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BankLink NZ Rowing Championships
Lucy Clay
Competed for:
Also attended
womens Nov coxed eight
Heat 1
: placed 5
A Final
: placed 5
2 -
Samantha Hay
(stroke) |
Lucy Clay
Georgina Andrews
Megan MacKenzie
Hilary Craigie
Mary Turner
Laura Stevenson
Olivia Steel
Aberdeen McKean
Event #
1: womens U21 1X
2: mens U21 1X
3: womens Club 4+
4: womens Snr 1X
5: womens Nov 2X
6: girls Open 1X (L)
7: boys Open 1X (L)
8: mens Club 4+
9: mens Snr 1X
10: womens Prem 2-
11: mens Prem 2-
12: mens Nov 2X
13: womens U21 4-
14: womens Snr 4-
15: mens U21 4-
16: mens Snr 4-
17: womens Club 2X
18: womens Prem 2X
19: mens Prem 2X
20: mens Club 2X
21: womens Nov 8+
22: womens U21 2X
23: womens Snr 4X-
24: mens Nov 8+
25: mens U21 2X
26: mens Snr 4X-
27: womens Prem 4-
28: mens Prem 4-
29: mixed Open 2X (P)
30: mixed Open 4+ (P)
31: womens Snr 2-
32: womens Club 4X-
33: womens U21 2-
34: womens U19 4+
35: mens Snr 2-
36: mens Club 4X-
37: mens U21 2-
38: mens U19 4+
39: mens Prem 1X
40: womens Snr 2X
41: womens Prem 1X
42: womens Nov 4+
43: womens U19 2X
44: mens Snr 2X
45: girls Open 2X (L)
46: womens U21 4X-
47: mens Prem 4+
48: womens Club 8+
49: boys Open 2X (L)
50: mens U21 4X-
51: mens U19 2X
52: mens Club 8+
53: womens Prem 4X-
54: mens Nov 4+
55: womens U21 8+
56: boys Open 2- (L)
57: mens Prem 4X-
58: womens Snr 8+
59: mens U21 8+
60: womens Club 1X
61: mens Club 1X
62: mens Snr 8+
63: womens Open 1X (P)
64: mens Open 1X (P)
65: womens Prem 8+
66: mens Prem 8+
67: mixed Corp 8+
63: womens Open 1X (P)
43: womens U19 2X
34: womens U19 4+
1: womens U21 1X
22: womens U21 2X
33: womens U21 2-
46: womens U21 4X-
13: womens U21 4-
55: womens U21 8+
6: girls Open 1X (L)
45: girls Open 2X (L)
5: womens Nov 2X
42: womens Nov 4+
21: womens Nov 8+
60: womens Club 1X
17: womens Club 2X
32: womens Club 4X-
3: womens Club 4+
48: womens Club 8+
4: womens Snr 1X
40: womens Snr 2X
31: womens Snr 2-
23: womens Snr 4X-
14: womens Snr 4-
58: womens Snr 8+
41: womens Prem 1X
18: womens Prem 2X
10: womens Prem 2-
53: womens Prem 4X-
27: womens Prem 4-
65: womens Prem 8+
64: mens Open 1X (P)
51: mens U19 2X
38: mens U19 4+
2: mens U21 1X
25: mens U21 2X
37: mens U21 2-
50: mens U21 4X-
15: mens U21 4-
59: mens U21 8+
7: boys Open 1X (L)
49: boys Open 2X (L)
56: boys Open 2- (L)
12: mens Nov 2X
54: mens Nov 4+
24: mens Nov 8+
61: mens Club 1X
20: mens Club 2X
36: mens Club 4X-
8: mens Club 4+
52: mens Club 8+
9: mens Snr 1X
44: mens Snr 2X
35: mens Snr 2-
26: mens Snr 4X-
16: mens Snr 4-
62: mens Snr 8+
39: mens Prem 1X
19: mens Prem 2X
11: mens Prem 2-
