: womens Nov 2X
42: womens Nov 4X+
23: womens Nov 4+
14: womens Nov 8+
13: womens Club 1X
24: womens Club 2X
40: womens Club 4X-
1: womens Club 4+
35A: womens Club 8+
6: boys U15 2X
38A: boys U15 4X+
15A: boys U15 4+
26A: boys U15 8+
2: boys U16 2X
34: boys U16 4X+
19: boys U16 4+
10: boys U16 8+
22: boys U17 1X
2A: boys U17 2X
34A: boys U17 4X+
19A: boys U17 4+
10A: boys U17 8+
22A: boys U18 1X
39: mens U19 2-
36A: mens U21 1X
20A: mens U21 2X
12B: mens U21 4X-
5A: mens U21 4-
43B: mens U21 8+
4: mens Open 1X
37: mens Open 2X
18: mens Open 2-
12: mens Open 4X-
30: mens Open 4-
43A: mens Open 8+
7: mens mst 1X
31A: mens mst 2X
7A: mens mst 4X-
31: mens mst 4-
6A: mens Nov 2X
38: mens Nov 4X+
15: mens Nov 4+
26: mens Nov 8+
36: mens Club 1X
20: mens Club 2X
12A: mens Club 4X-
5: mens Club 4+
43: mens Club 8+
15: Open 1X (P)
33: mixed Open 2X (P)
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Ashburton Rowing Club
Avon Rowing Club
Avonside Girls High School
Canterbury Region Composite
Canterbury Rowing Club
Central RPC
Christ's College Rowing Club
Christchurch Boys High School
Christchurch Girls High School
Columba College Rowing Club
Composite School Crew(s)
Cromwell Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
James Hargest College
North End Rowing Club
Oamaru Rowing Club
Otago Boys High School
Otago Girls High School
Otago Region Composite
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Port Chalmers United Rowing Club
Queens Rowing Club
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Southern RPC
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Timaru Rowing Club
Twizel Rowing Club
Villa Maria College
Waihopai Rowing Club
Wairau Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wanaka Rowing Club
All athletes
Abbie Geary (timc)
Abigail McDonald (whoc)
Adam Hodge (ashc)
Adam Stachurski (cbhs)
Adrian Riepen (rpcc)
Alannah Henderson (whoc)
Alasdair Tarry (ashc)
Alex Coulthard (stcc)
Alex Deller (stan)
Alex Hall (wtuc)
Alex Jamieson (comp)
Alex Jamieson (wtuc)
Alex Levien (cbhs)
Alex Peacock (duac)
Alex Wing (chcc)
Alexander Yarnall (croc)
Alexandra Doig (rrgs)
Alice Back (noec)
Alice Darry (rrgs)
Alice Murdoch (timc)
Alice Riley (stan)
Alice Williams (rrgs)
Alysha Symes (oamc)
Amanda Taylor (oguc)
Amy Blackler (timc)
Amy Jenkins (whoc)
Amy McDermott (vill)
Andrea Stiles (whoc)
Andrew Crampton (timc)
Andrew Ford (chcc)
Andrew Scally (stbd)
Andrew Schmack (cbhs)
Andrew Wakefield (rpcs)
Anete Kaidme (cghs)
Angus Coull (cbhs)
Angus Howat (curc)
Angus Symon (cbhs)
Anna O'Leary (otac)
Anna Watson Taylor (comp)
Anna Watson Taylor (wnkc)
Anna-Clare Bright (timc)
