Mercer Club Regatta

Sarah Nota

Competed for: MERC

Also attended: mads2016 || niss2016 || kric2016r3 || more...

9boys U15 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: T & G Aluminium Ltd and IMG Ltd
Crew: MERC 1 - Matthew Shirley (stroke) | Damon Abraham | Liam Douglas | Alex Nota + Sarah Nota (cox)
Coaches - Jim Matchett | Graham Smith

18boys U15 coxed eight

Sponsored by: Wharfe Bros and Ardmore Nurseries
Crew: MERC 1 - Michael Kerr (stroke) | Liam Douglas | Matthew Shirley | Damon Abraham | Tyrin Poutai | Cain Young | Alex Nota | John Lidgett + Sarah Nota (cox)
Coaches - Jim Matchett | Graham Smith

28boys U15 4+

Sponsored by: Counties Ready Mix Ltd
Crew: MERC 1 - Matthew Shirley (stroke) | Damon Abraham | Tyrin Poutai | Liam Douglas + Sarah Nota (cox)
Coaches - Jim Matchett | Graham Smith

36mens Nov coxed four

Sponsored by: McRobbie Bros
Crew: MERC 3 - Callum Voorburg (stroke) | Finn Murphy | Zach Butters | Tyler Young + Sarah Nota (cox)
Coaches - Jim Matchett | Graham Smith




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