In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Event #
1: womens Snr 2X
2: mens Snr 4X-
3: boys Open 1X (L)
4: womens Club 1X
5: mens Club 4+
6: mens Prem 2-
7: girls Open 1X (L)
8: mens U21 2-
9: womens Nov 2X
10: mens Nov 2X
11: womens Prem 2X
12: mens Club 1X
13: mens Prem 2X
14: womens Snr 2-
15: mens Snr 2-
16: womens Nov 4+
17: womens U21 2X
18: mens U21 4-
19: womens Prem 4-
20: womens Snr 1X
21: womens Club 4X-
22: mens U21 2X
23: mens Nov 4+
24: womens U21 4-
25: womens Snr 8+
26: mens Snr 8+
27: mens Prem 4-
28: womens U19 4+
29: mens Club 2X
30: mens U21 1X
31: boys Open 2- (L)
32: womens U21 1X
33: womens Prem 2-
34: mens Prem 4X-
35: girls Open 2X (L)
36: mens Snr 1X
37: mens Club 8+
38: womens U21 2-
39: mens U21 4X-
40: womens Prem 1X
41: womens Club 4+
42: womens Snr 4-
43: mens Prem 4+
44: womens U21 4X-
45: mens U19 4+
46: womens Club 2X
47: womens Nov 8+
48: womens Prem 4X-
49: mens Prem 1X
50: mens Snr 4-
51: womens U19 2X
52: mens Club 4X-
53: mens Nov 8+
54: mens Snr 2X
55: womens U21 8+
56: mens U21 8+
57: boys Open 2X (L)
58: womens Snr 4X-
59: mens U19 2X
60: womens Club 8+
61: womens Prem 8+
62: mens Prem 8+
51: womens U19 2X
28: womens U19 4+
32: womens U21 1X
17: womens U21 2X
38: womens U21 2-
44: womens U21 4X-
24: womens U21 4-
55: womens U21 8+
7: girls Open 1X (L)
35: girls Open 2X (L)
9: womens Nov 2X
16: womens Nov 4+
47: womens Nov 8+
4: womens Club 1X
46: womens Club 2X
21: womens Club 4X-
41: womens Club 4+
60: womens Club 8+
20: womens Snr 1X
1: womens Snr 2X
14: womens Snr 2-
58: womens Snr 4X-
42: womens Snr 4-
25: womens Snr 8+
40: womens Prem 1X
11: womens Prem 2X
33: womens Prem 2-
48: womens Prem 4X-
19: womens Prem 4-
61: womens Prem 8+
59: mens U19 2X
45: mens U19 4+
30: mens U21 1X
22: mens U21 2X
8: mens U21 2-
39: mens U21 4X-
18: mens U21 4-
56: mens U21 8+
3: boys Open 1X (L)
57: boys Open 2X (L)
31: boys Open 2- (L)
10: mens Nov 2X
23: mens Nov 4+
53: mens Nov 8+
12: mens Club 1X
29: mens Club 2X
52: mens Club 4X-
5: mens Club 4+
37: mens Club 8+
36: mens Snr 1X
54: mens Snr 2X
15: mens Snr 2-
2: mens Snr 4X-
50: mens Snr 4-
26: mens Snr 8+
49: mens Prem 1X
13: mens Prem 2X
6: mens Prem 2-
34: mens Prem 4X-
27: mens Prem 4-
43: mens Prem 4+
62: mens Prem 8+
All regions
North Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aramoho/Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Grammar Rowing Club
Auckland Region Composite
Auckland Rowing Club
Auckland RPC
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Region Composite
Cambridge Rowing Club
Canterbury Rowing Club
Clifton Rowing Club
Counties-Manukau Rowing Club
Gisborne Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Hawkes Bay Rowing Club
Horowhenua Rowing Club
Mercer Rowing Club
New Zealand Squad
North Shore Rowing Club
Petone Rowing Club
Porirua Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
St Georges Rowing Club
St Pauls Collegiate Rowing Club
Star Boating Club
Tauranga Rowing Club
