North Island Rowing Championships

Glendowie College's strip

Glendowie College

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4mens Nov 8+

Sponsored by: S L Racing

Heats: 1,2,3->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Thomas Hulbert (stroke) | Tyler Warren | Will Leyland | Bailey Dale | Ashton McComish | Zack Henton | Samuel Anderson | Zac Wilson + Alex Hunt (cox)
Coaches - Kieran Smith | Danielle McComish

6womens Nov 2X

Sponsored by: Rob Bristow - rowing images

Heats: Fastest to Finals

Crew: SGEC 31 - Talulah Flavell (stroke) | Marin Sapir
Coach - Hayden Shaw
Crew: SGEC 32 - Julia Storti (stroke) | Isabella Taylor-Campbell
Coach - Hayden Shaw

7mens Club 2X

Sponsored by: ONYX CAFÉ

Heats: Fastest to Finals

Crew: SGEC 1 - Zane Cook (stroke) | Frank Ison
Coaches - John Cook | Leo Strode Penny
Crew: SGEC 31 - Finlay Christensen (stroke) | Preston Blair
Coach - Leo Strode Penny

12mens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Roger Pascoe (stroke) | Mitchell Smith | Oliver Henton | Xavier Warren + Rory Smith-Rice (cox)
Coach - Leo Strode Penny

13mens Nov 8X+

Sponsored by: King Racing

Heats: 1,2,3->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

14womens Int 2X

Sponsored by: Kebabelicious

Heats: Fastest to Finals

Crew: SGEC 31 - Keana MacCallum (stroke) | Hannah Strang
Coach - Denzell Christian

24womens Int 8X+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Annabel Jones (stroke) | Ellie Dobson | Olivia James | Hannah Pitcaithly | Olivia Strang | Lauren Hunt | Matilda Burdekin | Chloe Aitken + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coaches - Denzell Christian | Hayden Shaw

25Emens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Crewroom

Heats: 1,2,3->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Jayden Botha (stroke) | Lucas Powell | Finn Cresswell | Zac Wilson + Alex Hunt (cox)
Coaches - Kieran Smith | Danielle McComish
Crew: SGEC 32 - Will Leyland (stroke) | Tyler Warren | Zack Henton | Bailey Dale + Jacob Willson (cox)
Coaches - Kieran Smith | Danielle McComish

27mens Club 1X

Sponsored by: Wintech Racing

Heats: 1->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

  • Heat 6: placed 7th (8:52.25)
Crew: SGEC 31 - Finlay Christensen
Coach - Leo Strode Penny
  • Heat 4: placed 8th (8:59.62)
Crew: SGEC 32 - Preston Blair
Coach - Leo Strode Penny

34mens Int 2X

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: Fastest to Finals

Crew: SGEC 31 - Roger Pascoe (stroke) | Oliver Henton
Coach - Leo Strode Penny

36womens Nov 8X+

Sponsored by: MobiComm Ltd

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

45Ewomens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Fresh Choice Supermarket Leamington

Heats: 1->A Final + 4 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Hannah Strang (stroke) | Hannah Pitcaithly | Olivia Strang | Lauren Hunt + Alex Hunt (cox)
Coach - Denzell Christian

46womens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Footloose Cambridge

Heats: 1->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Keana MacCallum (stroke) | Olivia James | Ellie Dobson | Annabel Jones + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coach - Denzell Christian

50mens Nov 4+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (8:58.73)
Crew: SGEC 32 - Will Leyland (stroke) | Zack Henton | Zac Wilson | Bailey Dale + Jacob Willson (cox)
Coaches - Kieran Smith | Danielle McComish

58Ewomens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: ONYX CAFÉ

Heats: 1->A Final + 4 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Chloe Aitken (stroke) | Amy Ison | Matilda Burdekin | Catarina Oliveira + Hannah Pitcaithly (cox)
Coach - Hayden Shaw

59womens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Rob Bristow - rowing images

Heats: 1->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

  • Heat 4: placed 27th (8:28.13)
Crew: SGEC 31 - Talulah Flavell (stroke) | Marin Sapir | Isabella Taylor-Campbell | Julia Storti + Isla Soosay (cox)
Coach - Hayden Shaw

60mens Nov 2X

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Finn Cresswell (stroke) | Lucas Powell
Coaches - Kieran Smith | Danielle McComish

61womens Int 1X

Sponsored by: Aotearoa Boat Company

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Keana MacCallum
Coach - Denzell Christian
Crew: SGEC 32 - Hannah Strang
Coach - Denzell Christian

62mens Club 2-

Sponsored by: S L Racing

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

Crew: SGEC 2 - Zane Cook (stroke) | Frank Ison
Coaches - John Cook | Leo Strode Penny
Crew: SGEC 31 - Finlay Christensen (stroke) | Preston Blair
Coach - Leo Strode Penny

63mens Int 1X

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final; NF 8->C Final

Crew: SGEC 31 - Xavier Warren
Coach - Leo Strode Penny




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