Aon Maadi Regatta

Event 2: girls U17 4+
Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars Progression
Repechages: 1,2->A Final; 3,4,5,6->B Final
Heats: 1->A Final; 2,3,4,5->Repechage
Crew: STMG 1 - Milly Farrell (stroke) | Phoebe Wilson | Lilah Stallard | Evie Leeson + Ashlee Tacon (cox)
Coach - Holly Greenslade
Coach - Holly Greenslade

Event 33: girls U17 8+
Sponsored by: The University of Waikato Progression
Heats: All->Final
Crew: STMG 1 - Milly Farrell (stroke) | Phoebe Wilson | India Broomhall | Evie Leeson | Charlotte Coughlan | Aine Leeson | Lilah Stallard | Olivia Hawkes + Ashlee Tacon (cox)
Coaches - Holly Greenslade | Chris Everitt
Coaches - Holly Greenslade | Chris Everitt

Event 51: girls U18 8+
Sponsored by: Aon Progression
Repechages: 1->A Final; 2-5->B Final
Heats: 1,2->A Final; Rest->Repechage
Crew: STMG 1 - Hannah Wylie (stroke) | Phoebe Wilson | Milly Farrell | Evie Leeson | Lilah Stallard | Aine Leeson | India Broomhall | Charlotte Coughlan + Ashlee Tacon (cox)
Coaches - Holly Greenslade | Chris Everitt
Coaches - Holly Greenslade | Chris Everitt