57: mens Prem 4X-
28: mens Prem 4-
47: mens Prem 4+
66: mens Prem 8+
29: mixed Open 2X (P)
30: mixed Open 4+ (P)
67: mixed Corp 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Avon Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Region Composite
Blenheim Rowing Club
Brugge KRB
Cambridge Rowing Club
Canterbury Rowing Club
Central RPC
Christ's College Rowing Club
Clifton Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
East Coast Region Composite
Gisborne Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Invercargill Rowing Club
Nelson Rowing Club
Nelson/Marlborough Region Composite
North End Rowing Club
North Shore Rowing Club
Oamaru Rowing Club
Otago Region Composite
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Petone Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Southern RPC
Southland Region Composite
Star Boating Club
Timaru Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waihopai Rowing Club
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
Wairau Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wanaka Rowing Club
Wellington Region Composite
Wellington Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Abby Duke (hamc)
Abby Green (rpca)
Aberdeen McKean (ctyc)
Adam Garden (oguc)
Adam Harris (oguc)
Adam Harris (xlot)
Adam Ling (rpcw)
Adam Tripp (rpca)
Adrian Riepen (nelc)
Alex Jamieson (wtuc)
Alex Kennedy (curc)
Alex Sele (welc)
Alex Wilson (hwbc)
Alex Wing (chcc)
Alexander Galt (hamc)
Alexandra Burnside (rpcs)
Alexandra Ford (wesc)
Alexandra Hazlett (avnc)
Alexandria Gemie (avnc)
Alice Darry (ctyc)
Alice Tuck (nelc)
Alice White (rpcw)
Alice Wright (petc)
Alisha Maxwell (wkoc)
Alistair Bond (rpcs)
Allie Smith (nshc)
Alyce Pulford (rpcw)
Alysha Borlase (nelc)
Amanda Thompson (nelc)
Amber Coote (whoc)
Amelia Gilbert-Milne (stac)
Amelia Peter (nelc)
Amy Barbara (welc)
Amy Kelly (bpcc)
Amy Kelly (xlbp)
Amy Robson (welc)
Amy Semmens (avnc)
Amy-Kelly Horsfall (camc)
Ana Holt (aklc)
Ana Popovich (stac)
Andrew Annear (rpcw)
Andrew Healey (rpcw)
Andrew Healey (wkoc)
Andrew King (rpcs)
Andrew O'Connor (rpcs)
Andrew Oliver (wesc)
Andrew Potter (hwbc)
Andrew Wakefield (avnc)
Angela Kay (wkoc)
Anna Delong (nshc)
Anna Irwin (nshc)
Anna McAslan (noec)
Anna Miles (nelc)
Anna Reymer (rpcc)
Annabel Powelle-Thomas (avnc)
Annabelle Brown (avnc)
Annabelle Button (avnc)
Anni te One (porc)
Anthony Berkers (wkoc)
Anthony O'Connor (aklc)
Antony Zouch (rpca)
Armin Svoboda jnr (rpcs)
Ashleigh Aitchison (nshc)
Ashleigh Hodge (rpcw)
Ashley Jaques (hamc)
Ashton Lovell (wrec)
Axel Dickinson (rpcc)
Aynsley Moore (oguc)
Aynsley Moore (xlot)