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waikato Region Composite
Waikato Rowing Club
Waikato RPC
Waitemata Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
Whakatane Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Aaron Harold (wrec)
Aaron Radford (hamc)
Aaron Wester (whac)
Abby Green (hwbc)
Abby Mans (wkoc)
Abby Neave (hwbc)
Abigail Banks (camc)
Abigail Turner (rotc)
Adam Burn (wkoc)
Adam King (aklc)
Adam Ling (tgac)
Adam Lynch (comc)
Adam Smith (akgc)
Adam Tate (horc)
Adam Tripp (hwbc)
Adrienne Sucks (sgec)
Ahian Jenkins (tgac)
Ahna Wimbrow (nshc)
Aimee Burns-Mawson (whac)
Aimee Drabble (hamc)
Ainslee Skinner (xlwk)
Aislynn Rogers (comc)
Alasdair McGeachie (wesc)
Alex Hodge (aklc)
Alex Jansen (rotc)
Alex Mamo (xlan)
Alex Mamo (akgc)
Alex Mason (spcc)
Alex Meban (spcc)
Alex Suttie (wkoc)
Alex Truscott (sgec)
Alexander Bell (tawc)
Alexandra Comyn (tgac)
Alice Fisher (hamc)
Alice Rowlands (nshc)
Alice Sterritt (wkoc)
Alice Sykes (hwbc)
Alise White (porc)
Alistair Bayly (spcc)
Alistair King (wrec)
Alistair Kreft (aklc)
Allan Liddell (hamc)
Allan Ormsby (spcc)
Allie Cameron (wkoc)
Allie Smith (sgec)
Alyce Pulford (rpcw)
Amanda Puddle (wrec)
Amber Pemberton (wrec)
Amelia Goodall (hamc)
Amy Parlane (wesc)
Amy Weir (stac)
Ana Holt (sgec)
Anabel Shaw (rotc)
Andrew Annear (wkoc)
Andrew Bealing (horc)
Andrew Davidge (petc)
Andrew Healey (wkoc)
Andrew le Grice (aklc)
Andrew Muller (aklc)
Andrew Myers (camc)
Andrew Oliver (rotc)
Andrew Stace (wesc)
Angela Clifford-Marsh (hamc)
Angela Parsons (xlwk)
Angela Parsons (wkoc)
Anischka Walmsley (wrec)
Anna Colby (rotc)
Anna Hill (tgac)
Anna Irwin (nshc)
Anna McDiarmid (tgac)
Anna Reymer (rnzx)
Anna Taylor (camc)
Anna Verry (tawc)
Annabel Wood (camc)
Anneliese Lethborg (hamc)
Anthony Berkers (hkic)
Anthony Corr (wkoc)
Anton Watt (wesc)
Anya Mabbott (nshc)
Ashlee Rowe (sgec)
Ashlee Vant Leven (rotc)
Ashleigh Aitchison (sgec)
Ashleigh Binney (sgec)
Ashleigh Finlay (camc)
Ashleigh Flay (clic)
Ashleigh Hodge (camc)
Ashleigh Hutton (hamc)
Ashleigh McGirr (hamc)
Ashleigh McLean (wkoc)
Ashleigh Parkes (tgac)
Ashleigh Peckham (hamc)
Ashleigh Pierce (nshc)
Ashley Child (camc)
Ashley Teal (wrec)
Ashton Clarke (wkoc)
Ashton Scott (tgac)
Aspen Whalen (clic)
Axel Dickinson (petc)
Ayden Bain (tawc)
Bailey-Rose McIndoe (horc)
Barbara Jones (hkic)
Becky Hodgson (tgac)
Ben Biggelaar (merc)
Ben Bullock (wkoc)
Ben Corbett (hamc)
Ben Eastick (wkoc)
Ben Flight (rotc)
Ben Gray (comc)
Ben Hamilton (spcc)
Ben Hammond (rnzx)
Ben Schubert (aklc)
Ben Sutherland (hwbc)
Benedict Casey (hamc)
Benjamin Clark (hamc)
Benjamin Clearwater (wrec)
Benjamin Scott (rpcw)
Bevan Henstock (spcc)
Bianca Buddo (hwbc)
Birte Kirschstein (tgac)
Blair Cooney (aklc)
Blair Harrison (hwbc)
Blair Patterson (spcc)
Blair Wild (wkoc)
Blake Moyle (wesc)
Blake Robinson (spcc)
Braden Kempthorne (wkoc)
Bradley Jowitt (xlan)
Bradley Jowitt (wesc)
Bradley O'Sullivan (spcc)
Brandon Lipman (sgec)
Brendon Lack (hwbc)
Brennan Jennings (wkoc)
