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Bankstream NZ Rowing Championships
Kimberley Bennett
Competed for:
Also attended
No results for Kimberley yet.
Event #
1: womens Nov 4X+
2: mens Snr 4-
3: womens Prem 4X-
4: mens U22 8+
5: womens Snr 4-
6: mens Club 8+
7: womens U22 8+
8: mens Nov 4X+
9: womens Club 8+
10: mens Prem 4X-
11: mixed Open 2X (P)
12: womens U20 1X
13: mens Nov 2X
14: womens Club 4X-
15: mens U22 2-
16: mens U20 1X
17: womens Nov 2X
18: mens Club 4X-
19: womens U22 2-
20: mens Prem 1X (L)
21: womens Prem 2-
22: mens Prem 2-
23: womens Prem 1X (L)
24: mens Snr 2-
25: womens Club 2X
26: mens U20 4-
27: womens Snr 2-
28: mens Club 1X
29: womens U20 4-
30: womens U22 1X
31: mens Prem 2X
32: womens Prem 2X
33: mens U22 1X
34: womens Nov 4+
35: mens Snr 1X
36: mens Prem 2- (L)
37: mens Nov 4+
38: womens Snr 2X
39: womens Prem 4-
40: mens Prem 4-
41: womens Club 4+
42: mens U20 2X
43: mens Prem 4+
44: womens Snr 1X
45: womens U20 2-
46: mens Club 4+
47: womens U19 2X
48: mens Nov 8+
49: mens U20 2-
50: mens Snr 2X
51: mens U19 4+
52: mens Prem 1X
53: womens Snr 4X-
54: womens U20 2X
55: womens Nov 8+
56: womens Prem 1X
57: mens U22 4X-
58: mens Prem 2X (L)
59: M/W Open 1X (P)
60: mens Snr 4X-
61: womens Club 1X
62: mens Club 2X
63: womens Prem 2X (L)
64: womens U22 4X-
65: womens Snr 8+
66: womens U19 4+
67: mens U19 2X
68: mens Snr 8+
69: womens Prem 8+
70: mens Prem 8+
71: mixed Open 4+ (P)
59: M/W Open 1X (P)
47: womens U19 2X
66: womens U19 4+
12: womens U20 1X
54: womens U20 2X
45: womens U20 2-
29: womens U20 4-
30: womens U22 1X
19: womens U22 2-
64: womens U22 4X-
7: womens U22 8+
17: womens Nov 2X
1: womens Nov 4X+
34: womens Nov 4+
55: womens Nov 8+
61: womens Club 1X
25: womens Club 2X
14: womens Club 4X-
41: womens Club 4+
9: womens Club 8+
44: womens Snr 1X
38: womens Snr 2X
27: womens Snr 2-
53: womens Snr 4X-
5: womens Snr 4-
65: womens Snr 8+
56: womens Prem 1X
32: womens Prem 2X
21: womens Prem 2-
3: womens Prem 4X-
39: womens Prem 4-
69: womens Prem 8+
23: womens Prem 1X (L)
63: womens Prem 2X (L)
67: mens U19 2X
51: mens U19 4+
16: mens U20 1X
42: mens U20 2X
49: mens U20 2-
26: mens U20 4-
33: mens U22 1X
15: mens U22 2-
57: mens U22 4X-
4: mens U22 8+
13: mens Nov 2X
8: mens Nov 4X+
37: mens Nov 4+
48: mens Nov 8+
28: mens Club 1X
62: mens Club 2X
18: mens Club 4X-
46: mens Club 4+
6: mens Club 8+
35: mens Snr 1X
50: mens Snr 2X
24: mens Snr 2-
60: mens Snr 4X-
2: mens Snr 4-
68: mens Snr 8+
52: mens Prem 1X
31: mens Prem 2X
22: mens Prem 2-
10: mens Prem 4X-
40: mens Prem 4-
43: mens Prem 4+
70: mens Prem 8+
20: mens Prem 1X (L)
58: mens Prem 2X (L)
36: mens Prem 2- (L)
11: mixed Open 2X (P)
71: mixed Open 4+ (P)
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Grammar Rowing Club
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Avon Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Cambridge Rowing Club
Canterbury Rowing Club
Central RPC
Corio Bay Rowing Club
Counties-Manukau Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Essendon Rowing Club
