In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Event #
1: womens Club 1X
2: womens U21 4X-
3: mens Prem 2-
4: womens Snr 4X-
5: womens Prem 2-
6: mens U21 4-
7: mens Prem 1X
8: womens Prem 1X
9: womens U21 4-
10: mens Club 1X
11: mens U21 1X
12: mens Nov 2X
13: mens Snr 2X
14: womens Nov 4+
15: womens U21 1X
16: womens Club 4+
17: womens Snr 8+
18: mens Nov 4+
19: mens Club 8+
20: womens Club 2X
21: mens Prem 4-
22: womens Prem 4-
23: mens U21 2-
24: womens U21 2-
25: mens Open 1X (P)
26: mixed Open 2X (P)
27: mens Snr 2-
28: womens Club 8+
29: mens Club 4X-
30: mens Prem 2X
31: mens Snr 4X-
32: womens Prem 2X
33: womens Snr 4-
34: mens U21 2X
35: mens Snr 4-
36: mens U21 8+
37: womens Nov 2X
38: womens Snr 2X
39: mens Snr 1X
40: mens Club 4+
41: womens U21 8+
42: mens Nov 8+
43: womens Club 4X-
44: womens Snr 2-
45: womens U21 2X
46: mens Club 2X
47: mens Snr 8+
48: mens U21 4X-
49: womens Nov 8+
50: womens Snr 1X
51: mens Prem 4X-
52: womens Prem 4X-
53: womens Prem 8+
54: mens Prem 8+
15: womens U21 1X
45: womens U21 2X
24: womens U21 2-
2: womens U21 4X-
9: womens U21 4-
41: womens U21 8+
37: womens Nov 2X
14: womens Nov 4+
49: womens Nov 8+
1: womens Club 1X
20: womens Club 2X
43: womens Club 4X-
16: womens Club 4+
28: womens Club 8+
50: womens Snr 1X
38: womens Snr 2X
44: womens Snr 2-
4: womens Snr 4X-
33: womens Snr 4-
17: womens Snr 8+
8: womens Prem 1X
32: womens Prem 2X
5: womens Prem 2-
52: womens Prem 4X-
22: womens Prem 4-
53: womens Prem 8+
25: mens Open 1X (P)
11: mens U21 1X
34: mens U21 2X
23: mens U21 2-
48: mens U21 4X-
6: mens U21 4-
36: mens U21 8+
12: mens Nov 2X
18: mens Nov 4+
42: mens Nov 8+
10: mens Club 1X
46: mens Club 2X
29: mens Club 4X-
40: mens Club 4+
19: mens Club 8+
39: mens Snr 1X
13: mens Snr 2X
27: mens Snr 2-
31: mens Snr 4X-
35: mens Snr 4-
47: mens Snr 8+
7: mens Prem 1X
30: mens Prem 2X
3: mens Prem 2-
51: mens Prem 4X-
21: mens Prem 4-
54: mens Prem 8+
26: mixed Open 2X (P)
All regions
North Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Brugge KRB
Cambridge Rowing Club
Central RPC
Clifton Rowing Club
Counties-Manukau Rowing Club
Gisborne Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Mercer Rowing Club
New Zealand Squad
North Shore Rowing Club
Petone Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Southern RPC
St Georges Rowing Club
Tauranga Rowing Club
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
West End Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Abby Duke (hamc)
Abby Green (rpca)
Abby Rowlands (hamc)
Adam Howie (unwc)
Adam King (tawc)
Adam Ling (rpcw)
Adam Tripp (rnzx)
Adriana Burton (hwbc)
Ainsley Harte (hwbc)
Aisha Wainwright (hwbc)
Alex Reid (clic)
Alex Wilson (hwbc)
Alexander Galt (hamc)
