Motorway Marathon (Mothes Shield)

The Mothes Shield trophy was won by Horowhenua Rowing Club.

ClubBoatStart TimeFinish TimeRace TimePrognosticPlacing
HORC 1M Club 4x10:39:2711:08:4729:20 81.23%1
XCOM 1M Senior 4x10:31:1211:00:2229:10 81.22%2
PETC 3M Senior 4-10:19:2010:49:0229:42 80.14%3
STAC 1W Club 4x10:37:2711:10:1532:48 79.62%4
PORC ?W Club 4x10:29:1011:02:2833:18 79.04%DSQ
WELC 1M Masters 4-10:41:1211:15:2234:10 77.03%5
PORC ?W Nov 4x10:23:0511:00:3037:25 75.26%DSQ
STAC 1M Nov 4+10:16:0010:51:2035:20 74.49%6
STAC 3M Club 4x10:21:1510:53:4032:25 73.50%7
WELC 1W Club 4x10:27:0511:03:5936:54 70.78%8
PETC 2W Club 4x10:35:1011:13:3338:23 70.18%9
PETC 1M Club 4x10:25:2010:59:1733:57 70.18%10
STAC 2W Club 4x10:33:1011:10:3337:23 69.86%11
PETC 0M Nov 4+10:16:0010:54:5538:55 67.63%12
PORC ?M Club 4x10:17:1410:59:1041:56 62.28%DSQ

Note: A number of crews were disqualified for not carrying bow numbers. To avoid future disappointment clubs should note the advertised race conditions and ensure their crews meet those conditions.

See also the Bishop Owen Oar regatta results for the other crews participating in the Motorway Marathon.