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All results
BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
64: womens under-22 coxless quadruple sculls
A Final
Waikato RPC 1
Southern RPC 1
Auckland RPC 1
Event #
1: womens Nov 4X+
2: mens Snr 4-
3: womens Prem 4X-
4: mens U22 8+
5: womens Snr 4-
6: mens Club 8+
7: womens U22 8+
8: mens Nov 4X+
9: womens Club 8+
10: mens Prem 4X-
11: mixed Open 2X (P) (1000m)
12: womens U20 1X
13: mens Nov 2X
14: womens Club 4X-
15: mens U22 2-
16: mens U20 1X
17: womens Nov 2X
18: mens Club 4X-
19: womens U22 2-
20: boys Open 1X (L)
21: womens Prem 2-
22: mens Prem 2-
23: girls Open 1X (L)
24: mens Snr 2-
25: womens Club 2X
26: mens U20 4-
27: womens Snr 2-
28: mens Club 1X
29: womens U20 4-
30: womens U22 1X
31: mens Prem 2X
32: womens Prem 2X
33: mens U22 1X
34: womens Nov 4+
35: mens Snr 1X
36: boys Open 2- (L)
37: mens Nov 4+
38: womens Snr 2X
39: womens Prem 4-
40: mens Prem 4-
41: womens Club 4+
42: mens U20 2X
43: mens Prem 4+
44: womens Snr 1X
45: womens U20 2-
46: mens Club 4+
47: womens U19 2X
48: mens Nov 8+
49: mens U20 2-
50: mens Snr 2X
51: mens U19 4+
52: mens Prem 1X
53: womens Snr 4X-
54: womens U20 2X
55: womens Nov 8+
56: womens Prem 1X
57: mens U22 4X-
58: boys Open 2X (L)
59: M/W Open 1X (P) (1000m)
60: mens Snr 4X-
61: womens Club 1X
62: mens Club 2X
63: girls Open 2X (L)
64: womens U22 4X-
65: womens Snr 8+
66: womens U19 4+
67: mens U19 2X
68: mens Snr 8+
69: womens Prem 8+
70: mens Prem 8+
71: mixed Open 4+ (P) (1000m)
59: M/W Open 1X (P) (1000m)
47: womens U19 2X
66: womens U19 4+
12: womens U20 1X
54: womens U20 2X
45: womens U20 2-
29: womens U20 4-
30: womens U22 1X
19: womens U22 2-
64: womens U22 4X-
7: womens U22 8+
23: girls Open 1X (L)
63: girls Open 2X (L)
17: womens Nov 2X
1: womens Nov 4X+
34: womens Nov 4+
55: womens Nov 8+
61: womens Club 1X
25: womens Club 2X
14: womens Club 4X-
41: womens Club 4+
9: womens Club 8+
44: womens Snr 1X
38: womens Snr 2X
27: womens Snr 2-
53: womens Snr 4X-
5: womens Snr 4-
65: womens Snr 8+
56: womens Prem 1X
32: womens Prem 2X
21: womens Prem 2-
3: womens Prem 4X-
39: womens Prem 4-
69: womens Prem 8+
67: mens U19 2X
51: mens U19 4+
16: mens U20 1X
42: mens U20 2X
49: mens U20 2-
26: mens U20 4-
33: mens U22 1X
15: mens U22 2-
57: mens U22 4X-
4: mens U22 8+
20: boys Open 1X (L)
58: boys Open 2X (L)
36: boys Open 2- (L)
13: mens Nov 2X
8: mens Nov 4X+
37: mens Nov 4+
48: mens Nov 8+
28: mens Club 1X
62: mens Club 2X
18: mens Club 4X-
46: mens Club 4+
6: mens Club 8+
35: mens Snr 1X
50: mens Snr 2X
24: mens Snr 2-
60: mens Snr 4X-
2: mens Snr 4-
68: mens Snr 8+
52: mens Prem 1X
31: mens Prem 2X
22: mens Prem 2-
10: mens Prem 4X-
40: mens Prem 4-
43: mens Prem 4+
70: mens Prem 8+
11: mixed Open 2X (P) (1000m)
71: mixed Open 4+ (P) (1000m)
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Ashburton Rowing Club
Auckland Grammar Rowing Club