Alexander Mudford (camc)
Alexandra Burnside (rpcs)
Alexandra Ford (wesc)
Alice Joblin-Mills (unwc)
Alice Kenny (hwbc)
Alice McGregor (hwbc)
Alice White (rpcw)
Alice Wright (petc)
Alisha Maxwell (wkoc)
Allie Smith (nshc)
Alyce Pulford (rnzx)
Alyse McNae (hamc)
Amy Kelly (bpcc)
Amy Kelly (rotc)
Amy-Kelly Horsfall (camc)
Ana Holt (aklc)
Andrew Annear (rpcw)
Andrew Healey (rpcw)
Andrew Oliver (wesc)
Andrew Potter (hwbc)
Angela Kay (wkoc)
Angelique Bam (unwc)
Anna Delong (nshc)
Anna Irwin (nshc)
Anna Rowbotham (wesc)
Anna Saxton (camc)
Anna Wallace (rotc)
Anni te One (porc)
Anthony Berkers (wkoc)
Anthony Meehan (hamc)
Anthony O'Connor (aklc)
Antony Zouch (rpca)
Ariana Matthew (tawc)
Ariana Williams (hwbc)
Ashlea Quirke (hwbc)
Ashleigh Aitchison (nshc)
Ashleigh Hodge (rpcw)
Ashley Buchanan (unwc)
Ashley Holland (gisc)
Ashley Jaques (hamc)
Ashton Lovell (wrec)
Ashton Moorhead (camc)
Bayly Harris (hamc)
Ben Cudby (tawc)
Ben Goldsworthy (unwc)
Ben Hammond (rnzx)
Betka Bouskova (aklc)
Bevan Sutton (wkoc)
Bianca Buddo (hwbc)
Bianca Niemandt (aklc)
Blair Harrison (hwbc)
Blair Jones (rpca)
Blake Wilson (clic)
Bobby Kells (rpca)
Bradley Craven (tgac)
Bradley Jowitt (wesc)
Brendan O'Halloran (hamc)
Brenna Brown (porc)
Brent Walker (hkic)
Briar Murphy (camc)
Bridget Edwards (hwbc)
Brittany Mace (hamc)
Brooke Stevens (hamc)
Caitlin Lawry (camc)
Caleb Coker (rotc)
Caleb Eady (wrec)
Caleb Shepherd (rpcw)
Callum Dickson (hamc)
Callum Lack (hwbc)
Callum Taft (rotc)
Cameron Paddy (hamc)
Cameron Pease (hwbc)
Cameron Smith (rpca)
Campbell Rhodes (wesc)
Carey Dale (merc)
Carl Meyer (rnzx)
Caroline Wright (nshc)
Casie Earp (clic)
Catherine Mills (aklc)
Chanel McCallum (clic)
Charlie McLeod (hwbc)
Charlotte Dobier (nshc)
Charlotte Weeks (hwbc)
Chloe MacFarlane (wkoc)
Chris Harris (rnzx)
Chris Hone (unwc)
Chris Marffy (hwbc)
Chris O'Conner (bpcc)
Chris Rolls (aklc)
Christina Baker-Burns (rpca)
Christina Lampey (aklc)
Christopher Morrison (rpcw)
Claire Hardie (petc)
Claudia Hyde (rotc)
Clyde Smith (gisc)
Cody Pettit (tgac)
Cord Kerr (gisc)
Corey Murray (clic)
Courteney Nielsen (wkoc)
Craig Law (hwbc)
Craig Little (nshc)
Craig Spencer (wesc)
Curtis Rapley (rpcw)
Dacey Caldwell (wesc)
Daniel Bridgwater (tgac)
Daniel Kittow (hwbc)
Daniel McIntyre-Gardner (gisc)
Danny McBride (camc)
David Eade (rnzx)
David Hutton (bpcc)
David Mabbott (rpca)
Delaney Phillips (rotc)
Dion Mansfield (nshc)
Dion Petersen (clic)
Dirk Driessen (rpcw)
Dominic Newton (hkic)
Duncan Grant (rnzx)
Duncan Shand (hamc)
Dylan Boddis (rotc)
Edward Baddeley (wrec)
Edward Wagstaff (wkoc)
Eilish Robinson (gisc)
Eleanor Bradley (aklc)
Eleanor Craig (porc)
Elicia Milne (nshc)
Ella Manson (hamc)
Ellie O'Connell (wesc)
Ellyce Stehlin (aklc)
Emily Discombe (rpcw)
