In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
BankLink National Championships
Lucy Smith
Competed for:
Also attended
mens Nov 4+
Sponsored by:
Kiwi International Rowing Skiffs
Heat 3
: placed 5
Semi-final 1
: placed 7
4 -
Josh Marriot
(stroke) |
Duncan Smith
Alex Miteff
Derek Herder
Lucy Smith
Event #
1: mens Club 1X
2: mens Prem 2-
3: mens U21 2X
4: mens Prem 1X (L)
5: womens Club 1X
6: mens Nov 2X
7: womens U21 2X
8: womens Nov 2X
9: womens Snr 2-
10: womens Prem 1X (L)
11: mens U21 2-
12: mens Snr 2X
13: womens Prem 2X
14: mens Prem 2X
15: womens Club 4X-
16: mens Snr 2-
17: womens Snr 2X
18: mens Club 4+
19: mens U21 4-
20: womens Nov 4+
21: womens Prem 4-
22: womens Snr 8+
23: mens Nov 4+
24: womens U21 4-
25: mens Snr 8+
26: mens Prem 4-
27: mens U21 1X
28: mens Prem 2X (L)
29: womens U21 1X
30: womens Prem 2-
31: mens Prem 1X
32: womens Prem 2X (L)
33: womens U19 2X
34: mens Club 8+
35: womens U21 2-
36: mens U21 4X-
37: womens Prem 1X
38: womens Club 4+
39: mens Prem 4+
40: womens U21 4X-
41: womens Snr 4-
42: mens Club 2X
43: mens U19 2X
44: mens Snr 4-
45: womens Nov 8+
46: womens Club 2X
47: mens Prem 4X-
48: womens Prem 4X-
49: mens Nov 8+
50: mens Prem 2- (L)
51: mens U21 8+
52: womens U21 8+
53: mens Club 4X-
54: womens Snr 4X-
55: mens U19 4+
56: womens U19 4+
57: mens Snr 4X-
58: womens Club 8+
59: womens Prem 8+
60: mens Prem 8+
33: womens U19 2X
56: womens U19 4+
29: womens U21 1X
7: womens U21 2X
35: womens U21 2-
40: womens U21 4X-
24: womens U21 4-
52: womens U21 8+
8: womens Nov 2X
20: womens Nov 4+
45: womens Nov 8+
5: womens Club 1X
46: womens Club 2X
15: womens Club 4X-
38: womens Club 4+
58: womens Club 8+
17: womens Snr 2X
9: womens Snr 2-
54: womens Snr 4X-
41: womens Snr 4-
22: womens Snr 8+
37: womens Prem 1X
13: womens Prem 2X
30: womens Prem 2-
48: womens Prem 4X-
21: womens Prem 4-
59: womens Prem 8+
10: womens Prem 1X (L)
32: womens Prem 2X (L)
43: mens U19 2X
55: mens U19 4+
27: mens U21 1X
3: mens U21 2X
11: mens U21 2-
36: mens U21 4X-
19: mens U21 4-
51: mens U21 8+
6: mens Nov 2X
23: mens Nov 4+
49: mens Nov 8+
1: mens Club 1X
42: mens Club 2X
53: mens Club 4X-
18: mens Club 4+
34: mens Club 8+
12: mens Snr 2X
16: mens Snr 2-
57: mens Snr 4X-
44: mens Snr 4-
25: mens Snr 8+
31: mens Prem 1X
14: mens Prem 2X
2: mens Prem 2-
47: mens Prem 4X-
26: mens Prem 4-
39: mens Prem 4+
60: mens Prem 8+
4: mens Prem 1X (L)
28: mens Prem 2X (L)
50: mens Prem 2- (L)
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Grammar Rowing Club
Auckland Region Composite
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Avon Rowing Club
Awarua Boating Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Region Composite
Blenheim Rowing Club
