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All results
BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
Ivan Pavich
Competed for:
Also attended
mens Prem coxed eight
Heat 1
: placed 1
A Final
: placed 2
1 -
David Eade
(stroke) |
Andrew Healey
Tyson Williams
Eric Murray
Tobias Wehr-Candler
McKenzie Macky
James Dallinger
Michael Berry
Ivan Pavich
Event #
1: womens U21 1X
2: mens U21 1X
3: womens Club 4+
4: womens Snr 1X
5: womens Nov 2X
6: girls Open 1X (L)
7: boys Open 1X (L)
8: mens Club 4+
9: mens Snr 1X
10: womens Prem 2-
11: mens Prem 2-
12: mens Nov 2X
13: womens U21 4-
14: womens Snr 4-
15: mens U21 4-
16: mens Snr 4-
17: womens Club 2X
18: womens Prem 2X
19: mens Prem 2X
20: mens Club 2X
21: womens Nov 8+
22: womens U21 2X
23: womens Snr 4X-
24: mens Nov 8+
25: mens U21 2X
26: mens Snr 4X-
27: womens Prem 4-
28: mens Prem 4-
29: mixed Open 2X (P)
30: mixed Open 4+ (P)
31: womens Snr 2-
32: womens Club 4X-
33: womens U21 2-
34: womens U19 4+
35: mens Snr 2-
36: mens Club 4X-
37: mens U21 2-
38: mens U19 4+
39: mens Prem 1X
40: womens Snr 2X
41: womens Prem 1X
42: womens Nov 4+
43: womens U19 2X
44: mens Snr 2X
45: girls Open 2X (L)
46: womens U21 4X-
47: mens Prem 4+
48: womens Club 8+
49: boys Open 2X (L)
50: mens U21 4X-
51: mens U19 2X
52: mens Club 8+
53: womens Prem 4X-
54: mens Nov 4+
55: womens U21 8+
56: boys Open 2- (L)
57: mens Prem 4X-
58: womens Snr 8+
59: mens U21 8+
60: womens Club 1X
61: mens Club 1X
62: mens Snr 8+
63: womens Open 1X (P)
64: mens Open 1X (P)
65: womens Prem 8+
66: mens Prem 8+
67: mixed Corp 8+
63: womens Open 1X (P)
43: womens U19 2X
34: womens U19 4+
1: womens U21 1X
22: womens U21 2X
33: womens U21 2-
46: womens U21 4X-
13: womens U21 4-
55: womens U21 8+
6: girls Open 1X (L)
45: girls Open 2X (L)
5: womens Nov 2X
42: womens Nov 4+
21: womens Nov 8+
60: womens Club 1X
17: womens Club 2X
32: womens Club 4X-
3: womens Club 4+
48: womens Club 8+
4: womens Snr 1X
40: womens Snr 2X
31: womens Snr 2-
23: womens Snr 4X-
14: womens Snr 4-
58: womens Snr 8+
41: womens Prem 1X
18: womens Prem 2X
10: womens Prem 2-
53: womens Prem 4X-
27: womens Prem 4-
65: womens Prem 8+
64: mens Open 1X (P)
51: mens U19 2X
38: mens U19 4+
2: mens U21 1X
25: mens U21 2X
37: mens U21 2-
50: mens U21 4X-
15: mens U21 4-
59: mens U21 8+
7: boys Open 1X (L)
49: boys Open 2X (L)
56: boys Open 2- (L)
12: mens Nov 2X
54: mens Nov 4+
24: mens Nov 8+
61: mens Club 1X
20: mens Club 2X
36: mens Club 4X-
8: mens Club 4+
52: mens Club 8+
9: mens Snr 1X
44: mens Snr 2X
35: mens Snr 2-
26: mens Snr 4X-
16: mens Snr 4-
62: mens Snr 8+
39: mens Prem 1X
19: mens Prem 2X
11: mens Prem 2-
57: mens Prem 4X-