Emily Hyde (gisc)
Emily Munro (camc)
Emily Weiss (hamc)
Emma Cronshaw-Hunt (rotc)
Emma Rees (clic)
Emma Twigg (rnzx)
Emma-Jane Feathery (rnzx)
Eric Murray (rnzx)
Erica van der Zanden (hamc)
Erin Tolhurst (rpcw)
Erin-Monque Shelton (petc)
Esthie de Wet (aklc)
Eva Reid (clic)
Evan Kennedy (rpcw)
Evie Wallace (hwbc)
Finn Howard (nshc)
Fiona Bourke (rnzx)
Fiona Paterson (rnzx)
Frances Hughes (wesc)
Freya Robinson (gisc)
Gabriella Giacon (porc)
Gavin Foulsham (hwbc)
Ged Campbell (rpca)
Gemma Billingham (petc)
Genevieve Armstrong (rnzx)
Genevieve Behrent (rpcs)
George Grieve (nshc)
Georgia Perry (camc)
Georgie Robson (hwbc)
Gillian Cooper (nshc)
Glen Barwick (gisc)
Grace Whitaker (petc)
Grady Budd (hamc)
Graham Oberlin-Brown (rnzx)
Grant Kissling (gisc)
Gregory Edge (wkoc)
Gus Berghan (clic)
Hamish Bond (rnzx)
Hamish Boult (hwbc)
Hamish Burson (rnzx)
Hamish Carter (camc)
Hana McEwan (wesc)
Hannah Armstrong (nshc)
Hannah Bailey (hwbc)
Hannah MacKlow (hwbc)
Hannah MacLean (aklc)
Hannah Maher (hamc)
Hannah Osborne (tawc)
Hannah Sweetman (sgec)
Harriett Austin (rpcw)
Hayden Smith (nshc)
Haylee Jenkins (hwbc)
Hayley Evans (gisc)
Heather Scott (bpcc)
Hemashri Govender (hamc)
Holly Dixon (wesc)
Holly Johnston (bpcc)
Holly Johnston (rotc)
Holly Ross (wkoc)
Hugh Spiers (rotc)
Hugo Snell (aklc)
Ian Mason (nshc)
Ian Seymour (rnzx)
Isaac Algar (wkoc)
Isaac Grainger (aklc)
Isobel Ayers (hwbc)
Ivan Pavich (rnzx)
Ivana Giacon (porc)
Jack Barr (hwbc)
Jack Coles (petc)
Jack Gilpin (tgac)
Jack Greenslade (clic)
Jackson Pettit (tgac)
Jackson Visscher (clic)
Jacque Coutier (hwbc)
Jacqui Lawrence (hamc)
Jade Uru (rnzx)
Jade Waldin (hwbc)
Jaden Jonasen (gisc)
Jaime O'Keefe (unwc)
Jakob Zohs (rotc)
James Allwood (wkoc)
James Chatfield (gisc)
James Dallinger (rpcw)
James Hoskin (unwc)
James Lassche (rnzx)
James McAnallen (petc)
James Pethica (aklc)
James Schofield (hwbc)
Jamie Christie (aklc)
Jamie Wilson (rotc)
Jason Cornwall (aklc)
Jason Quilter (clic)
Jason Theobald (hamc)
Jassy Pause (nshc)
Jayden Meyer (tgac)
Jayson Stewart (bpcc)
Jeff Francis (rpcw)
Jena O'Sullivan (clic)
Jeshua Taucher (aklc)
Jessica Collins (wkoc)
Jessica Douglas (nshc)
Jessica Ellis (wesc)
Jessica Harlow (hamc)
Jessica Loe (rpcs)
Jessica Munro (rpcw)
Jessica Ria (camc)
Jillea Hewitt (hwbc)
John Hellaby (aklc)
John Storey (rnzx)
Johnathan Tait (wesc)
Jonathan Lee (hamc)
Jonathon Nabbs (rpcw)
Jordan Parry (tgac)
Jordan Stanley (nshc)
Jordan Tohiariki (petc)
Joseph Flight (wkoc)
Joseph Hos (aklc)
Joseph Nihotte (wesc)
Joseph Sullivan (rnzx)
Joshua Gaby-Sutherland (hamc)
Josie Coury (wesc)
Josie Matuku (clic)
Josina Lam (hamc)
Julia Edward (rnzx)
Julia Trautvetter (hwbc)
Kasimir King (wesc)
Kate Christie (aklc)
Kate Good (clic)