Cambridge Rowing Club
Canaviron Rowing Club
Canterbury Region Composite
Canterbury Rowing Club
Central RPC
Clifton Rowing Club
Counties-Manukau Rowing Club
East Coast Region Composite
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Invercargill Rowing Club
Nelson Rowing Club
Nelson/Marlborough Region Composite
North End Rowing Club
North Shore Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Petone Rowing Club
Picton Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Port Chalmers United Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Southern RPC
Star Boating Club
Tauranga Rowing Club
Timaru Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Union Rowing Club
Waihopai Rowing Club
Waikato Region Composite
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
Wairau Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wellington Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
All athletes
Aaron Fergusson (hamc)
Aaron Littlejohn (hamc)
Aaron Robinson (hamc)
Abbey Wilson (comc)
Abbie Milner (avnc)
Abby Nattrass (ctyc)
Adam Bolton (petc)
Adam Garden (hwbc)
Adam Harper (blec)
Adam McElroy (hwbc)
Adam Milne (rpcs)
Adam Tripp (hwbc)
Adam Tripp (xlec)
Alasdair McGeachie (wesc)
Alasdair McGeachie (xlan)
Aleise White (welc)
Alex Fergus (hamc)
Alex Hatwell (tgac)
Alex Mamo (rpca)
Alex Miteff (hamc)
Alex Sims (pcuc)
Alexandra Burnside (ctyc)
Alexandra Ritchie (rpcw)
Alexandra Ritchie (xlwk)
Alice Dombroski (petc)
Alice Harris (avnc)
Alice MacLeod (ctyc)
Alice Sykes (hwbc)
Alice Tuck (nelc)
Alistair Bond (ctyc)
Ally Butler (nelc)
Amy Grundy (oguc)
Amy Williamson (rpcc)
Analiese Proudfoot (tgac)
Andreas Blomgren (wesc)
Andreas Lilley (wesc)
Andrew Darling (timc)
Andrew Davidge (petc)
Andrew le Grice (aklc)
Andrew Myers (xlan)
Andrew Myers (aklc)
Andrew O'Connor (whoc)
Angela Halliday (whoc)
Angela Kilbatrick (noec)
Angus McLeod (aklc)
Anita Purdie (wesc)
Anna Dawson (ctyc)
Anna Esquilant (noec)
Anna Jamieson (ctyc)
Anna Miles (nelc)
Anna Reymer (camc)
Anna Sissons (petc)
Anna Spencer (hamc)
Anna Stantiall (rpcc)
Annaliese McAlpine (rpcc)
Annaliese McAlpine (wrac)
Annette Hutchinson (aklc)
Anthony Hollands (whoc)
Anton Watt (wesc)
Ashlea Stanford (unwc)
Ashley Fenwick (nelc)
Ashley Stephens (whoc)
Astra McKellow (hwbc)
Axel Dickinson (petc)
Becky Woolman (avnc)
Belinda Redpath (invc)
Ben Bell (rpcc)
Ben Bowles (rpcs)
Ben Bullock (hwbc)
Ben Hammond (awgc)
Ben Hayes (wesc)
Ben Schubert (aklc)
Benjamin Clark (hamc)
Benjamin Norling (rpcc)
Benjamin Scott (rpcw)
Benjamin Scott (wkoc)
Benjamin Wooding (avnc)
Bess Halley (rpca)
Beth Lincoln (hamc)
Bethany Hopper (unwc)
Billy McQueen (aklc)
Blair Harrison (hwbc)
Blair Jones (nelc)
Blake Callesen (rpcs)