Annabel Angland (colc)
Annabel Ronald (whoc)
Annabel Wylie (cghs)
Annabelle Palmer (noec)
Annabelle Williamson (rrgs)
Aoife Platts (stan)
Ariah Stuart (oghs)
Awhina Meikle (otac)
Axel Dickinson (rpcc)
Bailey Beecher (oghs)
Bailey Jeffrey-Butler (vill)
Bailey Masters (wnkc)
Becky Jenkins (cghs)
Bella Giltrap (rrgs)
Bella Griffiths (cghs)
Bella Hutchison (cghs)
Ben Alexander (noec)
Ben Calder (stan)
Ben Colgan (cbhs)
Ben Crosbie (stan)
Ben Dewsberry (timc)
Ben Duyvesteyn (noec)
Ben Fisher (curc)
Ben McLeod (whoc)
Beth Jagusch (avnc)
Beth Paine (vill)
Bond Brownrigg (stan)
Braden Scott (timc)
Bradley Robertson (noec)
Breanna McElroy (cghs)
Breeanna Gledhill (avsg)
Briar Alexander (noec)
Bridget Hendry (noec)
Bridget McGarr (cghs)
Bridget Murdoch (timc)
Bridget Richardson (vill)
Brittany Menpes (whoc)
Brittany Smith (avnc)
Brittni Thwaites (duac)
Brooke O'Connor (whoc)
Brooke Shepherd (whoc)
Brooke Wilkins (timc)
Bryce Abernethy (otac)
Cairah Pere (otac)
Caitie Yee (cghs)
Caitlan Kearney (oamc)
Caitlin Buist (oghs)
Caitlin Orr (qrcc)
Caitlin Rivers (wtuc)
Caitlin Rivers (comp)
Caitlin Rowland (timc)
Caitlin Tansey (vill)
Caleb Stephenson (timc)
Cameron Crampton (timc)
Cameron Crampton (xlca)
Cameron Durham (stcc)
Cameron Scott (stbd)
Cameron Williams (wtuc)
Canada Broad (vill)
Cassandra Hislop (croc)
Cassandra Hislop (xlot)
Catherine Shields (rpcs)
Ceara Brown (whoc)
Charlie Wallis (oamc)
Charlotte Campbell (vill)
Charlotte Mason (cghs)
Charlotte Miles (curc)
Charlotte Williams (colc)
Charlotte Worner (ctyc)
Charlotte Worner (rrgs)
Chelsea Schwass (xlot)
Chelsea Schwass (croc)
Cherish-Peace Nielsen (colc)
Chris James (rpcc)
Chris Newman (avnc)
Christie Morrison (cghs)
Christopher Drummond (croc)
Christopher Kearney (oamc)
Clare MacLeod (rrgs)
Claudia Dyet (noec)
Claudia Grave (noec)
Claudia Paterson (noec)
Claudia van Dam (duac)
Clay Forward (otac)
Cody Laing (duac)
Colin Thornley (twlc)
Coner Houghton (avnc)
Connor Thompson (croc)
Corey Lewis (noec)
Courtenay Rushton (rrgs)
Courtney Hill (rrgs)
Courtney Shea (noec)
Creighton Dawson (stcc)
Dacey Caldwell (avnc)
Danial Halligan (wtuc)
Daniel Anderson (croc)
Daniel Hobson (xlot)
Daniel Hobson (otac)
Daniel Lorimer (timc)
Daniel Ryan (stcc)
Daniela Lemow (oghs)
Danielle Sydney (vill)
Danyan Trask (duac)
David Brydon (stbd)
David Ingham (cbhs)
Delaine Luke (stcc)
Della Hammersley (avsg)
Doug Cryer (duac)
Dougal McDonald (whoc)
Dylan O'Conner (wtuc)
Eachann Bruce (wnkc)
Ed Sullivan (stbd)
Eddie Palmer (cbhs)
Edmond Chang (chcc)
Edward Armstrong (timc)
Edward Eaton (cbhs)
Edward Ryde (cbhs)
Eilee Robinson (oamc)
Eliza Adams (noec)
Ella Fitzsimons (vill)