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Avon Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Region Composite
Belvoir Rowing Club
Blenheim Rowing Club
Canterbury Region Composite
Canterbury Rowing Club
Central RPC
Christ's College Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Nelson Rowing Club
North End Rowing Club
North Shore Rowing Club
Oamaru Rowing Club
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Paernu SK
Petone Rowing Club
Picton Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Saarbrucken Rowing Club
Southern RPC
St Pauls Collegiate Rowing Club
Star Boating Club
Tauranga Rowing Club
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Timaru Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
UTS Rowing Club
Waihopai Rowing Club
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
Wairau Rowing Club
Waitemata Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wanaka Rowing Club
Wellington Region Composite
Wellington Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Bryce Abernethy (rpcs)
Rory Accorsi (akgc)
Huia Ackerman (tgac)
Joshua Ackers (wrec)
Sariska Adams (avnc)
Teagan Adams (bpcc)
Oliver Aitchison (aklc)
Emma Alderton (avnc)
Anthony Allen (aklc)
Lisa Allen (tgac)
Natalie Allen (avnc)
Jemima Allison (ctyc)
James Allwood (wkoc)
Georgina Andrews (ctyc)
Jennifer Andrews (wesc)
Zack Andrews (blec)
Andrew Annear (oguc)
Max Anstis (nshc)
Michael Arms (rpca)
Genevieve Armstrong (rpcw)
Byron Arnold (hamc)
Gareth Arnold (hamc)
Justis Atkins (curc)
Justis Atkins (xlca)
Esther Austin (rpcs)
Mitchell Avery (blec)
Louise Ayling (rpcc)
Amie Back (awgc)
Sara-Jane Back (awgc)
Edward Baddeley (rpca)
Hannah Baddock (nshc)
Hannah Bailey (hwbc)
Daniel Baird (stac)
Daniel Baird (xlwe)
Christina Baker-Burns (wesc)
Stefanie Baker-Burns (nshc)
Jasper Ballantyne (nshc)
Jasper Ballantyne (rpca)
Adria Barbalic (stac)
Libby Barker (avnc)
Oliver Barnett (wesc)
Penelope Barnsdale (whoc)
Scott Barnsdale (whoc)
Michelle Barry (avnc)
Jessica Bateman (avnc)
Joel Bateman (akgc)
Daniel Bates (wkoc)
Kyle Battersby (nshc)
Kyle Battersby (rpca)
Thomas Batts (akgc)
Irena Bayliss (stac)
Rita Beamer (wesc)
Fred Beaumont (stac)
Harry Beaumont (stac)
Theo Beaumont (stac)
Sam Beazley (wrec)
Genevieve Behrent (rpcs)
Martin Benfell (wesc)
Georgia Bennington (wesc)
Lucy Bennington (wesc)
Peter Benny (xcom)
Anthony Berkers (wkoc)
Michael Berry (rpcw)
Kelsey Bevan (rpca)
Angus Bews (aklc)
Lucy Bird (petc)
Paitten Bishop (nshc)
Hayden Blackford (wesc)
Mirren Blake (hamc)
Bernadette Boland (nshc)
Olivia Bollen (aklc)
Eirlys Bond (duac)
Hamish Bond (rpcs)
Natasha Bonham-Cater (nelc)
Natasha Bonham-Cater (xcom)
Simon Bonney (wesc)
Sam Bosworth (avnc)
Sam Bosworth (rpcs)
Hamish Boult (hwbc)
Fiona Bourke (rpcs)
Jamie Bowley (wnkc)
Peter Bowman (welc)
Peter Bowman (xlwe)
Logan Boyd (wtuc)
Sarah Boyle (welc)
Sarah Boyle (xlwe)