Kate Jordan (awgc)
Kate McIntosh (hwbc)
Kate Reymer (rpcw)
Kate Tidbury (aklc)
Kathryn Harris (wkoc)
Katie Burgess (porc)
Katie Steenman (camc)
Kayla Jans (camc)
Kayla Pratt (rpca)
Keegan Oxenham (rotc)
Keely Jo Pause (nshc)
Keiran Vandergoot (rotc)
Kelsey Bevan (rpca)
Kelsey Crew (rotc)
Kemble Cadwallader (gisc)
Kent Spence (gisc)
Kerri Gowler (awgc)
Kerry Dombroski (clic)
Kiara England (aklc)
Kieran MacDonald (rpcw)
Kieran McGirr (hamc)
Kim Forlong (hamc)
Kimberley Connolly (nshc)
Kirsten Holley (hwbc)
Kirsten Wood (wesc)
Kirstie James (rpca)
Kristopher Reilly-Simmons (wesc)
Kurt Tudor (hamc)
Kyle Battersby (nshc)
Lambertus Brandsma (hamc)
Lana Davison (rpcw)
Lana Phipps (clic)
Lara Lindsay-Parker (hwbc)
Lauchlan Rouse (clic)
Laura Fischer (rpcw)
Laura Galt (hamc)
Laura Jones (wesc)
Laura Miller (petc)
Lauren Paddy (hamc)
Lauren Russell (camc)
Lauren Stone (hwbc)
Lauren Tilson (nshc)
Leah Stanley (rpca)
Leith Walker (unwc)
Lewis Hollows (wesc)
Lewis Holotau (petc)
Liam Burgess (hamc)
Liam Cottle (gisc)
Liam Herder (hamc)
Lillian Lusty (wkoc)
Lily Brownlie (hwbc)
Linda Mathews (rnzx)
Lloyd Curl (wkoc)
Logan Herbert (hwbc)
Logan Rodger (rpcw)
Logan Toa (clic)
Louise Ayling (rnzx)
Louise Trappitt (rnzx)
Louise Trappitt (rpcc)
Loveday Yeoman (hamc)
Luca Marchioni (hamc)
Lucy Annear (wkoc)
Lucy Dixon (wesc)
Lucy Rutten (porc)
Lucy Spoors (rpcs)
Lucy Strack (rnzx)
Luke Driscoll (aklc)
Luke Dunstan (merc)
Luke Jenkins (gisc)
Luke Watts (unwc)
Lydia Pulford (hwbc)
Lydia Radich (clic)
Madison Marchioni (hamc)
Mania Oxenham (rotc)
Manuel Gonzalez del Riego (camc)
Mark Langdon (gisc)
Mark Parry (tgac)
Marnie Wolfe (wesc)
Matt Cashmore (camc)
Matt Dalton (nshc)
Matt Hanson (rotc)
Matt Hickford (aklc)
Matt Howard (hwbc)
Matt Lobb (wkoc)
Matt Rickard (gisc)
Matt Wisemans (wkoc)
Matthew Cooper (rotc)
Matthew Dawkins (camc)
Matthew Dunham (camc)
Matthew Glenn (wkoc)
Matthew Hughes (camc)
Matthew O'Sullivan (unwc)
Matthew Richards (hamc)
Matthew Shepherd (petc)
Matthew Trott (rnzx)
McKenzie Macky (rpcw)
Mea Hunter (rotc)
Megan Walling (hamc)
Melanie Thompson (nshc)
Mia Foley (gisc)
Michael Arms (rnzx)
Michael Berry (rpcw)
Michael Harrison (hwbc)
Michael Karrebaek (wesc)
Michael Longuet-Higgins (rpca)
Michael McGoverne (hwbc)
Michael Valentine-Smith (comc)
Michael Vanderpeet (hwbc)
Michaela Scott (unwc)
Migoyon Goodley (hwbc)
Milly Connell (hamc)
Miriama te One (porc)
Mitchell Cateley (hamc)
Monique Smith (clic)
Nathan Cohen (rnzx)
Nathan Davenport (nshc)
Nathan Maloney (nshc)
Neville Robertson (camc)
Nichola McLellan (camc)
Nicholas Dawe (bpcc)
Nicholas Pusinelli (rpca)
Nick Jansen (wesc)
Nick Laracy (hwbc)
Nick Sye (hwbc)
Nigel van den Akker (rotc)
Nigel van den Akker (bpcc)
Ocean Tinning (hwbc)