Brent van der Burg (rotc)
Brent Walker (hkic)
Bridget Edwards (hwbc)
Bridgette van Heuven (hamc)
Brighde Penn (gisc)
Brittany Mace (hamc)
Brittany Webb (wkoc)
Brooke Jackison (comc)
Brooke Reynolds (tawc)
Brooke Stevens (hamc)
Brooke Summerville (wkoc)
Bruce Tate (horc)
Bryce Rickard (gisc)
Caitlin Cresswell (camc)
Caitlin Menzies (aklc)
Caitlin Turner (rotc)
Caitlyn Foran (nshc)
Caleb Shepherd (wkoc)
Calum Johnstone (gisc)
Cameron Harker-Ferguson (wkoc)
Cameron Robertson (tgac)
Cameron Smith (hwbc)
Cameron Smith (comc)
Camilla Anderson (petc)
Campbell Hutchings (wkoc)
Candice Bardsley (xlwk)
Candice Bardsley (rpcw)
Carl Barnhill (sgec)
Carl Meyer (rnzx)
Carla Jeffrey (hamc)
Caroline Delong (aklc)
Caroline Evers-Swindell (rnzx)
Caroline Redelinghuys (sgec)
Caroline Wright (nshc)
Carolyn Steele (wesc)
Carraldo Fougere (hwbc)
Casey O'Byrne (tawc)
Casey Robinson (camc)
Cathal O'Donoghue (porc)
Catherine Mills (hamc)
Cayla Brown (whac)
Chad Saunders (clic)
Chantelle Hyett (hamc)
Chantelle Wannan (tgac)
Charlie McLeod (hwbc)
Charlie Shaw (hwbc)
Charlie Sheppard (tawc)
Charlotte Brownlee (comc)
Charlotte de Jong (sgec)
Charlotte Hatton (tgac)
Charlotte Noel (hwbc)
Cheyenne Rusling (camc)
Chris Bradstreet (comc)
Chris O'Conner (tgac)
Chris O'Conner (xlbp)
Chris Price (hamc)
Chris Rolls (nshc)
Chris Singh (wkoc)
Christie Tucker (hkic)
Christina Baker-Burns (wesc)
Christina Clement (clic)
Christina Roberts (merc)
Christopher Butcher (comc)
Christopher Smolka (spcc)
Ciara Belcher (gisc)
Clare Gatenby (wkoc)
Clare Mandeno (wesc)
Clare Walker (wkoc)
Clark McRobbie (merc)
Claudia Hyde (rotc)
Clay Reed (hkic)
Coby Morehu (hkic)
Cody Ryan-Bates (rotc)
Cole Varney (spcc)
Colin Luu (petc)
Courtenay Megson (tgac)
Courtney Leggett (tgac)
Courtney McKain (spcc)
Curtis Rapley (tgac)
Curtis Warner (comc)
Daisy Ager (tgac)
Dan Batchelor (porc)
Dan Sayles (aklc)
Dane Boswell (rnzx)
Daniel Bailey (comc)
Daniel Bates (wkoc)
Daniel Hayman (aklc)
Daniel Hayman (wesc)
Daniel Kittow (hwbc)
Daniel Murtagh (rpcw)
Daniel O'Hagan (wrec)
Daniel Quigley (rnzx)
Daniel Whalley (petc)
Danielle Wolter (gisc)
Danny Keene (nshc)
Danyelle Disher (hamc)
Darcey Morgan (sgec)
Darran Lowes (tgac)
Darran Lowes (xlbp)
Darren Brooks (hamc)
Dave Emeny (hamc)
Dave Headley (gisc)
David Eade (rpcw)
David Hong (wkoc)
David Hutton (tgac)
David Kidd (hamc)
David Kingham (spcc)
David Mabbott (nshc)
David Morgan (spcc)
David Schumacher (rpca)
David White (rotc)
David White (xlbp)
Denis Schipper (hkic)
Diana Clarke (tgac)
Diana Moore (tgac)
Dianna Smith (merc)
Dolye Larsen (sgec)
Dominic Newton (hkic)
Dominique O'Brien (xlan)
Dominique O'Brien (sgec)
Donovan Slater (wkoc)
Doug Cade (petc)
Duncan Blomfield (wesc)
Duncan Grant (rnzx)
Duncan Hall (spcc)
Duncan Managh (tgac)
Edward Baddeley (wrec)
Edward Cade (petc)
Edward Henry (aklc)
Elicia Milne (nshc)
Elizabeth Berkers (hkic)
Elizabeth Denekamp (sgec)
Elizabeth Travis (rpcw)
Ella McIntosh (nshc)
Elliott Green (gisc)
Elliott Patton (tgac)
