In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Aon Maadi
Elizabeth Tau'a'alo-Puriri
Competed for:
Also attended
No results for Elizabeth yet.
Event #
1: boys U17 1X
2: girls U17 4+
3: boys U15 2X
4: girls U15 4X+
5: boys U18 2-
6L: girls o15 2X (L)
6: girls U18 2X
7: boys U16 4X+
8: girls U16 1X
9: boys N18 2X
10: girls N18 8+
11: boys U17 8+
12: girls U17 4X+
13: boys U15 8X+
14: girls U15 4+
15: boys U18 4X+
16: girls U18 2-
17: boys U16 4+
18: girls U16 8+
19: boys N18 8+
20: girls N18 2X
21: boys U17 2X
22: girls U17 1X
23: girls U15 8X+
24: boys U15 8+
25L: boys o15 4+ (L)
25: boys U18 4+
26L: girls o15 4+ (L)
26: girls U18 4+
27: girls U16 4X+
28: boys U16 2X
29: girls U18 1X
30: boys U18 1X
31: girls U15 2X
32: boys U15 4X+
33: girls U17 8+
34: boys U17 4+
35: girls N18 4X+
36: boys N18 4+
37: girls U16 4+
38: boys U16 8+
39: girls U18 4X+
40L: boys o15 2X (L)
40: boys U18 2X
41: girls U15 8+
42: boys U15 4+
43: girls U17 2X
44: boys U17 4X+
45: girls N18 4+
46: boys N18 4X+
47: girls U16 2X
48: boys U16 1X
49: girls U18 8+
50: boys U18 8+
31: girls U15 2X
4: girls U15 4X+
14: girls U15 4+
23: girls U15 8X+
41: girls U15 8+
8: girls U16 1X
47: girls U16 2X
27: girls U16 4X+
37: girls U16 4+
18: girls U16 8+
22: girls U17 1X
43: girls U17 2X
12: girls U17 4X+
2: girls U17 4+
33: girls U17 8+
29: girls U18 1X
6: girls U18 2X
16: girls U18 2-
39: girls U18 4X+
26: girls U18 4+
49: girls U18 8+
6L: girls o15 2X (L)
26L: girls o15 4+ (L)
20: girls N18 2X
35: girls N18 4X+
45: girls N18 4+
10: girls N18 8+
3: boys U15 2X
32: boys U15 4X+
42: boys U15 4+
13: boys U15 8X+
24: boys U15 8+
48: boys U16 1X
28: boys U16 2X
7: boys U16 4X+
17: boys U16 4+
38: boys U16 8+
1: boys U17 1X
21: boys U17 2X
44: boys U17 4X+
34: boys U17 4+
11: boys U17 8+
30: boys U18 1X
40: boys U18 2X
5: boys U18 2-
15: boys U18 4X+
25: boys U18 4+
50: boys U18 8+
40L: boys o15 2X (L)
25L: boys o15 4+ (L)
9: boys N18 2X
46: boys N18 4X+
36: boys N18 4+
19: boys N18 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All schools
ACG Strathallan
ACG Tauranga
Aotea College
Aquinas College
Ashburton College
Auckland Grammar School
Avonside Girls High School
Baradene College
Bayfield High School
Bethlehem College
Burnside High School
Cambridge High School
Campion College
Carmel College
Cashmere High School
Chilton St James School
Christchurch Boys High School
Christchurch Girls High School
Christs College
Columba College
Craighead Diocesan School
Cromwell College
Cullinane College
Diocesan School For Girls
Dunstan High School
Epsom Girls Grammar
Gisborne Boys High School
Gisborne Girls High School
Glendowie College
Hamilton Boys High School
Hamilton Girls High School
Hauraki Plains College
Hillcrest High School
Howick College
Huanui College
Hutt International Boys School
Iona College
James Hargest College
John McGlashan College
John Paul College
Kapiti College
Katikati College
Kings College
Lindisfarne College
Macleans College
Manurewa High School
Marian College
Marlborough Boys College
Marlborough Girls College
Mt Albert Grammar School
Mt Aspiring College
Mt Maunganui College
Napier Boys High School
Napier Girls High School
Nelson College
Nelson College For Girls
New Plymouth Boys High School
New Plymouth Girls High School
Nga Taiatea Wharekura
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Ngaruawahia High School
Onewhero Area School
Onslow College
Otago Boys High School
Otago Girls High School
Otumoetai College
Pukekohe High School
Queen Charlotte College
Queen Margaret College
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Raphael House
Roncalli College
Rosehill College
Rotorua Girls High School
Rotorua Lakes High School
Rototuna High School
Sacred Heart College (Auckland)
Sacred Heart Girls College (Hamilton)
Sacred Heart Girls College (NP)
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
Samuel Marsden Whitby
Scots College
Shirley Boys High School
Southland Girls High School
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Bernard's College
St Hildas Collegiate
St Johns College (Hamilton)
St Kentigern College
St Kevins College
St Margarets College
St Mary's College (Wgtn)
St Patricks College
St Patricks College (Silverstream)
St Pauls Collegiate School
St Peters College
St Peters School
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Taikura Rudolf Steiner School
Takapuna Grammar School
Taradale High School
Tauhara College
Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College
Tauranga Boys College
Tauranga Girls College
Te Awamutu College
Te Kauwhata College
Timaru Boys High School
Timaru Girls High School
Trident High School
Twizel Area School
Villa Maria College
Waihi College
Waikato Diocesan School
Waimea College
Wakatipu High School
Wellington College
Wellington East Girls College
Wellington Girls College
Wentworth College
Western Heights High School
Westlake Boys High School
Westlake Girls High School
Whakatane High School
Whanganui Collegiate School
Whanganui Girls College
Whanganui High School
Whangarei Girls High School
All athletes
Áine Maloney (wtlg)
Aaliyah Fowler (duns)
Aaliyah Grant (wngc)
Aaliyah Keery (avsg)
Aaron O'Regan (hamb)
Aaron Painter (gldw)
Abbey Mason (oghs)
Abbie Smillie (howi)
Abbie Thomas (mtma)
Abby Bartels (splh)
Abby Payne (splh)
Abe McArthur (chco)
Abigail Clements (wtlg)
Abigail Reid (rrgs)
Adam Chapman (shir)
Adam Clark (shak)
Adam Garside (nelb)
Adam Jefferis (splh)
Adam Johnston (burn)
Adam Raitt (scot)
Adam Raupita (hlcr)
Adam Shields (trgb)
Adam Simpson (stpa)
Adam Wilson (hamb)
Adar Benaia (burn)
Addison Peebles (stkt)
Adrienne Gedye (onew)
Aidan Couch (stpa)
Aidan Elvines (ashb)
Ailsa Hart (bara)
Aime Wright (duns)
Aimee Bauld (hamg)
Aimee Clink (stpc)
Aimee Cody (whgg)
Aimee Lovell (aote)
Aine Taylor (aqui)
Alana Cawte (stmg)
Alana Sullivan (dioc)
Alana Taggart (wlgc)
Alannah Hamilton (sthi)
Alessandra Manikas (mtal)
Alex Baldwin (hamg)
Alex Carrodus (stan)
Alex Colson-Clark (wegc)
Alex Fletcher (shir)
Alex Humphrey (sptw)
Alex King (manu)
Alex Lambert (wtlb)
Alex Landon-Lane (burn)
Alex Lynch (vill)
Alex Methvan (camb)
Alex Muirhead (cbhs)
Alex Pollock (hamb)
Alex Prince (mtal)
Alex Rendle (taka)
Alex Sorensen (haur)
Alex Taylor (vill)
Alex Thomson (waka)
Alex Todhunter (chco)
Alex Tooman (kgca)
Alex Upfold (onew)
Alex Urlich (onsl)
Alex van der Vetge (puke)
Alexa Hood (taka)
Alexanda Bruce (wtlb)
Alexander Andersen (sjhm)
Alexander Gunn (splh)
Alexandra Hopa-Parke (crai)
Alexandra Kinder (vill)
Alexandra McGeough (taup)
Alexandra Ward (taka)
Alexandra Williamson (crai)
Alexis Besson-MacKain (went)
Alice Davidson (stmg)
Alice Fahey (wlgc)
Alice Mackintosh (wkds)
Alice McLeod (stmg)
Alice Penman (ncog)
Alice Thompson (wlgc)
Alicia Webster (waka)
Alisana Morris (wlco)
Alison Mills (splh)
Alistair Sparke (teaw)
Alister Jenkins (stpc)
Allie Reid (acgt)
Alyana du Fresne (wncs)
Alyssa George (camb)
Alyssa Phillip (ngar)
Alyssa Sherry-Middlemiss (stpc)
Amalia Ling (stan)
Amanda Shallard (crai)
Amarah Duncan (hamg)
Amber Church (whic)
Amber Cunningham (colu)
Amber Williams (rrgs)
Amelia Alizadeh (mtal)
Amelia Barrell (stpc)
Amelia Burley (stmw)
Amelia Cook (wlgc)
Amelia Findlater (colu)
Amelia Gordon-Crosby (kapi)