Ella Galletly (duac)
Ella Wilkins (whoc)
Elle Murphy (oghs)
Elliot Doesburg (avnc)
Elysia Shettler-Dent (colc)
Emerson Cosgrove (chcc)
Emilie Batt (avnc)
Emily Duncan (oghs)
Emily Smith (noec)
Emma Austin (rrgs)
Emma Dyke (timc)
Emma Harrison (timc)
Emma Jackson (cghs)
Emma Weith (timc)
Emma Winders (colc)
Erica Taylor (timc)
Erin-Monque Shelton (rpcc)
Ethan Edmunds-Scott (croc)
Ethan Pugh (croc)
Fenella McGrannachan (qrcc)
Fergus Porteous (avnc)
Fergus Sharp (stcc)
Francesca Guthrie (noec)
Francesca Hlavac (cghs)
Francie Turner (rpcs)
Frano Staub (rpcs)
Fredericka Archibald (rpcs)
Gabriella Scott-Lister (rrgs)
Gabrielle Marris (cghs)
Gabrielle Peach (avnc)
Gemma Baldock (qrcc)
Gen Scurr (wnkc)
Gen Scurr (comp)
Gene MacE (noec)
George Bellamy (wtuc)
George Davidson (stbd)
George Heard (comp)
George Heard (wnkc)
George Howat (curc)
George Latta (noec)
George Perkins (chcc)
George Sammons (noec)
George Taylor (cbhs)
Georgia Bewley (wtuc)
Georgia de Raad (oghs)
Georgia de Raad (xlot)
Georgia Gentle (whoc)
Georgia Haggerty (oamc)
Georgia Hale (vill)
Georgia Hammond (rpcc)
Georgia Lysaght (ashc)
Georgia Ward (vill)
Georgia Ward (avnc)
Georgia Yaxley (whoc)
Georgina Andrews (rrgs)
Georgina Lawrence (rrgs)
Georgina Rodie (rpcc)
Georgina Wall (rrgs)
Georgina Wallis (oamc)
Grace Buchan (rrgs)
Grace Munro (cghs)
Grace Prendergast (rpcs)
Grace Sandson (rrgs)
Grace Shaw (cghs)
Grace Spoors (rpcs)
Grace Stumbles (noec)
Gray Dopperberg (oamc)
Greg Brand (rpcs)
Gussie Buchanan (noec)
Guy Redpath (whoc)
Hamish Moynihan (oamc)
Hamish Nimmo (oamc)
Hamish Sinclair (noec)
Hana Coulston (curc)
Hannah Baddock (oguc)
Hannah Day (timc)
Hannah Duggan (otac)
Hannah Keane (colc)
Hannah Kennedy (cghs)
Hannah Moyle (croc)
Hannah Moyle (xlot)
Hannah Perkins (noec)
Hannah Peterson (vill)
Hannah Phillips (oguc)
Hannah Wilson (colc)
Harriet Green (rrgs)
Harriet MacPherson (rrgs)
Harriett Sutton (timc)
Harry Ashworth (cbhs)
Harry Beadel (chcc)
Harry Burgess (chcc)
Harry McCormick (chcc)
Hayden Soper (stbd)
Haylee James (curc)
Hazel Dawson (pcuc)
Hazelle Tomlin (avnc)
Heather Giles (curc)
Heather Livesey (timc)
Helen Drijfhout (otac)
Henrietta Harper (timc)
Henry Adams (cbhs)
Henry Booth (stan)
Henry Davis (cbhs)
Henry Lissaman (cbhs)
Henry McManus (stcc)
Henry Ryan (noec)
Henry Whitlow (cbhs)
Holly Fletcher (avnc)
Holly Stanford (avsg)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (timc)
Hugo Elworthy (chcc)
Ilanda Forde (whoc)
Imogen Coxhead (comp)
Imogen Coxhead (pcuc)
Ingrid Mitchell (whoc)
Isaac Zarifeh (stan)
Isabella Brown (rrgs)
Isabella McLoughlin (vill)
Isabella Nicholson (wtuc)
Isabella Shields (noec)