Elly Moody (comc)
Elsa Sinton (hamc)
Elyse Rothery (tgac)
Emilee Butler (clic)
Emilie Watts (wkoc)
Emily Discombe (comc)
Emily Finlay (hwbc)
Emily Lethborg (hamc)
Emily Murray (wesc)
Emily Shaw (tawc)
Emily Stonehouse (comc)
Emily Warren (nshc)
Emma Ball (tgac)
Emma Harvey (tgac)
Emma Hodges (xlwk)
Emma Hodges (wkoc)
Emma Prestidge (tgac)
Emma Redelinghuys (sgec)
Emma Twigg (rnzx)
Emma Webb (xlan)
Emma Webb (wtmc)
Emma-Jane Feathery (rnzx)
Erandi Rangamuwa (nshc)
Eric Murray (rnzx)
Erin Duncan (porc)
Erin Tolhurst (rnzx)
Este de Wet (sgec)
Ethan Inglis (tgac)
Ethan Parker (comc)
Evona Lee (hwbc)
Faith Gillum (tawc)
Felicity McLachlan (camc)
Fergus Hodgson (camc)
Fiona Paterson (rnzx)
Fiona Ryan (petc)
Fletcher Sunde (wesc)
Frances Healey (wkoc)
Frances Williamson (hamc)
Francie Lawson (aklc)
Frano Staub (akgc)
Franz Madritsch (whac)
Fraser Armstrong (wkoc)
Fraser Ellis (akgc)
Gabby Gatland (wkoc)
Garth Tremeer (wesc)
Ged Campbell (nshc)
Genevieve Armstrong (rpcw)
Genevieve Crawford (wkoc)
Genevieve Crawford (xlwk)
Geoff Jorgensen (wesc)
Geoffery Howes (rotc)
George Bridgewater (rnzx)
George Kostov (spcc)
Georgia Cameron (rpcw)
Georgia MacDonald (tgac)
Georgia Prescot (hkic)
Georgia Robinson (whac)
Georgia Walker (whac)
Georgina Evers-Swindell (rnzx)
Geraldine O'Kane (wkoc)
Geraldine O'Kane (xlwk)
Giacomo Thomas (hwbc)
Gigi Green (wesc)
Gillian Cooper (sgec)
Gina Deegan (clic)
Glen Barwick (gisc)
Grace Bell (wkoc)
Grace Cambell (porc)
Grace Donaldson (hamc)
Grace Evetts (hamc)
Grace Oliver (hwbc)
Grace Saunders (petc)
Graham Hill (rpcw)
Graham Oberlin-Brown (rnzx)
Graham Watt (whac)
Grayson Croasdale (spcc)
Greg Jupp (clic)
Gus Berghan (clic)
Guy Mansell (tgac)
Haidee Farrant (rotc)
Hamish Bond (rnzx)
Hamish Foster (whac)
Hamish Johnstone (spcc)
Hamish Lack (camc)
Hamish Mahon (spcc)
Hamish McMichael (spcc)
Hamish McQueen (aklc)
Hamish Trautvetter (hwbc)
Hana McEwan (wesc)
Hannah Arlidge (tgac)
Hannah Clark (rotc)
Hannah Cochrane (hwbc)
Hannah O'Connor (rotc)
Hannah Raos (tgac)
Hannah Sweetman (wesc)
Hannah Warren (tgac)
Hannah Wright (hamc)
Harley Hanes (wkoc)
Harriett Austin (rnzx)
Harry Simperingham (rotc)
Harry Wilde (spcc)
Haylee Jenkins (hwbc)
Hayley Hoogeveen (hkic)
Heath Colthurst (akgc)
Helen Crouth (tgac)
Helen Jones (aklc)
Helen Wright (hamc)
Helen Wright (xlwk)
Henry Genefaas (rotc)
Henry Poor (wesc)
Henry Poor (xlan)
Hollie McGovern (hwbc)
Hollie White (clic)
Howard Smith (aklc)
Hugh McKay (spcc)
Hugo Farmer (aklc)
Hunter Mulder (tgac)
Ian Leppard (clic)
Imelda Devaney (camc)
Ingo Springer (wkoc)
Isaac Holden (wkoc)
Isobel Dingwall (wkoc)
Ivan Pavich (spcc)
Izak Eksteen (spcc)
Jack Barr (hwbc)
Jack Barry (comc)
Jack McLeod (hwbc)
Jack Meehan (aklc)
Jacob Dickson (hamc)
Jacob Edwards (petc)
Jacqui Williams (porc)
Jaime Nielsen (rnzx)
Jaimee Hoogeveen (hkic)
Jaimie Rogers (merc)
Jake Moody (wkoc)
James Dallinger (rnzx)
James Hines (spcc)
James King (aklc)
James Leigh (camc)
James Mills (wkoc)
James Moody (comc)