Blake Moyle (wesc)
Bobby-Joe Thompson (pcuc)
Brad Lamb (whoc)
Brad Ross (wkoc)
Bradley Jowitt (xlan)
Bradley Jowitt (wesc)
Bradley Porter (aklc)
Bradley Ward (uncc)
Brady Norton (blec)
Branko Banjac (aklc)
Breidi McDonald (noec)
Brendon Lack (hwbc)
Brett van Guen (invc)
Brett Yukich (wesc)
Bridget Dwyer (aklc)
Bridget Robilliard (avnc)
Bridget Roulston (noec)
Bridget Rutherford (avnc)
Bridget Wright (oguc)
Briedi McCrostie (timc)
Brittany Allan (whoc)
Brittany Fenwick (nelc)
Brogan Kerr (uncc)
Brooke Thomas (rpcc)
Byron Arnold (hamc)
Caitlyn Fitzgerald (wkoc)
Cameron Corkill (rpcw)
Cameron Smith (hwbc)
Camilla Anderson (petc)
Campbell Lowe (hwbc)
Campbell Lowe (xlec)
Campbell Winter (rpca)
Campbell Winter (aklc)
Candice Bardsley (wkoc)
Candice Bardsley (rpcw)
Candice Hammond (rpcc)
Carina Burgess (hwbc)
Carl Finlay (rpcw)
Carl Meyer (rpcs)
Carl Meyer (canc)
Carmen Lim (aklc)
Carmen Lim (xlan)
Caroline Evers-Swindell (rpcw)
Caroline Robertson (petc)
Carraldo Fougere (hwbc)
Cassie Stanford (unwc)
Catherine Corser (welc)
Catherine Kells (hamc)
Catherine Shields (ctyc)
Chad Saunders (clic)
Charlie Haines (avnc)
Charlie Wytenburg (nelc)
Charlotte Burson (rpcc)
Charlotte Harding (avnc)
Chelsea Martin (nelc)
Cheryl Dudfield (welc)
Cheryl Murphy (aklc)
Chris Drost (tgac)
Chris Fowlie (hamc)
Chris Harris (awgc)
Chris Johnson (awgc)
Chris O'Conner (tgac)
Chris Rolls (nshc)
Chris Wright (aklc)
Christina Baker-Burns (wesc)
Christina Brokuf (petc)
Christina Clement (clic)
Christina Matteotti (oguc)
Christina Wratten (nelc)
Christoph Kaelin (wesc)
Christopher Flanagan (rpcs)
Clare Mandeno (wesc)
Clarke McNab (noec)
Clifford Kerr (nshc)
Cole Gillman (uncc)
Colin Luu (petc)
Conor Paul (petc)
Conor Smith (nshc)
Courtney Jacks (rpca)
Courtney Paterson (avnc)
Craig Spencer (avnc)
Curtis Bush (noec)
Dale Pitcher (hamc)
Dallas Peters (whoc)
Damian Kitcheman (hamc)
Dan Cooney (whoc)
Dana Marais (blec)
Dane Boswell (wkoc)
Dane Boswell (rpcw)
Daneil McGhei (avnc)
Daniel Alexander (nelc)
Daniel Bailey (comc)
Daniel Bailey (xlan)
Daniel Batchelor (welc)
Daniel Gold (noec)
Daniel Hayman (xlan)
Daniel Hayman (aklc)
Daniel McCormack (welc)
Daniel Murtagh (rpcw)
Daniel Peart (wkoc)
Daniel Quigley (aklc)
Daniel Quigley (rpca)
Daniel Weeks (hwbc)
Daniel Whalley (petc)
Danielle Dore (ctyc)
Darnelle Timbs (rpca)
Darren Mead (wesc)
Darren Mead (xlan)
Darren Whetton (awgc)
Darryl Reid (hamc)
David Campbell (welc)
David Eade (rpcw)
David Kidd (hamc)
David Mabbott (nshc)
David Roberston (petc)
David Schumacher (rpca)
David Schumacher (aklc)
David Waddell (noec)
David Mark Lindstrom (avnc)
Deborah Moir (welc)
Derek Herder (hamc)
Dillon Brown (clic)
Dion Smith (clic)
Dominique O'Brien (aklc)
Donald Leach (rpcs)