Amelia Keenan (culi)
Amelia McCarroll (stpc)
Amelia Meates (marn)
Amelia Parker (stmg)
Amelia Speight (stan)
Amelia Swindell (tekc)
Amelia Wards (otum)
Amelia Wood (eggs)
Amelie Clements (whak)
Amelie Murphy (stkt)
Amelita Peters (shgn)
Amiel John (agsb)
Amorette Lessing (tekc)
Amy Carstairs (went)
Amy Charman-Moore (otum)
Amy Crabb (haur)
Amy Harvey-Green (samu)
Amy Hyde (tekc)
Amy Patten (bara)
Amy Taggart (crai)
Amy Wills (wlgc)
Ana Dudley (onsl)
Ana Vincent (bara)
Ana-Feliz Sindermann (whak)
Anabel Nicholson-Sell (cghs)
Anastasia Alberts (mtal)
Anastasia Makagon (kgca)
Andrew Jantke (agsb)
Andrew Lindsay (cbhs)
Angela Holgate (onsl)
Angus Barkley (hamb)
Angus Cooper (wlco)
Angus Gilbertson (cbhs)
Angus Hill (stan)
Angus Jackson (wtlb)
Angus Kenny (jmcg)
Angus Lange (stbd)
Angus Lill (cbhs)
Angus Percy (stln)
Angus Stevens (agsb)
Angus Templeton (cbhs)
Angus Wynn-Williams (chco)
Anita Lambrechtsen (samu)
Anna Clinch (cghs)
Anna Divers (oghs)
Anna Douglas (jpcr)
Anna Fonua-Haggie (ngar)
Anna Richmond (rrgs)
Anna Stuart (taka)
Anna Tirikatene (wlgc)
Anna Wilson (ncog)
Anna Wilson (stmg)
Annabel Maddock (stln)
Annabel Robinson (trgg)
Annabel Symes (wncs)
Annabelle Curry (ncog)
Annabelle Ireland (dioc)
Annabelle Knowles (taka)
Annabelle McRobie (hlcr)
Annabelle Scott (crai)
Anneka Calder (rrgs)
Anneka Schrader (teaw)
Annie Donald (taup)
Annie Metcalfe (stkv)
Annie Williamson (kgca)
Annika Mills (shgh)
Anthony Bolton (shak)
Anthony Cowley (obhs)
Anthony Peters (mtal)
Anton Andres (taka)
Anton Bernard (aqui)
Anton Waldmann (mtal)
Antoneo van Deursen (sjhm)
Antonia Bachop (colu)
Antonia Gray (stmw)
Antonio Barrio Frojan (stpc)
Antonio Frances-Rees (ronc)
Anuha Som (onsl)
Aoife Taylor (aqui)
April Linares-Fontona (stkv)
Archer Pascoe (cbhs)
Archie Batchelor (chco)
Archie Bruning (trgb)
Archie Calder (stan)
Archie Dillon (mlbb)
Archie Schulter (mlbb)
Ari Wright (iona)
Aria Johnston (avsg)
Arie Magasiva (sptw)
Arie Renner (wlco)
Armanii Samson (whak)
Arohaina Taituha (ngtw)
Artikah Allan (onsl)
Ash Fleming (avsg)
Ashan Barr (hamb)
Ashlea Rakels (whhs)
Ashlee Ennis (mtma)
Ashleigh Klatt (tekc)
Ashleigh Rawson (mtma)
Ashley Bennett (camb)
Ashley Toovey (mtas)
Ashley-James Fitzgerald (mlbb)
Ashlie Turner (shgh)
Ashton Brotherson (wtlb)
Ashton Corkery (stan)
Ashton Kennedy (hamb)
Atlanta Bruce (stpc)
Austin Carter (agsb)
Ava Dillon (wkds)
Ava Phillimore (dioc)
Ava Smith (rrgs)
Ava Stevens (eggs)
Ava Young (crai)
Awatea Gudgeon (splh)
Ayden Lenssen (puke)
Ayla Holmes (wtlg)
Ayla Redshaw (mtma)
Ayla Rowe (trid)
Bailey Morrison (haur)
Bailey Smith (crai)
Baxter Shaw (stpc)
Becca Lory (whak)
Beckham Raffan (hamb)
Bella Gauld (onsl)
Bella Gibbons (stan)
Bella Illston (stpc)
Bella Martin (qmar)
Bella Mendiola (marn)
Bella Spear (stmg)
Bella Stevenson-Watt (wncs)
Ben Bampton (timb)
Ben Barron (stkt)
Ben Bartlett (timb)
Ben Blaikie (hamb)
Ben Blakeman (camp)
Ben Broatch (taka)
Ben Brown (cbhs)
Ben Canton (stkt)
Ben Chittock (stan)
Ben Donaldson (cbhs)
Ben Farrell (stan)
Ben Fleming (stbd)
Ben Franich (stpa)
Ben Hansen (lind)
Ben Mason (obhs)
Ben McCosh (gbhs)
Ben Monkley (teaw)
Ben Mora (onsl)
Ben Olifiers (trid)
Ben Pawson (stan)
Ben Shortt (agsb)
Ben Simmons (cbhs)
Ben Stockman (cash)
Ben Wratt (timb)
Ben Wright (stcc)
Ben Young (chco)
Ben Zino (cbhs)
Benedict Sheehan (stpa)
Benjamin Brown (sptw)
Benjamin Burrow (obhs)
Benjamin Campbell (mtal)
Benjamin Carrigan (went)
Benjamin Hartnell (stan)
Benjamin MacGregor (stbd)
Benjamin O'Connor (roto)
Benjamin Scott (agsb)
Benjamin Sumner (wtlb)
Benjamin Visser (stbd)
Benjamin Welch (agsb)
Benji Ward (chco)
Bess Watson (bara)
Beth Clarke (crai)
Beth Fox (vill)
Beth Smillie (bara)
Betty Custodio (wlgc)
Bianca Coplestone (wtlg)
Bianca Donelley (stpc)
Bianca Martin (qmar)
Billi Hedges (jpcr)
Billie Insull (wtlg)
Billy Grant (duns)
Billy McCully (timb)
Blair Ellis (hamb)
Blake Chamberlain (shak)
Blake Hogan (wncs)
Blake Nelson (shak)
Blake Paynter (mars)
Blake Worthington (hamb)
Bond Winiata (wtlb)
Bonnielee Dippie (mlbg)
Boston Stubbs (napb)
Bowen de Gouw (wtlb)
Braden Morrison (puke)
Bradley Jenkins (puke)
Brahm Erdmann (wtlb)
Brayden Keep (shir)
Brayden Williams (stpc)
Brea McDonald (camb)
Bree Roundhill (ncog)
Brendan Eyles (jhar)
Briana Flexman (howi)
Briana Herbert (iona)
Brianna Jolly (eggs)
Briar Mallinson (timg)
Bridget Jones Long (wncs)
Bridget Morris (cghs)
Bridget Sinclair (sthi)
Brodie Barsby (shir)
Brooke Carter (wkds)
Brooke Hamilton (howi)
Brooke Houston (stpc)
Brooke Martin (iona)
Brooke Pitchford (shgh)
Brooke Poutawera (trgg)
Brooke Raitt (qmar)
Brooke Vincent (dioc)
Brooke Williams (duns)
Brooklyn Elliott (hamb)
Bruno Vaughan (chco)
Brunton Harwood (onew)
Bryah Moriarty (burn)
Bryce Geary (hlcr)
Bryce Stace (nelb)
Brylee Deacon (camb)
Cade Watson (scot)
Caelan Lodge (went)
Caetana Langston (stmg)
Cairo Stark (gldw)
Caitlin Bregmen (gghs)
Caitlin Cottee (puke)
Caitlin Doddrell (haur)
Caitlin Duffield (carm)
Caitlin Harley (macl)
Caitlin Harrod (carm)
Caitlin Huxtable (stpc)
Caitlin Jamieson (cghs)
Caitlin Parker (stln)
Caitlin Rawlings (wtlg)
Caitlin Revell (wlgc)
Caitlin Sutton (mtal)
Caitlin Tam (dioc)
Caitlin van Rijs (puke)
Caitlin Whiteman (gldw)
Caitlyn Day (cghs)
Caleb Brown (stan)
Caleb Cherry (rose)
Caleb Fitzsimmons (cbhs)
Caleb Houghton (hamb)
Caleb Meijer (wlco)
Caleb Parsons (stbd)
Caleb Richardson (roto)
Callum Berkett (trgb)
Callum Coyne (stbn)
Callum Harold (howi)
Callum Hayward (howi)
Callum Hibbert (gldw)
Callum McNally (stln)
Callum Miller (shak)
Callum Nicholson (mtal)
Callum Tutbury (aqui)
Callum Woods (onsl)
Cam MacGillivray (mtal)
Cameron Abel (kgca)
Cameron Anisy (stcc)
Cameron Daignault (culi)
Cameron Henderson (cbhs)
Cameron Long (cbhs)
Cameron McConchie (shir)
Cameron McKinley (shak)
Cameron Natta (hamb)
Cameron Phillips (whak)
Cameron Preston (puke)
Cameron Reid (hamb)
Cameron Thiele (aote)
Campbell Colquhon (splh)
Campbell Irwin (burn)
Campbell Monk (wnhs)
Campbell Read (trgb)
Cara McAree (stmw)
Caroline Wells (stmg)
Carter Grey (stpc)
Carys Healey (mtal)
Casey Calver (hamb)
Casey Herbert (vill)
Casey Sargison (rotl)
Cassidy Harrop (stkv)
Catherine Pearce (wncs)
Cayden Easterbrook (teaw)
Cayla Morriss (bara)
Charles Alston (agsb)
Charles Finlayson (kgca)
Charles Nicholson-Sell (cbhs)
Charles Smith (chco)
Charlette Grant (timg)
Charlie Baker (cbhs)
Charlie Barclay (dioc)
Charlie Bhana-Sayring (nplb)
Charlie Bushell (chco)
Charlie Cai (stln)
Charlie Campbell (waka)
Charlie Clemens (timb)
Charlie Ludbrook (kgca)
Charlie Mackintosh (agsb)
Charlie Russell (stpa)
Charlie Squire (sjhm)
Charlie Stapelton-Stevens (scot)
Charlize Tutbury (aqui)
Charlotte Binnie (cghs)
Charlotte Bishop (bara)
Charlotte Blakey (dioc)
Charlotte Brown (dioc)
Charlotte Darry (stmg)
Charlotte Dunne (wlgc)
Charlotte Gray (rrgs)
Charlotte Grey (wkds)
Charlotte Lightfoot (qcha)
Charlotte Lobb (dioc)
Charlotte Marsh (carm)
Charlotte McKinlay (wncs)
Charlotte Menzies (marn)
Charlotte Murphy (bara)
Charlotte O'Rourke (vill)
Charlotte Pamment (stpc)
Charlotte Parker (stmg)
Charlotte Paulsen (whak)
Charlotte Ram (wtlg)
Charlotte Rattray (bara)
Charlotte Restieaux (vill)
Charlotte Robb (wncs)
Charlotte Trower (wkds)
Chelsea Cox (macl)