Isabella Shields (xlot)
Isaiah Nelson-White (timc)
Isobella Grant (duac)
Israel Loch-Head (stcc)
Issac Robertson (stcc)
Issiah Svoboda (curc)
Jacinda Bamford (cghs)
Jack Boyd (noec)
Jack Bruce (duac)
Jack Clifford (chcc)
Jack Elliotte (timc)
Jack Lineton (stcc)
Jack MacFarlane (chcc)
Jack Millar (jhar)
Jack Millar (whoc)
Jack O'Leary (otac)
Jack Porter (wnkc)
Jack Porter (xlot)
Jack Squire (noec)
Jack Waddell (obhs)
Jack Waddell (noec)
Jackson Martin (cbhs)
Jacob Calvert (timc)
Jacob Flanagan (wtuc)
Jacob Hamer (noec)
Jacob Truscott (stcc)
Jacqui Frizelle (rrgs)
Jaimee Gregory (cghs)
Jake Hume (noec)
James Beattie (stcc)
James Hamilton (timc)
James Harvey (rpcs)
James Hunter (rpcc)
James Lilley (avnc)
James Luxton (chcc)
James McNicol (obhs)
James McNicol (noec)
James Ramsey (wtuc)
James Redai (wnkc)
James Russell (chcc)
James Sandston (chcc)
James Smyth (avnc)
James Tranter (stbd)
James Walker (timc)
Jamie Abernethy (duac)
Jamie Blaxall (rrgs)
Jamie Bowley (wnkc)
Jamie Saunders (oguc)
Jane Hendry (noec)
Jane Hendry (xlot)
Jane Medlicott (oghs)
Jared Glue (rpcs)
Jarell Pattison (noec)
Jarrod Howlett (pcuc)
Jarrod Wellman (wnkc)
Javagn Nonumalo (croc)
Jenna Smeehuyzen (oguc)
Jess Taylor (noec)
Jessica Gould (pcuc)
Jessica Hayes (whoc)
Jessica Jary (ashc)
Jessie Manning (qrcc)
Jim Smith (cbhs)
Joe Barclay (avnc)
Joe Barclay (stbd)
Joe Earl (chcc)
Joe Wright (rpcc)
Joey Blakie (duac)
John McCall (cbhs)
John Shearer (avnc)
Jonathan Fowler (chcc)
Jonathan Rush (timc)
Jonno Martin (duac)
Jordan Dickson (noec)
Jordan Kennedy (stbd)
Jordan Murphy (wtuc)
Jordan Saville (otac)
Jordana Walker (avnc)
Joseph Pugh (croc)
Joseph Trappitt (rpcc)
Josh Drummond (croc)
Josh Fletcher (stbd)
Josh Harrex (duac)
Josh Meates (stbd)
Josh Price (whoc)
Josh Rodger (cbhs)
Josh Speight (wtuc)
Joshua Sim (curc)
Josie Reid (cghs)
Julia Fauth (oamc)
Julia Landels (noec)
Justin Dovestone (timc)
Justin Evans (oguc)
Justis Atkins (curc)
Kaitlin Berg (duac)
Kaitlyn Williams (timc)
Kalem Blackley (noec)
Kali Walker (avsg)
Kane Evans (jhar)
Kane Evans (whoc)
Karl Manson (rpcc)
Karley Wilden-Palms (oghs)
Kate Bamford (vill)
Kate Dore (avnc)
Kate Duthie (whoc)
Kate Hanning (vill)
Kate Hayman (ashc)
Kate Hazelhurst (ashc)
Kate Horn (xlot)
Kate Horn (noec)
Kate Hurst (timc)
Kate MacDonald (avnc)
Kate Manera (colc)
Kate Meates (cghs)
Kate Shaw (timc)
Kate Stretton (noec)
Kate Stretton (oguc)
Kate Taggart (rrgs)
Katelyn Froude (whoc)
Katelynn Gillingham (oamc)
Katherine Hope (oamc)
Katherine Millar (noec)
Katie McManus (pcuc)
Katie Mears (whoc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (avnc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (rpcs)