28: mens Prem 4-
47: mens Prem 4+
66: mens Prem 8+
29: mixed Open 2X (P)
30: mixed Open 4+ (P)
67: mixed Corp 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Grammar Rowing Club
Auckland Region Composite
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Avon Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Blenheim Rowing Club
Cambridge Boat Club (USA)
Cambridge Rowing Club
Canterbury Region Composite
Central RPC
Clifton Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Mercer Rowing Club
Nelson Rowing Club
Nelson/Marlborough Region Composite
North End Rowing Club
North Shore Rowing Club
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Petone Rowing Club
Picton Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Southern RPC
St Pauls Collegiate Rowing Club
Star Boating Club
Tauranga Rowing Club
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Timaru Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waihopai Rowing Club
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
Wairau Rowing Club
Wanganui Collegiate Rowing Club
Wanganui/Taranaki Region Composite
Wannsee RK Berlin
Wellington Region Composite
Wellington Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Abby Duke (hamc)
Abby Green (rpca)
Abby Lenssen (camc)
Abby Watson (hwbc)
Abigail Parry (wesc)
Adam Ling (rpcw)
Adam Smith (akgc)
Adam Tripp (hwbc)
Adam Tripp (rpca)
Adena Emanuel (wesc)
Adrian Riepen (rpcc)
Adrian van Bussel (awgc)
Aidan Nel (aklc)
Ajinka Lomate (wesc)
Aleesha Crouch (camc)
Alex Bardoul (wkoc)
Alex Herder (hamc)
Alex Hyland (hwbc)
Alex Kennedy (rpcw)
Alex Mason (spcc)
Alex Truscott (xlan)
Alexander Gunn (stac)
Alice Berry (tgac)
Alice Joblin-Mills (unwc)
Alice White (rpcw)
Alicia Minenkoff (porc)
Alistair Bond (rpcs)
Allie Smith (rpcw)
Alyce Pulford (rpcw)
Alyson MacIntosh-Larocque (welc)
Amanda Taylor (oguc)
Amie Back (awgc)
Amy Barbara (welc)
Amy Blackler (timc)
Amy Grundy (xlwt)
Amy Grundy (unwc)
Amy Kelly (bpcc)
Amy King (tawc)
Amy Myocevich (xlan)
Amy Myocevich (wesc)
Amy Robson (welc)
Amy-Kelly Horsfall (rpcw)
Ana Holt (rpca)
Andrea de Atouguia (porc)
Andrew Annear (wkoc)
Andrew Campbell (cbcc)
Andrew Healey (wkoc)
Andrew Healey (rpcw)
Andrew Munro (hamc)
Andrew O'Connor (wkoc)
Andrew Oliver (wesc)
Andrew Potter (hwbc)
Andrew Steed (hamc)
Andrew Wakefield (rpcs)
Andy Hay (welc)
Anna Cullum (tgac)
Anna Dawson (rpcs)
Anna Delong (nshc)
Anna Fabish (wkoc)
Anna Irwin (nshc)
Anna McAslan (noec)
Anna Miles (nelc)
Anna Reymer (rpcc)
Anna Stimpson (hwbc)
Annaliese O'Leary (wkoc)
Annette Schwanen (clic)
Anni te One (porc)
Anthony Allen (aklc)
Anthony Berkers (wkoc)
Anthony Meehan (hamc)
Anthony O'Connor (aklc)
