Aon Maadi Regatta

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Christs College

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7boys U16 4X+

Sponsored by: MacKenzie Four Square

Semi-finals: 1,2,3,4->A Final; 5,6,7,8->B Final
Repechages: 1,2,3->Semi-Final; Rest Eliminated
Heats: 1,2->Semi-Final; 3,4,5->Repechage

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (8:05.58)
Crew: CHCO 1 - Jackson Robertson (stroke) | Charlie Flutey | Oliver Simpson | Sam Pfahlert + Harry Holmes (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman

11boys U17 8+

Sponsored by: Cowboys Queenstown

Repechages: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1,2->Final; 3,4,5,6->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Mark Reidie (stroke) | Finnian Chan-Allan | Will Richards | George Young | George Wilson | James Hadden | Geordie Pavey | Max Airey + Jonty Gray (cox)
Coaches - Henry Smith | Tony O'Connor
Crew: CHCO 2 - George Metcalfe (stroke) | Henry Church | Oscar Malone | Che de Luca | James Johnson | Alex Rutherford | Ollie-Cooper King | Logan Connolly + Daniel Wilson (cox)
Coaches - Nathan Luff | Henry Smith

13boys U15 8X+

Sponsored by: Freeman Roofing

Repechages: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1,2->Final; 3,4,5,6->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Tom Gardiner (stroke) | Alex Lascelles | Harvey Gubb | Jack Payne | Freddy Parfitt | Jai Ferguson | Harry Blakely | George Hadden + Jono Simpson (cox)
Coaches - Alex Aitken | Andrew Taylor
Crew: CHCO 2 - Matthew Vance (stroke) | Fletcher Harris | George Campbell | Marco Howe | Henry Handyside | Henry Botherway | Arthur Brown | Max Nelson + Noah Kingston (cox)
Coaches - Anna Johnston | Andrew Taylor

17boys U16 4+

Sponsored by: 65 & Dine

Repechages: 1,2->A Final; 3,4,5,6->B Final
Heats: 1->A Final; 2,3,4,5->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Max Osmers (stroke) | Zack James | Gus Moylan | Louis Fogarty + Gabriel Beavan (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman
  • Heat 2: placed 6th (7:32.75)
Crew: CHCO 2 - Jack James (stroke) | George Davidson | Joshua Brown | Max Durkin + Ali Coles (cox)
Coaches - Jack Chapman | Liam O'Leary

19boys N18 8+

Sponsored by: Lincoln University

Heats: All->Final

Crew: CHCO 1 - Sam Cochrane (stroke) | Alex Lascelles | Seb Gray | Jimmy Knight | George Hadden | Toby Adams | Henry Botherway | Max Percasky + Harry Holmes (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Alex Aitken

28boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: Mr Whippy

Semi-finals: 1,2,3,4->A Final; 5,6,7,8->B Final
Repechages: 1,2,3->Semi-Final; Rest Eliminated
Heats: 1,2->Semi-Final; 3,4,5->Repechage

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (8:49.65)
Crew: CHCO 1 - Oliver Simpson (stroke) | Max Percasky
Coaches - Jack Chapman | Liam O'Leary

32boys U15 4X+

Sponsored by: High Country Lodge

Repechages: 1,2->A Final; 3,4,5,6->B Final
Heats: 1->A Final; 2,3,4,5->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - George Hadden (stroke) | Alex Lascelles | Freddy Parfitt | Harry Blakely + Jono Simpson (cox)
Coaches - Alex Aitken | Andrew Taylor
  • Heat 4: placed 7th (8:13.15)
Crew: CHCO 2 - Matthew Vance (stroke) | Arthur Brown | Jai Ferguson | Max Nelson + Jonty Gray (cox)
Coaches - Anna Johnston | Andrew Taylor

34boys U17 4+

Sponsored by: Calder Stewart

Repechages: 1->A Final; 2,3,4,5->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4,5,6,7->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Max Airey (stroke) | Geordie Pavey | George Young | Will Richards + Daniel Wilson (cox)
Coaches - Nathan Luff | Tony O'Connor
Crew: CHCO 2 - George Metcalfe (stroke) | Henry Church | James Johnson | Logan Connolly + Ali Coles (cox)
Coaches - Henry Smith | Nathan Luff

38boys U16 8+

Sponsored by: Defence Force Careers

Repechages: 1,2,3->Final; Rest->Eliminated
Heats: 1->Final; 2,3,4,5,6,7,8->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Jack James (stroke) | Harvey Gubb | Oscar Malone | George Wilson | Max Osmers | Louis Fogarty | Henry Jones | Che de Luca + Gabriel Beavan (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman
Crew: CHCO 2 - Tom Gardiner (stroke) | George Davidson | Gus Moylan | Joshua Brown | Sam Cochrane | Zack James | Ollie-Cooper King | Max Durkin + Noah Kingston (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman
Crew: CHCO 3 - Seb Gray (stroke) | Charlie Flutey | Jackson Robertson | Jimmy Knight | Jack Payne | Toby Adams | Sam Pfahlert | Marco Howe + Harry Holmes (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman

40boys U17 2-

Sponsored by: Mt Cook Alpine Salmon

Repechages: 1->A Final; 2,3,4,5->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4,5,6,7->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Mark Reidie (stroke) | Finnian Chan-Allan
Coaches - Tony O'Connor | Henry Smith
Crew: CHCO 2 - Frank O'Gara (stroke) | Alex Rutherford
Coaches - Henry Smith | Nathan Luff

48boys N18 4X+

Sponsored by: University of Otago

Repechages: 1->A Final; 2,3,4,5->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4,5,6,7->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Sam Cochrane (stroke) | Toby Adams | Jimmy Knight | Seb Gray + Gabriel Beavan (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman
  • Heat 2: placed 8th (8:19.69)
Crew: CHCO 2 - Fletcher Harris (stroke) | Henry Handyside | Henry Botherway | George Campbell + Jono Simpson (cox)
Coaches - Andrew Taylor | Neil Porter

52boys U18 8+

Sponsored by: Aon

Repechages: 1->A Final; 2-5->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; Rest->Repechage

Crew: CHCO 1 - Mark Reidie (stroke) | Finnian Chan-Allan | Will Richards | George Young | George Wilson | James Hadden | Geordie Pavey | Max Airey + Jonty Gray (cox)
Coaches - Tony O'Connor | Nathan Luff
Crew: CHCO 2 - George Metcalfe (stroke) | Henry Church | Oscar Malone | Che de Luca | James Johnson | Alex Rutherford | Ollie-Cooper King | Logan Connolly + Ali Coles (cox)
Coaches - Nathan Luff | Henry Smith
Crew: CHCO 3 - Jack James (stroke) | Harvey Gubb | Max Osmers | Joshua Brown | Frank O'Gara | Louis Fogarty | Gus Moylan | Zack James + Daniel Wilson (cox)
Coaches - Liam O'Leary | Jack Chapman




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