Donna Gregory (avnc)
Donna Warnock (invc)
Doug Cade (petc)
Dougal MacDuff (rpcc)
Duncan Blomfield (wesc)
Duncan Grant (rpcc)
Duncan Smith (hamc)
Edward Cade (petc)
Edward Henry (wesc)
Eily Neilson (ctyc)
Eleanor Nattress (wesc)
Eliza Anderson (aklc)
Elizabeth Travis (tgac)
Elizabeth Travis (xlbp)
Ellen Burnside (xlca)
Ellen Wilson (hamc)
Elliot Riley (rpcc)
Elliott Hall (avnc)
Elyse Fraser (pcuc)
Emily Goodhew (timc)
Emily Shearer (avnc)
Emily Stocker (timc)
Emma Dewhirst (avnc)
Emma Fechney (avnc)
Emma Fechney (xlca)
Emma Hodges (wkoc)
Emma Hodges (xlwk)
Emma Kibblewhite (petc)
Emma McGeorge (wrac)
Emma Symon (avnc)
Emma Twigg (rpca)
Emma Webb (rpca)
Emma Jane Lawrence (timc)
Eric Murray (rpcw)
Eric Murray (wkoc)
Erin Duncan (welc)
Erin Hill (welc)
Erin Tolhurst (rpca)
Ethan Kendall (clic)
Etienne van Tonder (ctyc)
Evelyn Edinghaus (uncc)
Evona Lee (hwbc)
Fergus Hodgson (hamc)
Finian Scott (timc)
Fiona Paterson (rpcw)
Fiona Ryan (petc)
Fletcher Sunde (wesc)
Frances Graham (welc)
Francie Lawson (rpcc)
Fraser Johns (wkoc)
Gabrielle Rogers (camc)
Gareth Davis (invc)
Gareth Robertson (aklc)
Garth Hammond (awgc)
Garth Tremeer (wesc)
Gemma Watherston (ctyc)
Genevieve Armstrong (xlbp)
Genevieve Armstrong (tgac)
Genevieve Crawford (wkoc)
Geoff Jorgensen (wesc)
George Bridgewater (canc)
George Bridgewater (rpcs)
George McLeod (avnc)
Georgia Collings (timc)
Georgia Milne (avnc)
Georgie Fisher (wesc)
Georgie Kirkland (avnc)
Georgina Evers-Swindell (rpcw)
Gigi Green (wesc)
Grace Pearce (avnc)
Grace Saunders (petc)
Graham Hill (rpcw)
Graham Oberlin-Brown (rpcw)
Grant Carroll (wrac)
Grant Carroll (rpcc)
Grant Fahey (noec)
Gregg Hamill (invc)
Guy Lowe (avnc)
Hamish Bond (rpcs)
Hamish Burson (rpcc)
Hamish Burson (wrac)
Hamish Fox (invc)
Hamish McQueen (aklc)
Hamish Rowlands (xlnm)
Hamish Rowlands (wrac)
Hamish Yates (petc)
Hana McEwan (xlan)
Hana McEwan (wesc)
Hannah Brown (avnc)
Hannah Falconer (noec)
Hannah McQueen (xlan)
Hannah McQueen (aklc)
Hannah Starnes (rpcc)
Hannah van Velthooven (wrac)
Harriet Goodhew (timc)
Harriett Austin (rpcc)
Harriett Follas (wesc)
Harriett Follas (xlan)
Hauke Gallaudt (nshc)
Hayley McInnarney (rpca)
Helen Abbey (avnc)
Helen Ratcliff (rpcw)
Helen Ratcliff (xlwk)
Henry Poor (rpca)
Henry Smith (rpcs)
Hilary Knox (oguc)
Hoani Smith (avnc)
Holly Martin (noec)
Hope Westbury (avnc)
Ian Mason (aklc)
Ian Seymour (rpcc)
Ian Smallman (canc)
Ian Smallman (rpcs)
Isaac Green (uncc)
Isabel McLernon (ctyc)
Ishmael Grimwood (noec)
Isobel Maxwell-Cameron (oguc)
Jack Stainton (ctyc)
Jaclyn Fenwick (nelc)
Jaclyn Parker (timc)
Jacob Edwards (petc)
Jacob Laird (hwbc)
Jacob McMillan (wesc)
Jacob Power (nshc)
Jacqueline Roberts (rpcc)
Jacqui Lawrence (hamc)