Anton Possegger (wanc)
Antony Zouch (nshc)
Ariana Welch-Nattras (porc)
Armin Svoboda jnr (rpcs)
Ashlee Caskie (xlan)
Ashlee Rowe (nshc)
Ashleigh Hodge (rpcw)
Ashley Thompson (tawc)
Axel Dickinson (rpcc)
Bayly Camp (camc)
Bayly Harris (hamc)
Becky Tushingham (wkoc)
Ben Cudby (tawc)
Ben Hammond (rpcc)
Ben McLeod (whoc)
Ben McPherson (wkoc)
Ben van Dalen (camc)
Beth Jagusch (avnc)
Bethany Roberts (aklc)
Blair Jones (wesc)
Bobby Kells (rpca)
Bradley Craven (tgac)
Bradley Grant (rotc)
Bradley Jowitt (wesc)
Brent Walker (hkic)
Brent Walker (xcom)
Briar Murphy (rpcw)
Briar Stevenson (awgc)
Bridgid Bourke (stac)
Brittany MacE (hamc)
Brittany Smith (avnc)
Brock Vuleta (hamc)
Brook Robertson (blec)
Brooke Donoghue (merc)
Bryce Abernethy (otac)
Caitlan Hurrell (wkoc)
Caitlin Buist (oguc)
Caitlin Lawry (camc)
Caitlin Rowland (timc)
Caitlin White-Parson (nshc)
Caleb Loomans (wkoc)
Caleb Shepherd (rpcw)
Caleb Shepherd (wkoc)
Callum Dickson (wkoc)
Callum Streeter (wrac)
Callum Streeter (xlnm)
Camden Wright (hamc)
Cameron Crampton (xlca)
Cameron Crampton (timc)
Cameron Forsyth (stac)
Cameron Hussey (unwc)
Cameron McRobie (hamc)
Cameron Paddy (hamc)
Cameron Webster (nshc)
Campbell Rhodes (akgc)
Candyce Murrell (hamc)
Cara Gilmore (hwbc)
Carl Meyer (rpcs)
Carly Hesp (wkoc)
Cassie Stanford (unwc)
Cassie Stanford (xlwt)
Catherine Shields (rpcs)
Celine Ryba (porc)
Charlotte Dobier (nshc)
Charlotte Grieve (stac)
Charlotte Young (camc)
Chase Campbell (wkoc)
Chelsea Morrison (aklc)
Chelsea Morrison (xlan)
Chelsea Smith (awgc)
Chris Harris (rpcc)
Chris Hayes (clic)
Chris Hone (unwc)
Chris James (rpcc)
Chris McBride (wkoc)
Chris Price (hamc)
Chris Rolls (nshc)
Christie Davis (nshc)
Christina Baker-Burns (wesc)
Christine Martin (aklc)
Christine Martin (xlan)
Christine Phillips (welc)
Christopher Morrison (rpcw)
Claire Hardie (petc)
Clara Winstanley (camc)
Claudia Dullnig (welc)
Claudia Hyde (rpcw)
Cleave Holmes (camc)
Cleo Gilmour (oguc)
Cody Pettit (tgac)
Coner Houghton (avnc)
Conner Irving (blec)
Connie Field (clic)
Connor Mocke (nshc)
Corey McCaffrey (blec)
Cory Manson (stac)
Craig Little (nshc)
Creighton Dawson (avnc)
Curtis Rapley (rpcw)
Dacey Caldwell (wesc)
Daisy Discombe (akgc)
Danelle Murphy (camc)
Daniel Bates (rpcw)
Daniel Benefield (hamc)
Daniel Bridgwater (tgac)
Daniel Fabish (wkoc)
Daniel Ryan (avnc)
Danielle Pearson (wanc)
Danjelle Wilson (awgc)
Danjelle Wilson (xlwt)
Danny Farr (hamc)
Danny McBride (camc)
Darian Caney (hwbc)
David Eade (rpcw)
David Mabbott (rpca)
David Robinson (stac)
Dominique Tennant (welc)
Doug Cryer (duac)
Duncan Grant (rpcc)
Duncan Grant (wrac)
Ed Reeves (nshc)
Eden Barley (wesc)
Edward Baddeley (wrec)
Edward Phelps (wanc)