Katie Moffat (whoc)
Katie Pascoe (curc)
Kayla Rump (avsg)
Kelby Buchanan (wtuc)
Kelby Buchanan (comp)
Kelvin Maker (noec)
Kevin Chu (avnc)
Kevin Duggan (comp)
Kevin Duggan (otac)
Kieran Ryan (oamc)
Kimberley Allan (oamc)
Kirsty Paulin (duac)
Kristen Froude (whoc)
Kurt Williamson (wrac)
Lachlan van Bysterveldt (avnc)
Lainie King (oghs)
Lainie King (xlot)
Larelle Bogadalski (oamc)
Laura Anderson (oghs)
Laura Bailey (vill)
Laura Burgess (cghs)
Laura Everest (avsg)
Laura Gibson (timc)
Laura Glen (vill)
Laura McMillan (whoc)
Laura McMillan (jhar)
Laura Stevenson (rrgs)
Laura Tester (rpcc)
Laura Thomson (oghs)
Lauren Clark (avnc)
Lauren Sexton (timc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (xlca)
Lia Cameron (vill)
Lia Crosland (qrcc)
Liam Anderson (stbd)
Liam Guthrie (noec)
Liam McArthur (stbd)
Liam Smith (cbhs)
Liam Stevenson (cbhs)
Libby Davenport (timc)
Libby Hughes (rrgs)
Lilly Hazlett (rrgs)
Lisa Owen (whoc)
Lori Comer (whoc)
Lottie Eglinton (rrgs)
Louis Kimber (avnc)
Louise Livesey (avnc)
Lucas Tamakehu (cbhs)
Lucinda McLeod (rrgs)
Lucy Hutchinson (rrgs)
Lucy McGrannachan (oghs)
Lucy Munro (cghs)
Lucy Spoors (rpcs)
Luke Cody (timc)
Luke Cracroft-Wilson (chcc)
Luke Figgitt (cbhs)
Luke Mortimer (chcc)
Luke Watts (rpcc)
Luna Browne (cghs)
MacKenzie Aitken (oghs)
MacKenzie Aitken (oguc)
MacKenzie McNeill (avsg)
Maddie Grant (duac)
Maddy Berquist (rrgs)
Maddy Conway (cghs)
Maddy Fahey (otac)
Madeleine Davidson (ashc)
Madeline Smith (cghs)
Maggie Burns (noec)
Marco Dyson (wtuc)
Mark Dadson (avnc)
Mark Graham (cbhs)
Marlina Lobitz (pcuc)
Mary Engelbrecht (timc)
Mathew Lilley (stbd)
Matt Alexander (noec)
Matt Nicholson (wtuc)
Matt Radburnd (stcc)
Matthew Benson (xlot)
Matthew Benson (otac)
Matthew Beveridge (ashc)
Matthew Bolch (croc)
Matthew Currie (chcc)
Matthew Jones (jhar)
Matthew Jones (whoc)
Matthew Malcolm (whoc)
Matthew McNamara (noec)
Matthew Mears (whoc)
Matthew Staples (oamc)
Maysie Scott (oamc)
Meg Rutherford (noec)
Megan MacKenzie (rrgs)
Mia Brooke (cghs)
Micaela Irvine (oamc)
Micaela Irvine (xlot)
Michael Foley (wtuc)
Michael Metherell (timc)
Michael Nisbet (oguc)
Michael Sharpin (noec)
Michael Shearer (avnc)
Michaela King (oghs)
Michaela Townshend (whoc)
Michelle Johnson (otac)
Mihiterina Sorenson (vill)
Mikayla Newell (vill)
Mike Jones (twlc)
Mike Jones (comp)
Millie Aitken (wtuc)
Milly MacFarlane (rrgs)
Milly van Dam (duac)
Mitchell Falgar (stcc)
Mitchell Horner (rpcc)
Mohsen Stirling (curc)
Molly Dods (vill)
Monique Hughes (wtuc)
Monty Brown (wtuc)
Morgan Manhire (cghs)
Morgan Shepherd (whoc)
Morgan Sydney (vill)