Rayelynn Brackett (awgc)
Eleanor Bradley (welc)
Michael Brake (nshc)
Greg Brand (rpcs)
Tom Brand (avnc)
James Bridgman (akgc)
Adele Brown (nelc)
Adele Brown (xcom)
Jonathan Brown (hamc)
Kristy-Joy Brown (nshc)
Mark Brown (welc)
Mark Brown (xlwe)
Olive Brown (stac)
Paula Brown (hamc)
Eachann Bruce (otac)
Jack Bruce (duac)
Caitlin Buist (oguc)
Patrick Bull (porc)
Trent Burbidge (blec)
Trent Burbidge (xcom)
Josh Butler (rpcw)
Nick Butler (welc)
Nick Butler (xlwe)
David by De Ley (tgac)
Duncan by de Ley (tgac)
Peter Byllemos (akgc)
Edward Cade (petc)
Edward Cade (xlwe)
Simon Caird (ctyc)
Dacey Caldwell (avnc)
Gabriel Callaghan (nelc)
Jake Carmody (avnc)
Peter Carpenter (aklc)
Adam Carter (whoc)
Hamish Carter (wkoc)
Ashlee Caskie (aklc)
Elizabeth Cassidy (tgac)
Jack Caulton (chcc)
Max Causley (wrec)
James Chapman (chcc)
Thomas Chapman (chcc)
Maxine Chappell (wesc)
Anne Chiang (avnc)
Alistair Clark (wrec)
Lauren Clark (avnc)
Georgia Clarke (noec)
Billy Clements (avnc)
Hayden Cohen (rpcs)
Nathan Cohen (rpcs)
Surrey Collett (timc)
Richelle Collier (blec)
Kimberley Connolly (nshc)
Paige Cook (timc)
Sydney Cook (duac)
Liam Cooper (timc)
Bella Cordwell (stac)
Luke Cornille (hamc)
Emerson Cosgrove (chcc)
Steven Cottle (rpcc)
Steven Cottle (wrac)
Thomas 'Fred' Coughlan (avnc)
Laura Coventry (hwbc)
Charlotte Cox (ashc)
Rob Cox (ctyc)
Cameron Crampton (rpcs)
Russell Crampton (rpcs)
Rose Crooks (rpca)
Ben Crosbie (avnc)
Doug Cryer (duac)
Ben Cudby (tawc)
Anna Cullum (tgac)
Toby Cunliffe-Steel (rpcw)
Blair Currie (hamc)
Grace Curtis (avnc)
Nathan Cuttance (porc)
Ella Cvitanovich (awgc)
Cameron Dadson (avnc)
Mark Dadson (avnc)
Carey Dale (aklc)
George Daly (porc)
George Daly (xlwe)
Alice Darry (avnc)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Cullam Davie (tgac)
Matthew Davies (avnc)
Christie Davis (nshc)
Lana Davison (rpcw)
Nathaniel Davy (nshc)
Marco de Jong (akgc)
Anna Delong (rpca)
Stephen Dennehy (avnc)
George Dennison (wtuc)
Michael Dessoulavy (rpcc)
Michael Dessoulavy (wrac)
Sam Dick (timc)
Daisy Discombe (akgc)
Ryan Dixon (tgac)
Zoe Dobbs (timc)
Maddie Dobier (nshc)
Russell Dodd (hwbc)
Phoebe Donaldson (nshc)
Brooke Donoghue (rpcw)
Kate Dore (avnc)
Virginia Dougherty (aklc)
Eloise Dowse (rpcw)
Sean Ducray (nelc)
Hannah Duggan (otac)
Barrie Duncan (wesc)
Matthew Dunham (rpcw)
Millie Dutton (ctyc)
Emma Dyke (timc)
Joshua Earl (aklc)
Robert Earl (avnc)
Shannon Eckersley (hamc)
Thomas Ecroyd (chcc)
Gregory Edge (wkoc)
Julia Edward (rpcw)
Rennae Edwards (ctyc)
Chad Eichler (wrec)
Jack Elliotte (timc)
Hayden Ellis (nshc)
Jessica Ellis (wesc)
Simon Ellis (avnc)
Briar Elliston (aklc)
Hugo Elworthy (chcc)
Jane Emerson (stac)
Kiwa Erueti-Newman (stac)
Justin Evans (xcom)
Daniel Fabish (wkoc)
Julia Fauth (oamc)
Fergus Fauvel (rpcs)
Claire Fellows (aklc)
Keeley Fensom (bpcc)
Kody Ferguson (avnc)
Michael Findlay (stac)
Alexandra Finlay (nshc)
Johnny Fitzpatrick (avnc)