Edwin Laver (hwbc)
Ella Cvitanovich (xlwt)
Ella Cvitanovich (awgc)
Ella Karrebaek (wesc)
Ella Manson (hamc)
Ella Toa (clic)
Ellen Crane (tgac)
Elliot Doesburg (avnc)
Ellyce Stehlin (rpca)
Eloise Dowse (camc)
Eloise Goddard (hwbc)
Elyse Rothery (tgac)
Emily Discombe (rpcw)
Emily Munro (camc)
Emily Speedy (hkic)
Emma Phelps (wanc)
Emma Rees (clic)
Emma Thompson (wkoc)
Emma Twigg (rpca)
Eric Murray (rpcw)
Erica van der Zanden (rpcw)
Erin-Monque Shelton (rpcc)
Esthie de Wet (rpca)
Evan Kennedy (rpcw)
Eve MacFarlane (rpcs)
Fergus Fauvel (rpcs)
Fergus Porteous (avnc)
Fergus Swiney (wesc)
Finian Casey (wkoc)
Finian Scott (rpcw)
Finn Howard (rpca)
Fiona Bourke (rpcs)
Fiona Paterson (rpcc)
Francie Morrow (welc)
Francie Turner (rpcs)
Francis Snelgar (tgac)
Frano Staub (rpcs)
Franz Madritsch (clic)
Fraser Craig (wanc)
Fredericka Archibald (rpcs)
Gabriella Giacon (porc)
Gabrielle Peach (avnc)
Gabrille Clarke-Cox (porc)
Gareth Arnold (hamc)
Garth Tremeer (wesc)
Gavin Foulsham (hwbc)
Ged Campbell (rpca)
Gemma Billingham (petc)
Gemma Wills (xlan)
Genevieve Armstrong (rpcw)
Genevieve Behrent (rpcs)
George Daly (xlwe)
George Daly (porc)
George Grieve (nshc)
Georgia Hammond (rpcc)
Georgia Keech (clic)
Georgia Perry (rpcw)
Georgina Rodie (rpcc)
Georgina Short (wkoc)
Giacomo Thomas (rpca)
Gina Stewart (welc)
Grace Armstrong (wkoc)
Grace Meates (hwbc)
Grace Prendergast (rpcs)
Grace Spoors (rpcs)
Grace Whitaker (petc)
Graham Oberlin-Brown (rpcw)
Grayson Knapp (nelc)
Greg Brand (rpcs)
Gregory Edge (wkoc)
Griffin Hunt (xlwe)
Griffin Hunt (welc)
Gus Berghan (clic)
Gus Pawson (awgc)
Guy Boon (wanc)
Guy Redpath (whoc)
Hamish Bond (rpcs)
Hamish Burson (wrac)
Hamish Burson (rpcc)
Hana McEwan (wesc)
Hannah Duggan (otac)
Hannah Maher (camc)
Hannah Osborne (rpcw)
Hannah Phillips (oguc)
Harriet Allen (wkoc)
Harriet Virtue (wkoc)
Harriett Austin (rpcw)
Harry Evans (hwbc)
Hayden Cohen (rpcs)
Hayden Ellis (nshc)
Hayden Wood (clic)
Hayley Becht (xlan)
Hayley Becht (wesc)
Hayley Mellon (welc)
Haylie Everson (welc)
Hazelle Tomlin (avnc)
Heather Froude (clic)
Heather Livesey (timc)
Heather Scott (bpcc)
Henry McManus (avnc)
Henry Poor (wesc)
Holly Fletcher (avnc)
Holly Greenslade (avnc)
Holly McNabb (bpcc)
Hugh Dowding (wanc)
Hugh Pawson (awgc)
Hugo Crosse (wanc)
Hugo Snell (aklc)
Ian Seymour (wrac)
Ian Seymour (rpcc)
Ingrid Mitchell (whoc)
Isaac Grainger (rpca)
Isabel McLernon (rpcw)
Isobel Ayers (hwbc)
Ivan Pavich (rpcw)
Ivana Giacon (porc)
Jack Coles (petc)
Jack Donaldson (wkoc)
Jack Gilpin (tgac)
Jack O'Leary (otac)
Jackson Pettit (tgac)
Jacob Gibb (hamc)
Jacqui Courtier (hwbc)
Jacqui Lawrence (hamc)
Jade Chia (xlan)
Jade Hemi (tgac)
Jade Uru (rpcs)