James Pickford (spcc)
James Robertson (hamc)
James Stoltens (comc)
James Wellacott (wesc)
James Wotton (wkoc)
Jamie Dickens (tgac)
Jamie Moore (tgac)
Jamie Morehu (hkic)
Jamie Russell (tgac)
Jamie Saunders (petc)
Jamie Twigg (aklc)
Jane Bingham (clic)
Jasmine Harrison (hamc)
Jasmine Kidd (wkoc)
Jason Hablous (nshc)
Jason Hill (hamc)
Jason Kitchin (wkoc)
Jason Quilter (clic)
Jason Steyn-Ross (hamc)
Jason Theobald (hamc)
Jason Thomson (aklc)
Jason Williams (clic)
Jayson Stewart (rotc)
Jean-Paul Smit (akgc)
Jeff Francis (rotc)
Jemma Gibson (tawc)
Jenna King (sgec)
Jennie Tiers (wesc)
Jeremy Austin (whac)
Jeremy Biggelaar (merc)
Jessica Boerema (wkoc)
Jessica Cross (wrec)
Jessica Discombe (aklc)
Jessica Esquilant (nshc)
Jessica Glennie (sgec)
Jessica Harris (rotc)
Jessica Krejcisz (petc)
Jessica McCormack (hkic)
Jessica Parkin (wtmc)
Jessica Rawlings (tawc)
Jessica Ria (hamc)
Jessica Scott (merc)
Jessica Snodgrass (wkoc)
Jessica Vallance (wesc)
Jessie Kingi (tawc)
Joanna Phillips (hamc)
Joanne Biggelaar (merc)
Jody Stone (merc)
Joel Barnett (hamc)
Johanna Nyenhuis (unwc)
John Hellaby (aklc)
John Nesdale (hamc)
John Tate (horc)
Johnathan Brown (hamc)
Jonathon Lintott (tgac)
Jonathon Murtagh (spcc)
Jonathon Nabbs (spcc)
Jonelle Goldsbury (horc)
Jordan Urry (gisc)
Jordyn Dangen (wtmc)
Jordyn Sullivan (tgac)
Joseph Casey (hkic)
Joseph Curran (spcc)
Joseph Sullivan (rnzx)
Josh Houlton (tgac)
Josh Payne (rpcw)
Joshua Eckersley (hamc)
Joshua van Amsterdam (hamc)
Josy Bird (hamc)
Julia Edward (rotc)
Julia Frick (hamc)
Julia Trautvetter (rpca)
Juliette Haigh (rnzx)
Justin Evans (rpca)
Kael McEnteer (tgac)
Kaine Thompson (spcc)
Kane O'Donnell (camc)
Kara McEwan (wesc)
Kara Munroe (comc)
Karen Verwey (camc)
Karis da Silva (whac)
Karl Tucker (wrec)
Kate Bain (hwbc)
Kate Daulton (gisc)
Kate Dombroski (petc)
Kate Godley (wkoc)
Kate Goonan (nshc)
Kate MacLeod (aklc)
Kate Reymer (rpcw)
Kate Skerten (camc)
Kate Tidbury (aklc)
Katherine Thomas (hwbc)
Katie Humphris (gisc)
Katie McGillivray (comc)
Katie Tomlinson (comc)
Katie Wardlaw (hamc)
Katrina Clarke (spcc)
Katrina Duffy (nshc)
Kayla Jones (clic)
Kayla Leonard (hkic)
Keegan McGlade (hkic)
Keeley Fensom (xlbp)
Keeley Fensom (tgac)
Kelly Nixon (hamc)
Kelly Pinfold (hamc)
Kelly Robertson (wesc)
Kelsey Bevan (comc)
Kelsi Reynolds (tawc)
Kelsi Walters (comc)
Kelsie McLellan (hamc)
Keltie McManus (rotc)
Kendyl Pehi (wkoc)
Kendyl Pehi (xlwk)
Kendyl Roodt (camc)
Kerry Dombroski (clic)
Kerry Gregory (wkoc)
Kevin Simpson (hwbc)
Kevin Smith (wesc)
Kim Dowden (nshc)
Kim Jones (tawc)
Kimberley Dennis (camc)
Kimberley Pilbrow (tgac)
Kimberley Tonkin (aklc)
Kira Wetere (wkoc)
Kiriana Isgrove (hkic)
Kirsten Wood (nshc)
Kirsty Autridge (camc)
Kiryn Singh-McConnell (hamc)
Kris Beerespot (wesc)
Kristen Stuart (hamc)
Kristen Stuart (xlwk)
Kristen Wing (wesc)
Kristopher Reilly-Simmons (tgac)
Kurt Asplin (tawc)
Kylee McFetridge (rotc)
Kylie Barugh (tawc)
Kylie Johnson (xlbp)
Kylie O'Hara (xlan)
Kylie O'Hara (wtmc)