Beatrix Heaphy-Hall (rpcs)
Ben Hammond (rpcc)
Ben Meates (avnc)
Ben Scott (blec)
Benjamin Rush (timc)
Benjamin Wooding (avnc)
Benjamin Wooding (rpcs)
Beth Jagusch (avnc)
Bethany Robertson (oamc)
Betka Bouskova (aklc)
Bevan Moody (blec)
Bevan Sutton (wkoc)
Bianca Buddo (hwbc)
Bianca Niemandt (aklc)
Billy Smith (timc)
Blair Harrison (hwbc)
Blair Jones (rpca)
Blair Jones (wesc)
Blake Hoare (avnc)
Blake Houghton (avnc)
Bobby Kells (rpca)
Bradley Jackson (wnkc)
Bradley Jowitt (wesc)
Bradley Jowitt (xcom)
Bradley Thompson (duac)
Brenna Brown (porc)
Brent Fisher (avnc)
Brent Walker (hkic)
Bridget Edwards (hwbc)
Brittany Allan (whoc)
Brittany MacE (hamc)
Brook Nikora (nelc)
Brook Nikora (xlnm)
Brook Robertson (nelc)
Brooke Stevens (hamc)
Brooke Thomas (rpcc)
Bryce Abernethy (otac)
Cabel Wilton (invc)
Caitlan Kearney (oamc)
Caitlin Frew (welc)
Callum Bolitho (nelc)
Callum Streeter (blec)
Cameron Clemence (chcc)
Cameron Crampton (timc)
Cameron Fraser (timc)
Cameron Gibson (noec)
Cameron Paddy (hamc)
Cameron Smith (rpca)
Cameron Stevens (invc)
Campbell Stewart (avnc)
Carl Meyer (rpcs)
Catherine Duffin (welc)
Catherine Mills (aklc)
Catherine Shields (rpcs)
Charley Bates (welc)
Charlotte Kenny (ctyc)
Charlotte Peter (rpcc)
Charlotte Peter (xlnm)
Charlotte Worner (ctyc)
Chelsea Oliver (oguc)
Chloe MacFarlane (wkoc)
Chris Hone (unwc)
Chris Norris (porc)
Chris O'Conner (bpcc)
Chris O'Conner (xlbp)
Chris Price (hamc)
Chris Rolls (aklc)
Christina Baker-Burns (rpca)
Christina Lampey (aklc)
Christine Phillips (welc)
Christopher Morrison (rpcw)
Claire Hardie (petc)
Clare Ford (ctyc)
Clare MacLeod (ctyc)
Claudia Hyde (rotc)
Claudia Hyde (xlbp)
Conner McCann (avnc)
Connor Houghton (avnc)
Cooper Gilmour (noec)
Corey McCaffrey (blec)
Cory Whakatihi (blec)
Courteney Nielsen (wkoc)
Craig Law (hwbc)
Craig Law (xlec)
Craig Little (nshc)
Craig Spencer (wesc)
Curtis Rapley (rpcw)
Dacey Caldwell (wesc)
Danny McBride (camc)
Darius Pasihke (blec)
David Eade (rpcw)
David Hatton (bpcc)
David Hatton (xlbp)
David Mabbott (rpca)
David Tyney (blec)
Dimitry Baty (aklc)
Dirk Driessen (rpcw)
Dominic Newton (hkic)
Duncan Grant (rpcc)
Eachann Bruce (wnkc)
Ed Sullivan (avnc)
Edward Styles (oguc)
Edward Styles (xlot)
Edward Wagstaff (wkoc)
Eilee Robinson (oamc)
Eleanor Bradley (aklc)
Eleanor Craig (porc)
Elicia Milne (nshc)
Ella Dromgool (ctyc)
Ellie O'Connell (wesc)
Elliot Harvey (blec)
Elliott Meldrum (wnkc)
Elliott Meldrum (xlot)
Ellyce Stehlin (aklc)
Elyse Cowling (welc)
Elyse Fraser (oguc)
Elyse Fraser (xlso)
Emily Burtenshaw (timc)
Emily Discombe (rpcw)
Emma Rees (clic)
Emma Stuart (nelc)
Emma Stuart (xlnm)