Gisborne Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Mercer Rowing Club
Nelson Rowing Club
North Shore Rowing Club
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Paernu SK
Petone Rowing Club
Picton Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Southern RPC
Star Boating Club
Takapuna Grammar Rowing Club
Tauranga Rowing Club
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waihopai Rowing Club
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
Wairau Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wellington Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
Whakatane Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Aaron Dowd (comc)
Abby Bradford (avnc)
Abby Green (rpca)
Abby May (hwbc)
Abigail Watts (welc)
Adam Carter (whoc)
Adam Carter (wtuc)
Adam Jenkin (comc)
Adam Ling (rpcw)
Adam Stella (porc)
Adam Tostevin (hwbc)
Adele Brown (nelc)
Adele Stead (wkoc)
Adelia Bolam (nshc)
Adhi Gattsche (aklc)
Adrian van Bussel (awgc)
Aidan Simmons (merc)
Aimee Fraser (avnc)
Aimee Muir (tgac)
Aisha Wainwright (hwbc)
Alannah Rickerby (avnc)
Alec Bach (petc)
Alex Bardoul (rpcw)
Alex Deverell (camc)
Alex Hargreaves (rpca)
Alex Hyland (gisc)
Alex Kennedy (rpcw)
Alex Parton (wkoc)
Alex Pattrick (avnc)
Alex Peter (picc)
Alex Peter (wrac)
Alex Wilson (hwbc)
Alexander Myers (avnc)
Alexandra Finlay (nshc)
Alexandra Murden (nshc)
Ali Wilshier (wkoc)
Alice Darry (rpcs)
Alice Riley (rpcs)
Alice Templeton (petc)
Alistair Bond (rpcs)
Alistair Wilson (hwbc)
Amber Fordham (nshc)
Amelia Vincent (nshc)
Amy Jenkins (whoc)
Amy Mills (rpca)
Amy Mills (tgac)
Amy Robson (wesc)
Anahera Nin (wkoc)
Andre Caccioppoli (hamc)
Andrew Potter (rpcs)
Andrew Wakefield (avnc)
Angela Clarke (wkoc)
Angus Coull (ctyc)
Angus Lindsay (hwbc)
Angus Symon (avnc)
Anna Bullen (wkoc)
Anna Cullum (tgac)
Anna MacQuarrie (porc)
Anna Miles (nelc)
Anna O'Leary (otac)
Anna Porritt (wkoc)
Anna Watson-Taylor (oguc)
Annabel Nesdale (wkoc)
Annabel Ronald (whoc)
Annaliese O'Leary (wkoc)
Anne Chiang (avnc)
Annie Jo (avnc)
Anthony Allen (rpcw)
Anthony Allen (wkoc)
Anthony O'Connor (hwbc)
Anton Possegger (nelc)
Antony Howard (tgac)
Ari Palsson (whac)
Ariana Bell (porc)
Ariana Welch-Nattras (porc)
Ashlea Quirk (hwbc)
Ashlee Caskie (rpcw)
Ashlee Curtis (petc)
Ashlee Rowe (rpca)
Ashleigh Jaques (camc)
Ashley McCarty-Carnahan (stac)
Ashton Lovell (wrec)
Audsley Jones (avnc)
Axel Dickinson (petc)
Axel Dickinson (rpcc)
Bailey Johnson (wkoc)
Becky Newman (hwbc)
Bella Cordwell (stac)
Bella Matthews (petc)
Ben Bowles (avnc)
Ben Braggins (nshc)
Ben Goodson (wkoc)
Ben Little (nshc)
Ben van Dalen (rpcw)
Ben Watkinson (wesc)
Benjamin Norling (petc)
Bernadette Boland (nshc)
Beth Ross (petc)
Bevan Redpath (tgac)
Bobby Kells (rpca)
Brad Armstrong (wrac)
Brad Newton (wrac)
Braeden Camp (camc)
Breah McKay (porc)
Breanna de Gouw (tgsc)
Brent Walker (comc)
Brent Walker (hkic)
Briar Murphy (rpcw)
Bridie Zarifeh (avnc)
Brittany Wallace (merc)
Brodie Lochore-Pye (porc)
Brook Robertson (rpcc)
Brook Walker (stac)
Brooke Donoghue (rpcw)
Brooke Monkley (wkoc)
Brooklyn Dunn (wkoc)