Jade Uru (rpcs)
Jaime Nielsen (rpcw)
Jaime Pannett (whoc)
Jaimee Thorpe (ctyc)
James Ashley (picc)
James Ashley (xlnm)
James Askham (avnc)
James Cooper (nshc)
James Dallinger (rpcw)
James Dallinger (wkoc)
James Harvey (wtuc)
James Howard (rpcs)
James Hudson (avnc)
James Lilley (whoc)
James Matthews (avnc)
James Newtould (avnc)
James Pethica (aklc)
James Wellacott (wesc)
Jamie Burgess (noec)
Jamie Orsbourn (nelc)
Jamie Saunders (petc)
Jamie Twigg (rpcc)
Janie Cameron (timc)
Jared Pehi (rpcw)
Jarid McKenzie (nelc)
Jason Hablous (nshc)
Jason Kitchin (hwbc)
Jason Kururangi (aklc)
Jason North (invc)
Jason Steyn-Ross (hamc)
Jason Theobald (hamc)
Jason Williams (clic)
Jenna Hall (invc)
Jenna Middleton (porc)
Jenna Suckling (ctyc)
Jennie Tiers (wesc)
Jennifer Laird (uncc)
Jennifer Schmidt (hamc)
Jennifer Walker (wesc)
Jenny Mathews (nelc)
Jenny Storey (ctyc)
Jeremy Marshall (tgac)
Jerome Chapman (welc)
Jess Mulcahy (timc)
Jessica Cunnold (avnc)
Jessica Discombe (aklc)
Jessica Krejcisz (petc)
Jessica Loe (xlca)
Jessica Loe (avnc)
Jessica Vallance (wesc)
Jessica Van Der Lem (whoc)
Jodi Boyle (wesc)
Jody Rechenmacher (hamc)
Joe Latta (noec)
Joel McCullough (petc)
Johanna King (avnc)
Johanna Nyenhuis (unwc)
John Kidd (aklc)
John Morrison (avnc)
John Storey (rpcs)
John West (aklc)
Johnathon Rowe (avnc)
Jonathan Hoskin (wesc)
Jonathon Taylor (avnc)
Jordy Campbell (awgc)
Jordyn Yee (avnc)
Joseph Findlay (invc)
Joseph Morgan (wkoc)
Joseph Sullivan (rpcc)
Josh Marriot (hamc)
Josh Payne (wkoc)
Joshua Roche (petc)
Josiah Eadie (wesc)
Josie Maher (avnc)
Judith Quinlan (wesc)
Julia Smith (hamc)
Julia Trautvetter (hwbc)
Julia Watherston (ctyc)
Julie Morris (noec)
Juliet Whittaker (nelc)
Juliette Haigh (rpca)
Justin Evans (rpcc)
Justin Walker (aklc)
Justine Grahame (clic)
Kara McEwan (wesc)
Kara McEwan (xlan)
Karen Drnasin (noec)
Karla Gwillim (avnc)
Kate Dombroski (petc)
Kate Feary (avnc)
Kate French (whoc)
Kate Patchett (avnc)
Kate Reymer (rpcw)
Kate Skipper (clic)
Kate Tidbury (aklc)
Kathryn McDonnell (whoc)
Katie Burns (hamc)
Katie Dickens (nelc)
Katie Hall (invc)
Katrina Lawrence (welc)
Kelly Pinfold (hamc)
Kelly Robertson (aklc)
Kendra Titheridge (wrac)
Keren Ward (hamc)
Kevin Simpson (hwbc)
Kevin Smith (wesc)
Kim Batley (hamc)
Kim Garnham (wesc)
Kimberley Bloodworth (wkoc)
Kimberley Bloodworth (xlwk)
Kirk Wotherspoon (hamc)
Kirstin Howard (welc)
Kirstin Stallard (rpcc)
Kirsty Butler (nelc)
Kirsty Calman (unwc)
Kirsty Elder (whoc)
Kirsty Ferguson (ctyc)
Kirsty Thompson (nelc)
Kris Beerespot (wesc)
Kristen Wing (wesc)
Kylee Corboy (welc)
Kylee Henriksen (whoc)
Lachlan Fraser (clic)
Lambertus Brandsma (hamc)
Lance Smith (uncc)
Lara Haydon (aklc)
Laura Bensdrop (nelc)
Laura Fischer (rotc)