Jade Washer (tgac)
Jadye Thomas (porc)
James Bridgman (akgc)
James Dallinger (wkoc)
James Dallinger (rpcw)
James Enright (wesc)
James Goodwin (clic)
James Harvey (rpcs)
James Hunter (rpcc)
James Lassche (rpcs)
James Lilley (avnc)
James Littlejohn (wesc)
James McAnallen (petc)
James Wong Pak Guan (hamc)
Jamie Saunders (oguc)
Jane Allison (nshc)
Jared Glue (rpcs)
Jarvis Tume (tgac)
Jason Grinter (wkoc)
Jason Quilter (clic)
Jason Te Brake (wkoc)
Jason Theobald (hamc)
Jasper Ballantyne (rpca)
Jasper Powell (aklc)
Jazz Kane (petc)
Jeff Francis (rpcw)
Jefferson Haldane (rpca)
Jenna Smeehuyzen (oguc)
Jennifer Hughes (xlan)
Jennifer Peters (xlan)
Jennifer Peters (wesc)
Jess Paton (rpcc)
Jessica Brougham (wanc)
Jessica Douglas (nshc)
Jessica Ellis (wesc)
Jessica Hayes (whoc)
Jessica Loe (rpcs)
Jihan El-Labany (nshc)
Jilliene Peters (hamc)
Joe Barclay (avnc)
Joe Bennion (nelc)
Joe Wright (rpcc)
Joel Bateman (akgc)
John Shearer (avnc)
John Storey (rpcs)
Jonathan Brumley (wanc)
Jonathan Lee (hamc)
Jonathan Zouch (nshc)
Jordan Lipski (welc)
Jordan Parry (tgac)
Jordan Stanley (nshc)
Jordon Osmaston (nelc)
Jordyn James-Maxwell (nshc)
Joseph Nihotte (wesc)
Joseph Sullivan (rpcc)
Joseph Trappitt (rpcc)
Josh Little (akgc)
Josh Mead (wesc)
Josh Roughan (stac)
Joshua Caddigan (camc)
Joshua Earl (aklc)
Joshua Gaby-Sutherland (hamc)
Joshua Morrison (camc)
Judd Speedy (camc)
Julia Edward (rpcw)
Juliette Haigh (rpca)
Justin Evans (xcom)
Justin Evans (oguc)
Justine Smith (hamc)
Kaela Janiten (awgc)
Kaela Janiten (xlwt)
Kaitlyn Wehner (nelc)
Kaleb Foote (wkoc)
Kallan Jones (tgac)
Kam Wing (aklc)
Karl Kennedy (akgc)
Karl Manson (rpcc)
Karl Ricketts (tgac)
Karsten Brodowski (wrbc)
Kate Dore (avnc)
Kate MacDonald (avnc)
Kate Shaw (timc)
Kate Stretton (oguc)
Kate Tidbury (xlan)
Kate Tidbury (aklc)
Katelyn Froude (whoc)
Katherine Millar (noec)
Katie Burgess (porc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (avnc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (rpcs)
Katie Moore (hamc)
Katie Spicer (hamc)
Kayla Pratt (rpca)
Keeley Fensom (bpcc)
Kelsey Armstrong (wanc)
Kelsey Bevan (rpca)
Kelsey Crew (rotc)
Kelsi Walters (akgc)
Kendall Hofland (bpcc)
Kerri Gowler (rpcc)
Kerry Dombroski (clic)
Kevin Chu (avnc)
Kieran Dale (camc)
Kim Garnham (wesc)
Kimberley Connolly (nshc)
Kirsten Wood (wesc)
Kirstie James (rpca)
Kirsty Thompson (nelc)
Kirstyn Hay (avnc)
Kody Knight (wkoc)
Kristen Ashworth (xlwt)
Kristen Ashworth (unwc)
Kristen Froude (whoc)
Kristi Dorotich (xlan)
Kurt Williamson (xlnm)
Kurt Williamson (wrac)
Kyle Battersby (rpca)
Kyle Battersby (nshc)
Kyle Malone (awgc)
Lachlan van Bysterveldt (avnc)
Lana Davison (hwbc)
Laura Campbell (wkoc)