Emma Twigg (rpca)
Emma Wylie (ctyc)
Emma-Jane Feathery (rpca)
Eric Murray (rpcw)
Erica Taylor (timc)
Erin-Monque Shelton (petc)
Esthie de Wet (aklc)
Ethan Borcovsky (timc)
Ethan Edmunds-Scott (duac)
Evan Kennedy (rpcw)
Eve MacFarlane (rpcs)
Fergus Fauvel (rpcs)
Fergus Porteous (avnc)
Finian Scott (rpcs)
Finn Howard (nshc)
Fiona Bourke (rpcs)
Fiona Paterson (rpcc)
Fletcher Homan (noec)
Francie Morrow (welc)
Francie Turner (ctyc)
Francie Turner (rpcs)
Frano Staub (avnc)
Fredericka Archibald (avnc)
Gabby Buchanan (wtuc)
Gabriella Giacon (porc)
Gabriella Scott-Lister (ctyc)
Gabrielle Peach (avnc)
Gavin Foulsham (hwbc)
Ged Campbell (rpca)
Gemma Billingham (petc)
Genevieve Armstrong (rpcw)
Genevieve Behrent (rpcs)
George Daly (porc)
George Daly (xlwe)
George Grieve (nshc)
George Murray (chcc)
George Sim (chcc)
Georgia Hammond (rpcc)
Georgia Meates (ctyc)
Georgia Tangney (oamc)
Georgie Robson (hwbc)
Georgina Andrews (ctyc)
Georgina Lawrence (ctyc)
Georgina Rodie (rpcc)
Gerrard Radburn (avnc)
Gillian Cooper (nshc)
Giovanna Martin (nelc)
Glen Barwick (gisc)
Glen Barwick (xlec)
Grace Prendergast (rpcs)
Grace Sandson (ctyc)
Grace Scown (noec)
Grace Spoors (ctyc)
Grace Whitaker (petc)
Grady Budd (hamc)
Graham Oberlin-Brown (rpcw)
Grant Kissling (gisc)
Grant Kissling (xlec)
Grayson Knapp (nelc)
Greg Brand (avnc)
Greg Bryce (welc)
Greg Bryce (xlwe)
Greg Crooks (oguc)
Greg Crooks (xlot)
Gregor Sedlmeier (aklc)
Gregory Edge (wkoc)
Griffin Hunt (welc)
Griffin Hunt (xlwe)
Gus Berghan (clic)
Hamish Bond (rpcs)
Hamish Burson (rpcc)
Hamish Burson (wrac)
Hamish Journeaux (welc)
Hamish Journeaux (xlwe)
Hamish Lack (hwbc)
Hannah Armstrong (nshc)
Hannah Baddock (oguc)
Hannah Bryce (welc)
Hannah Duggan (otac)
Hannah Dwyer (avnc)
Hannah Johnston (ctyc)
Hannah Kennedy (ctyc)
Hannah MacLean (aklc)
Hannah Sloan (rpcc)
Hannah Sloan (wrac)
Harriett Austin (rpcw)
Harrison Somerville (blec)
Hayden Cohen (rpcs)
Hayden Kerr (invc)
Hayden Smith (nshc)
Haylee Jenkins (hwbc)
Hayley Brown (avnc)
Heather Livesey (timc)
Heather Scott (bpcc)
Heather Scott (xlbp)
Henry Hurst (chcc)
Henry Stokes (curc)
Hilary Craigie (ctyc)
Holly Dixon (wesc)
Holly Johnston (bpcc)
Holly Johnston (xlbp)
Holly Paterson (ctyc)
Holly Ross (wkoc)
Holly Scott Lister (ctyc)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (timc)
Hugo Snell (aklc)
Ian Mason (nshc)
Ian Seymour (rpcc)
Ian Seymour (wrac)
Isaac Grainger (aklc)
Isabel McLernon (avnc)
Isobel Ayers (hwbc)
Ivan Pavich (rpcw)
Ivan Pavich (wkoc)
Ivana Giacon (porc)
Jack Acland (chcc)
Jack Ballantyne (chcc)
Jack Barr (hwbc)
Jack Coles (petc)
Jack O'Leary (otac)
Jack Proudfoot (timc)
