Rocket Foods NZ Rowing Championships

North Shore Rowing Club's strip

North Shore Rowing Club

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1womens Int coxed four

Repechages: 1,2->A Final; Rest->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 21 - Stephanie Severin (stroke) | Phoebe Dobson | Caitlin Naude | Carla Pethers-Boak + Tayla Coplestone (cox)
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden
Crew: NSHC 22 - Hazel Stroobant (stroke) | Anna Greenhlagh | Elin Vincent | Amalie Hoban + Tessa Guthrie (cox)
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

4womens U22 coxless pair

Heats: All->Final

Crew: NSHC 21 - Scarlett Kerse (stroke) | Sofia Greenhalgh
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden
Crew: NSHC 22 - Sophie Dykgraaf (stroke) | Eva Dykgraaf
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

6womens Club double sculls

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Brooke Vincent (stroke) | Zoe Ries
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

7mens Snr coxless four

Repechages: 1,2->A Final; Rest->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Baxter Holgate-Simpson (stroke) | Callum Jarvis | Callum Booth | Thomas Clingin
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

8womens Snr coxless four

Repechages: 1..4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Heats: 1,2->Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Alana Sherman (stroke) | Jane Schellekens | Daisy Forsythe | Issy Meikle
Coach - Anna Delong

11womens Prem 1X

Sponsored by: Filippi

Heats: All to Final

Crew: NSHC 1 - Holly Gray
Coach - Anna Delong

12mens Prem single

Heats: All to Final

Crew: NSHC 1 - Ben Taylor
Coach - Anna Delong

18mens Snr double sculls

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Baxter Holgate-Simpson (stroke) | Callum Jarvis
Coaches - Lewis Morrell | Anna Delong
Crew: NSHC 2 - Lewis Morrell (stroke) | Thomas Clingin
Coach - Anna Delong

20womens Club coxed eight

Repechages: 1..4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Heats: 1,2->Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 21 - Hazel Stroobant (stroke) | Carla Pethers-Boak | Olivia Kiernan-James | Taylor Penberthy | Cassidy Luff | Amalie Hoban | Elin Vincent | Anna Greenhlagh + Tessa Guthrie (cox)
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

28mens Club single

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Quarter-finals: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Repechages: 1..3->Quarter; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1->Quarter-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Cameron Elliott
Coach - Cameron Elliot
Crew: NSHC 2 - Thomas Clingin
Coaches - Lewis Morrell | Anna Delong

29womens Club coxless quad sculls

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Brooke Vincent (stroke) | Madison Lockyer | Luciana Hall | Zoe Ries
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

32mens Int double sculls

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..3->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Callum Booth (stroke) | Jack Harrison
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

34womens Snr coxed eight

Heats: All to Final

Crew: NSHC 21 - Scarlett Kerse (stroke) | Eva Dykgraaf | Sophie Dykgraaf | Sofia Greenhalgh | Stephanie Severin | Phoebe Dobson | Caitlin Naude | Taylor Penberthy + Tessa Guthrie (cox)
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

73Sgirls U18 coxed four (2000m)

Heats: All->Final

Crew: NSHC 21 - Scarlett Kerse (stroke) | Eva Dykgraaf | Sophie Dykgraaf | Sofia Greenhalgh + Tessa Guthrie (cox)
Coaches - Ash Bright | Kim Dowden
Crew: NSHC 22 - Stephanie Severin (stroke) | Taylor Penberthy | Caitlin Naude | Phoebe Dobson + Tayla Coplestone (cox)
Coaches - Ash Bright | Kim Dowden

36womens Club coxless pair

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Luciana Hall (stroke) | Madison Lockyer
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

38womens Snr coxless quad sculls

Heats: All to Final

Crew: NSHC 1 - Kate Hamilton (stroke) | Sienna Norman | Megan Farquhar | Zoe Corboy
Coach - Anna Delong

39womens Int coxed eight

Heats: All to Final

Crew: NSHC 21 - Hazel Stroobant (stroke) | Carla Pethers-Boak | Stephanie Severin | Phoebe Dobson | Olivia Kiernan-James | Amalie Hoban | Elin Vincent | Anna Greenhlagh + Tayla Coplestone (cox)
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

40mens Club coxed eight

Heats: All to Final

41womens Prem 4-

Sponsored by: Aon

Heats: All to Final

Crew: NSHC 1 - Alana Sherman (stroke) | Jane Schellekens | Daisy Forsythe | Issy Meikle
Coach - Anna Delong

46womens Club single

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Kate Hamilton
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell
Crew: NSHC 21 - Cassidy Luff
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

47mens Snr coxless pair

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Callum Jarvis (stroke) | Baxter Holgate-Simpson
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

48womens Snr 2-

Sponsored by: Aon

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Alana Sherman (stroke) | Issy Meikle
Coach - Anna Delong
Crew: NSHC 2 - Daisy Forsythe (stroke) | Jane Schellekens
Coach - Anna Delong
Crew: NSHC 3 - Sienna Norman (stroke) | Megan Farquhar
Coach - Anna Delong
Crew: NSHC 21 - Scarlett Kerse (stroke) | Sofia Greenhalgh
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden
Crew: NSHC 22 - Sophie Dykgraaf (stroke) | Eva Dykgraaf
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

77Sgirls U18 coxed eight (2000m)

Heats: All->Final

Crew: NSHC 21 - Scarlett Kerse (stroke) | Eva Dykgraaf | Sophie Dykgraaf | Sofia Greenhalgh | Caitlin Naude | Phoebe Dobson | Carla Pethers-Boak | Stephanie Severin + Tessa Guthrie (cox)
Coaches - Ash Bright | Kim Dowden

55mens Int single

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..3->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Callum Booth
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell
Crew: NSHC 2 - Jack Harrison
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell

57womens Snr 1X

Sponsored by: Colgan Foundation

Semi-finals: 1..4->A Final; Rest->B Final
Repechages: 1,2->Semi-Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1..4->Semi-Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Holly Gray
Coach - Anna Delong
Crew: NSHC 2 - Zoe Corboy
Coach - Anna Delong
Crew: NSHC 21 - Cassidy Luff
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

59womens Club coxless four

Repechages: 1,2->A Final; Rest->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: NSHC 1 - Luciana Hall (stroke) | Brooke Vincent | Zoe Ries | Madison Lockyer
Coaches - Anna Delong | Lewis Morrell
Crew: NSHC 21 - Stephanie Severin (stroke) | Phoebe Dobson | Caitlin Naude | Taylor Penberthy
Coaches - Ella Campbell | Kim Dowden

61mens Prem 2-

Sponsored by: Colgan Foundation

Heats: All->Final

Crew: NSH* 1 - Ben Taylor (stroke) | Matthew Waddell
Coaches - Anna Delong | Hannah Starnes




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