Bryce Abernethy (rpcs)
Cade Fleming (wkoc)
Cain Saul (essc)
Caitlin Buist (oguc)
Caitlin Harris (nshc)
Caitlin Harvey (picc)
Caitlin Harvey (wrac)
Caitlin Nugent (nshc)
Caitlin Walker (petc)
Caitlin White-Parsons (nshc)
Caleb Loomans (wkoc)
Caleb Muntz (wkoc)
Caleb Shepherd (rpcw)
Caleb Shepherd (wkoc)
Cameron Bartley (rpcw)
Cameron Crampton (rpcs)
Cameron Smith (comc)
Cameron Steedman (wkoc)
Cameron Stevens (wkoc)
Cameron Webster (nshc)
Carly Baars (camc)
Caroline Bellamy (avnc)
Casper Tilley (petc)
Catherine Layburn (nshc)
Catherine Wilson (hwbc)
Caty Ross (petc)
Charles Hosking (tgac)
Charlie Rogerson (rpcw)
Charlotte Lunt (camc)
Charlotte McIntyre (nelc)
Charlotte Newnham (nelc)
Charlotte Robertson (welc)
Charlotte Smith (avnc)
Chelsea Gorton (nshc)
Chelsea Morrison (aklc)
Chelsea Sherry-Tau (camc)
Chloe Wilson (bpcc)
Chris Harris (rpcc)
Chris James (petc)
Chris James (wrac)
Chris Johnson (wtuc)
Chris O'Conner (bpcc)
Christian Tuveve-Aiono (porc)
Christiana Chapman (aklc)
Christie Davis (rpca)
Christina Baker-Burns (wesc)
Christine Phillips (stac)
Christine Phillips (welc)
Christopher Brennan (tgac)
Claire Fellows (aklc)
Claire Hume (camc)
Clare Ford (avnc)
Claudia Hyde (rpcw)
Claudia MacDonald (hamc)
Cody Welch (merc)
Cohan Northey (nshc)
Conner Simes (camc)
Connor Loomans (wkoc)
Connor Mocke (avnc)
Connor Robinson (avnc)
Conor Bryant (camc)
Conor MacKie (porc)
Corey McCaffrey (rpcc)
Courtney McCormick (nshc)
Courtney Rennie (bpcc)
Craig Little (nshc)
Curtis Rapley (rpcw)
Damon Lovell (wkoc)
Daniel Bridgwater (rpcw)
Daniel Halligan (whoc)
Daniel Halligan (wtuc)
Daniel McSweeny (nshc)
Danielle Schofield (rpca)
Danni Braunberger (ctyc)
Danyon Harris (aklc)
Darren Hobbs (camc)
David Beukes (whac)
David Brkic (aklc)
David by De Ley (tgac)
David Eade (rpcw)
David McCaffrey (wkoc)
David Ravine (stac)
David Sheppard (porc)
Davina Waddy (ctyc)
Davis Varcoe (wkoc)
Dean Nottingham (nshc)
Denzell Christian (porc)
Dimitrios Kotrotsos (welc)
Divashni Kumar (nshc)
Drew Ngapo (wkoc)
Drikus Conradie (wkoc)
Duncan Grant (rpcc)
Duncan MacErlich (hwbc)
Dylan Douce (porc)
Edin Harvey (hwbc)
Edvaldo Santana (unwc)
Edward Baddeley (rpca)
Edward Cade (wkoc)
Edward Eaton (ctyc)
Edwin Laver (hwbc)
Eli Mossop (wkoc)
Eli Murphy (merc)
Elizabeth Reid (wesc)
Ella Cvitanovich (awgc)
Ella Pudney (petc)
Ella Vink (avnc)
Ellen Smith (aklc)
Ellie Jeurissen (wesc)
Ellie O'Connell (petc)
Elliot Harvey (petc)
Elliot Harvey (wrac)
Elliot Rhodes (wesc)
Elliott Harris (camc)
Ellyce Stehlin (aklc)
Eloise Dowse (rpcw)
Elyse Rothery (tgac)
Emma Cullen De Beer (merc)
Emma Dyke (rpcs)
Emma Haldane (nshc)
Emma McAllister (comc)
Emma McAllister (nshc)
Emma McLean (stac)
Emma Ruwhiu (porc)
Emma Twigg (rpca)
Emma Winders (otac)
Emme McKay (porc)
Eric Murray (rpcw)
Erica van der Zanden (wesc)
Erin Tolhurst (rpca)
Erin-Monique O'Brien (rpcc)
Estee Browne (camc)
Ethan Stevenson (petc)
Evan Kennedy (rpcw)
Evan Teao (wkoc)
Eve Macfarlane (rpcs)
Fergus Fauvel (rpcs)
Fergus Janissen (tgac)
Finian Casey (rpcw)
Finley Deller (wkoc)
Finn Howard (rpca)