Chelsea Grey (puke)
Chevarn Parata (stmw)
Chloe Berge (rrgs)
Chloe Bingham (onew)
Chloe Diprose (gldw)
Chloe Haglund (cghs)
Chloe Harrington (cghs)
Chloe Lennox (wncs)
Chloe Wright (otum)
Christina Chen (stkt)
Christine Joubert (twiz)
Christopher Farro Howard (onsl)
Christopher Simkin (wtlb)
Christopher Simonds (stkt)
Ciara Fenwick (stmw)
Claire Snelling (wtlg)
Claire Taylor (oghs)
Clare McHugh (bara)
Clare Milne (stpc)
Claudia Addock (bara)
Claudia Bethell (stmg)
Claudia Kinder (vill)
Claudia Shanks (gghs)
Clay Gardner (hamb)
Clementine Dryden (dioc)
Cleo Armingeat (jpcr)
Cleo Ingram (mlbg)
Cleo Thurston (stmw)
Cody Baker (tekc)
Cody Campbell (obhs)
Cody Johnson (agsb)
Cody Oakes (howi)
Cody Wright (gbhs)
Cole Clement (kati)
Cole Marshall (mtal)
Cole Stephenson (haur)
Connor Bacchus (taka)
Connor Chatfield (wtlb)
Connor Davison (stpc)
Connor Fleming (onsl)
Connor Hislop-Donaldson (kgca)
Connor Irving (splh)
Connor Reeves (splh)
Connor Rowland (napb)
Connor Sheehan (stpa)
Connor Swanepoel (trgb)
Connor Wiltshire (wtlb)
Conor White (ronc)
Cory Sargent (teaw)
Cory Simpson (aote)
Courtney Deacon (camb)
Courtney Prebble (stmg)
Courtney Ryan (trgg)
Crue Ellis-Williams (kgca)
Cullam Smith (duns)
Cullan Fuller (trgb)
Cullen Aveyard (camb)
Daendie de Beer (duns)
Daina Stevenson (gghs)
Daisy Butcher (taka)
Daisy Summerfield (rrgs)
Daisy Vavasour (mlbg)
Dan Young (scot)
Daniel Bourke (stpc)
Daniel Chadwick (sptw)
Daniel Dolan (onsl)
Daniel Fraser (mtal)
Daniel Geddes (hamb)
Daniel Gorrie (onsl)
Daniel Humphrey (hamb)
Daniel Morgan (hamb)
Daniel Perkinson (spts)
Danielle Jarvie (crai)
Danielle Neilson (trgg)
Danielle Travers (stln)
Danielle Young (otum)
Danja Grunwald (wnhs)
Danny Squire (sjhm)
Darcy Faber (rotl)
Darien Parsons (wncs)
David Edh (timb)
David Levy (camp)
Delicia Obrien (duns)
Delphi Stroud (bara)
Denee Read (hamg)
Denzil Edwards (jhar)
Devon Atiga (stkt)
Devon Benny (puke)
Devon Thorpe (wtlg)
Dominic Baron (stpa)
Dominic Drury (stpa)
Dominic Edmond (chco)
Dominic Hawkins (agsb)
Dominic Wilkinson (stkt)
Dominic Williams (trgb)
Dominiko Arnerich (stpa)
Dougal Rutherford-Levien (agsb)
Douglas McRobie (hlcr)
Douglas Polo (shak)
Drew McGuigan (puke)
Drue Griffiths (wlgc)
Dylan Burton (mlbb)
Dylan Cottingham (mtal)
Dylan Singh (sjhm)
Dylan Smith (stan)
Dylan Stringer (napb)
Eddy Pollock (hamb)
Edward Bayliss (chco)
Edward Botherway (chco)
Edward Dunne (wlco)
Edward Fuller (stpc)
Edward Lopas (cbhs)
Edward McGuckin (stan)
Edward Smith (hamb)
Edwin George (obhs)
Edwin Wills (splh)
Eilish McLeod (jhar)
Eleanor Morrison (samu)
Eliarn Destounis (gbhs)
Elise McIntosh (howi)
Elizabeth Mouncher (hamg)
Ella Cook (carm)
Ella Craig (qmar)
Ella Dolan (vill)
Ella Dudley (wnhs)
Ella Fry (sthi)
Ella Gleeson (gldw)
Ella Grant (taka)
Ella Hart (crai)
Ella Henry (onew)
Ella Herbert (colu)
Ella Lawson (iona)
Ella Matthews (qmar)
Ella McHerron (vill)
Ella Mitchell (mtal)
Ella Murdoch (wegc)
Ella Rongen (wlgc)
Ella Ross (dioc)
Ella Ryan (taka)
Ella Sargent (wmea)
Ella Smith (ncog)
Ella Soper (qmar)
Ella Thomson (stpc)
Elle-Mai Wright (camb)
Ellen Foley (colu)
Ellesha Taylor (shgn)
Ellie Sharplin (whhs)
Elliot Stanley (shir)
Elliott Joseph Rose (htib)
Ellis Watson (splh)
Elloise Cleghorn (trgg)
Eloise Sluis (stan)
Elyse Davey (colu)
Emersyn Coxhead (hamb)
Emilie Russell (timg)
Emily Bowden (cghs)
Emily Brown (cghs)
Emily Cox (cghs)
Emily Davis (marn)
Emily Esplin (oghs)
Emily Findlay (mtas)
Emily Gordon (hamg)
Emily Holland (trgg)
Emily Hurdle (sthi)
Emily Irvine (rrgs)
Emily Kippenberger (dioc)
Emily McKinlay (wncs)
Emily O'Connor (wegc)
Emily Purves (hamg)
Emily Rampton (wlgc)
Emily Smillie (howi)
Emily Smith (gghs)
Emily Wood (iona)
Emily Young (stmg)
Emma Arnott (stmg)
Emma Averill (otum)
Emma Bowe (stmw)
Emma Burnside (sthi)
Emma Butcher (stpc)
Emma Cornhill (stpc)
Emma Davies (stln)
Emma Downey (iona)
Emma Ffowcs Williams (rrgs)
Emma Gordon (haur)
Emma Haman (hlcr)
Emma Howe (kgca)
Emma Inglis (stan)
Emma Jarvie (crai)
Emma Kwan (kgca)
Emma Neal (kapi)
Emma Parker (stmg)
Emma Patterson (wtlg)
Emma Pearce (wncs)
Emma Penney (dioc)
Emma Richie (shgh)
Emma Roberts (stmg)
Emma Sheffield-Cranstoun (aote)
Emma Stagg (ashb)
Emma Stead (stpc)
Emma Taylor (taka)
Emma Wood (crai)
Enzo Vatselias (wlco)
Enzo Wilson (waka)
Eric Goodger (stkt)
Eric Gruythuysen (haur)
Erica Morris (duns)
Erik Attie (hamb)
Erin Hamilton (eggs)
Erin Tickelpenny (shgh)
Erinn Aspell (qmar)
Esme MacGillivray (stpc)
Estelle Bilbe (rotl)
Ethan Alderlieste (cbhs)
Ethan Allison (stan)
Ethan Cameron (jpcr)
Ethan Fletcher (teaw)
Ethan Fulton (sjhm)
Ethan Graham (agsb)
Ethan Hight (hamb)
Ethan Hill (howi)
Ethan Johnson (hamb)
Ethan Welch (mtal)
Ethan Wildash-Chan (sptw)
Eva Cochrane (kapi)
Eva Colyer (dioc)
Eva Hofmans (bayf)
Eva Lloyd (ncog)
Eva Mirko (gghs)
Eva Simons (hlcr)
Eva Sutherland (bara)
Eva Watson (cghs)
Eva Whitfield (samu)
Evan Williams (taka)
Evana Main (haur)
Eve Devonshire (wlgc)
Eve Munro (ncog)
Evelyn Hall (taup)
Evia Linnell-Olsen (whak)
Evie Bond (rrgs)
Evie Eaton (stmg)
Evie Laidlaw (rrgs)
Ezekiel Petersen (onew)
Fabio Rodrigues (puke)
Faisal Sohail (mtal)
Faith Ball (haur)
Fanni Meron (dioc)
Fearghus Bratten (chco)
Felicity Billingham (stln)
Felicity Pye (stmg)
Felix Lawson (lind)
Fergus Beadel (chco)
Fergus Foster (stln)
Fergus Macleod (stpa)
Fergus Matla (agsb)
Fergus Parks (jmcg)
Fergus Rutledge (stan)
Fergus Short (wlco)
Fergus Usal (shak)
Feyth Hogan (wnhs)
Ffion Lewis (macl)
Fin Muir (shir)
Fin Smith (chco)
Finbar Mallett (scot)
Finbar O'Carroll (agsb)
Finn Hamill (sjhm)
Finn Hoban (wtlb)
Finn Hope (mtal)
Finn Jenkins (stcc)
Finn McKeefry (sptw)
Finn Reynolds (nelb)
Finn Stockler (wlco)
Fintan Spencer (sptw)
Fletcher Anderson (chco)
Fletcher Cotter (hamb)
Fletcher Hawkesby (agsb)
Fletcher Joyce (timb)
Fleur Lassale (bthc)
Florence Munro (ncog)
Florence Webber (onew)
Flynn Hennessy (nelb)
Flynn Mercer (nelb)
Flynn Ross-Wallis (agsb)
Frances Carr-Smith (eggs)
Francesca Gallaway (rrgs)
Francesca Treuren (gldw)
Frank May (lind)
Frankie Lowe (iona)
Franny Ullrich (rrgs)
Fraser Bailey (sptw)
Fred Calder (cbhs)
Fred Vavasour (mlbb)
Freddie Forsythe (kgca)
Freddie Pankhurst (obhs)
Freddy Wright (jmcg)
Freya Sirl (wkds)
Freyja Harris (stmg)
Gabriel Jacobi-Campos (taka)
Gabriel Jonson (rose)
Gabriel Williams (scot)
Gabriella Cusiel (rrgs)
Gabriella Goodenbour (cghs)
Gabriella Ogg (marn)
Gabrielle Balsom (camb)
Gaby McKellar (stmg)
Gemma Beckett (rrgs)
Gemma McAllister (jhar)
Georga Bent (crai)
George Allen (cbhs)
George Burton (mlbb)
George Egerton (wlco)
George Fowler (stln)
George Gilbertson (cbhs)
George Goodman (chco)
George Haig (cbhs)
George Higgins (agsb)
George Johnson (shir)
George Matheson (chco)
George Miles (agsb)
George Muir (stpc)
George Murray (wlco)
George Pirie (cbhs)
George Poolmen (teaw)
George Rutledge (stan)
George Trolove (mlbb)
George Watson (stbd)
George Wilson (trgb)
Georgia Anderson (bara)
Georgia Anderson (macl)
Georgia Burrows (bara)
Georgia Clapcott (wkds)
Georgia Dawson (stmg)
Georgia Jefferis (wkds)
Georgia Macdonald (mlbg)
Georgia Mackay (stmg)
Georgia Manning (stkt)
Georgia McLean (oghs)
Georgia Rich (samu)
Georgia Sutherland (vill)
Georgia Thirkell (qmar)
Georgia Thomson (waka)