Nathan Flannery (rpcs)
Holly Fletcher (avnc)
Michael Foley (wtuc)
Louise Ford (bpcc)
Julia Forde (nshc)
Tarina Fordham (hamc)
Jo Foster (ctyc)
Gavin Foulsham (hwbc)
Jeff Francis (rpcw)
Sam Fredheim (tgac)
Katelyn Froude (whoc)
Kristen Froude (rpcs)
Maddy Fryer (tgac)
Lola Garden (noec)
Leah Gardyne (noec)
Ryan Garrett (aklc)
Steven Gascoigne (tgac)
Savanna Gaskell (awgc)
Kieran Gaudin (picc)
Kieran Gaudin (xcom)
Ryan Gaudin (picc)
Ryan Gaudin (xcom)
Lucy Geddes (duac)
Reuben Gedye (awgc)
Hamish Gee (aklc)
Heather Gee-Taylor (awgc)
Hayden George (noec)
Oliver George (aklc)
Samuel Gerard (chcc)
Gabriella Giacon (porc)
Gabriella Giacon (xlwe)
Ivana Giacon (porc)
Ivana Giacon (xlwe)
Heather Giles (curc)
Heather Giles (xlca)
Rita Giles (curc)
Cole Gillman (ctyc)
Cole Gillman (xlca)
Paige Gilmore (blec)
Troy Gilmore (blec)
Matthew Glenn (rpcw)
Matthew Glenn (wkoc)
Jared Glue (rpcs)
Liam Godfrey (tgac)
Ryan Goodson (rpcw)
Nicola Goss (tgac)
Jackie Gowler (awgc)
Kerri Gowler (rpcc)
Isaac Grainger (rpca)
Duncan Grant (rpcc)
Duncan Grant (wrac)
Claudia Grave (otac)
Franz Gravenhorst (bvrc)
Franz Gravenhorst (xcom)
Sarah Gray (rpcw)
Abby Green (rpca)
Scott Green (rpcc)
Holly Greenslade (avnc)
Milly Greenslade (wrac)
Tristan Gregory-Hunt (hwbc)
Annie Grimes (nelc)
Annie Grimes (xcom)
Jason Grinter (wkoc)
Alex Grogan (ctyc)
Alex Grogan (xlca)
Amy Grundy (unwc)
Regan Gubb (porc)
Jake Guy (nshc)
Jefferson Haldane (rpca)
Jessica Haldane (hamc)
Taya Haldane (nelc)
Taya Haldane (xcom)
Thomas Hallwright (wtmc)
Ben Hammond (awgc)
Georgia Hammond (rpcc)
Carl Hansen (wesc)
Lucy Harbers (nshc)
Claire Hardie (xlwe)
Fletcher Harnish (akgc)
Stacey Harper (blec)
Stacey Harper (xcom)
Biddy Harris (ctyc)
Josh Harris (oamc)
Julia Harris (hwbc)
Michael Harrison (hwbc)
Mish Harrison (wnkc)
Richard Harrison (hwbc)
Richard Harrison (rpca)
James Harvey (avnc)
Liam Hawthorne (porc)
Jessica Hayes (whoc)
Josh Hayes (whoc)
Andrew Healey (rpcw)
Andrew Healey (wkoc)
Antton Helmi (wtmc)
Kahu Henare (petc)
Jolene Herrick (nelc)
Jolene Herrick (xcom)
Chanelle Hickford (nshc)
Natalie Hill (bpcc)
Rebekah Hill (ctyc)
Andrew Hills (avnc)
Daniel Hobson (otac)
Hannah Hocquard (wrac)
Luke Hodgkinson (nshc)
Esma Holdsworth (blec)
Esma Holdsworth (xcom)
Leanne Holley (hwbc)
Samantha Holley (hwbc)
Lewis Hollows (rpca)
Ana Holt (rpca)
Peter Holt (hwbc)
Blake Houghton (avnc)
Quinn Houghton (avnc)
Finn Howard (nshc)
Finn Howard (rpca)
James Howard (avnc)
Angus Howat (curc)
Angus Howat (xlca)
Zac Howell (wkoc)
Stella Hudson (stac)
Griffin Hunt (welc)
Griffin Hunt (xlwe)
James Hunter (rpcc)
James Hunter (welc)
Lucy Hutchinson (ctyc)
Claudia Hyde (rpcw)
Alex Hyland (rotc)
Alex Hyland (xlbp)
Madelaine Ingham (avnc)
Karmyn Ingram (blec)
Karmyn Ingram (xcom)
Conner Irving (blec)
Anna Irwin (nshc)
Niamey Izzett (petc)
Rowan Jackman (curc)
Rowan Jackman (xlca)
Rupert Jackman (curc)
Rupert Jackman (xlca)