Lambertus Brandsma (hamc)
Lana Davison (tgac)
Lana Phipps (clic)
Lara Haydon (aklc)
Laura Breitenstein (rpcw)
Laura Campbell (wkoc)
Laura Fischer (rpca)
Laura Jones (sgec)
Laura Jones (xlan)
Laura O'Hagen (wrec)
Lauren Green (sgec)
Lauren Wylie (tgac)
Laurence Muijlwijk (hamc)
Leah Stanley (rpca)
Leanne Holley (hwbc)
Leigh Johnstone (whac)
Leighton Montgomerie (clic)
Leisha Currie (xlwk)
Leisha Currie (hamc)
Lennard Berghan (clic)
Levi Roache (horc)
Liam Dunn (merc)
Liam Hale (hwbc)
Liam Hunt (spcc)
Libby MacMillian (hwbc)
Libby Major (porc)
Libby Mander (gisc)
Lillian Clayton-Greene (rpcw)
Lily Brownlie (hwbc)
Linda Mathews (stac)
Lisa Rofe (stac)
Lizzie Dickie (petc)
Lizzie Poole (hamc)
Lloyd Curl (camc)
Logan Ball (wrec)
Loren Old (camc)
Louise Heath-Anderson (hwbc)
Louise O'Hagan (wrec)
Louise Ormsby (camc)
Luc Rodwell (spcc)
Lucien Nabbs (spcc)
Lucy Anderson (sgec)
Lucy Edwards (hwbc)
Lucy Laird (hwbc)
Lucy Smith (xlwk)
Lucy Smith (hamc)
Lucy Wilshier (wkoc)
Ludwig Hope (spcc)
Luke Cornille (hamc)
Luke Jenkins (gisc)
Luke Mulligan (spcc)
Luke Tai-Rakena (aklc)
Lydia McClean (sgec)
Lydia Pulford (hwbc)
Maddi Kirk (rotc)
Madeleine Oliver (rotc)
Madeline Oldman (tgac)
Madeline Seaman (rpca)
Mahe Drysdale (rnzx)
Maia Solomon (hwbc)
Maija McCalman (hamc)
Maike Nimmrich (nshc)
Malcolm Lewis (camc)
Malcolm Lewis (rpca)
Malone Blaikie (akgc)
Marcel van der Veeken (aklc)
Marcel Waldvogel (aklc)
Maria Larcombe (nshc)
Marie Venter (sgec)
Marja Spencer (camc)
Mark David (spcc)
Mark Evans (camc)
Marnie Sykes (hwbc)
Martha Rowbotham (petc)
Martin Berka (aklc)
Martin Tegg (wesc)
Mathew Bartlett (hwbc)
Mathew Watton (comc)
Mathew West (wkoc)
Matt Cameron (rpcw)
Matt Cameron (wkoc)
Matt Cummings (petc)
Matt Hickford (wkoc)
Matthew Biggelaar (merc)
Matthew Bridgwater (tgac)
Matthew Ensor (rotc)
Matthew Glenn (rpcw)
Matthew Harrison (aklc)
Matthew Kavanagh (camc)
Matthew Kibble (wkoc)
Matthew MacQueen (akgc)
Matthew Nydam (petc)
Matthew Thompson (wkoc)
Matthew Trott (rnzx)
Matthew Waymouth (comc)
Max Dempsey (wkoc)
Maxwell Henstock (spcc)
Maxwell Stuart-Jones (spcc)
McKenzie Macky (wkoc)
Megan Chatfield (gisc)
Megan Glenn (camc)
Megan Lunt (aklc)
Megan Neill (stac)
Megan Paterson (sgec)
Megan Vaughan (whac)
Megan Wilson (merc)
Melanie Hamilton (wrec)
Melanie McCormack (rotc)
Melita McMaster (wkoc)
Micayla Cotter (comc)
Michael Appleton (wkoc)
Michael Berry (tgac)
Michael Callum (xlbp)
Michael Gawn (wesc)
Michael Handright (hamc)
Michael Harrison (hwbc)
Michael Kemsley (hamc)
Michael Leydon (aklc)
Michael Pembroke (aklc)
Michael Rozijn (camc)
Michael Sangster (wkoc)
Michael Villanova (wrec)
Michele McCabe (wrec)
Mikaila Harris (sgec)
Mikayla Borrie (hamc)
Mikayla Brodrick (hamc)
Miles Jones (tgac)
Milly Connell (tawc)
Miriam Morgan (wkoc)
Miriam Paga (stac)
Mischa Tosswill (akgc)
Mitchell Hutchings (wkoc)
Mitchell Willetts (wkoc)
Monique Johnson (tgac)
Monty Wawatai (aklc)
Morgan Bennett (tgac)
Morgan Croasdale (spcc)
Morgan Dunham (camc)