Finn Maunsell (wkoc)
Finn Murphy (merc)
Fiona Bourke (rpcs)
Florian Hafliger (whoc)
Florian Hafliger (wtuc)
Francesca Hlavac (ctyc)
Francie Morrow (welc)
Gabe Banks (wkoc)
Gabriella Giacon (porc)
Gabrielle Marris (ctyc)
Gabrille Clarke-Cox (porc)
Gareth Arnold (avnc)
Gavin Foulsham (hwbc)
Gavin Powell (tgac)
Genevieve Armstrong (rpcw)
Genevieve Behrent (rpcs)
George Daly (porc)
George Loughnan (wkoc)
George Sproat (hwbc)
George Weeks (hwbc)
Georgia Allen (wkoc)
Georgia Barker (wkoc)
Georgia Colson (merc)
Georgia Hickey (porc)
Georgia Kendal (awgc)
Georgia Morrow (merc)
Georgia Nugent-O'Leary (awgc)
Georgia O'Rourke (wkoc)
Georgia Perry (rpcw)
Georgia Yaxley (whoc)
Georgina Speedy (hkic)
Giacomo Thomas (rpca)
Grace Fletcher (nshc)
Grace Meates (hwbc)
Grace Prendergast (rpcs)
Grayson Mitchell (avnc)
Greg Brand (avnc)
Greg Brand (rpcs)
Griffin Hunt (welc)
Gus Pawson (awgc)
Guy Redpath (whoc)
Hadleigh Morgan (wkoc)
Hailey Griffiths (petc)
Hamish Bond (rpcs)
Hamish Chand (hamc)
Hannah ah Koy (camc)
Hannah Bailey (hwbc)
Hannah Cox (rotc)
Hannah Duncum (camc)
Hannah McMullan (stac)
Hannah Starnes (nelc)
Hannah Stone (hwbc)
Hannah Wills (avnc)
Hannah Yee (camc)
Harrison Barker (akgc)
Harrison Somerville (rpcc)
Hayden Blackford (wesc)
Hayden Cohen (rpcs)
Hayden Ellis (nshc)
Hayden Lynex (wesc)
Hayden Shaw (wkoc)
Hayley Smith (hwbc)
Hayley Vuleta (hamc)
Heather Gee-Taylor (awgc)
Heather Martin (wrec)
Henry Goodall (wkoc)
Henry Matthews (wtuc)
Henry Nash (hwbc)
Henry Whitford Lee (porc)
Henry Whitford Lee (stac)
Holly Ellett (nshc)
Holly Fletcher (rpcs)
Holly Greenslade (rpcc)
Holly Moody (porc)
Holly Nixon (wkoc)
Holly Parsons (wrac)
Hugh Pawson (awgc)
Huia Ackerman (tgac)
Ian Seymour (rpcc)
Isaac Grainger (rpca)
Isaac Zarifeh (avnc)
Isabella Regtien (nshc)
Isla Blake (hamc)
Isobella Rhodes (camc)
Ivana Giacon (porc)
Jack Burgess (tgac)
Jack Clough (wkoc)
Jack Curphey (wkoc)
Jack Gilpin (tgac)
Jack O'Leary (otac)
Jack Stone (hwbc)
Jack van Bussel (awgc)
Jackie Gowler (awgc)
Jackie Kiddle (rpcc)
Jackson Campbell (hwbc)
Jackson Martin (ctyc)
Jacob Barham (wkoc)
Jacob Cannell (avnc)
Jacob Prier (wkoc)
Jacob Sodo (wesc)
Jacqueline Abbot (tgac)
Jacqueline Kirk (hamc)
Jacqui Lawrence (camc)
Jade Barclay (welc)
Jade Uru (rpcs)
Jaeden Waldron-Lemon (comc)
Jahred Seumanutafa (porc)
Jaime O'Keefe (awgc)
Jaime O'Keefe (unwc)
Jaime-Marie MacFie (camc)
Jaimee Rangi (camc)
Jake Guy (nshc)
Jake Potton (merc)
James Bradshaw (wesc)
James Harvey (avnc)
James Hunter (rpcc)
James Keeling (wkoc)
James Lassche (rpcs)
James Lilley (avnc)
James McAnallen (rpcc)
James Moody (rpca)
James Mountier (avnc)
James O'Connor (avnc)
James Parton (wkoc)
James Reeves (rotc)
James Robertson (hamc)
James Sandston (ctyc)
James Willemsen (rotc)
Jamie Hepworth (wkoc)
Jamie Lynds (bpcc)
Jamie Saunders (petc)
Jane Evans (camc)
Jared Capon (wkoc)
Jared Glue (avnc)
Jasmine Oliver (hamc)
Jasper Ballantyne (nshc)
Jayde Thomas (porc)
Jayden Meyer (camc)
Jaymee McNab (nshc)
Jayson Gerbes (hwbc)
Jean-Francois Matter (tgac)
Jeff Francis (rpcw)
Jefferson Haldane (hwbc)