Laura Fischer (rpcw)
Laura Jeffries (wkoc)
Laura McMillan (whoc)
Laura Mulligan (wkoc)
Laura Perry (tgac)
Laura Selwood (hwbc)
Laura Tester (rpcc)
Laurel Conroy (porc)
Lauren Clark (avnc)
Lauren McAndrew (rpcc)
Lauren Paddy (hamc)
Lauren Russell (camc)
Lauren Stone (hwbc)
Lauren Tilson (nshc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (xlca)
Leah Stanley (nshc)
Leigh Coleman (welc)
Leighton Montgomerie (clic)
Leon Katavich (wesc)
Lewis Hollows (rpca)
Liam Kitchin (hwbc)
Liam McGirr (hamc)
Libby Major (porc)
Lillie Brownlie (hwbc)
Lillie Summerville (nshc)
Lily Brown (wkoc)
Linda Mathews (rpcc)
Lindsey Lawless (welc)
Lisa Owen (whoc)
Lockie Hobbs (wanc)
Logan Berg (camc)
Logan Herbert (hwbc)
Logan Rodger (rpcw)
Logan Stewart (wesc)
Lorenzo Babbage (nelc)
Lori Comer (whoc)
Louis Kimber (avnc)
Louis Smith (blec)
Louis van Velthooven (akgc)
Louise Ayling (rpcc)
Louise Livesey (avnc)
Louise Trappitt (rpcc)
Loveday Yeoman (hamc)
Lucy Bennington (wesc)
Lucy Bennington (xlan)
Lucy Clapcott (wkoc)
Lucy Coyle (xlan)
Lucy Crichton (hwbc)
Lucy Rutten (porc)
Lucy Shingleton (wkoc)
Lucy Spoors (rpcs)
Lucy Strack (rpcs)
Luke Daniels (hamc)
Luke Jenkins (hwbc)
Luke Mincher (nelc)
Luke Watts (rpcc)
Lydia Milne (tgac)
Lydia Milner (avnc)
Madison Marchioni (hamc)
Mahe Drysdale (rpca)
Maisie Murray (wesc)
Malin Lindstroem (wrac)
Marco de Jong (akgc)
Marcus Anselmi (wkoc)
Marina Hyland (wesc)
Marit Schultze (aklc)
Marit Schultze (xlan)
Mark Dadson (avnc)
Mark Evans (unwc)
Mark Houwers (clic)
Mark O'Connor (whoc)
Mark Parry (tgac)
Marty Davenport (nshc)
Martyn O'Leary (wanc)
Mathew Cole (nshc)
Mathew Wisman (wkoc)
Matt Smith (hamc)
Matthew Cooper (rotc)
Matthew Dawkins (camc)
Matthew Dunham (camc)
Matthew Glenn (wkoc)
Matthew Kibble (wkoc)
Matthew Kitchin (hwbc)
Matthew Lindsay (hamc)
Matthew Malcolm (whoc)
Matthew Trott (rpcs)
Matthew van Eyk (wkoc)
Matthew Wolff (nshc)
Max Anstis (nshc)
Max Williams (hwbc)
Maya Korth (wesc)
McKenzie Macky (rpcw)
Melissa Niemandt (nshc)
Merepaea Matthew (tawc)
Michael Arms (rpca)
Michael Berry (rpcw)
Michael Brake (nshc)
Michael Dessoulavy (wrac)
Michael Dessoulavy (rpcc)
Michael Harrison (hwbc)
Michael Longuet-Higgins (rpca)
Michael Newton (aklc)
Michael Nisbet (oguc)
Michael Shearer (avnc)
Michaela Scott (unwc)
Michayla Simpson (hwbc)
Mikayla MacDonald (camc)
Millan Rosenberg (hamc)
Millie Bidwill (wanc)
Millie Holden (wanc)
Milly Connell (hamc)
Miriama te One (porc)
Mirren Blake (hamc)
Mitchell Avery (blec)
Mitchell Dillon (hamc)
Mitchell Horner (rpcc)
Mitchell MacKenzie-Mol (picc)
Mitchell MacKenzie-Mol (xlnm)
Monique Smith (clic)
Morgan Shepherd (whoc)
Morgan Steel (hamc)
Murari Ramesh (aklc)