Laura Fischer (xlbp)
Laura Jones (aklc)
Laura McNulty (timc)
Laura Tupou (wkoc)
Laura Westhead (ctyc)
Lauren Thomas (avnc)
Laurence Muijlwijk (hamc)
Laurissa Ross (unwc)
Leah Stanley (nshc)
Leighton Montgomerie (clic)
Lennard Berghan (clic)
Leon Gerrard (invc)
Liam Fox (avnc)
Liam O'Halloran (rpcc)
Liam Sheehy (tgac)
Libby Major (porc)
Lillian Clayton-Greene (xlbp)
Lillian Clayton-Greene (tgac)
Lisa Burn (petc)
Lisa Edge (wkoc)
Lisa Rofe (petc)
Liz Ireland (timc)
Liz Jerrat (rpcw)
Liz Jerrat (xlwk)
Lizzie Dickie (petc)
Louise Ayling (whoc)
Louise Ormsby (wesc)
Louise Trappitt (wrac)
Lucinda Paterson (xlca)
Lucinda Paterson (ctyc)
Lucy Baker (welc)
Lucy Conway (nelc)
Lucy Dunn (welc)
Lucy Smith (hamc)
Lucy Spoors (ctyc)
Lucy Spoors (xlca)
Lucy Strack (noec)
Lucy Warnock (welc)
Luke Blackman (wesc)
Luke Cornille (hamc)
Lydia Dockrill (timc)
Lynn Grace (whoc)
Madeline Edmunds (avnc)
Mahe Drysdale (rpca)
Maia Solomon (hwbc)
Malcolm Lewis (rpca)
Malcolm Lewis (aklc)
Marc McNeil (avnc)
Maria Larcombe (rpca)
Maria Rockell (avnc)
Marja Spencer (wesc)
Mark Haywood (rpcs)
Mark Patterson (rpcc)
Mark Troup-Paul (rpcw)
Martha Rowbotham (petc)
Martin Berka (aklc)
Martin Tegg (wesc)
Mary Lister (rpcc)
Mathew Henderson (petc)
Mathew Jensen (aklc)
Mathew Jensen (rpca)
Mathew Pascoe (ctyc)
Matt Cameron (wkoc)
Matt Cummings (petc)
Matt McGovern (hwbc)
Matt Smail (noec)
Matthew Adam (rpcc)
Matthew Allan (whoc)
Matthew Archibald (rpcc)
Matthew Glenn (xlec)
Matthew Glenn (wkoc)
Matthew Kavanagh (xlan)
Matthew Kavanagh (akgc)
Matthew Leonard (avnc)
Matthew Malcolm (invc)
Matthew Nydam (petc)
Matthew Perry (welc)
Matthew Thompson (hamc)
Matthew Trott (canc)
Matthew Trott (rpcs)
Meari Ono (ctyc)
Meari Ono (xlca)
Meg Montgomery (ctyc)
Meg Wilson (wesc)
Megan Lunt (aklc)
Megan Scott (wkoc)
Megan Willetts (unwc)
Melissa Benson-Chan (welc)
Michael Dessoulavy (welc)
Michael Harrison (hwbc)
Michael Harrison (xlec)
Michael Leydon (aklc)
Michael Nisbet (noec)
Michael Rozijn (aklc)
Michael Stuart (rpcs)
Michael Webster (xlan)
Michael Webster (wesc)
Michelle Banning (nelc)
Michelle Fox (invc)
Michelle MacKenzie (unwc)
Mike Grace (welc)
Mike Turk (welc)
Mikkel Nielsen (rpcc)
Morgan Robinson (wesc)
Murray Stewart (awgc)
Natalie Bryant (petc)
Natalie Jakobs (pcuc)
Natalie Matheson (nelc)
Natalie Sorensen (rpcw)
Natalie Stuart (nelc)
Natasha Coffey (avnc)
Natasha O'Rielly (petc)
Natasha Thomson (aklc)
Nathan Cohen (rpcs)
Nathan Terrey (rpcw)
Nathan Twaddle (rpca)
Neil McDonald (xlnm)
Nic Mogford (hwbc)
Nicholas Dudley (welc)
Nicholas Pusinelli (xlan)
Nicholas Pusinelli (akgc)
Nicholas Stewart (rpcw)
Nick Burrows (wkoc)
Nick Hudson (aklc)
Nick Maher (petc)
Nick Moody (wesc)
Nick Moody (xlan)