Nicholas Jackson (wnkc)
Beth Jagusch (avnc)
Chris James (wrac)
Chris James (xcom)
Kaela Janiten (awgc)
Amy Jenkins (whoc)
Luke Jenkins (rotc)
Luke Jenkins (xlbp)
Thomas Jenkins (whoc)
Tom Jenkins (hwbc)
Daniel Johnston (ctyc)
Sam Johnston (nelc)
Oliver Jolly (wtuc)
Audsley Jones (wesc)
Latham Jones (wtuc)
Michael Jones (avnc)
Scott Jones (whoc)
Stephen Jones (rpca)
Kate Jordan (welc)
Leejean Kahui (stac)
Leon Katavich (wesc)
Johannah Kearney (rpcs)
Micheal Keene (utsc)
Ryan Kelleher (nshc)
Bobby Kells (nshc)
Bobby Kells (rpca)
Alex Kennedy (rpcw)
Evan Kennedy (rpcw)
Evan Kennedy (wkoc)
Rachel Kennedy (avnc)
Hayden Kerr (whoc)
Taylor Kerr-Charnley (avnc)
Belinda Ketel (tgac)
Liam Kettle (nshc)
Logan Keys (ctyc)
Logan Keys (xlca)
Jackie Kiddle (rpcc)
Louis Kimber (avnc)
Georgia King (hwbc)
Shaun Kirkham (rpcw)
Liam Kitchin (hwbc)
Luke Kitchin (hwbc)
Matthew Kitchin (hwbc)
Grayson Knapp (nelc)
Mia Knott (noec)
Maya Korth (wesc)
Simon Lack (hwbc)
Kate Laracy (hwbc)
James Lassche (rpcs)
Matt Latta (stac)
Edwin Laver (hwbc)
Caitlin Lawry (rpcw)
Wendy Lawson (ctyc)
Jonathan Lee (hamc)
Stephanie Lee (hamc)
Swan-Lynn Lee (aklc)
TJ Leeming (oguc)
James Lilley (avnc)
Sarah Lindley (avnc)
Michael Linehan (akgc)
Adam Ling (rpcw)
Jonathon Lintott (bpcc)
Jonathon Lintott (xlbp)
Olivia Lissaman (avnc)
Ben Little (nshc)
Craig Little (nshc)
Heather Livesey (whoc)
Louise Livesey (avnc)
Jessica Loe (rpcw)
Olivia Loe (rpcs)
Reid Long (wtuc)
Michael Longuet-Higgins (rpca)
Allen Loomb (tawc)
Philippa Loveard (rpcc)
Max Lowndes (aklc)
Kurt Lowry (akgc)
Ben Luke (wtuc)
David Mabbott (nshc)
David Mabbott (rpca)
Kate Macdonald (ctyc)
Olivia MacDonald (whoc)
Shaun MacDonald (blec)
Katie MacDonell (porc)
Eve Macfarlane (rpcs)
Jack MacFarlane (chcc)
Paulo Machado (aklc)
Anastasia MacIntyre (hamc)
Megan MacKenzie (ctyc)
Sophie MacKenzie (rpcc)
Mitchell MacKenzie-Mol (picc)
Tom Mackintosh (hwbc)
McKenzie Macky (rpcw)
Braid MacRae (welc)
Braid MacRae (xlwe)
Nathan Maisey (hamc)
Libby Major (hamc)
Caitlin Maloney (hwbc)
Karl Manson (rpcc)
Robbie Manson (rpcc)
Linda Mathews (rpcc)
Bella Matthews (petc)
Henry Matthews (wtuc)
James McAnallen (petc)
James McAnallen (xlwe)
Lauren McAndrew (rpcc)
Lauren McAndrew (welc)
Ben McArthur (akgc)
Zoe McBride (otac)
Corey McCaffrey (rpcc)
Ashley McCarty-Carnahan (stac)
Harry McCormick (chcc)
Quinn McCracken (hwbc)
Rose McEwan (curc)
Alasdair McGeachie (wesc)
Liam McGill (porc)
Patrick McInnes (rpcw)
Patrick McInnes (wkoc)
Lisa McIvor (hwbc)
Kate McKenzie (ctyc)
Adam McKernan (wrec)
Ben McLeod (whoc)
Connor McLeod (stac)
Lucinda McLeod (ctyc)
Aimee McMaster (ctyc)
Tim McMaster (aklc)
Laura McMillan (whoc)
Hannah McMullan (stac)
James McNicol (noec)
Daniel McSweeny (nshc)
Fergus McSwiney (wesc)
Sean McVerry (wkoc)
Ben Meates (avnc)
William Meates (avnc)
Lucy Melville (aklc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (avnc)
Nicole Miller (awgc)