Georgie Burdon (stmg)
Georgie Ffiske (sthi)
Georgie Gash (aqui)
Georgina Drumm (mtal)
Georgina Ross (wnhs)
Gerard Wall (ashb)
Germain Hellriegel-White (mtal)
Gina Weston (marn)
Giovanna Burtenshaw (qcha)
Giuliana Havill (onsl)
Gloria Cai (eggs)
Grace Adams (ashb)
Grace Brownrigg (rrgs)
Grace Farrell (stmg)
Grace Fellows (otum)
Grace Firmin (dioc)
Grace Glassey (stmg)
Grace Hutchinson (otum)
Grace Iremonger (whak)
Grace Marshall (wtlg)
Grace Mitchell (stmg)
Grace Petersen (iona)
Grace Reidy (stkt)
Grace Twaddle (oghs)
Grace Waring-Jones (mlbg)
Grace Williams (crai)
Grace Wilson (wkds)
Graceyn Growden (whak)
Gracie Dawson (puke)
Grainne Walsh (bara)
Greg Hamlet (huan)
Gregory Severin (wtlb)
Greta Hawke (avsg)
Gretel Murphy (wncs)
Gretta Wiseman (dioc)
Gus Guzman (stbd)
Gus Hanham (splh)
Gus Orr (chco)
Guy Chaffey (chco)
Guy Clarke (chco)
Guy Weenink (stkt)
Haana Kilmister (wncs)
Hamish Bean (haur)
Hamish Campbell (stkt)
Hamish Griffin (stpc)
Hamish Grigg (chco)
Hamish McCulloch (chco)
Hamish McKay (shak)
Hamish Yeatman (timb)
Hank Huang (stkt)
Hanna Scarlet (duns)
Hannah Bryant (ncog)
Hannah Cunningham (stkv)
Hannah Dale (teaw)
Hannah Finlayson (splh)
Hannah Lawson (iona)
Hannah Mercer (dioc)
Hannah Nelson (wkds)
Hannah Rickit (camb)
Hannah Sherwood (cghs)
Hannah Veitch (gghs)
Hannah Warn (eggs)
Harriet Law (dioc)
Harriet Leslie (wlgc)
Harriet Leverton (ashb)
Harriet Mills (samu)
Harriet Norris (qmar)
Harris Moana (splh)
Harrison Burns (stpc)
Harrison Lynch (stpc)
Harrison Strang (stkt)
Harrison Toxopeus (taka)
Harry Arkley (shak)
Harry Cederwall (scot)
Harry Fitzpatrick (stpa)
Harry Kellow-Cropp (shir)
Harry Lawson (napb)
Harry Medlicott (cbhs)
Harry Naske (gbhs)
Harry Packer (shak)
Harry Preston (stan)
Harry Southcombe (hamb)
Harry Sturgeon (wlco)
Harry Webb (gldw)
Harry Williams (stpa)
Hayden Evans (hamb)
Hayden Joyce (stkt)
Haylee Mora (trgg)
Hayley Ambrose (mtas)
Hayley Cliffe (burn)
Hayley-Jane Mcquaide (ngar)
Hazel Hall (wegc)
Heather Miller (wlgc)
Heather Nichols (huan)
Hector McIntyre (wtlb)
Helena Rivers-Milliken (chil)
Henri Agnew (kgca)
Henrik Arndt (stpa)
Henry Bishop (wtlb)
Henry Clatworthy (cash)
Henry Farrell (stan)
Henry Hewett (trgb)
Henry McLean-Bluck (splh)
Henry Mossman (chco)
Henry Rea (shak)
Henry Smith (macl)
Henry Tate (scot)
Henry Wilson (obhs)
Henry Windhager (lind)
Henry Woelders (cbhs)
Hetekia te Ua (splh)
Hien Tran (bara)
Hollie Lintott (cghs)
Hollie Marshman (wtlg)
Holly Allred (rrgs)
Holly Chaafe (mtal)
Holly Curtis (stan)
Holly Dalzell (crom)
Holly Feltham (mlbg)
Holly Hay (trid)
Holly Lill (rrgs)
Holly MacDonald (macl)
Holly Mills (wkds)
Holly Nelson (howi)
Holly O'Loughlin (rrgs)
Holly Peoples (wkds)
Holly Watson (shgh)
Holly Williams (stpc)
Hugh Green (stan)
Hugh Ibbotson (macl)
Hugh Marshall (agsb)
Hugh Straker (mlbb)
Hugo Campbell (scot)
Hugo Caughey (kgca)
Hugo Dalgleish (wncs)
Hugo Downey (sjhm)
Hugo Hay (kgca)
Hugo Lethbridge (wlco)
Hugo Nelson (chco)
Hunter Donley (stkt)
Hunter Elliott (hamb)
Hunter Moon (hamb)
Ieuan Leigh (stpa)
Ilaria Vrensen (teaw)
Imogen Bell (rrgs)
Imogen Burge (wtlg)
Imogen Butcher (taka)
Imogen de Zwart (wtlg)
Imogen Hetariki (wegc)
Imogen Pilditch (wkds)
India Phillips (puke)
Irina Kishi-Rychkova (hlcr)
Isaac Balemi (sjhm)
Isaac Briggs (agsb)
Isaac Jensen (whak)
Isaac Kim (hamb)
Isaac Kinder (gbhs)
Isaac Kururangi (gbhs)
Isaac Living (onsl)
Isaac West (splh)
Isabel Baker (trgg)
Isabel Gallagher (colu)
Isabel Knight (qmar)
Isabel Oxenham (camb)
Isabela Carrano De Oliveira (culi)
Isabella Adams (gldw)
Isabella Beale (bthc)
Isabella Carter (dioc)
Isabella Donovan (bara)
Isabella Ferguson (stmg)
Isabella Foster (taka)
Isabella Herbert (duns)
Isabella Inkson (rrgs)
Isabella Pennington (qmar)
Isabella Revell (wlgc)
Isabella Sherburd (avsg)
Isabella-Hope Murray (bara)
Isabelle Bartlett (crai)
Isabelle Jelbert (onsl)
Isabelle Scrymgeour (stmg)
Ishaan Benipal (agsb)
Isla Fulton (stmg)
Isobel Hughes (gldw)
Isobel Hume (whgg)
Isobel Knowling (splh)
Isobel Watson (wkds)
Issac Petrich (gldw)
Izaak Manders (taup)
Izzy Blyth (marn)
Jack Black (wnhs)
Jack Caldwell (splh)
Jack Clinton (stcc)
Jack Cresswell (wtlb)
Jack Duignan (sptw)
Jack Elvy (chco)
Jack Featherstone (taka)
Jack Fisher-McKinney (mlbb)
Jack Graystone (nplb)
Jack Guard (mlbb)
Jack Hallifax (sjhm)
Jack Harrison (wtlb)
Jack Hearn (shir)
Jack Heaslip (hamb)
Jack Henry (onew)
Jack Higgins (shak)
Jack Jessiman (gldw)
Jack Johnson (wtlb)
Jack Martin (wtlb)
Jack Milmine (gldw)
Jack Mitchell (kgca)
Jack Norman (wncs)
Jack Pearson (jmcg)
Jack Perkins (bthc)
Jack Peterson (jpcr)
Jack Ross (stpa)
Jack Scragg (stpc)
Jack Smith (wlco)
Jack Takurua-Newland (shak)
Jack Trusler (kgca)
Jack Webber (obhs)
Jackie Fetolofai (jhar)
Jackson Dunn (shak)
Jackson McKenzie (burn)
Jacob Bhatia (stan)
Jacob Bolwell (obhs)
Jacob Butel (onsl)
Jacob Daley (stpc)
Jacob Davey (taka)
Jacob Kearns (stln)
Jacob Lean (wtlb)
Jacob Lorkin (lind)
Jacob Rhodes (wlco)
Jacob Stubbing (otum)
Jacob Wadley (burn)
Jacques Balsom (stpc)
Jade Fon (eggs)
Jade Harrison (hlcr)
Jade Perry (stpc)
Jade Raby (eggs)
Jaden Collie (hlcr)
Jadin Kingi (shak)
Jaime Breen (eggs)
Jaime Cunningham (cghs)
Jaime Hanrahan (wtlg)
Jaime Skilton (howi)
Jaimee Bridger (wnhs)
Jaimee Trainor (stkv)
Jake Burgess (obhs)
Jake Cutler (chco)
Jake McClean (obhs)
Jake Ross (wlco)
Jameel Khan (hamb)
James Chapman (kgca)
James Clear (wnhs)
James Davidson (timb)
James Dolan (stpa)
James Glover (cbhs)
James Hollard (trgb)
James Jury (wtlb)
James MacLean (stan)
James McLaren (stan)
James Porima (napb)
James Slyfield (shak)
James Smith (puke)
James Tavendale (stan)
Jamie Batchelor (chco)
Jamie Carter (splh)
Jamie Collins (stkt)
Jamie Cunningham (qcha)
Jamie Iro (gldw)
Jamie Soper (stbd)
Jamie Webber (stln)
Jamie Whittaker (wtlg)
Jamie Woods (agsb)
Jamie Zyza (hamb)
Jamiee Gielen (teaw)
Jan-Hendrik Kuepper (ronc)
Jane Schellekens (eggs)
Janelle Bishop (acgt)
Janey Gibbons (colu)
Jared Barry (wtlb)
Jarrod Roberts (onsl)
Jasmine Fountaine (splh)
Jasmine Ireland (dioc)
Jason Nel (stpc)
Jason Speidell (trgb)
Jasper Hands (napb)
Jasper Maling (hamb)
Jasper Wallace (lind)
Jasper Williams (lind)
Jayde Hawkes (culi)
Jayden Flanagan (puke)
Jayden Himiona (huan)
Jayden Sincock (shir)
Jaydon Derecourt (roto)
Jaymie Lenssen (puke)
Jazlyn Edmonds (duns)
Jean-Paul Biladi (hamb)
Jedd Upfold (onew)
Jemima Porter (rrgs)
Jemma Honey (gghs)
Jemma Piper (stmw)
Jemma Seymour (onsl)
Jemma Tan (wnhs)
Jemma Veldman (wtlg)
Jenna Brangwynne (otum)
Jenna Ensil (bara)
Jennifer Everett (timg)
Jeremiah McDonald (splh)
Jerome Barrack (stpa)
Jess Riddell (wegc)
Jesse Heal (waka)
Jesse O'Connor (roto)
Jessica Arndt (bara)
Jessica Brook-Watt (wkds)
Jessica Clapcott (wkds)
Jessica Dolan (bara)
Jessica Hamlin (taka)
Jessica Horrigan (wkds)
Jessica Jackson (stmw)
Jessica Johnson (teaw)
Jessica Mabey (eggs)
Jessica McIntosh (gldw)
Jessica Neil (kapi)
Jessica O'Connell (bara)
Jessica Pyke (wkds)
Jessica Wilson (hlcr)
Jessica Wright (gghs)
Jessie Brown (wmea)
Jessie Rongen (qmar)
Jett Lovegrove-Edlington (sjhm)
Jezreel Singh (agsb)
Jin Seo (went)
Joaquin Umali (wtlb)
Jobe-Ray Fitzgerald (hamb)
Jodie Barclay (gldw)
Joe Bacon (trgb)
Joe Cambie (hlcr)
Joe Harcourt (splh)