Jenna Clinton (nshc)
Jenny Kim (rotc)
Jeremiah Sefesi (porc)
Jess Paton (rpcc)
Jess Tucker (aklc)
Jesse Forsyth (ctyc)
Jessica Brougham (camc)
Jessica Donald (picc)
Jessica Donald (wrac)
Jessica Ellis (wesc)
Jessica Haldane (hamc)
Jessica Hayes (whoc)
Jessica Norris (hwbc)
Jessica Remington (nshc)
Jessica Tait (hamc)
Joe Wright (rpcc)
Joel Dowden (wkoc)
Joel Hopkins (rotc)
Johan Pio (wkoc)
Johann Einarsson (tgac)
Johannah Kearney (rpcs)
John Atkinson (camc)
John Black (hwbc)
John Clout (wkoc)
John O'Brien (wkoc)
John Storey (rpcs)
Johnathan Tait (nshc)
Jonathan Zouch (nshc)
Jonathon Lintott (bpcc)
Jordan Anderson (petc)
Jordan Parry (tgac)
Joseph Brady (nelc)
Joseph Dingle (corc)
Joseph Dingle (essc)
Joseph Sullivan (picc)
Joseph Sullivan (rpcc)
Joseph Trappitt (rpcc)
Joseph Williams (rotc)
Josh Gaylor (wkoc)
Josh Hayes (whoc)
Josh Hayes (wtuc)
Josh Reynolds (tawc)
Josh Wedlake (camc)
Josh Williams (stac)
Joshua Ackers (wrec)
Joshua Davis (wkoc)
Joshua Earl (rpcw)
Joshua Hill (wkoc)
Jozef Klaassen (whac)
Juana Doyle (porc)
Julia Edward (rpcw)
Julia Forde (nshc)
Julie Russell (whoc)
Justise Fry (tgac)
Kahu Wetere (tawc)
Kaisa Pajusalu (paec)
Kalvin Matetaka (bpcc)
Karl Manson (rpcc)
Karney Dunster (wkoc)
Kate Daulton (hwbc)
Kate Dawson (awgc)
Kate Jordan (welc)
Kate Martin (wkoc)
Katherine Farquhar (porc)
Kathleen Griffiths (aklc)
Katie Damsteeg (wkoc)
Katie MacDonell (porc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (avnc)
Katie Moffat (whoc)
Katie Putt (aklc)
Kayla Pratt (rpca)
Kayla Spencer (awgc)
Keeley Fensom (bpcc)
Keith MacDonald (wkoc)
Kelli Campbell (avnc)
Kelsey Bevan (rpca)
Kelsi Parker (hwbc)
Kelsi Walters (rpca)
Keren Pullen (avnc)
Kerri Gowler (rpcc)
Kieran Gaudin (petc)
Kieran Gaudin (picc)
Kieran Gaudin (wrac)
Kimberley Murrell (hamc)
Kirsten Wood (wesc)
Kirsty Thompson (nelc)
Kobi Abrahamson (wkoc)
Kristen de Lisle (petc)
Kristen Froude (rpcs)
Kristen Wing (wesc)
Kristi Dorotich (rpca)
Kristofer Parker (nshc)
Kristy-Joy Brown (nshc)
Kun-Ka Leger (wkoc)
Kylah Bardsley (camc)
Kyle Battersby (nshc)
Kyle Battersby (rpca)
Kyle Lennon (nshc)
Kyle Malone (welc)
Kyle Simmonds (nshc)
Lachlan Caudwell (merc)
Lachlan Foote (wkoc)
Lana Grew (wesc)
Latham Jones (wtuc)
Laura Bradbury (hamc)
Laura Campbell (rpcw)
Laura Coventry (hwbc)
Laura Dixon (tawc)
Laura James (aklc)
Laura Kelly (wkoc)
Lauren Gibb (camc)
Lauren McAndrew (rpcc)
Lauren McAndrew (welc)
Lauren Paddy (hamc)
Lauren Tilson (rpca)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Lee Oldfield (wkoc)
Lenny Jenkins (whac)
Leon Katavich (wesc)
Leroy Neels (wkoc)
Leslie Hannon (aklc)
Lewis Hollows (rpca)
Lexi Kerr (rpca)
Liam Harvey (hwbc)
Liam Hawthorne (porc)
Liam Herder (wkoc)
Liam Kitchin (hwbc)
Liam McGill (porc)
Liam O'Shannassy (porc)
Liam Shepherd (whoc)
Liam Smith (ctyc)
Liberty Soanes (tgsc)
Linda Mathews (rpcc)
Lisa Allen (tgac)
Lisa Owen (rpcs)
Lisa Rofe (petc)
Logan Bell (avnc)
Logan Campbell (awgc)
Logan Keys (rpcs)
Logan Newfield (merc)
Logan Rodger (rpcw)
Logan Walters (comc)
Louis Sayegh (wesc)
Louis van Velthooven (rpca)