Nadia Smith (vill)
Naomi Kewene (timc)
Natalie Allen (stan)
Natalie Grant (oamc)
Natasha Biemond (duac)
Nathan Arscott (stbd)
Nathan Craddock (duac)
Nekita Gulati (rrgs)
Niall Campbell (pcuc)
Nicholas Campbell (avnc)
Nicholas Jackson (wnkc)
Nick Drummond (croc)
Nick Foley (wtuc)
Nick Gemmell (chcc)
Nick Shields (whoc)
Nico Cronshaw (chcc)
Nicola Shanks (oguc)
Nicole Kean (cghs)
Nicole Pope (vill)
Nicole Rogers (cghs)
Nina Edwardes (cghs)
Oliver Tyro (chcc)
Olivia Bartlett (vill)
Olivia Berger (rrgs)
Olivia Brown (qrcc)
Olivia Coll (timc)
Olivia Fleming (ashc)
Olivia Gray (cghs)
Olivia Loe (rpcs)
Olivia MacDonald (whoc)
Olivia O'Neill (vill)
Ollie Behrent (whoc)
Olly Bayley (chcc)
Olvia Luxton (rrgs)
Oscar Keys (timc)
Owen O'Brien (wrac)
Paddy Riley (cbhs)
Paige Cook (timc)
Paige Morton (colc)
Paige Thornley (timc)
Patrick Leckie (cbhs)
Paul Lee (chcc)
Penelope Barnsdale (whoc)
Penny Buckley (avnc)
Phoebe Senior (rrgs)
Phoebe Spoors (avnc)
Pierce Thomson (cbhs)
Pietta Marshall (timc)
Polly McMullan (otac)
Poppy Friend (rrgs)
Priscilla Harbott (cghs)
Priyanka Nathu (rrgs)
Quinn Houghton (stbd)
Rachel Clark (xlot)
Rachel Clark (croc)
Rachel Kennedy (avnc)
Rachel Wylie (cghs)
Rebecca Jones (curc)
Rebecca Mirfin (stan)
Rebekah Lunam (qrcc)
Rebekah Pitcaithly (otac)
Redmond McKenzie (stcc)
Reece Pritchard (jhar)
Reece Pritchard (whoc)
Reed Frewen (duac)
Regan Stirling (croc)
Renee Derwin (timc)
Renee Olley (timc)
Reon Buchanan (noec)
Rhiannon Mason (cghs)
Richard McLachlan (wtuc)
Richard Turner (cbhs)
Richard Wilden (twlc)
Riley Bruce (wnkc)
Riley Bruce (xlot)
Rita Giles (curc)
Rivo Kaidme (cbhs)
Robert Johnston (noec)
Robyn Wright (timc)
Rose McEwen (curc)
Rose Taylor (oguc)
Rosie Coutts (duac)
Rosie Glover (wtuc)
Rowan Jackman (xlca)
Rowan Jackman (curc)
Rupert Jackman (curc)
Russell Crampton (timc)
Russell Crampton (xlca)
Russell Jenkins (whoc)
Ryan Miller (stcc)
Sabrina McKenzie (vill)
Sam Biemond (duac)
Sam Bingham (stcc)
Sam Bosworth (chcc)
Sam Doyle (chcc)
Sam Fraser (timc)
Sam Hopewell (noec)
Sam O'Hara (stbd)
Sam Wells (rpcc)
Sammie Gordon (croc)
Sammie Gordon (xlot)
Samuel Gerard (chcc)
Saphron Herbert (vill)
Sara Hill (oghs)
Sarah Barnes (whoc)
Sarah Brown (rrgs)
Sarah Creed (timc)
Sarah Dyke (timc)
Sarah Lindley (avnc)
Sarah Nelson (ctyc)
Sarah Nelson (cghs)
Sarah Taylor (qrcc)
Sarah Wyber (xlot)
Sarah Wyber (noec)
Saskia Gilbert (stan)
Scott Barnsdale (rpcs)
Scott Bezett (noec)
Scott Donaldson (noec)
Scott Jones (whoc)
Sean Fieldes (croc)
Shannon Gordon (cghs)
Shannon Vine (avsg)
Sharne Jones (rrgs)
Sheldon Tuhi (timc)
Sheridan Newson (curc)
Shilo T Tekaahu (duac)
Simon Early (chcc)