Joe Young (cash)
Joel Arona (shir)
Joel Clayton-Greene (haur)
Joel Cleary (bthc)
Joel Coleman (shir)
Joel Hazelton (hamb)
Joel Henderson (wtlb)
Joel Sheed (gldw)
John Hayes (stkt)
John Turner (wnhs)
Johnny Lee (chco)
Johvaan Renata (stcc)
Jonathan Burnside (obhs)
Jono Henderson (chco)
Jordan Manville (wnhs)
Jordi Hamilton (wkds)
Jordyn Robinson (crom)
Jorja Baker (tekc)
Jorja Gaudin (teaw)
Jorja Kitching (timg)
Jorja Metcalfe (stpc)
Jose de Sousa (cbhs)
Joseph Gundesen (sptw)
Joseph Hazelhurst (wncs)
Josh Cassidy (sptw)
Josh Clark (onsl)
Josh Dent (stcc)
Josh Kelly (stcc)
Josh Mallett (scot)
Josh Morrison (puke)
Josh Syme (hamb)
Josh Wilson (timb)
Joshua Bailey-Montgomery (trgb)
Joshua Cameron (hamb)
Joshua Coleman (hamb)
Joshua Elwood (onsl)
Joshua Gordon (hamb)
Joshua Kelly (gbhs)
Joshua Lee (lind)
Joshua Redmond (wtlb)
Joshua Sifakula (shak)
Joshua Vodanovich (hamb)
Joshua Warren (stkt)
Josiah Bachmann (jpcr)
Josiah Grimmer (bthc)
Josiah Leaupepetele (shak)
Josie Sparrow (vill)
Julia Coppens (cghs)
Julia Hampton (trgg)
Julia Middleditch (vill)
Julia Wynands (vill)
Kade Barham (napb)
Kade Campbell (wlco)
Kaegen Just (shak)
Kael Raja (bthc)
Kaelin Reinsfield-Bree (mtal)
Karin Kozuka (taka)
Karl Kolmer (puke)
Kase Robbs (hamb)
Kate Crawford (crai)
Kate Dawson (cghs)
Kate Grubi (mtal)
Kate Hanning (duns)
Kate Harris (stmg)
Kate Harvey (rrgs)
Kate Mathie (marn)
Kate McQuilkin (shgh)
Kate Missen (shgh)
Kate Monkley (wkds)
Kate Stewart (napg)
Kate van Peer (stmg)
Kate Ward (wkds)
Kate Wield (rrgs)
Katelyn Donald (taup)
Katelyn McLeod (duns)
Kathleen King (cghs)
Kathryn Fleming (ngta)
Katie Bond (rrgs)
Katie Booth (wtlg)
Katie Dale (teaw)
Katie Mason (oghs)
Katie McLeod (wkds)
Katie Swinehart (trgg)
Katie Wood (camb)
Katy Buttle (stmg)
Kaylee Honiss (camb)
Keegan Bull (taka)
Keely Cairns (gghs)
Kees Manders (taup)
Keite Koroheke (teaw)
Kellie Hageman (dioc)
Kellie Lovegrove-Blake (wkds)
Kelly Brown (trgg)
Kelsey Daldorf (mlbg)
Kelsey Stubbs (napg)
Kendall Tozer (mtma)
Kevin Wang (rose)
Kevin Zheng (hamb)
Khan Caddy (hamb)
Kheal Paddy (agsb)
Kian Wills (ronc)
Kiara Blom (otum)
Kiara Ibarraran (taka)
Kieran Joyce (hamb)
Kimiora Palmer (whak)
Kira Sharrock (taka)
Kiwa Brown (gldw)
Konstantin Klaeser (taka)
Kristen Laing (marn)
Kristina Light (jpcr)
Kura Hollman (qcha)
Kururangi Wetini (shir)
Kya Keepa (whak)
Kyan Brown (howi)
Kyan Dean-Rivers (shak)
Kyla Otway (rrgs)
Kyla Turner (shgh)
Kyle Hebditch (stkt)
Kylie Bathe (taup)
Kyra Meis (culi)
Lachie Hazlett (chco)
Lachie Kendrick (shir)
Lachie Mirfin (wmea)
Lachie Osikai-Wilson (shir)
Lachlan Henderson (chco)
Lachlan Hill (cbhs)
Lachlan Mallett (hamb)
Lachlan Muir (stan)
Lachlan Neilson (nplb)
Lachlan Nicholas (shir)
Lachlan Pearce (kgca)
Lachlan Pearce (mtal)
Lachlan Sparling (agsb)
Lachlan Taylor (cash)
Lara Bacchus (mlbg)
Lara Hindley (bthc)
Lara Hudson (wlgc)
Laura Hausmann (samu)
Laura Searle (whak)
Laura Wesseling (howi)
Lauren Grey (duns)
Lauren King (hamg)
Lauren Page (bara)
Lauren Stapylton-Smith (rrgs)
Lauren Williams (dioc)
Lavinia Miller-Hawke (mtal)
Lawrence Birch (sptw)
Layzell Halo (mtal)
Leah Hollingworth (mtal)
Leah Scholefield (gghs)
Leah Weck (stln)
Leela Spanton (marn)
Leetham Beatt (macl)
Leigha Stormont (wngc)
Leila Bonetti (dioc)
Leila Rhodes (rrgs)
Leo Ashcroft (stkt)
Leo Booth (trgb)
Leo Hanna (wncs)
Leo Penny (stpa)
Leon Dudley (onsl)
Leon Poswillo (mlbb)
Levi Craven (hamb)
Levi Grimmer (bthc)
Levi Hazelton (hamb)
Levi McCauley-Bown (mlbb)
Lewis Brown (mtal)
Lewis Meates (stbd)
Lewis Yetsenga (splh)
Lia Chalmers (trgg)
Liam Alexander (chco)
Liam Behrnes (cbhs)
Liam Bunting (cbhs)
Liam Carson (cbhs)
Liam Jessiman (gldw)
Liam Kerr (shir)
Liam Knight (wtlb)
Liam O'Malley (stpa)
Liam Parker (timb)
Liam Reader (wtlb)
Liam Whitaker (shir)
Liam Williams (onsl)
Libby Christie (iona)
Libby Drummond (sthi)
Libby Stewart (napg)
Liberty Vile (colu)
Lilah Smith (aote)
Lili Fenwick (ncog)
Lilly Ellis (rrgs)
Lily Cawood (stpc)
Lily Crawford (mlbg)
Lily Keenan (stmg)
Lily Loughnan (samu)
Lily Mavius (eggs)
Lily McGoldrick (vill)
Lily McLean (oghs)
Lily Pringle (rrgs)
Lily-Belle Sawyer (eggs)
Liv Theodore (mlbg)
Livvy Capstick (avsg)
Lize van Rensburg (rotg)
Lleyton O'Carroll (roto)
Logan MacDonald (mlbb)
Logan McAvoy (wtlb)
Logan Spencer (splh)
Loic Billoud (waka)
Lola Brennan (eggs)
Lola Mill (marn)
Lotte Hart (bara)
Lotte Hope (stan)
Louie Bethell (chco)
Louie Murden (stan)
Louis Sabonadiere (obhs)
Louisa McGoldrick (vill)
Louise Cameron (wlgc)
Louise Cooke (jpcr)
Louise Goodwin (shgh)
Louise Swain (gldw)
Luc Lassale (bthc)
Luca Jamieson-Soper (gldw)
Lucas Cooke (hamb)
Lucas Dowty (haur)
Lucas Erskine (waka)
Lucas MacDonald (shir)
Lucca Mansfield (sptw)
Lucca Tuffery (scot)
Lucia Fuller (cghs)
Lucianna Crawford (cghs)
Lucinda MacPherson (stmg)
Lucinda Turnbull (rrgs)
Lucy Botting (stmg)
Lucy Burrell (bara)
Lucy Burrell (napg)
Lucy Church (dioc)
Lucy Coltart (wegc)
Lucy Dunshea (onsl)
Lucy Evans (wlgc)
Lucy Flatt (mtal)
Lucy Gordon (hamg)
Lucy Griggs (kapi)
Lucy Harcourt (marn)
Lucy Leech (rrgs)
Lucy Machen (jhar)
Lucy Mayne (cghs)
Lucy Merriman (oghs)
Lucy Miller (wkds)
Lucy Monckton (wncs)
Lucy Munro (wmea)
Lucy Pettit (dioc)
Lucy Reed (camb)
Lucy Singer (qmar)
Lucy Thompson (jhar)
Lucy Vaughan (rrgs)
Lucy Welham (howi)
Luka Harris (trgb)
Luka Simmers (rrgs)
Luke Buckley (hamb)
Luke Clinton (bthc)
Luke Dance (wlco)
Luke Goodger (timb)
Luke Mangels (stcc)
Luke Morrow (stpa)
Luke Shannon (kgca)
Luke Spencer (cash)
Luke Stedman (stan)
Lulu Humberstone-Hurley (eggs)
Lulu Yarrall (jpcr)
Luther Yates (splh)
Lydia Finch (mtal)
Lydia Fitzgerald (vill)
Lydia MacLean (wncs)
Lydia Pye (stmg)
Lydia Redman (kapi)
Lyric Vaetoe (stpc)
Mackenzee Armit (went)
MacKenzie Brown (bara)
Mackenzie Bryant (duns)
Mackenzie Clark (hamg)
MacKenzie Ealson (duns)
Mackenzie Harvey (wtlg)
MacKenzie Perry (bthc)
Mackenzie Salton (mtal)
Mackenzie Tuffin (chil)
Maclan Wright (lind)
Macy Kappely (ncog)
Madaline Stephens (shgh)
Maddi Robinson (ncog)
Maddie Anglesey (hlcr)
Maddie Kerse (wtlg)
Maddie Kirke (dioc)
Maddie Marshall (ncog)
Maddie Sutherland (vill)
Maddison Arnold (eggs)
Maddison Brown (stpc)
Maddison Shanks (mtma)
Maddy Ellis-Pegler (taka)
Maddy Meates (stmg)
Maddy Thornton (avsg)
Madeleine Dickie (splh)
Madeleine Donley (stkt)
Madeleine Garton (eggs)
Madeleine Parker (napg)
Madeleine Shale (wkds)
Madison Fuller (stpc)
Madison Gundry (wncs)
Madison Prowse (puke)
Madison Sullivan (colu)
Madison Taylor (samu)
Madison van Kerkhoff (stpc)
Mae McLoughlin (vill)
Maeve Weir (culi)
Maggie Craw (rrgs)
Maggie Lane (mlbg)
Maggie Morrison (haur)
Maggie Stiven (mtas)
Mahina Barritt (wnhs)
Maia Fitzpatrick (trgg)
Maiya Birdling (hlcr)
Makayla Bray (wtlg)
Malia Banks (duns)
Manaaki Maki-Midwood (hlcr)
Manaia Paul (trid)
Marcus Winter (mtal)
Maren Howarth (wtlg)
Margaret Wise (stpc)
Margot Grigg (eggs)
Margy Hazelhurst (wncs)
Marie Oaks (stpc)
Marieke Richards (mtal)
Mariken van Daalen (rose)
Marin Parker (wtlg)
Marina Farac (dioc)
Marine Arnerich (stpa)
Marissa Light (jpcr)
Mark Cunningham (onsl)
Mark Smith (jmcg)
Marlene Ziegler (culi)
Marlon Senior (wtlb)
Martina Carcamo (hlcr)
Mary Thompson (jhar)
Marzella Debeer (duns)
Mason Henderson (mlbb)
