Mercer Club Regatta

Hauraki Plains College's strip

Hauraki Plains College

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1girls U16 1X

Sponsored by: Crown Equipment Ltd
Crew: HKIC 1 - Stella Clayton-Greene
Coach - Martin Simoncelli
Crew: HKIC 2 - Sophie Mischefski
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

4agirls U18 double sculls

Sponsored by: Repair n Engineer - Graeme and Charmaine McNeil
Crew: HKIC 1 - Brylie Gordon (stroke) | Panasse van Laren
Coach - Martin Simoncelli
Crew: HKIC 1 - Owen Gruythuysen (stroke) | Declan Tully
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

10boys U17 1X

Sponsored by: R & T Drainage Ltd
Crew: HKIC 1 - Owen Gruythuysen
Coach - Martin Simoncelli
Crew: HKIC 2 - Declan Tully
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

11girls U16 double sculls

Sponsored by: Pukekohe Timber
Crew: HKIC 2 - Zoe Johnston (stroke) | Gabrielle Leonard-Hansby
Coach - Martin Simoncelli
Crew: HKIC 1 - Brylie Gordon (stroke) | Panasse van Laren | Stella Clayton-Greene | Sophie Mischefski + Annabelle Prescott (cox)
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

20boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: GPS Industrial
Crew: HKIC 1 - Isaac Astley (stroke) | Cameron Gordon
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

22aboys U18 4X+

Sponsored by: TDM Construction
Crew: HKIC 1 - Scott McDermott (stroke) | Owen Gruythuysen | Declan Tully | Marc McDermott + Annabelle Prescott (cox)
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

24boys U16 1X

Sponsored by: GPS Industrial
Crew: HKIC 2 - Robert Gordon
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

26girls U17 single

Sponsored by: Donoghue Properties
Crew: HKIC 1 - Panasse van Laren
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

31girls U17 double sculls

Sponsored by: M J Barnett Properties
Crew: HKIC 1 - Stella Clayton-Greene (stroke) | Sophie Mischefski
Coach - Martin Simoncelli
Crew: HKIC 1 - Brylie Gordon
Coach - Martin Simoncelli

34aboys U18 single

Sponsored by: Simpson Farms
Crew: HKIC 1 - Owen Gruythuysen
Coach - Martin Simoncelli
Crew: HKIC 1 - Marc McDermott (stroke) | Scott McDermott
Coach - Martin Simoncelli




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