Jaclyn Parker (timc)
Jacqui Courtier (hwbc)
Jacqui Lawrence (hamc)
Jade Uru (rpcs)
Jade Winter (oamc)
Jaimie Harrison (timc)
James Allwood (wkoc)
James Dallinger (rpcw)
James Dallinger (wkoc)
James Harvey (rpcs)
James Hoskin (unwc)
James Hunter (welc)
James Lassche (avnc)
James Lassche (rpcs)
James Lilley (avnc)
James Luxton (chcc)
James McAnallen (petc)
James Pethica (aklc)
James Redai (wnkc)
James Redai (xlot)
Jamie Bowley (wnkc)
Jamie Bowley (xlot)
Jamie Saunders (oguc)
Jared Glue (avnc)
Jared Glue (rpcs)
Jared Sanderson (timc)
Jarod MacLachlan (duac)
Jarrod Wellman (wnkc)
Jarrod Wellman (xlot)
Jason Quilter (clic)
Jason Theobald (hamc)
Jassy Pause (nshc)
Jayson Stewart (bpcc)
Jayson Stewart (xlbp)
Jeff Francis (rpcw)
Jena O'Sullivan (clic)
Jenny Storey (rpcs)
Jeremy Brydon (avnc)
Jeshua Taucher (aklc)
Jessica Douglas (nshc)
Jessica Ellis (wesc)
Jessica Loe (rpcs)
Jessica Munro (rpcw)
Jessica van Rossum (invc)
Jillea Hewitt (hwbc)
Joe Barclay (avnc)
Joe Bennion (nelc)
Joe Wright (rpcc)
Johannah Kearney (oamc)
John Chapman (welc)
John Chapman (xlwe)
John Hellaby (aklc)
John O'Brien (wkoc)
John Shearer (avnc)
John Storey (avnc)
John Storey (rpcs)
Johnathan Tait (wesc)
Jonathan Lee (hamc)
Jonathon Nabbs (rpcw)
Jordan Howell (wtuc)
Jordan Stanley (nshc)
Jordan Tohiariki (petc)
Jordana Walker (avnc)
Jordon Osmaston (nelc)
Joseph Findlay (invc)
Joseph Hos (aklc)
Joseph Nihotte (wesc)
Joseph Sullivan (rpcc)
Joseph Trappitt (rpcc)
Josh Drummond (duac)
Josh Liua'ana (welc)
Joshua Gaby-Sutherland (hamc)
Joshua Thomas Edward Tansey (avnc)
Josie Coury (wesc)
Josie Matuku (clic)
Julia Ashley (stac)
Julia Edward (rpcw)
Julia Sandston (nshc)
Justin Evans (rpcs)
Kallum Brown (porc)
Kallum Brown (xlwe)
Kam Wing (aklc)
Kate Boelorge (ctyc)
Kate Collings (avnc)
Kate Darby (ctyc)
Kate Dore (avnc)
Kate Gilbert (wtuc)
Kate Good (clic)
Kate Lange (ctyc)
Kate MacDonald (avnc)
Kate MacDonald (ctyc)
Kate McIntosh (hwbc)
Kate Reymer (rpcw)
Kate Tidbury (aklc)
Katelyn Froude (whoc)
Katherine Hope (oamc)
Katheryn Chandler (wrac)
Katheryn Chandler (xlnm)
Kathryn Harris (wkoc)
Katie Burgess (porc)
Katie Steenman (camc)
Kayla Pratt (rpca)
Keagan Saul (blec)
Keegan Gilmore (invc)
Kelby Buchanan (wtuc)
Kelsey Bevan (rpca)
Kerri Gowler (awgc)
Kerry Dombroski (clic)
Kieran MacDonald (rpcw)
Kim Forlong (hamc)
Kimberley Connolly (nshc)
Kimberley Scott (oguc)
Kirsten Holley (hwbc)
Kirsten Wood (wesc)
Kirstie James (rpca)
Kirsty Thompson (nelc)
Kirstyn Hay (avnc)
Kristen Froude (whoc)
Kristopher Reilly-Simmons (wesc)
Kristy Eade (invc)
Kurt Tudor (hamc)
Kurt Williamson (wrac)
Kyle Battersby (nshc)