Mason Rose (agsb)
Mateo Seselj (shak)
Mathew Goodwin (lind)
Mathias Street (aote)
Matilda Evatt (rrgs)
Matilda Hayman (rrgs)
Matt Botha (macl)
Matthew Archer (wtlb)
Matthew Axtell (stpc)
Matthew Baker (nelb)
Matthew Bartlett (bthc)
Matthew Doonan (stkt)
Matthew Grace (gldw)
Matthew Hancock (wtlb)
Matthew MacGregor (stbd)
Matthew Paul (hlcr)
Matthew Smith (shir)
Matthew Stokes (taup)
Matthew Thorpe (stpa)
Matthias Wong (wtlb)
Mattia Ward (shak)
Matty Barr (stbd)
Max Burggraaf (shak)
Max Conder (mtal)
Max Duncan (lind)
Max Getty (stkt)
Max Heywood (chco)
Max Marsh (chco)
Max McKeich (cbhs)
Max McLean-Bluck (splh)
Max Mobberley (haur)
Max Nally (jhar)
Max Nasmith (hamb)
Max O'Donoghue (mtal)
Max Pirie (napb)
Max Ranson (wtlb)
Max Ward (wlco)
Max Weinstein (aote)
Max Wilson (taka)
Max Zhang (cbhs)
May Hodgkinson (wlgc)
Maya Harold (whgg)
Maya Wells (trgg)
Maya Woodward-Leth (ncog)
Mckenzie Kemp (wlgc)
Meg Creagh (duns)
Meg Crump (rrgs)
Meg Flanagan (mlbg)
Meg Grey (puke)
Meg Rongen (wlgc)
Megan Spring (wkds)
Megan Uttley (wtlg)
Melissa Bonilla Casanas (oghs)
Meredith Bowler (tauh)
Messina Su'A (wnhs)
Mia Coventry (wkds)
Mia Dobbe (stkt)
Mia Finlayson (aqui)
Mia Holden (qmar)
Mia McNaughton-Vincent (stan)
Mia Murdoch (wegc)
Mia Parker (crai)
Miah Grey (marn)
Micah Hasselbach (macl)
Michael Hiddleston (agsb)
Michael King-Farrington (shak)
Michael Kong (stln)
Michael Moloney (hamb)
Michael Sturdee (wnhs)
Mikaela Williams (wtlg)
Mikayla Manville (wnhs)
Mila van der Wilt (qmar)
Milarn Monk (wtlb)
Milla Swanson-Dobbs (stpc)
Milla Ward (eggs)
Miller Hawkesby (agsb)
Millie Adams (stmg)
Millie Baker (stpc)
Millie Burden (stmg)
Millie Bushell (rrgs)
Millie Crossland (stmg)
Millie Davenport (sthi)
Millie Dobson (stmg)
Millie Kappely (ncog)
Millie Wallace (hlcr)
Millie Wright (rrgs)
Milly Dickie (rrgs)
Milly McLeod (sldg)
Minnie Summerfield (stmg)
Miria Bluett (trid)
Miriam Lindsay (stmw)
Miro Williams (jmcg)
Mitchell Evans (sjhm)
Mitchell Harding (wtlb)
Mitchell Hohaia (wtlb)
Mitchell McGrath (otum)
Mollie Gibson (ashb)
Mollie Nicol (qmar)
Molly Clayton (timg)
Molly Couch (wtlg)
Molly Edwards (avsg)
Molly Graham (vill)
Molly Johnson (trgg)
Molly Lawson (iona)
Molly Stevenson (wlgc)
Monique Eatherly (mlbg)
Morgan Gardiner (hamb)
Morgan Pascoe (gldw)
Morgan Smart (onsl)
Moya Mckenna (wlgc)
Murren Halcrow (cash)
Mya Reid (stmg)
Mya Sutherland (iona)
Mya Tohia (camb)
Nakeisha Jarvis (trgg)
Nakita Horne (colu)
Naomi Riedel (tauh)
Nat Renouf (shir)
Natalie Kirke (dioc)
Natalie Primrose (stpc)
Natalie Spillane (dioc)
Natascha Gregory (went)
Natasha Dickie (stpc)
Nathan Ager (shir)
Nathan Lang (stln)
Nathan Tunzelmann (puke)
Nathaniel Barry (aqui)
Naylah Tarei (whak)
Neesha Dixon (wegc)
Neo Tichbon (culi)
Neve McHugh-Smith (duns)
Ngaio Reid (stmw)
Ngaio Thomsen (taka)
Niamh Monk (wnhs)
Niamh Murphy (wnhs)
Niamh Paterson (colu)
Nic Chamberlain (jmcg)
Niccy Holdsworth (wlgc)
Nicholas Bryan (mtal)
Nicholas Dean (wtlb)
Nicholas Dravitzki (stcc)
Nicholas van der Vegte (puke)
Nicholas Wood (hamb)
Nick Turnbull (chco)
Nico Daly (wlgc)
Nicolas Garner (wtlb)
Nicole Campbell (cash)
Nicolette Grant (taka)
Nieve Campbell (kgca)
Nikita Bent (crai)
Nikita Clemens (crai)
Niko Kumarich (stpa)
Nikolai Maltesen (mlbb)
Nikolaos Matiatos (wtlb)
Nina Jarman (cghs)
Ninabelle Harrison (trdl)
Nyla Bunyan (wtlg)
Oli Taylor (cbhs)
Olive Amanono (mtal)
Olive Cato (wlgc)
Olive Smith (mlbg)
Oliver Bisley (waka)
Oliver Duncan (hamb)
Oliver Durbin (wtlb)
Oliver Eliot (wtlb)
Oliver Flanagan (stbd)
Oliver Heafield (gldw)
Oliver Herron (waka)
Oliver Hurst (aote)
Oliver Johns (stpa)
Oliver McDonald (stan)
Oliver McNae (gldw)
Oliver Ng (taka)
Oliver Price (mlbb)
Oliver Ransom (nelb)
Oliver Shergold (stpc)
Oliver Stirling (sptw)
Oliver Surridge (hamb)
Oliver Welch (agsb)
Olivia Abbott (mtal)
Olivia Achten (rsha)
Olivia Alberts (mtal)
Olivia Anderson (wtlg)
Olivia Came (stpc)
Olivia Chiang (stkt)
Olivia Fellows-Ford (wkds)
Olivia Glen (vill)
Olivia Hay (gldw)
Olivia Marfell (stmg)
Olivia Maxwell (dioc)
Olivia Parker (stmg)
Olivia Procter (qcha)
Olivia Proffit (gghs)
Olivia Studholme (stmg)
Olivia Swann (wtlg)
Olivia Turner (vill)
Olivia Wilson (taka)
Olivia Wrigley (bara)
Orla Cuffe (carm)
Orla Fitzgerald (cghs)
Oscar Bright (napb)
Oscar Cochrane (jmcg)
Oscar Dorbeck (wtlb)
Oscar Floyd (nelb)
Oscar Ruston (gbhs)
Oscar Rutledge (stan)
Oscar Schluter (mlbb)
Otis Feasey (scot)
Owain Leigh (stpa)
Owen Lea (mtas)
Owen Matthewson (wtlb)
Owen Sole (sjhm)
Paige Furrie (duns)
Paige Hughes (trgg)
Paige Materoa (mlbg)
Paige Tholen (qmar)
Parekura Kellow (went)
Paris Smyth (hlcr)
Paris Staheli (shgh)
Patrick Dekker (ashb)
Patrick Griffin (stpc)
Patrick Hartley (mtas)
Patrick Topp (sptw)
Patrick Woodney (sjhm)
Pearl Thomson-Yip (kapi)
Penelope Roberts (shgh)
Pengshen Xu (hamb)
Penny Mccrostie (ncog)
Penny Wallis (camb)
Pepi Olliver-Bell (onsl)
Pepper Hall (eggs)
Perris Adam (wnhs)
Peter Bailey (haur)
Peter Hill (stpa)
Peter Rowe (obhs)
Phillipa Wilson (wkds)
Phoebe Allen (wtlg)
Phoebe Burling (mtma)
Phoebe Collier (wncs)
Phoebe Glynn (dioc)
Phoebe Naske (gghs)
Phoebe Pottinger (wlgc)
Phoebe Riddle (onsl)
Phoebe Rolleston (crai)
Phoebe Trolove (crai)
Phoebe Wellstead (duns)
Phoebe Wood (qmar)
Piatta Norton (mlbg)
Pip Crowley (wegc)
Piper Spencer (cghs)
Pipi Horan (mtas)
Pippa Jones (gghs)
Pippa Sparrow (oghs)
Polly Wenlock (kapi)
Poppy Benge (camb)
Poppy Jubb (jhar)
Poppy Pett (dioc)
Presley Gibson (gghs)
Primrose Porter (rrgs)
Quentin Monaghan (stbd)
Quinn Curtis (mtas)
Quinn Gledhill (timb)
Quinn Tierney (shgh)
Rachel Beasley (whgg)
Rachel James (oghs)
Rachel McDonald (eggs)
Rachel Stephenson (timg)
Rachel Vass (qmar)
Rafe Beaman (wtlb)
Rafe Nielsen (gldw)
Raina Mackenzie (rsha)
Rata Horan (mtas)
Rebecca Adams (haur)
Rebecca Leigh (stpc)
Rebecca Powley (rose)
Rebecca Reid (rotl)
Rebecca Squire (timg)
Rebecca Wallace (wkds)
Regan Joyce (hamb)
Regina Custodio (wlgc)
Renee West (wkds)
Rennie Forbes-Wright (hlcr)
Renske Brabant-Weitkamp (trid)
Reuben Claridge (haur)
Reuben Cook (obhs)
Reuben Hunt (splh)
Reuben Lovell (sjhm)
Rhea Sabris (eggs)
Rhett Mulinder (lind)
Rhi Leigh (bara)
Rhianna Loughnan (otum)
Rhiannon Peni (culi)
Rhys Salvador (mlbb)
Richie Faaumu (mtal)
Rico Fraser (nelb)
Rico Lowry (hamb)
Riley Andrew (trgg)
Riley Bellamy (hlcr)
Riley Elliott-Lowe (aqui)
Riley Frecklington (wnhs)
Riley Manning (taka)
Riley McCauley-Bown (mlbb)
Robbie Adams (timb)
Robbie King (stkt)
Robin Leverington (scot)
Robson Wallace (shak)
Rocco Barker (chco)
Rochelle Lowe (wnhs)
Rohan Key (waka)
Rohan Singh (hamb)
Roman Szulinski (sptw)
Romy Salmond (stkt)
Ronan Griffiths (jpcr)
Rosa Dalzell (rrgs)
Rosa Dickey (shgh)
Rosa Edge (cghs)
Rosa Findlay (qmar)
Rosa Foster (stmg)
Rosa Izard (crai)
Rosa Jones (rrgs)
Rosa Marshall (dioc)
Rosalind Walker (ncog)
Rosanna Bedford (wkds)
Rose Cottier (crai)
Rose Ellenden (jhar)
Rose Holden (onsl)
Rose Hunter (bara)
Rose Smart (onsl)
Rosie Bushell (stmg)
Rosie Frood (trgg)
Rosie Gray (rrgs)
Rosie Marsh (samu)
Rosie Mirfin (wmea)
Rosie Paul (crai)
Rowan Farrell (scot)
Roz Ahearn (bthc)
Rua O'Reilly (stpc)
Ruairi Meighan (scot)
Ruby Andre (mtal)
Ruby Boyd (mtas)
Ruby Bradley (stkv)
Ruby Brett (wlgc)
Ruby Bruce (bara)