Morgan Gilchrist-Gatley (wkoc)
Natalie Bryant (petc)
Natalie Coffer (sgec)
Natalie Stol (merc)
Natalie Turton (wkoc)
Natasha Artus (tgac)
Natasha Thomson (aklc)
Nathan Cohen (rnzx)
Nathan McEldowney (camc)
Nathan Twaddle (rnzx)
Nerrisa Harrison (hamc)
Neville Robertson (camc)
Nicholas Dawe (xlbp)
Nicholas Dawe (bpcc)
Nicholas Dudley (porc)
Nicholas Frogley (hamc)
Nicholas Grayson (merc)
Nicholas Pusinelli (xlan)
Nicholas Pusinelli (akgc)
Nick Bixley (aklc)
Nick Laracy (hwbc)
Nick Maher (petc)
Nick Mitchell (nshc)
Nick Reynolds (wkoc)
Nick Ross (wkoc)
Nick White (hwbc)
Nick Ziarno (hamc)
Nicky Coles (rnzx)
Nicky Staite (xlwk)
Nicola Goss (camc)
Nicola Jupp (clic)
Nicola Mawdsley (comc)
Nicola Post (hkic)
Nicola Rowe (comc)
Nicola Wilson (stac)
Nicole Brosnahan (porc)
Nicole Hazelhurst (tawc)
Nicole Hunt (porc)
Nicole Keenan (petc)
Nicole O'Dwyer (nshc)
Nicole Woodsworth (rotc)
Nigel van den Akker (rotc)
Nikki Edwards (hkic)
Nikki-Lee Crawford (rnzx)
Nikola Boswell (wkoc)
Nikola Boswell (xlwk)
Nikolas Petrovic (aklc)
Odette Sceats (rpcw)
Oliver Smith (comc)
Olivia Maxwell (hwbc)
Ollie McGlone (hamc)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Patrick Harrison (wkoc)
Patrick Harrison (hamc)
Patrick Pethica (akgc)
Patrick Wetere (wkoc)
Patrick Zeeman (sgec)
Paul Anderson (rotc)
Paul Carson (awgc)
Paula Roberts (merc)
Paula Twining (rnzx)
Penelope Coleman (tgac)
Penn Christie (gisc)
Penny Farrell (whac)
Peter Bridgwater (tgac)
Peter Gifford (tgac)
Peter Lucas (aklc)
Peter Ostick (comc)
Peter Taylor (rnzx)
Peter Walter (rpcw)
Philippa Hyde (rotc)
Philippa Joblin (camc)
Philippa Mills (hamc)
Phillip Luke (unwc)
Phillip Moody (comc)
Phillipa Howe (hkic)
Pia Naera (sgec)
Rachael Wood (tgac)
Rachel Boyes (hamc)
Rachel Evans (hkic)
Rachel Goudie (rnzx)
Rachel Laird (camc)
Rebecca Baker (rpcw)
Rebecca Boyes (xlbp)
Rebecca Boyes (tgac)
Rebecca Cray (wtmc)
Rebecca Pay (tawc)
Rebecca Scown (rnzx)
Rebecca Smith (tawc)
Rebecca Upton (nshc)
Reece Franklin (spcc)
Regan Barkla (whac)
Regan Phibbs (tgac)
Reuben Wright (wrec)
Rhiannon Smith (wrec)
Richard Barker (aklc)
Richard Beaumont (rpca)
Richard Harrison (hwbc)
Richard Sharp (rpca)
Ripeka Mete (wrec)
Rob Hellstrom (rnzx)
Rob Waddell (rnzx)
Robert Farrelly (hamc)
Robert Fleet (hamc)
Robert Kidd (aklc)
Robert McCaig (wkoc)
Rodney Stephens (rpca)
Rosanna Carr (wkoc)
Rose Loughlin (tgac)
Roselle Magon (hkic)
Rosie Faulkner (whac)
Rosie Montaperto (hwbc)
Ross Hawthorne (wesc)
Rueben Shim (tgac)
Russell Schaare (wkoc)
Ryan Derby (aklc)
Ryan Johnstone (hwbc)
Ryan Johnstone (gisc)
Ryan Kelleher (aklc)
Saejung Oh (tgac)
Sam Ammon (spcc)
Sam Burrows (wkoc)
Sam Burton (hwbc)
Sam Henry (aklc)
Sam Jones (hkic)
Samantha Holley (hwbc)
Samantha Legge (petc)
Samantha Leonard (hkic)
Samantha Sinnett (camc)
Samuel Bowering (akgc)
Samuel Crisp (merc)
Samuel Miller (aklc)
Samuel Shaw (sgec)
Samuel Thompson (wkoc)
Santana Abbott (hamc)
Sarah Adamson (sgec)
Sarah Alexander (rpca)
Sarah Allen (wkoc)