Lachlan van Bysterveldt (avnc)
Lambertus Brandsma (hamc)
Lana Davison (rpcw)
Laura Fischer (rpcw)
Laura Galt (hamc)
Laura James (welc)
Laura Miller (petc)
Laura Rolston (wrac)
Laura Rolston (xlnm)
Laura Stevenson (ctyc)
Laura Tester (wrac)
Lauren McAndrew (welc)
Lauren McArtney (wrac)
Lauren McArtney (xlnm)
Lauren Paddy (hamc)
Lauren Stone (hwbc)
Lauren Tilson (nshc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Leah Stanley (rpca)
Lee Martin (wnkc)
Lewis Hollows (wesc)
Lewis Holotau (petc)
Liam Beattie (blec)
Liam Sweeney (welc)
Liam Sweeney (xlwe)
Lillian Lusty (wkoc)
Lillie Brownlie (hwbc)
Linda Mathews (rpcc)
Lindsay Carlyle (welc)
Lisa Kitchin (hwbc)
Lisa Owen (whoc)
Lloyd Curl (wkoc)
Logan Herbert (hwbc)
Logan Herbert (xlec)
Logan Rodger (rpcw)
Loren Mathewson (oguc)
Lorenzo Babbage (nelc)
Lori Comer (whoc)
Lottie O'Brien (avnc)
Louis Redmond (chcc)
Louise Ayling (rpcc)
Louise Livesey (timc)
Louise Trappitt (rpcc)
Lucinda Paterson (avnc)
Lucy Annear (wkoc)
Lucy Clay (ctyc)
Lucy Dixon (wesc)
Lucy Fauth (oamc)
Lucy Hutchinson (ctyc)
Lucy Rutten (porc)
Lucy Spoors (rpcs)
Lucy Strack (rpcs)
Luke Driscoll (aklc)
Luke Jenkins (gisc)
Luke Jenkins (xlec)
Luke Mincher (nelc)
Luke Watts (unwc)
Lydia Dockrill (timc)
Lydia Milner (avnc)
Lydia Pulford (hwbc)
Madeleine Ashby (avnc)
Madeleine Hayman (avnc)
Mahe Drysdale (rpca)
Manuel Gonzales Del Riego (camc)
Marcus Parker (nelc)
Mariah Turnbull (avnc)
Marion Leydon (welc)
Mary Engelbrecht (timc)
Mary Turner (ctyc)
Matilda Carrell (avnc)
Matt Hickford (aklc)
Matt Howard (hwbc)
Matt Howard (xlec)
Matt Lobb (wkoc)
Matt McGovern (oguc)
Matt Rickard (gisc)
Matt Rickard (xlec)
Matt Smail (oguc)
Matt Wisemans (wkoc)
Matthew Davies (avnc)
Matthew Glenn (wkoc)
Matthew Malcolm (whoc)
Matthew Mears (noec)
Matthew O'Sullivan (unwc)
Matthew Plaisted (noec)
Matthew Ryan (timc)
Matthew Shepherd (petc)
Matthew Trott (rpcs)
Max Clout (rpcw)
Maxim Millan (avnc)
McKenzie Macky (rpcw)
Megan MacKenzie (ctyc)
Melanie Vink (avnc)
Michael Bauberger (wkoc)
Michael Berry (rpcw)
Michael Dessoulavy (rpcs)
Michael Harrison (hwbc)
Michael Harrison (xcom)
Michael Longuet-Higgins (rpca)
Mike Herder (welc)
Milly Connell (hamc)
Miriama te One (porc)
Mitch MacDonald (blec)
Mitchell Horner (nelc)
Monique Smith (clic)
Narelle Grey (avnc)
Natalia Westermann (wrac)
Nathan Cohen (rpcs)
Nathan Davenport (nshc)
Nathan Flannery (rpcs)
Nathan Keys (avnc)
Nathan Maloney (nshc)
Nicholas Campbell (ctyc)
Nicholas Dawe (bpcc)
Nicholas Dawe (xlbp)
Nicholas Jackson (wnkc)
Nicholas Pusinelli (rpca)
Nicholas Pusinelli (wesc)
Nick Drummond (duac)
Nick Laracy (hwbc)