Ruby Burge (mtal)
Ruby Church (whic)
Ruby Handley (trgg)
Ruby Hawley-Wedd (wncs)
Ruby Kapene-Paitai (mtma)
Ruby Macaulay (stkv)
Ruby Riley (qmar)
Ruby Wright (eggs)
Ruihan Yu (shgh)
Rumaysa Barnes (trgg)
Russell Webb (howi)
Ryan Calvert (onsl)
Ryan Facoory (shir)
Ryan Gass (macl)
Ryan Mitchell (splh)
Ryan Morrow (wtlb)
Ryan Parsons (howi)
Ryan Southall (onsl)
Sabine Lapointe (gghs)
Sacha Dewancker (gbhs)
Sadie Sumich (dioc)
Sadie Walker (stpc)
Saffron Champion (kapi)
Safi Saini (stmw)
Sally Wylaars (avsg)
Sam Barningham (taka)
Sam Brown (burn)
Sam Cairns (hamb)
Sam Collison (wlco)
Sam Hickey (wlco)
Sam Lamont (burn)
Sam Lenton (nelb)
Sam Logan (wtlb)
Sam Long (stan)
Sam Martin (onsl)
Sam McRae (stln)
Sam Nelson (hamb)
Sam O'Brien (cash)
Sam Paviour-Smith (wlco)
Sam Stevens (shir)
Sam Thompson (burn)
Sam van Helsdingen (stpa)
Sam Ward (splh)
Sam Willems (chco)
Sam Wilson (timb)
Sam Yorston (wncs)
Samantha Eden (stln)
Samantha Hayes (wncs)
Samantha O'Neill (crai)
Samantha Reti (ngar)
Samantha Smith (eggs)
Samantha Tufui (jhar)
Samantha Vance (rrgs)
Samantha Wilson (hlcr)
Samara Northmore (vill)
Samara O'Hagan (bara)
Samual Shaw (teaw)
Samuel Brewer (kgca)
Samuel Broadbent (haur)
Samuel Calvert (gldw)
Samuel Cook (wlco)
Samuel Couch (wtlb)
Samuel Feltham (mlbb)
Samuel Kavanagh (wlco)
Samuel Minett (stpc)
Samuel Osborne (howi)
Samuel Rickard (wtlb)
Samuel Shotter (wtlb)
Samuel Tierney (agsb)
Samuel Wield (cbhs)
Santiago Montano (gldw)
Saoirse Reynolds (hlcr)
Sara Cooper (rotg)
Sara Harris (timg)
Sarah Aronsen (twiz)
Sarah Bell (eggs)
Sarah Broadbent (haur)
Sarah Cody'Mandell (cghs)
Sarah Paterson (otum)
Sarah Simpson (bara)
Sarah Stewart (sldg)
Sascha Moltschaniwskyj (gldw)
Savanna Paul (crai)
Savannah Freeman (shgh)
Savannah Watson (qmar)
Scarlett Kerse (wtlg)
Scott Alexander (obhs)
Scott Clark (aqui)
Scott Shackleton (cbhs)
Scout Atkins (trgg)
Seamus Foley (hamb)
Sean MacKiewicz (onsl)
Sean McHugh (stpa)
Seb Vanden Bosch (timb)
Sebastian Bull (agsb)
Sebastian Fulton (sjhm)
Sebastian George (camb)
Sebastian Solomann (gbhs)
Seini Denicaucau (kapi)
Selby Filipo (trgg)
Sequoia Dobson (jpcr)
Seren Dixon (camb)
Serena Bhindi (dioc)
Serena Paine (oghs)
Seth Peake (splh)
Setoga Setoga (kgca)
Shakira Mirfin (sldg)
Shannon Murphy (rose)
Sharni Ross (burn)
Sharon Kennedy (qmar)
Shaya Winmill (jpcr)
Shivon Hanham (stpc)
Shrirang Ekbote (trgb)
Siena Snow (colu)
Sienna Norman (taka)
Sienna O'Shannessey (rrgs)
Simon Dmitrenko (hamb)
Simon Wagstaff (trgb)
Sinead Cooper (shgh)
Siniva Setoga (eggs)
Skye Duncan (cghs)
Skye Lang (taka)
Skye Morton (duns)
Snowden Hemi-Hill (hamb)
Sofia Greenhalgh (wtlg)
Sophia Foliaki (bara)
Sophia Meikle (eggs)
Sophia Rutherford (stan)
Sophia Wheelans (stan)
Sophie Attard (wegc)
Sophie Bowden (cghs)
Sophie Davies (eggs)
Sophie Dykgraaf (wtlg)
Sophie Fulton (rrgs)
Sophie Gardyne (timg)
Sophie Hargreaves (qmar)
Sophie Hawkins (ncog)
Sophie Hill (cghs)
Sophie Holten (wkds)
Sophie Jefferies (burn)
Sophie Lancaster (napg)
Sophie Lanyon (stmg)
Sophie Lean (wtlg)
Sophie Lightbourne (stmg)
Sophie McDermott (bara)
Sophie McKeogh (wlgc)
Sophie Nally (kapi)
Sophie Nelson (rrgs)
Sophie Nicholson (trgg)
Sophie Pene (wkds)
Sophie Pye (rrgs)
Sophie Radcliffe (cghs)
Sophie Reeves (wkds)
Sophie Robinson (bara)
Sophie Rowland (burn)
Sophie Ryan (dioc)
Sophie Sinclair (sthi)
Sophie Sisson (whak)
Sophie Smith (duns)
Sophie Smith (sthi)
Sophie Strang (gldw)
Stanley Alderson (taka)
Stella Cook (avsg)
Stella Cressey (stkt)
Stella Janissen (aqui)
Stella O'Loughlin (mtal)
Stella Shaw (bara)
Stella Sherborne (wlgc)
Stella Thompson (trgg)
Stella Wright (stmg)
Stephen Stuart (mtal)
Steve Darcy (trgb)
Summer Jubb (jhar)
Sydelle Langis (taka)
Sylvia Leadley (wtlg)
Sylvie Tulloch Gray (raph)
Tahnika White (marn)
Tai Spencer (agsb)
Tait Wilson (hamb)
Talisman Lloyd (shak)
Tama Casserley (culi)
Tama Merrilees (hamb)
Tamara Marcijasz (vill)
Tamara Mason (sthi)
Tamara-Ruby Komarova (avsg)
Tane Gregerson (wtlb)
Tane Norton (shir)
Tara Williams (bara)
Tarek Patchett (onsl)
Tarrah Shirley (jhar)
Taryn Richmond (rose)
Tasman Christensen (agsb)
Tasman Wilson (mtma)
Tataiarangi Baker (taka)
Tawera Marsh (sjhm)
Tayla Cook (camb)
Tayla Morgan (eggs)
Taylor Ford (wtlb)
Taylor Knudson (vill)
Taylor Morrison (wtlg)
te Amo Crow (taka)
te Maikoha Paul (trid)
Teagan Carvell (stpc)
Teagan Knight (wkds)
Teegan Gulliver (teaw)
Tegan Fookes (rotl)
Tegan Wisnesky (colu)
Teina Tainui (hamb)
Teneka te Moananui (qmar)
Teodor Morris-Mandell (wtlb)
Teofilo Garcia Hannah (stpa)
Teri Wyatt (stpc)
Tessa Crean (bara)
Tessa Norman (wncs)
Tessa Reid (rrgs)
Theo Brett-Martin (cbhs)
Theo Brown (mtal)
Theo Lotu-I'Iga (agsb)
Theo Mallinson (gldw)
Theo McKay (otum)
Theodore Giannakogiorgos (burn)
Theodore Thomson (stkt)
Thom Pettit (stkt)
Thom Simmons (gbhs)
Thomas Arscott (stbd)
Thomas Barrell (agsb)
Thomas Bradford (wtlb)
Thomas Clingin (shak)
Thomas Collison (wlco)
Thomas Dewar (sjhm)
Thomas Dobson (chco)
Thomas Foley (agsb)
Thomas Hall (kgca)
Thomas Matthews (splh)
Thomas McEwan (chco)
Thomas Ogg (kgca)
Thomas Ryan (obhs)
Thomas Signal (onsl)
Thomas White (wlco)
Tia Streater (mtal)
Tim Haldane (wncs)
Timothy Heritage (cbhs)
Toby Aspden (lind)
Toby Beresford (chco)
Toby Cook (napb)
Toby Coventry (hamb)
Toby Robinson (stpc)
Toby Smith (hamb)
Tom Berry (stpa)
Tom Cockburn (shir)
Tom Cotter (chco)
Tom Fraser (cbhs)
Tom Giddens (burn)
Tom Haycock (splh)
Tom Jones (chco)
Tom Jury (bthc)
Tom Keeling (shak)
Tom Leonard (haur)
Tom McGuiness (kgca)
Tom Mullally (duns)
Tom Murphy (lind)
Tom Murray (nelb)
Tom Rutherford (stan)
Tom Shaw (hlcr)
Tom Tothill (chco)
Tom Vincent (chco)
Tomas Broderick (gldw)
Tomas Montano (gldw)
Tomasi Connor (culi)
Tori Cox (nplg)
Travis Hynes (howi)
Trixie Andrew (wtlg)
Troy Houston (hamb)
Tyla Cox (whak)
Tyla le Prou (aote)
Tyler Florance (sptw)
Tyler Lennox (bara)
Tyler McNutt (hamb)
Tyler Sakamoto'Aish (hamb)
Tyler Stewart (marn)
Tyler Wright (kgca)
Tyler-James Udy (camb)
Unity Crabtree (wlgc)
Vadim Kok (mtal)
Valentina Canci Vite (mtal)
Victoria Voice (stmg)
Vincent Thomas (stpa)
Vita Anderson (gghs)
Waldo Singleton (macl)
Whetu Meihana (bara)
Will Chaffey (chco)
Will Davidson (timb)
Will Edwards (jmcg)
Will Evatt (cbhs)
Will Hastings (wlco)
Will Healey (duns)
Will MacLeod (stkt)
Will O'Brien (stbd)
Will Palmer (wlco)
Will Samson (nelb)
Will Scott (wlco)
Will Simcock (chco)
Will Tayler (timb)
Will Turner (jmcg)
William Bentley (cbhs)
William Chaffe (rose)
William Clingin (shak)
William Dunkley (qcha)
William Haley (obhs)
William Jones (chco)
William Light (timb)
William Lindsay (cbhs)
William Mackintosh (agsb)
William Mannington (napb)
William Morton (agsb)
William Olde (kgca)
William Pirker (shir)
William Sheppard (stkt)
William Talbot (timb)
William Tam (onsl)
William Titchener (went)
William Twiss (stan)
Wilson Danby (stpa)
Xavier Jarvis (trgb)
Xavier Scarlett (mtal)
Xavier Simpkins (stpa)
Xavier Smidt (shak)
Xavier Yates (shak)
Yahav Benaia (burn)
Yasmin Whyte (ngar)
Yasmina Coe (ncog)
Yu-Sheng Hsu (wtlb)
Yusei Tada (scot)
Yuzhe Xu (stpc)
Yvette Hendrikse (whgg)
Zac Riedel (tauh)
Zac Woods (onsl)
Zach Landon-Lane (burn)
Zach Pitchforth (onsl)
Zachary Conayne (trgb)
Zachary Taylor (stbd)