Natalie Hill (rotc)
Natalie Sanderson (clic)
Natalie Sorensen (hkic)
Nathan Cohen (rpcs)
Nathan Davenport (rpca)
Nathan Dunlop (hamc)
Nathan Flannery (rpcs)
Nathan Maisey (hamc)
Nathan Maloney (nshc)
Nathan Toma (rotc)
Nathaniel Davy (nshc)
Neil Williams (welc)
Nichola McLellan (camc)
Nicholas Anselmi (wkoc)
Nicholas Campbell (avnc)
Nicholas Dawe (xcom)
Nicholas Dawe (bpcc)
Nicholas Pusinelli (rpca)
Nick McKenzie (nelc)
Nick Reynolds (wkoc)
Nicola Corric (clic)
Nicola Goss (aklc)
Nicola Post (hkic)
Nicola Shanks (oguc)
Nicole Edwards (hamc)
Nicole Miller (clic)
Nicole Mitchell (xlan)
Nigel van den Akker (bpcc)
Oliver Aitchison (aklc)
Oliver George (aklc)
Oliver Moss (rpca)
Oliver Wood (hwbc)
Olivia Ashby (rotc)
Olivia Borlase (nelc)
Olivia Ellis (wanc)
Olivia Loe (rpcs)
Olivia Ward (wkoc)
Olivia White-Parson (nshc)
Ollie Behrent (whoc)
Olly Stephens (nelc)
Owen O'Brien (wrac)
Owen O'Brien (xlnm)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Patrick Davenport (xcom)
Patrick McInnes (hwbc)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Patrick Pethica (akgc)
Patrick Reynolds (awgc)
Paul Moreno (xlwe)
Paul Moreno (welc)
Paula Twining (rpcw)
Penny Buckley (rpcs)
Penny Buckley (avnc)
Perry Smith (nelc)
Peta van Rijen (camc)
Peter Byllemos (aklc)
Peter Taylor (rpca)
Petrina Sheldon (camc)
Phoebe Ayers (hwbc)
Phoebe Spoors (avnc)
Rachael Alder (avnc)
Rachel Kennedy (avnc)
Rachel Masson (welc)
Rachel O'Connor (xlwt)
Rachel O'Connor (unwc)
Rachel Stilborn (tawc)
Rebecca Barnett (wesc)
Rebecca Cook (hamc)
Rebecca Parsons (nshc)
Rebecca Ryall (wesc)
Rebecca Scown (rpcc)
Rebecca Wilson (bpcc)
Redmond McKenzie (avnc)
Reuben Stevenson (hamc)
Richard Harrison (rpca)
Richard Harrison (hwbc)
Robbie Manson (rpcc)
Robert Clarke (spcc)
Robert McCaig (rpcw)
Robert Nichols (tgac)
Robyn Munro (rpcc)
Rochelle Peckham (wesc)
Rory Accorsi (aklc)
Rose Crooks (nshc)
Rose Taylor (oguc)
Roselle Magon (bpcc)
Rosemary Troughton (camc)
Rosemary van der Velden (bpcc)
Ross Hawthorne (wesc)
Rowan Jackman (curc)
Rowan Jackman (xlca)
Ruby Cave (wanc)
Ruby Tew (rpcc)
Russell Crampton (xlca)
Russell Crampton (timc)
Russell Dodd (hwbc)
Ryan Rasmussen (wkoc)
Ryan Wilson (blec)
Sam Johnston (nelc)
Sam Wells (rpcc)
Sammy Thompson (nshc)
Sara Law (hamc)
Sara McFall (welc)
Sara-Jane Back (xlwt)
Sara-Jane Back (awgc)
Sarah Andella (aklc)
Sarah Andella (xlan)
Sarah Barnes (whoc)
Sarah Gray (rpcw)
Sarah Joubert (camc)
Sarah Lindley (avnc)
Sarah Renouf (bpcc)
Sarah Rohe (clic)
Sarah Ward (xlan)
Scott Aitchison (aklc)
Scott Barnsdale (rpcs)
Scott Houston (nshc)
Scott Jones (whoc)
Scott Pink (hamc)
Sean Flett (porc)
Sean Flett (xlwe)
Sean Lawson (hamc)