Nick McKenzie (nelc)
Nicole Edwards (hamc)
Nigel van den Akker (rotc)
Nigel van den Akker (xlbp)
Nyra Boyle (stac)
Oliver Clark (blec)
Oliver Moss (nshc)
Oliver Wood (hwbc)
Oliver Wood (xlec)
Olivia Lissaman (avnc)
Olivia Loe (rpcs)
Olivia Robins (wtuc)
Olivia Steel (ctyc)
Olivia Thompson (ctyc)
Olivia Ward (avnc)
Ollie Behrent (whoc)
Owen O'Brien (petc)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Patrick Fruean (aklc)
Patrick McInnes (hwbc)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Paul Dorey (nshc)
Paul Moreno (welc)
Paul Rainier (welc)
Paula Twining (rpcw)
Penny Buckley (avnc)
Penny Farrell (bpcc)
Penny Farrell (xlbp)
Petelo Luka (blec)
Peter McDowall (oguc)
Peter Taylor (rpca)
Phillip Gordon (ctyc)
Phoebe Newsham (wrac)
Phoebe Newsham (xlnm)
Phoebe Spoors (ctyc)
Rachel Jordon (ctyc)
Rachel Kennedy (avnc)
Rebecca Gerard (ctyc)
Rebecca Langtry (welc)
Rebecca Martel (ctyc)
Rebecca Perrot (welc)
Rebecca Scown (rpcc)
Regan Barkla (rpcw)
Reuben Stevenson (hamc)
Rhiannon Lewis (welc)
Riccardo Corrales (aklc)
Richard Barker (rpca)
Richard Barker (wesc)
Richard Hamilton (invc)
Richard Harrison (rpca)
Richard Lobb (wkoc)
Richard Newsome-White (rpcs)
Ricki Helagi (hamc)
Riordan Morrell (rotc)
Riordan Morrell (xlbp)
Robbie Manson (rpcc)
Robert McCaig (rpcw)
Robert McDonald (welc)
Robert McDonald (xlwe)
Robert Mears (rpcs)
Robyn Munro (rpcc)
Rochelle Peckham (wesc)
Rory Smyth (avnc)
Rose Anderson (oamc)
Rose Aschebrock (nshc)
Rose Crooks (nshc)
Rosie Ulrich (avnc)
Ross Hawthorne (wesc)
Rowan Jackman (curc)
Russell Crampton (timc)
Rutger Maasdam (blec)
Ryan Darby (aklc)
Ryan Goodson (rpcw)
Ryan Wilson (blec)
Saasha Bruce (wnkc)
Sam Davidson (avnc)
Sam Glassey (avnc)
Samantha Duggan (rpcs)
Samantha Hay (ctyc)
Samantha Ryan (nshc)
Samuel Anderson (wesc)
Sara Lee-Anne Smith (avnc)
Sarah Alexander (hwbc)
Sarah Barnes (whoc)
Sarah Barnes (xlso)
Sarah Blackmore (stac)
Sarah Clare (welc)
Sarah Cuthill (avnc)
Sarah Gray (rpcw)
Sarah Lindley (rpcs)
Sarah Nelson (ctyc)
Sarah Rohe (clic)
Scott Barnsdale (whoc)
Scott Green (nelc)
Scott Pink (hamc)
Sean Collins (wkoc)
Sean O'Neill (rpcc)
Sean O'Neill (wrac)
Sean Watts (bpcc)
Sean Watts (xlbp)
Senja McCloy (wrac)
Senja McCloy (xlnm)
Shannon Adams (petc)
Shaun Houston (nshc)
Shaun Kirkham (rpcw)
Shaun Kirkham (wkoc)
Shaun MacDonald (porc)
Shaun MacDonald (xlwe)
Sheldine Christie (hamc)
Shelley MacKey (welc)
Simon Breen (avnc)
Simon Fisher (avnc)
Simon Lack (hwbc)
Simon Lack (xcom)
Sophie Dec Barnes (nshc)
Sophie MacKenzie (rpcc)
Sophie Moynihan (oamc)
Sophie Peterson (ctyc)
Sophie Stuart (nelc)
Sophie Stuart (xlnm)