Louis Vuleta (camc)
Louise Ayling (rpcc)
Louise Ford (bpcc)
Louise Trappitt (rpcc)
Loveday Yeoman (hamc)
Lucas Clarke (wkoc)
Lucas Tamakehu (ctyc)
Lucy Bird (petc)
Lucy Melville (aklc)
Lucy Rutten (porc)
Lucy Spoors (rpcs)
Lucy Strack (rpcs)
Luka Ellery (tawc)
Luke Jenkins (gisc)
Luke Kitchin (hwbc)
Luke Watts (awgc)
Lydia Milner (rpcs)
MacAuley Newson (aklc)
Maddison Airey (hwbc)
Madeleine Ashby (avnc)
Madeleine Minnett (camc)
Madeleine Palmer (aklc)
Madeline Costain (camc)
Madison Dunn (wkoc)
Maggie Laracy (hwbc)
Mahe Drysdale (rpca)
Maia Silveira (camc)
Maleponi Vaioleti (hamc)
Manuel Gonzales Del Riego (camc)
Marcus Anselmi (wkoc)
Marcus Bolli (wkoc)
Marcus Johnstone (porc)
Marcus Taylor (avnc)
Mark Alm (otac)
Mark Brocklehurst (welc)
Mark Dadson (avnc)
Mark Gibb (camc)
Mark Goulstone (merc)
Mark O'Connor (whoc)
Marty Davenport (nshc)
Martyn O'Leary (awgc)
Mary-Therese Leathers (hwbc)
Matt Almond (wrac)
Matt Munro (wkoc)
Matthew Anderson (petc)
Matthew Cole (nshc)
Matthew Cooper (rotc)
Matthew Davies (avnc)
Matthew Deller (wkoc)
Matthew Dunham (rpcw)
Matthew Glenn (rpcw)
Matthew Glenn (wkoc)
Matthew Handford (wkoc)
Matthew Kemp (wkoc)
Matthew Kitchin (hwbc)
Matthew Rennie (hwbc)
Matthew Shaw (wkoc)
Matthew Stimpson (wkoc)
Matthew Thompson (porc)
Matthew Thompson (wkoc)
Matthew van Dalen (camc)
Matthew Waugh (wkoc)
Mattson Darrah (porc)
Max Justice (wesc)
Max Newton (aklc)
Max Roberts (porc)
Max Williams (hwbc)
Maxie Robb (tgac)
Maxine Chappell (wesc)
Maya Williams (welc)
McKenzie Macky (rpcw)
McKenzie Macky (wkoc)
Megan Rea (petc)
Meisha Nicolson (avnc)
Melissa Baars (camc)
Mia Walsh (porc)
Michael Arms (rpca)
Michael Brake (rpca)
Michael Dessoulavy (rpcc)
Michael Dessoulavy (wrac)
Michael Kulene (wesc)
Michael Longuet-Higgins (rpca)
Michael Shearer (avnc)
Michael Sheppard (porc)
Michael Tielemans (comc)
Michi Sugihara (wkoc)
Miriam Stone (hwbc)
Mirren Blake (hamc)
Mitchell MacKenzie-Mol (rpcc)
Mitchell Singe (aklc)
Mollie Weston (avnc)
Morgan Davies (hwbc)
Morgan Shepherd (whoc)
Myhrin Jones (hwbc)
Nadja Hyson (rpcc)
Nairi Nasrallah (wesc)
Natalie Hill (bpcc)
Natasha Bonham-Cater (nelc)
Nathan Cuttance (porc)
Nathan Flannery (rpcs)
Nathan Oakley (tgac)
Neville Robertson (camc)
Niamey Izzett (petc)
Nicholas Corkery (wkoc)
Nicholas Dawe (bpcc)
Nick Bielby (petc)
Nick Dromgool (camc)
Nick Elliffe (aklc)
Nick Gaylor (wkoc)
Nicky Knowles (camc)
Nicola Baker (bpcc)
Nicola Cryer (stac)
Nicola Goss (tgac)
Nicola MacPherson (aklc)
Nicola Post (hkic)
Nicola Shanks (oguc)
Nicole Miller (awgc)
Nikki Livingston (hwbc)
Nina Smolnicki (stac)
Olive Brown (stac)
Oliver Aitchison (aklc)
Olivia Ashby (rotc)
Olivia Bell (wkoc)
Olivia Gray (ctyc)
Olivia Loe (rpcs)
Olivia MacDonald (whoc)
Olivia Morgan (wkoc)
Olivia Taylor (porc)
Olivia White-Parsons (nshc)
Olly Stephens (nelc)
Paige Hallam (hamc)
Paige Turley (nshc)
Paitten Bishop (nshc)
Parva Zareie (hamc)
Pat Nichol (hwbc)
Patrick Bull (porc)
Patrick Davenport (comc)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Patrick McCurran (wkoc)