Oliver Moss (nshc)
Oliver Smith (comc)
Oliver Wood (hwbc)
Olivia Johnson (hamc)
Olivia Walker (hamc)
Olivia Zeeders (hamc)
Owen O'Brien (petc)
Pat Nichol (hwbc)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Patrick Fruean (aklc)
Patrick McInnes (hwbc)
Patrick O'Reilly (petc)
Paula Twining (rpcw)
Penn Christie (gisc)
Penny Farrell (rotc)
Penny Farrell (bpcc)
Peter Taylor (hamc)
Peter Taylor (rnzx)
Phillip Moody (comc)
Rebecca Cook (hamc)
Rebecca Scown (rnzx)
Regan Barkla (rpcw)
Rerekohu Pewhairangi (unwc)
Reuben Stevenson (hamc)
Rhys Higgs (gisc)
Riccardo Corrales (aklc)
Richard Barker (rpca)
Richard Harrison (rpca)
Richard Lobb (wkoc)
Ricki Helagi (hamc)
Riordan Morrell (bpcc)
Riordan Morrell (rotc)
Robbie Manson (rnzx)
Robert McCaig (rpcw)
Robyn Munro (rpcc)
Robyn Munro (rnzx)
Rochelle Peckham (wesc)
Rose Aschebrock (nshc)
Rose Crooks (nshc)
Rosie Allen (hwbc)
Rosie Rogers (hwbc)
Ross Hawthorne (wesc)
Russ Wilcox (nshc)
Ryan Darby (aklc)
Ryan Goodson (rpcw)
Ryan King (hamc)
Sam West (rotc)
Samantha Ryan (nshc)
Samuel Anderson (wesc)
Sara Law (hamc)
Sarah Alexander (hwbc)
Sarah Gray (rnzx)
Sarah Hyland (gisc)
Sarah Rohe (clic)
Scott Pink (hamc)
Sean Collins (wkoc)
Sean Lawson (hamc)
Sean McVerry (camc)
Sean O'Neill (rnzx)
Sean Watts (bpcc)
Shanelle Smart (clic)
Shannon Adams (petc)
Shannon Boyce (rotc)
Sharna Siemonek (gisc)
Shaun Houston (nshc)
Shaun Kirkham (rpcw)
Sheldon Noyce (tgac)
Simon Lack (hwbc)
Simon Manawaiti (wesc)
Sophie Dec Barnes (nshc)
Sophie Pollitt (gisc)
Sophie Yandle (clic)
Stacey Tamblin (rotc)
Stefanie Baker-Burns (wesc)
Stephanie Lee (hamc)
Stephanie Phipps (clic)
Stephen Jones (wesc)
Steven Blackwell (bpcc)
Stewart Widger (wrec)
Storm Uru (rnzx)
Summa Lewis (gisc)
Tania Whare (hamc)
Tara Crompton (hwbc)
Tarina Fordham (hamc)
Tegan Summerville (wkoc)
Tessa Gregory-Hunt (hwbc)
Thomas Dunn (hamc)
Thomas Newman (aklc)
Thomas O'Donnell (wkoc)
Thomas Ryan (bpcc)
Thomas St George (hwbc)
Tim Chapman (hamc)
Tim Maeyens (bruc)
Timothy Palmer (comc)
Tobias Wehr-Candler (rnzx)
Toby Cunliffe-Steel (rpcw)
Toby Gibbons (camc)
Toby Hoeta (clic)
Tom Jenkins (hwbc)
Tom Lusty (hamc)
Tom Merayhan (unwc)
Tom Nichol (hwbc)
Tom Thomas (hwbc)
Tosca Wilson (rotc)
Tristan Gregory-Hunt (hwbc)
Troy O'Reilly (petc)
Tumanako Seymour (hamc)
Turei Crew (rotc)
Tyler Ngapo (hamc)
Tyna Williams (rpcw)
Tyson Williams (rnzx)
Victoria Shanks (gisc)
William Jeffares (hwbc)
Yvonne Hogan (hamc)
Zac Howell (camc)
Zachary Simmons (hwbc)
Zee Mansel (hamc)
Zoe Stevenson (rpcw)
North Island Club Championships
Sean Lawson
Competed for:
Also attended
mens Nov coxed four
Heat 2
: placed 4
A Final
: placed 5
1 -
Joshua Gaby-Sutherland
(stroke) |
Scott Pink
Reuben Stevenson
Cameron Paddy
Sean Lawson