Sean O'Neill (wrac)
Sean O'Neill (rpcc)
Sean Watts (bpcc)
Shannen Gregan (camc)
Shannon Adams (petc)
Shannon Eckersley (hamc)
Sharnay Wilson (xlwt)
Sharnay Wilson (awgc)
Shaun Kirkham (rpcw)
Shaun MacDonald (porc)
Shaun Rowe (hamc)
Sheldon Noyce (tgac)
Simon Lack (hwbc)
Simon Smith (duac)
Sive Geoghegan (tgac)
Sofie Karrebaek (wesc)
Sophie Hollobon (hamc)
Sophie MacKenzie (rpcc)
Sophie Shingleton (rpcs)
Sophie Smith (oguc)
Sophie Spiers (rpcs)
Sophie Taylor (wesc)
Sophie Wilson (wkoc)
Sophie Woods (nshc)
Stacey Chandler (wrac)
Stefanie Baker-Burns (wesc)
Steph Taylor (welc)
Stephanie Lee (hamc)
Stephanie Oliver (wanc)
Stephen Jones (rpca)
Stephen Vanderpeet (hwbc)
Steven Cottle (rpcc)
Stewart Widger (wrec)
Stine Hammer (avnc)
Storm Uru (rpcs)
Summer Morrison (camc)
Tara Minor (hwbc)
Tara Moore (avnc)
Tarina Fordham (hamc)
Teagan Dawn Adams (bpcc)
Tess Maitland (avnc)
Tessa Young (rpcs)
Teyla Broekes (xlan)
Teyla Broekes (aklc)
Theo Krielen (wkoc)
Thomas Batts (akgc)
Thomas Jenkins (whoc)
Thomas O'Donnell (wkoc)
Thomas St George (hwbc)
Thomas Stott (oguc)
Thomas 'Fred' Coughlan (avnc)
Tim Chittock (welc)
Tim Wilson (aklc)
Timothy Osmers (rpcs)
Timothy Zouch (nshc)
TJ Leeming (whoc)
TJ Leeming (xcom)
Tobias Wehr-Candler (rpcw)
Toby Chapman-Smith (wesc)
Toby Cunliffe-Steel (rpcw)
Toby Pascoe (whoc)
Toby Pearce (welc)
Tom Brownlie (hwbc)
Tom Jenkins (hwbc)
Tom Liu (aklc)
Tom Lusty (hamc)
Tom MacKintosh (hwbc)
Tom Monaghan (unwc)
Tom Murray (blec)
Tom Nyenhuis (rpcc)
Tom Thomas (hwbc)
Tom Wilson (blec)
Tonia Mathis (wkoc)
Tosca Wilson (rpcw)
Tracee Scott (nshc)
Tracey Iremonger (clic)
Trent Burbidge (blec)
Troy Gilmore (blec)
Troy O'Reilly (petc)
Tufi Sele (rpcc)
Tyler Sandlant (wanc)
Tyna Williams (rpcw)
Tyson Williams (wkoc)
Tyson Williams (rpcw)
Vaida Poole (tawc)
Valerie Rosset (aklc)
Valerie Rosset (xlan)
Victoria Wilson (wkoc)
Vin Elliott (wesc)
William Beattie (avnc)
William Daly (cbcc)
William Meates (rpcs)
William Shaw (xcom)
William Shaw (bpcc)
Winnie-Mae Read-Edan (hwbc)
Wynni Dekker (wesc)
Zoe McBride (otac)
Zoe Stevenson (rpcw)
Zoe Winks (clic)
All coaches
Alastair Riddle (rotc)
Alun Brown (wanc)
Barry Banks (wanc)
Cedric Bayly (hwbc)
Chris Pearson (rotc)
Dale Maher (avnc)
Geoff McCrostie (timc)
Glen Sinclair (oguc)
Grant Bridgwater (tgac)
Gus Berghan (clic)
Ian Wright (rpcw)
Joe O'Neill (welc)
John Parnell (otac)
John White (wesc)
Lauren Farnden (noec)
Lloyd Banton (wesc)
Luke O'Neil (xcom)
Luke O'Neil (hkic)
Matthew Hall (porc)
Matthew Hall (xlwe)
Mike Trautvetter (hwbc)
Rohan Condon (hwbc)
Sonya Walker (oguc)
Steven Finlayson (bpcc)
Tony Burns (wesc)
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