Nicky Coles (rpca)
Nicky Staite (xlwk)
Nicky Staite (rpcw)
Nicky Staite (wkoc)
Nicola Bloodworth (wkoc)
Nicola Coulter (timc)
Nicola Davies (aklc)
Nicola Durie (timc)
Nicola Goss (hamc)
Nicola Jupp (clic)
Nicola Kyle (welc)
Nicola Pearce (timc)
Nicole Keenan (petc)
Nikki-Lee Crawford (rpcc)
Nikola Boswell (wkoc)
Nikolas Petrovic (aklc)
Nina Whitehead (xlan)
Nina Whitehead (aklc)
Odette Sceats (xlwk)
Odette Sceats (rpcw)
Olivia Bell (ctyc)
Olivia Bird (nelc)
Olivia Brook (avnc)
Olivia Cooper (ctyc)
Olivia Loe (avnc)
Olivia Matkin (timc)
Olivia Timpson (nelc)
Ollie Behrent (whoc)
Ollie McGlone (hamc)
Paddy Kluts (uncc)
Pat Spriggens (awgc)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Paul Gerritsen (wkoc)
Paul Gerritsen (rpcw)
Paul Moreno (welc)
Paula Twining (rpcw)
Penelope Fletcher (avnc)
Penelope Smith (rpcc)
Penny Buckley (avnc)
Penny Gault (wesc)
Penny Gault (xlan)
Peter Benny (wrac)
Peter Benny (rpcc)
Peter Jordan (whoc)
Peter McDowall (pcuc)
Peter Taylor (rpca)
Peter Walter (rpcw)
Phil Guthrie (wesc)
Phil Karl (hamc)
Philip Hodder (ctyc)
Philippa Joblin (welc)
Phillippa Summerville (camc)
Phoebe Wilding (ctyc)
Rachel Arbuckle (rpcw)
Rachel Bishop (oguc)
Rachel Bowie (ctyc)
Rachel Gallagher (unwc)
Rachel Goudie (wkoc)
Rachel Goudie (rpcw)
Rachel Laird (porc)
Rachel O'Connor (rpcc)
Rachel Wilson (rpcc)
Rachelle Jones (hamc)
Rebecca Baker (xlwk)
Rebecca Baker (rpcw)
Rebecca Boyes (xlbp)
Rebecca Boyes (bpcc)
Rebecca Mehrtens (hamc)
Rebecca Newman (avnc)
Rebecca Scown (rpcc)
Rebecca Walker (wesc)
Rebekah Holloway (welc)
Regan Scully (avnc)
Ria Witchell (aklc)
Richard Barker (aklc)
Richard Beaumont (rpca)
Richard Hamilton (invc)
Richard Harrison (hwbc)
Richard Raddatz (nelc)
Richard Sharp (rpcw)
Riki Russell (awrc)
Rob Hellstrom (wrac)
Rob Hellstrom (rpcc)
Robbie Connell (avnc)
Robbie Manson (avnc)
Robert Ashley (welc)
Robert Haden (tgac)
Robert Salvesen (rpcs)
Robert Salvesen (canc)
Robin Va'auli (petc)
Robyn Munro (nelc)
Rochelle Lewis (wesc)
Rodney Black (noec)
Rory Devlin (invc)
Rosa Thomas (xlca)
Rosa Thomas (avnc)
Rosie Waddington (porc)
Roslyn Knox (rpcc)
Ross Hawthorne (xlan)
Ross Hawthorne (wesc)
Ryan Brown (blec)
Ryan Derby (aklc)
Sacha Jordan (aklc)
Sally Spackman (ctyc)
Sam Gavigan (tgac)
Sam Gillman (uncc)
Sam Glassey (ctyc)
Sam Henry (aklc)
Sam Letham (rpcs)
Sam Roberts (hamc)
Sam Thexton (nshc)
Samantha Legge (petc)
Samuel O'Connor (rpcs)
Samuel Thomson (avnc)
Sara Hanning (wrac)
Sara Lee-Anne Smith (avnc)
Sarah Alexander (rpca)
Sarah Allermann (welc)
Sarah Barnes (invc)
Sarah Bone (welc)
Sarah Boys (timc)
Sarah Houston (petc)
Sarah Kelly (unwc)
Sarah Leppard (clic)
Sarah Lindley (wtuc)
Sarah Smallman (avnc)
Sarah Woolfe (rpca)
Sarah Woolley (avnc)