Amy Mills (aklc)
Catherine Mills (welc)
Lydia Milner (avnc)
Lydia Milner (rpcs)
Ingrid Mitchell (whoc)
Katie Moffat (whoc)
Paulina Moller-Andreewitch (wesc)
Amelia Moller-Andreewitcher (wesc)
Crystal Monaghan (wrec)
Tom Monaghan (awgc)
Corinne Monkley (hamc)
Paul Moreno (welc)
Paul Moreno (xlwe)
Sam Morgan (porc)
Joe Morris-Lee (stac)
Joe Morris-Lee (xlwe)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (xlca)
William Morris-Whyte (curc)
William Morris-Whyte (xlca)
Chelsea Morrison (aklc)
Christopher Morrison (rpcw)
Hugh Morrison (stac)
Francie Morrow (welc)
Oliver Moss (rpca)
Robyn Munro (rpcc)
Sam Munro (noec)
Alexandra Murden (nshc)
Alice Murdoch (timc)
Briar Murphy (rpcw)
Danelle Murphy (rpcw)
Sammy Murphy (awgc)
Eric Murray (rpcw)
Tom Murray (rpcc)
Dayna Murrell (hwbc)
Jen Naoupu (avnc)
Marita Naoupu (avnc)
Annika Naschitzki (stac)
Sarah Nelson (rpcs)
Sheridan Newson (curc)
Max Newton (aklc)
Jamie Nichol (hwbc)
Pat Nichol (hwbc)
Robert Nichols (tgac)
Meisha Nicolson (avnc)
Veronica Noetzli (stac)
Cohan Northey (nshc)
Georgia Nugent-O'Leary (awgc)
Tom Nyenhuis (rpcc)
Erin-Monique O'Brien (rpcc)
Owen O'Brien (picc)
Owen O'Brien (xcom)
Ellie O'Connell (welc)
Stephen O'Connell (porc)
Chris O'Conner (bpcc)
Chris O'Conner (xlbp)
Anthony O'Connor (aklc)
Mark O'Connor (rpcs)
Anna O'Leary (otac)
Jack O'Leary (otac)
Sean O'Neill (rpcc)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Patrick O'Reilly (xlwe)
Troy O'Reilly (petc)
Troy O'Reilly (xlwe)
Liam O'Shannassy (porc)
Andrew Oliver (avnc)
Renee Olley (timc)
Hannah Osborne (rpcw)
Timothy Osmers (avnc)
Lisa Owen (rpcs)
Lauren Paddy (hamc)
Kaisa Pajusalu (paec)
Kristofer Parker (nshc)
Abigail Parry (wesc)
Mark Parry (tgac)
Nathan Parsons (ctyc)
Rebecca Parsons (nshc)
Fiona Paterson (rpcc)
Thomas Paterson (avnc)
Jess Paton (rpcc)
Conor Paul (wrac)
Conor Paul (xcom)
Jassy Pause (nshc)
Ivan Pavich (rpcw)
Ivan Pavich (wkoc)
Gus Pawson (awgc)
Hugh Pawson (awgc)
Gabrielle Peach (avnc)
Emma Pearce (noec)
Toby Pearce (welc)
Toby Pearce (xlwe)
Nathaniel Pemberton (aklc)
George Perkins (chcc)
Georgia Perry (rpcw)
Laura Perry (tgac)
Henry Poor (wesc)
Nicola Post (hkic)
Andrew Potter (hwbc)
Richard Power (aklc)
Kayla Pratt (rpca)
Grace Prendergast (rpcs)
Josh Proctor (oamc)
Ella Pudney (petc)
Wade Puklowski (nelc)
Katie Putt (aklc)
Craig Quested (timc)
Shane Quintus (hamc)
Ashlea Quirk (hwbc)
Curtis Rapley (rpcw)
James Redai (wnkc)
Guy Redpath (whoc)
Isabella Regtien (nshc)
Jessica Remington (nshc)
Nick Reynolds (wkoc)
Adrian Riepen (rpcc)
Alice Riley (avnc)
Brook Robertson (rpcc)
Charlotte Robertson (welc)
John Robertson (wesc)
Connor Robinson (avnc)
Phoebe Robinson (ctyc)
Amy Robson (welc)
Logan Rodger (rpcw)
Georgina Rodie (rpcc)
Issac Rodrigues (wesc)
Lisa Rofe (welc)
Annabel Ronald (whoc)
Beth Ross (petc)
Elyse Rothery (tgac)
Hamish Roulston (wnkc)
Sam Rush (stac)
Lilla Rutherford (petc)