Stefanie Baker-Burns (wesc)
Stephanie Lee (hamc)
Stephen Campbell (noec)
Stephen Jones (wesc)
Steven Arscott (avnc)
Steven Blackwell (bpcc)
Steven Blackwell (xlbp)
Steven Cottle (rpcc)
Stewart Widger (wrec)
Susan Gillespie (welc)
Tai Mourie (porc)
Tam Irvine (welc)
Tania Whare (hamc)
Tegan Summerville (hamc)
Tessa Jenkins (ctyc)
Tessa Michelson (aklc)
Tessa Young (whoc)
Theo Soncin (avnc)
Thomas Butt (welc)
Thomas Jenkins (whoc)
Thomas Newman (aklc)
Thomas O'Donnell (wkoc)
Thomas Pyatt (avnc)
Thomas Ryan (bpcc)
Thomas Ryan (xlbp)
Thomas St George (hwbc)
Thomas St George (xlec)
Thomas Stott (oguc)
Thomas 'Fred' Coughlan (avnc)
Tim Battersby (blec)
Tim Chapman (hamc)
Tim Maeyens (bruc)
Tim Maeyens (xcom)
Timothy Osmers (avnc)
Tina Hohe (ctyc)
TJ Leeming (whoc)
Tobias Wehr-Candler (rpcw)
Toby Cunliffe-Steel (rpcw)
Toby Pascoe (whoc)
Toby Pearce (porc)
Todd Petherick (rpcs)
Tom Jenkins (hwbc)
Tom Lusty (hamc)
Tom Murray (blec)
Tom Nichol (hwbc)
Tom Nyenhuis (wrac)
Tom Thomas (hwbc)
Tom Williams (wkoc)
Tom Wilson (blec)
Tom Wooding (avnc)
Tom Zahner (curc)
Tosca Wilson (rotc)
Tosca Wilson (xlbp)
Trent Burbidge (blec)
Trent Morris (oguc)
Tristan Ferguson (blec)
Troy Gilmore (blec)
Troy O'Reilly (petc)
Tufi Sele (rpcc)
Tumanako Seymour (hamc)
Tyna Williams (rpcw)
Tyson Williams (rpcw)
Tyson Williams (wkoc)
Vanessa Haigh (welc)
Virginia Wright (ctyc)
Wanda Gust (welc)
Warrick Wright (rpcc)
Warrick Wright (wrac)
William Hudson (avnc)
William Hyndman (oguc)
William Meates (rpcs)
Wills Lynton (oguc)
Wills Lynton (xlot)
Yvonne Grosch (ctyc)
Yvonne Hogan (hamc)
Zoe McBride (otac)
Zoe Stevenson (rpcw)
All coaches
Adam Harris (oguc)
Andrew Potter (hwbc)
Bridget Edwards (hwbc)
Bryce Abernethy (otac)
Caitlin Frew (welc)
Chelsea Oliver (oguc)
Christine Phillips (welc)
Conner McCann (avnc)
Craig Law (hwbc)
Edward Styles (oguc)
Elliott Meldrum (wnkc)
Grant Kissling (xlec)
Hannah Duggan (otac)
Haylee Jenkins (hwbc)
Isobel Ayers (hwbc)
Jacqui Courtier (hwbc)
James Redai (wnkc)
Jamie Bowley (xlot)
Jamie Saunders (oguc)
Jillea Hewitt (hwbc)
Joseph Findlay (invc)
Kate McIntosh (hwbc)
Kimberley Scott (oguc)
Kirsten Holley (hwbc)
Lisa Kitchin (hwbc)
Lisa Owen (whoc)
Lucinda Paterson (avnc)
Madeleine Ashby (avnc)
Marion Leydon (welc)
Matt McGovern (oguc)
Ollie Behrent (whoc)
Penny Buckley (avnc)
Peter McDowall (oguc)
Rachel Kennedy (avnc)
Sarah Cuthill (avnc)
Shaun MacDonald (porc)
Thomas Jenkins (whoc)
Thomas St George (hwbc)
Thomas Stott (oguc)
Tina Hohe (ctyc)
TJ Leeming (whoc)
Tom Nichol (hwbc)
Wills Lynton (oguc)
Yvonne Grosch (ctyc)
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