Patrick McInnes (rpcw)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Patrick Reynolds (awgc)
Paul Chambers (wrac)
Paul Moreno (porc)
Paul Moreno (welc)
Penelope Barnsdale (whoc)
Peter Byllemos (rpcw)
Peter Holt (hwbc)
Peter Parker (porc)
Peter Taylor (rpca)
Phillip Wilson (petc)
Phoebe Stallman (stac)
Pieter Doelman (hamc)
Poppy Logan (nshc)
Poppy Perry-Evans (camc)
Portia Barcello (picc)
Portia Barcello (wrac)
Pranay Kumar (hamc)
Quinn Tupaea (wkoc)
Rachel Gill (petc)
Rachel Kennedy (rpcs)
Ravi Pudi (aklc)
Rebecca O'Niell (porc)
Rebecca Ramsay (porc)
Rebecca Scown (rpcc)
Reegan McKenzie-Lakopo (wkoc)
Reid Long (wtuc)
Renae Fisher (wrec)
Renee McGlue (porc)
Renee Perrie (wesc)
Renee Scott-French (nshc)
Rhys Bain (wkoc)
Richard Glover (aklc)
Richard Hunter (ctyc)
Richard Power (rpcw)
Riely Robertson (nshc)
Robbie Manson (rpcc)
Robbie Street (tgac)
Robert McCaig (avnc)
Robyn Knowles (nshc)
Rory MacGregor (whac)
Rosa Wilkie (nelc)
Rose Crooks (rpca)
Rosemary van der Velden (bpcc)
Rosie Joyce (hwbc)
Rowan Keane (camc)
Ruben Houghton (wkoc)
Ruby Tew (rpcc)
Ruby Willis (petc)
Rui Leitao (unwc)
Russell Crampton (rpcs)
Russell Dodd (hwbc)
Ryan Austin (hamc)
Ryan Davenport (nshc)
Ryan Gaudin (petc)
Ryan Gaudin (picc)
Ryan Gaudin (wrac)
Ryan Kelleher (rpca)
Ryan Slight (wkoc)
Ryan Wilson (rpcc)
Sam Beazley (wrec)
Sam Bosworth (avnc)
Sam Bosworth (rpcs)
Sam Johnston (nelc)
Sam MacKy (wkoc)
Sam Montague (petc)
Sam Pene (wkoc)
Sam Perry (wesc)
Sam Whitburn (hamc)
Samantha Legge (petc)
Samantha Voss (camc)
Sammy Murphy (awgc)
Sarah Gray (rpcw)
Sarah St George (hwbc)
Sariska Adams (avnc)
Sascha Arai-Swale (hamc)
Sasha Ballantyne (nshc)
Sasha Cullum (nelc)
Saskia Gilbert (ctyc)
Savanna Gaskell (awgc)
Scott Aitchison (aklc)
Scott Alderson (aklc)
Scott Barnsdale (whoc)
Scott Brogden (wkoc)
Scott Houston (nshc)
Sean Ducray (nelc)
Sean McVerry (wkoc)
Shania Brooks (hamc)
Shania Tawhiwhirangi-Perry (porc)
Shannon Eckersley (hamc)
Shariden Rose Darrah (porc)
Shaun Kirkham (rpcw)
Shokei Leger (wkoc)
Sian Anderson (nshc)
Siobhan Reynolds (hamc)
Sofija Cvitanovich (petc)
Sophie Jones (wesc)
Sophie Knight (wkoc)
Sophie MacKenzie (rpcc)
Sophie Wallace (nshc)
Stella Hudson (stac)
Stella Parker (porc)
Stephen Jones (rpca)
Stephen Kerr-Phillips (nshc)
Stephen Vanderpeet (hwbc)
Steven Cottle (picc)
Stewart Widger (wrec)
Sue Dromgool (camc)
Summer Mulligan (porc)
Tara Wilson (camc)
Tarina Fordham (hamc)
Taryn Abel (nshc)
Tasha Wypych (stac)
Taya Haldane (nelc)
Taylor Bell (wkoc)
Taylor Herangi (merc)
Taylor Kerr-Charnley (avnc)
Tayne Tupaea (wkoc)
Teagan Adams (bpcc)
Tessa Smith (nelc)
Theo Krielen (wkoc)
Theresa Mittermeier (tgac)
Thomas Bedford (wkoc)
Thomas O'Donnell (wkoc)
Thomson Brownlie (hwbc)
Tiffani Hickey (wkoc)
Tiffany Dixon (hwbc)
Tim Wilson (aklc)
Tim Yaxley (whoc)
Timothy Osmers (avnc)
Toby Cunliffe-Steel (rpcw)
Tom Bell (wkoc)
Tom Christie (avnc)
Tom Clyma (ctyc)
Tom Jenkins (hwbc)
Tom Mackintosh (hwbc)
Tom Monaghan (awgc)
Tom Murray (rpcc)
Tom Walsh (petc)
Tony Chapman (hamc)
Tony Pavich (wkoc)
Tracy Hogan (aklc)
Trent Burbidge (petc)
Trent Burbidge (picc)