Lucy Rutten (porc)
Lucy Rutten (xlwe)
Lili Sabonadiere (noec)
Harry Saker (stac)
James Sandston (avnc)
Talya Sautos (wtuc)
Will Saxon (wtuc)
Jost Schoemann-Finck (srvc)
Annabelle Schurhammer (awgc)
Cameron Scott (avnc)
Maysie Scott (oamc)
Rebecca Scown (rpcc)
Sarah Scrimshaw (stac)
Tufi Sele (rpcc)
Tufi Sele (welc)
Jahred Seumanutafa (porc)
Ian Seymour (rpcc)
Nicola Shanks (oguc)
Brieana Shea (noec)
Michael Shearer (avnc)
Brooke Shepherd (whoc)
Caleb Shepherd (rpcw)
Caleb Shepherd (wkoc)
Morgan Shepherd (whoc)
David Sheppard (porc)
Michael Sheppard (porc)
Sophie Shingleton (rpcs)
Allie Smith (rpcw)
Ellen Smith (aklc)
Sara Lee-Anne Smith (avnc)
Sarah Smith (stac)
Simon Smith (duac)
Leon Smyth (avnc)
Jacob Sodo (wesc)
Harrison Somerville (blec)
Harrison Somerville (xcom)
Natalie Sorensen (hkic)
Emily Speedy (hkic)
Kayla Spencer (awgc)
Lucy Spoors (rpcs)
Phoebe Spoors (rpcs)
George Sproat (hwbc)
Phoebe Stallman (stac)
Ellyce Stehlin (aklc)
Olly Stephens (nelc)
Zoe Stevenson (rpcw)
Lucy Strack (rpcs)
Daniel Struckman (wesc)
Ed Sullivan (avnc)
Joseph Sullivan (rpcc)
Kate Sullivan (hamc)
Harriett Sutton (timc)
Armin Svoboda jnr (rpcs)
Shane Swinerd (tawc)
Johnathan Tait (rpca)
Adrienne Tameilau (noec)
Simon Tanner (stac)
Erica Taylor (timc)
Johnny-Belinda Taylor (blec)
Johnny-Belinda Taylor (xcom)
Peter Taylor (rpca)
Pianika Taylor (hamc)
Josh Tell (wtuc)
Ruby Tew (rpcc)
Giacomo Thomas (rpca)
Jayde Thomas (porc)
Jayde Thomas (xlwe)
Bronwyn Thompson (hamc)
Kirsty Thompson (nelc)
Sami Thompson (nshc)
Sam Thomson (timc)
Lauren Tilson (nshc)
Joseph Trappitt (rpcc)
Louise Trappitt (rpcc)
Danyon Trask (curc)
Julia Trautvetter (hwbc)
Morgan Treanor (tgac)
Adam Tripp (hwbc)
Adam Tripp (rpca)
Keryn Tubbs (duac)
Bennet Tucker (welc)
Bennet Tucker (xlwe)
Jessica Turfrey (hwbc)
Paige Turley (aklc)
Francie Turner (ctyc)
Francie Turner (rpcs)
Emma Twigg (rpca)
Charlotte Unasa (wesc)
Olivia Underwood (aklc)
Jade Uru (rpcs)
Maleponi Vaioleti (hamc)
Adrian van Bussel (awgc)
Jack van Bussel (awgc)
Nigel van den Akker (xlbp)
Willem van der Kaag (wtuc)
Matthew van Eyk (wkoc)
Issac van Velthooven (blec)
Louis van Velthooven (rpca)
Michael Vanderpeet (hwbc)
Stephen Vanderpeet (hwbc)
Libby Vincent (ctyc)
Jack Waddell (noec)
Aisha Wainwright (hwbc)
Jaeden Waldron-Lemon (aklc)
Brent Walker (hkic)
James Walker (timc)
Emma Wallace (noec)
Gill Wallace (blec)
Brad Walter (avnc)
Kelsi Walters (rpca)
Sarah Ward (aklc)
Anna Watson-Taylor (wnkc)
Luke Watts (rpcc)
Sean Watts (bpcc)
Sean Watts (xlbp)
Ben Webby (hamc)
Allanah Webster (nshc)
Tobias Wehr-Candler (rpcw)
Tobias Wehr-Candler (welc)
Tom Weir (tgac)
Emma Weith (timc)
Jarrod Wellman (wnkc)
Rory Wells (spcc)
Sam Wells (rpcc)
Mollie Weston (avnc)
Caitlin White-Parsons (nshc)
Olivia White-Parsons (nshc)
Henry Whitford Lee (stac)
Joe Whitmore (stac)
Ella Whyte (hwbc)
Stewart Widger (wrec)
Geoffrey Wigley (avnc)
Alice Williams (ctyc)