Sarah Gray (rpca)
Sarah Hadfield (stac)
Sarah Keene (wkoc)
Sarah Leppard (clic)
Sarah McDonald (nshc)
Sarah Williams (aklc)
Sarah Woolfe (rpca)
Saskia Hayes (hamc)
Scott Evans (camc)
Sean Burn (petc)
Sean Duffy (aklc)
Sean Perry (rotc)
Sebastian McLarin (aklc)
Selwyn Cleland (rnzx)
Shane Hyde (rotc)
Shaney Dawson (camc)
Shannon Cairns (tawc)
Shannon Courtney (comc)
Shannon Sands (wesc)
Shannon-Petra Lenihan (petc)
Sharn Murphy (porc)
Sharnee Fordham (hamc)
Shaun Kirkham (wkoc)
Shawn McManus (rotc)
Shayla Joseph (tawc)
Shayne Heappy (wkoc)
Sheldine Christie (xlbp)
Sheldine Christie (bpcc)
Siale Mann (wkoc)
Sian Whitehead (hwbc)
Silvana Krielen (wkoc)
Simon Manawaiti (camc)
Simon Nevland (tgac)
Simon Watson (rpcw)
Simon Wharton (hkic)
Simone Hudson (rnzx)
Sophia Duncan-Haines (petc)
Sophie Craig (whac)
Sophie Dawe (bpcc)
Sophie Dawe (xlbp)
Sophie Primrose (hwbc)
Stacey Grainger (camc)
Stacey Managh (tgac)
Stefanie Baker-Burns (wesc)
Steph McKay (hamc)
Stephanie Broomfield (spcc)
Stephanie Edwards (hamc)
Stephanie Holland (tgac)
Stephanie Julian (hamc)
Stephanie Phipps (clic)
Stephanie Striker (hamc)
Stephanie Taylor (tgac)
Stephen Sutherland (wesc)
Stephen Wills (tgac)
Steven Blackwell (whac)
Steven Cottle (rnzx)
Steven Rowland (spcc)
Storm Baynes (wkoc)
Storm Baynes (xlwk)
Storm McLaren (sgec)
Storm Uru (rnzx)
Suzy Spear (wkoc)
Taikata Kingi (rotc)
Tamsin Gilbert (rnzx)
Tania Shaw (merc)
Tanya McDermott (gisc)
Tara Nikitin (hkic)
Tara Wilson (hwbc)
Tayla Day (comc)
Tayler Jacobs (wkoc)
Taylor Bond (wkoc)
Taylor Burns (akgc)
Tegan Summerville (wkoc)
Teresa Wong (sgec)
Tessa Hann (clic)
Theresa Speedy (hkic)
Thomas Alexander (hwbc)
Thomas Moser (spcc)
Thomas O'Donnell (xlbp)
Thomas O'Donnell (rotc)
Thomas Shaw (spcc)
Thomas Sparks (petc)
Tierney Baron (wkoc)
Tim Bendell (rotc)
Tim Clark (akgc)
Tim Croad (porc)
Timothy Hewitt (petc)
Timothy Palmer (comc)
Todd Hale (hwbc)
Todd Petherick (ctyc)
Tom Dowdle (aklc)
Tom Hollewand (aklc)
Tom Leigh-James (hamc)
Tom Stannard (camc)
Tom Williams (wkoc)
Toni Green (wrec)
Tracey Cameron (camc)
Tracey Preston (camc)
Travis Mischeski (aklc)
Trent Ebermayer (rotc)
Trent Morris (aklc)
Tristan Balme (tgac)
Troy Mahon (spcc)
Trudy Stuart (rpcw)
Tupac Cordon (comc)
Tyler da Silva (whac)
Tyler Jenkins (comc)
Tyler Sherman (rpcw)
Tyna Williams (wkoc)
Tyson Williams (rpcw)
Ursula Staples (hamc)
Vicki Johnson (comc)
Victoria Berkers (hkic)
Victoria Croad (porc)
Victoria Melsom (tgac)
Victoria Moss (rpca)
William Sams (tawc)
William Shaw (rpcw)
William Webster (sgec)
Yasmin Campbell (nshc)
Zack Oliver (spcc)
Zane Rangi (hwbc)
Zoe Shaw (sgec)
Zoe Stevenson (tgac)
North Island Club Championships
Chris O'Conner
Competed for:
Also attended
mens Club double sculls
Heat 2
: placed 2
Semi-final 2
: placed 1
A Final
: placed 2
1 -
Peter Gifford
(stroke) |
Chris O'Conner
mens Club coxless quad sculls
Heat 1
: placed 1
A Final
: placed 1
1 -
Darran Lowes
(stroke) |
Michael Callum
Chris O'Conner
Nicholas Dawe