Tristan Gregory-Hunt (hwbc)
Troix Kokich (petc)
Troy O'Reilly (petc)
Troy O'Reilly (rpcc)
Tufi Sele (rpcc)
Tyler Scott (awgc)
Tyson Williams (rpcw)
Tyson Williams (wkoc)
Ursula Blank (tgac)
Victoria Wilson (wkoc)
Vincent Beck (hwbc)
Wade Puklowski (nelc)
Will Guest (wkoc)
Willem van der Kaag (wtuc)
William Leizerowicz (wesc)
William Morris-Whyte (curc)
William Sabiston (hwbc)
Zac Fleming (wesc)
Zac Visser (awgc)
Zach Butters (merc)
Zachary Engle (nshc)
Zachary Stephens (wkoc)
Zack Harris (merc)
Zara Aitken (camc)
Zoe Bagnall (porc)
Zoe D'Ath (bpcc)
Zoe Dickens (petc)
Zoe McBride (rpcc)
Zoe Stevenson (rpcw)
Zoe White (wkoc)
All coaches
Adrian Webster (bpcc)
Alasdair McGeachie (wesc)
Andreas Leichtfuss (paec)
Andrew Bird (petc)
Andrew Jock Jolly (wtuc)
Andy Tuffin (porc)
Aquinas Coaching Team (tgac)
Armin Svoboda (curc)
Auckland Grammar Coaching Team (akgc)
Barrie Mabbott (nshc)
Barry Squires (wrec)
Blair Currie (hamc)
Brett Smith (hamc)
Bruce Holden (wkoc)
Callum Mill (wesc)
Cameron Bell (wkoc)
Cedric Bayly (hwbc)
Chloe McFarlane (hamc)
Chris Jones (welc)
Chris Nilsson (hwbc)
Chris Pearson (rotc)
Clive Steenson (tawc)
Craig Smith (nshc)
Curtis Warner (comc)
Dale Maher (avnc)
Dave Hanley (petc)
Dave Molesworth (whac)
David Potts (tawc)
David Thomas (tgac)
Diana Hatwell (tgac)
Doc McDonald (hwbc)
Don Baron (wkoc)
Duncan Bydelay (tgac)
Fiona McKay (avnc)
Garth Tremeer (wesc)
Glen Reichardt (rotc)
Glen Sinclair (oguc)
Glenn Barwick (gisc)
Glenn Ross (wkoc)
Graham Smith (merc)
Graham Watt (whac)
Grant Lindsay (aklc)
Guy Williams (rpcs)
Hamg Team (wkoc)
Hillcrest Coaching Team (hamc)
Ian Brider (unwc)
Ivan Pavich (wkoc)
Jac Donaldson (wkoc)
Jack Donaldson (wkoc)
Jack Stainton (avnc)
James Lilley (avnc)
Jamie Saunders (petc)
Jane Stanley (nshc)
Janey Wackrow (camc)
Jeremy Coxon (hwbc)
Jess Douglas (nshc)
Jock MacKintosh (hwbc)
Joe O'neill (welc)
John O'Connor (wtuc)
John O'connor (whoc)
John Parnell (otac)
Jonathan Brown (hamc)
Julian Foulkes (aklc)
Karen Parcell (whac)
Keiran Gaudin (wrac)
Keiran Gaudin (picc)
Keith Page (wesc)
Kevin O'hagan (wrec)
Kim Connelly (nshc)
Kim Connolly (nshc)
Leon O'connell (porc)
Luke O'neil (hkic)
Luke O'neil (comc)
Mat Jensen (nshc)
Matt Hall (porc)
Matt Rickard (gisc)
Matthew Hall (porc)
Matthew Wolff (nshc)
Michael Hanright (hamc)
Mike Trautvetter (hwbc)
Nathan Wallace (porc)
Nathan Wallace (stac)
Nelson Coaching Team (nelc)
Neville Robertson (camc)
Nick Tonkin (welc)
Norm Charlton (camc)
Odette Sceats (camc)
Paddy O'reilly (petc)
Richard Sheppard (porc)
Rob Holmes (merc)
Robin Clarke (wkoc)
Robin Crooks (camc)
Roger Giese (aklc)
Roger White-Parsons (nshc)
Rohan Condon (hwbc)
Ron Neighbour (comc)
Ross Tong (wkoc)
Ross Webb (hwbc)
Ryan Darby (aklc)
Sam Henry (aklc)
Sara Smith (avnc)
Scott McGill (porc)
Steve Finlayson (bpcc)
Te Awamutu Coaches (tawc)
Tgs Coaching (tgsc)
Tim Parker (porc)
Tim Wilson (welc)
Toby Patton (tgac)
Tom Stannard (camc)
Tony Burns (wesc)
Tony Russell (aklc)
Tory Press (stac)
Waikato Dio Coaching Team (wkoc)
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