Simon Garratt (duac)
Simon Lloyd (duac)
Simon Smith (duac)
Simone Woodford (vill)
Sinnead Flannery (oamc)
Sirac Adams (chcc)
Sophia Shaw (vill)
Sophie Chambers (timc)
Sophie Gray (cghs)
Sophie MacKenzie (rpcc)
Sophie Moynihan (oamc)
Sophie Patton (croc)
Sophie Patton (xlot)
Sophie Shingleton (rpcs)
Sophie Smith (oguc)
Sophie Spiers (rpcs)
Sophie Stone (xlot)
Sophie Stone (noec)
Sophie Warhurst (croc)
Sophie Warhurst (xlot)
Sophie Wright (duac)
Stanley Pont (chcc)
Stephanie Connolly (ashc)
Stephen Rowe (stcc)
Surrey Collett (timc)
Tabitha Seaton (oghs)
Tana Luke (stcc)
Tara Erenskjold (cghs)
Tara Moore (vill)
Tayla Peter (timc)
Taylor McDrury (cghs)
Taylor McNamara (noec)
Taylor Oakes (oamc)
Tenera Heineman-Livett (oghs)
Tess Maitland (vill)
Tessa Jenkins (rrgs)
Tessa Lunam (qrcc)
Tessa Robertson (oamc)
Tessa Young (rpcs)
Thomas Ballantyne (stcc)
Thomas Chapman (chcc)
Thomas Chin (noec)
Thomas Ecroyd (chcc)
Thomas Stott (oguc)
Thomas Trafford (cbhs)
Thomas 'Fred' Coughlan (avnc)
Thomasina Loeffen (vill)
Tiana Mihaere (oamc)
Tim Carey (chcc)
Tim Coughlan (timc)
Tim Dallison (stan)
Tim Gardner (twlc)
Tim Yaxley (whoc)
Timothy Osmers (rpcs)
Tisean Pokoati (avsg)
TJ Leeming (whoc)
Tj Woodrow (duac)
Tobias Robertshawe (chcc)
Toby Adams (noec)
Toby Pascoe (whoc)
Todd Cruthers (croc)
Tom Brand (chcc)
Tom Calder (cbhs)
Tom Clyma (cbhs)
Tom Grave (noec)
Tom Nyenhuis (rpcc)
Tom Philpott (cbhs)
Tom Reid (stbd)
Tommy King (stan)
Travis Clutterbuck (stcc)
Tremaine Cragg-Love (stbd)
Trinity Thompson-Browne (curc)
Trish Rush (timc)
Tufi Sele (rpcc)
Tyler Good (stcc)
Tyler Mathews (cghs)
Tyler McKendry (stbd)
Vanessa McIver (twlc)
Victoria Wheelans (cghs)
William Beattie (stcc)
William Cottle (noec)
William Gourlay (oamc)
William Heap (chcc)
William Henstock (cbhs)
William Holden-Bluck (stcc)
William Hudson (stbd)
William Meates (rpcs)
William Morris-Whyte (curc)
William Scown (noec)
William Todd (chcc)
William van der Kaag (wtuc)
Yolanda Filipo (vill)
Zac Montgomery (stbd)
Zoe Dobbs (timc)
Zoe MacFarlene (oamc)
Zoe MacFarlene (xlot)
Zoe McBride (otac)
Zoe Pearce (cghs)
Zoe Sabonadiere (noec)
All coaches
Alannah Henderson (whoc)
Amy Blackler (timc)
Amy Jenkins (whoc)
Brooke O'Connor (whoc)
Brooke Shepherd (whoc)
Brooke Wilkins (timc)
Caitlin Rowland (timc)
Ella Wilkins (whoc)
Georgia Yaxley (whoc)
Hannah Phillips (oguc)
Jamie Saunders (oguc)
Jonathan Rush (timc)
Justin Dovestone (timc)
Justin Evans (oguc)
Kate Duthie (whoc)
Libby Davenport (timc)
Luke Cody (timc)
Nicola Shanks (oguc)
Penelope Barnsdale (whoc)
Thomas Stott (oguc)
Tim Coughlan (timc)
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