Josh Williams (stac)
Kiri Williams (avnc)
Max Williams (hwbc)
Tim Williams (welc)
Tim Williams (xlwe)
Tyna Williams (wrac)
Tyna Williams (xcom)
Tory Williams-Brown (avnc)
Ruby Willis (petc)
Kate Wilson (wrec)
Ryan Wilson (noec)
Ryan Wilson (rpcc)
Tom Wilson (blec)
Lucas Wilson-Taopua (avnc)
Emma Winders (otac)
Kam Wing (aklc)
Jess Wood (ctyc)
Kirsten Wood (wesc)
Sophie Woods (nshc)
Alice Wright (welc)
Amy Wright (petc)
Claire Wright (petc)
Joe Wright (rpcc)
Joe Wright (welc)
Nicola Wright (avnc)
Riley Wyeth (awgc)
Tasha Wypych (stac)
Georgia Yaxley (whoc)
Tim Yaxley (whoc)
Olivia Young (wesc)
Tessa Young (rpcs)
Jonathan Zouch (nshc)
All coaches
Alasdair McGeachie (wesc)
Alex Mason (spcc)
Alister McClintock (noec)
Allan Ruffell (wtuc)
Andrew Carr-Smith (paec)
Andrew Jolly (wtuc)
Armin Svoboda (xlca)
Armin Svoboda (curc)
Axel Dickinson (petc)
Barbara Fenner (aklc)
Barry Squires (wrec)
Bill Campbell (blec)
Bob Evans (unwc)
Bob Gilchrist (nelc)
Brian Hawthorne (wtmc)
Brian Smith (timc)
Bruce Lodder (aklc)
Burnside Coaches (avnc)
Callum Mill (wesc)
Cedric Bayly (hwbc)
Charles Haggie (hamc)
Chris Morgan (hwbc)
Chris Price (hamc)
Dale Maher (avnc)
Danny Young (whoc)
David Potts (tawc)
David Vaney (wnkc)
David Varney (wnkc)
Dean Milne (timc)
Diana Hatwell (tgac)
Dick Tripp (hwbc)
Doc McDonald (hwbc)
Emily Lidell (stac)
Fred Strachan (noec)
Gabby Peach (avnc)
Gary Ivamy (timc)
Gary Maude (stac)
Glen Sinclair (oguc)
Grant Craies (rpca)
Grant Lindsay (aklc)
Henry Smith (chcc)
Ian Bright (akgc)
Ian McKinnon (aklc)
James Coote (rpca)
Jock Jolly (wtuc)
Joe O'neill (welc)
Joey Steele (wesc)
John O'connor (whoc)
John Parnell (otac)
John Storey (avnc)
John White (wesc)
Jono Debbage (welc)
Jono Debbage (xlwe)
Julian Foulkes (aklc)
Justin Evans (oguc)
Justin Wall (ashc)
Katherine Millar (noec)
Keiran Gaudin (picc)
Keiran Gaudin (xcom)
Keith Page (wesc)
Lauren Farnden (noec)
Leisha Currie (hamc)
Luke O'neil (hkic)
Maddie Palmer (aklc)
Mark Cotham (ctyc)
Mark Cotham (avnc)
Matthew Hall (xlwe)
Matthew Hall (porc)
Mike Smyth (aklc)
Nathan Wallace (stac)
Neil Williams (xlwe)
Neil Williams (welc)
Nelson Blenheim (xcom)
Nelson Coaching Team (nelc)
Nick Bixley (aklc)
Nick Bixley (aklc)
Nigel Badelley (wrec)
Owen Gould (oamc)
Penny Buckley (avnc)
Peter Campbell (avnc)
Peter O'connor (chcc)
Peter Sinclair (whoc)
Rangi Ruru Coaches (ctyc)
Rangi Ruru Coaching Team (ctyc)
Richard Sheppard (porc)
Rohan Condon (hwbc)
Ross Webb (hwbc)
Royce Wilson (noec)
Sarah Clare (stac)
Scott McGill (porc)
Seamus Burgess (avnc)
Shaun Taylor (oamc)
Simon Smith (duac)
Smc Coaches (avnc)
St Bedes Coaches (avnc)
St Bedes Coaching Team (avnc)
Stac Coaches (avnc)
Steve Donaldson (wrac)
Steve Finlayson (bpcc)
Steve Hill (blec)
Steve Luker (utsc)
Tim Wilson (welc)
Todd Petherick (xlca)
Tony Burns (wesc)
W. John White (wesc)
Wayne Fulton (duac)
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