Scott Ah Mu (invc)
Scott McArtney (blec)
Scott Van Den Bosch (rpcc)
Sean Burn (petc)
Sean McDonald (hamc)
Sebastian McLarin (aklc)
Selwyn Cleland (wkoc)
Selwyn Cleland (rpcw)
Shane Black (whoc)
Shannon Leonard (aklc)
Shannon Leonard (xlan)
Shannon Sands (wesc)
Shannon-Petra Lenihan (petc)
Shaun Stuart-Jones (hamc)
Sian Jones-White (nelc)
Simon Breen (uncc)
Simon Lack (rpca)
Simon Manawaiti (welc)
Simon Van Rossen (avnc)
Simon Watson (rpcw)
Simone Hudson (rpcc)
Simone Johnson (aklc)
Siobhan Crawford (wkoc)
Sonya MacDonald (pcuc)
Sophia Duncan-Haines (petc)
Sophie Gilchrist (timc)
Sophie Spiers (ctyc)
Stephanie Arlaud (welc)
Stephanie Julian (hamc)
Stephen Sutherland (wesc)
Steven Cottle (aklc)
Steven Cottle (rpca)
Steven Payne (whoc)
Stewart Robertson (petc)
Storm Baynes (xlwk)
Storm Baynes (wkoc)
Storm Uru (rpcs)
Sue O'Leary (awgc)
Summar Connelly (avnc)
Suzie Pottinger (xlca)
Suzie Pottinger (ctyc)
Tamsin Gilbert (rpca)
Tara Walker (nelc)
Terry Gibson (avnc)
Tessa Gudsell (unwc)
Thomas Parlane (uncc)
Thomas Rose (avnc)
Thomas Sparks (petc)
Tim Westbrook (avnc)
Timothy Handisides (avnc)
Timothy Olson (aklc)
Timothy Wilson (welc)
Tina Geary (whoc)
Toby Pascoe (whoc)
Toby Patton (tgac)
Todd Adolph (wtuc)
Todd Hale (hwbc)
Todd Petherick (rpcs)
Toni Eade (invc)
Toni Ruru (timc)
Tracey Preston (welc)
Trey Wellacott (wesc)
Trudy Stuart (xlbp)
Trudy Stuart (bpcc)
Tyler Andrews (tgac)
Tyler Sherman (wkoc)
Tyler Smith (pcuc)
Tyson Williams (wkoc)
Vicki Connor (camc)
Victoria Walden (timc)
Warrick Wright (rpcc)
Wayne Newlove (wrac)
Wayne Newlove (xlnm)
William Shaw (wkoc)
Zoe Evans (xlca)
Zoe Gordon (stac)
All coaches
Alexander Meates (avnc)
Allan Luff (awgc)
Allistair Morris (invc)
Allister Morris (invc)
Andrae Fassler (xlan)
Brett Cheetham (xlan)
Brett Crowe (xlwk)
Brian Hawthorne (xlan)
Bruce Jones (comc)
Bruce Jones (xlan)
Cameron Gibson (noec)
Chris Harris (awgc)
Chris Morgan (xlec)
Dale Maher (ctyc)
Danny Young (whoc)
David Lindstrom (avnc)
Fred Strachan (noec)
George Kempton (invc)
Georgia Halley (nelc)
Glen Sinclair (oguc)
Glen Sinclair (whoc)
Ian Hamilton (invc)
Jason Williams (clic)
Jeremy Jones (nshc)
John O'Connor (whoc)
Judith Hamilton (xlbp)
Judith Hamilton (rotc)
Judith Hamilton (bpcc)
Judith Hamilton (tgac)
Julia O'Brien (pcuc)
Katrina Lawrence (welc)
Ken Edge (wkoc)
Luke Van Velthooven (wrac)
Marion Howell (wrac)
Mark Stallard (wrac)
Michael Buikema (xlan)
Mike Goldsmith (pcuc)
Nadia Bleaken (avnc)
Peter Foster (noec)
Ray Sinclair (pcuc)
Rex Ryan (whoc)
Royce Wilson (noec)
Steve Donaldson (wrac)
Steve Donaldson (picc)
Steve Donaldson (xlnm)
Steve Wills (xlwk)
Thomas Rose (avnc)
Trevor Wilson (pcuc)
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