Zack Cleaver-Donovan (jmcg)
Zack Wilson (timb)
Zak Healey (duns)
Zakai Hedges (shir)
Zander Wiltshire (shir)
Zara Williams (trgg)
Zeah Brewer (wnhs)
Zeda Mata'U (burn)
Zoe Hannah (samu)
Zoe McInnes (aote)
Zoe Mercer (dioc)
Zoe Morrison-Gardner (qmar)
Zofia Klar (rrgs)
Zoliekah Judd (crai)
Zyean Cutler (hamb)
All coaches
Adam Ling (camb)
Adam Milne (crai)
Adele Graham (ncog)
Adrian Reipen (taka)
Adrian Riepen (taka)
Alan Greer (wnhs)
Alan McLean (otum)
Alan Ward (qmar)
Alana Schler (wkds)
Alastair MacIntosh (stkt)
Alastair Mackintosh (stkt)
Alastair Riddle (hlcr)
Alastair Riddle (roto)
Alastair Riddle (ngar)
Alastair Riddle (ngtw)
Alex Brown (mtal)
Alex Coulthard (stcc)
Alex Hyland (gghs)
Alex Kite (mtal)
Alice Williams (cbhs)
Allen Loomb (teaw)
Amber Fordham (bara)
Amy Stevenson (stpc)
Andrew Ede (trgg)
Andrew Gordon (haur)
Andrew Taylor (chco)
Andy Oliver (timb)
Anna Delong (agsb)
Anna Stanley (wtlb)
Anna Taylor (camb)
Anthony Berkers (stpc)
Anthony McNamara (chco)
Armin Svoboda (agsb)
Ash Bright (dioc)
Ashlea Quirk (hamg)
Ashlee Numa (splh)
Bailey Walters (camb)
Bob Evans (wngc)
Bob Evans (culi)
Bob Gilchrist (mlbb)
Brendan Boreham (kgca)
Brendan Cullum (aqui)
Brendan Cullum (trgb)
Brendon Scott (crom)
Brent Dunshea (onsl)
Brett Henry (puke)
Brett Henry (onew)
Brian Smith (timb)
Brook Walker (wlco)
Brooke Cederwall (wlgc)
Bruce Holden (hamb)
Bruce Jones (hamb)
Bruce Jones Robin Clarke (hamb)
Bruce Tong (went)
Bryce Abernethy (jmcg)
Caitlyn Wardell (trgg)
Caleb Shepherd (hamb)
Callum Ross (mtal)
Cameron Patten (stpa)
Camille Dignadice (shak)
Campbell Clayton-Greene (haur)
Carina Burgess (iona)
Caspar Hammond (bara)
Ceri Armit (sptw)
Charles Haggie (puke)
Charles Haggie (stln)
Chick Hammond (trid)
Chick Hammond (whak)
Chris Brake (carm)
Chris Brake (went)
Chris Everitt (cash)
Chris Goudie (stkt)
Chris Morgan (iona)
Chris Morgan (napg)
Chris Pearson (rotl)
Chris Pearson (jpcr)
Chris Pearson (rotg)
Chris Pearson (whhs)
Chris Sellars (chco)
Chris Thorsen (stpc)
Chris Williams (whgg)
Christie Davis (wegc)
Connor Fraher (stan)
Conor Mercer (kgca)
Courtney McCormick (dioc)
Craig Bocock (bthc)
Craig Deblecourt (oghs)
Dale Maher (stan)
Danielle Schofield (gldw)
Danny Young (jhar)
Dave Dudley (ngta)
Dave Dudley (wnhs)
Dave Hocquard (mlbg)
Dave Williamson (napb)
David Ayres (mtas)
David Bugler (qcha)
David Carr-Smith (scot)
David Graham (shak)
David Hatton (cghs)
David Lindstrom (cghs)
Dean Milne (crai)
Don MacDonald (lind)
Donald MacDonald (lind)
Dougal Macdonald (jhar)
Duncan By De Ley (trgg)
Duncan Grant (teaw)
Ella Campbell (wtlg)
Ella Marr (kgca)
Ella Pudney (chil)
Ella Pudney (spts)
Ella Pudney (stbn)
Emily Goodhew (crai)
Emma Weith (rrgs)
Eric Verdonk (taka)
Erica Van Der Zanden (bara)
Evan France (jhar)
Evan Hamlet (huan)
Fabian Dolamore (rrgs)
Fergus Vickers (burn)
Fiona McKay (stbd)
Fiona Paterson (rrgs)
Flora Wharton (stpc)
Gabrielle Peach (stkt)
Gary Robertson (wkds)
Ged Campbell ,Pat Davenport,Andy McLean (wtlb)
Ged Campbell Pat Davenport (wtlb)
Geoff McCrostie (ronc)
Geoff Perry (stkt)
George Keys (stmg)
Georgia Bewley (obhs)
Gerry Carver (kati)
Giacomo Galano (stpa)
Giacomo Thomas (camb)
Gideon Lessing (stln)
Glen Patterson (timg)
Glen Reichardt (jpcr)
Glenn Barwick (stpa)
Glenn Ross (hamb)
Glynn Davies (mlbb)
Gordon Trevett (splh)
Grace Carver (whic)
Grace Shaw (cghs)
Graham Smith (hamg)
Grant Morgan (mlbb)
Hamish Morton (duns)
Hannah Duncum (crai)
Hannah Kennedy (wtlb)
Hannah Kennedy, Anna Stanley (wtlb)
Hannah Kennedy, Lucy Anderson (wtlb)
Hannah Starnes (wmea)
Hannah Starnes (ncog)
Hanne Mellsop (mtal)
Hayden Shaw (gldw)
Hayden Soper (stbd)
Hayley Cornelius (qmar)
Hennie Tutton (stmg)
Henry Smith (chco)
Herb Stevenson (trgb)
Holly Gray (wtlg)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (stmw)
Hugo Verdonk (carm)
Ian Smallman (stmg)
Issie Warner (samu)
Jack Allan (sldg)
Jaime Macfie (wkds)
Jaimee Harrison (timb)
Jake Luthi (shir)
Jakob Mangels (shir)
James Alexander (shir)
James Haig (sthi)
James Harvey (splh)
James Lilley (shir)
James Mc Lauchlan Dion Lee (wtlb)
James Sandston (wncs)
Jamie Macfie (wkds)
Janey Wackrow (stpc)
Jared Cummings (onsl)
Jason Theobald (onsl)
Jean-Paul Lassale (bthc)
Jim Matchett (puke)
Jimmy Healey (chco)
Jo Shotter (wtlb)
Joanne Etzinger (kgca)
Jock Mackintosh (lind)
Jodi Haskell (nplb)
Jodi Haskell (nplg)
Jodi Haskell (shgn)
Jodi Tong (acgt)
Jodi Tong (mtma)
Joe Barclay (stan)
Joe Bennion (nelb)
Joel Hicks (went)
John Cook (mtal)
John Harmon (timg)
John Lawrence (onew)
John Lawrence (puke)
John Parnell (bayf)
John Robinson (mlbb)
Joseph Graham (sptw)
Josh Everitt (gldw)
Jp Lassale (otum)
Justin Wall (ashb)
Karen Adams (chco)
Kate Tidbury (dioc)
Katie Halliday (taka)
Kaye Surgenor (nelb)
Kea Ward (qmar)
Keith Hibberd (howi)
Kendal Everest (avsg)
Kevin Flutey (jhar)
Kevin Herbison (taka)
Kevin Meates (vill)
Kim Dowden (wtlg)
Kirsty Dunhill (obhs)
Kristen Wing (stmg)
Lauren Tilson (wtlg)
Leann Plummer (hamg)
Leanne Henry (onew)
Leanne Henry (puke)
Leigh Brown (howi)
Leon Barrowcliffe (vill)
Lewis Green (gghs)
Liam Avery (scot)
Liam Kitchin (howi)
Liam Smith (cbhs)
Lisa Owen (stan)
Logan Keys (cbhs)
Louise Beaumont (sjhm)
Loveday Yeoman (gldw)
Lua Tuiomanufili (sptw)
Lucy Anderson (wtlb)
Lucy Anderson, Anna Stanley (wtlb)
Luke Jenkins (camp)
Luke Jenkins (gbhs)
Maddie Palmer (dioc)
Malcolm McIntyre (chco)
Marc Paynter (mars)
Marc Paynter (aote)
Marc Paynter (htib)
Marcus Grimmer (bthc)
Mark Clemo (shak)
Mark Cotham (rrgs)
Mark Dowty (haur)
Martin Simoncelli (splh)
Marty Lowry (hamb)
Mat Jensen (agsb)
Matt Cole (wtlb)
Matt Jensen (went)
Matt Lawson (iona)
Matt Lawson (napb)
Matt Lilley (marn)
Matt Mannington (napb)
Matt Rickard (mtas)
Matthew Adam (colu)
Matthew Allen (waka)
Maude O'Connell (crom)
Maurice Maxwell (wlgc)
Max Calvert (howi)
Maxie Robb (trgg)
Maxine Drabble (whic)
Maya Williams (wlgc)
McGregor Best (shir)
Megan Glenn (stpc)
Michael Arms (agsb)
Michael Hasselbach (macl)
Michele Munro (camb)
Mike McManaway (mlbg)
Mike O'Brien (shak)
Mike Ruiterman (stln)
Mike Tolhurst (taka)
Mike Trautvetter (lind)
Mike Trautvetter (napb)
Mitchell Courtney (agsb)
Mitchell Fordham (agsb)
Mitchell Parks (jmcg)
Natalie Matheson (colu)
Natalie Welch (agsb)
Natysha Hubbard (whak)
Natysha Hubbard (trid)
Nick Bixley (wkds)
Nick Hanna (otum)
Nick Teare (aote)
Nick Tonkin (htib)
Nick Tonkin (kapi)
Nikki Cryer (wlgc)
Norm Charlton (stpc)
Oliver Tyro (stmg)
Owen Gould (stkv)
Paul Clinton (otum)
Paul Clinton (bthc)
Paul Riedel (tauh)
Paul Riedel (taup)
Paul Smart (onsl)
Paul Westbury (eggs)
Peer Nielsen (culi)
Peer Nielsen (wngc)
Peter Craig (aote)
Peter Craig (raph)
Peter King (manu)
Peter Mason (agsb)
Peter Olifiers (whak)
Peter Olifiers (trid)
Philipp G (mtal)
Rachel Gamble Flint (samu)
Rachel Gamble-Flint (samu)
Raima Kells-Turner (ngar)
Raima Kells-Turner (ngtw)
Rebecca Beattie (camb)
Richard Barnett (cghs)
Rick Grobecker (wncs)
Riley Homan (sthi)
Rob Bruce (mtas)
Rob Holmes (tekc)
Rob Mackenzie (gldw)
Rob Neighbour (tekc)
Rob Ryan (stkt)
Robin Clarke (hamb)
Robin Crooks (stpc)
Ron Neighbour (rose)
Ross Webb (trdl)
Ross Webb (rsha)
Ross Webb (napg)
Ross Webb (iona)
Roy Pickard (qmar)
Russell Everett (waka)
Sacred Heart (shgh)
Sam Jackson (stpa)
Sam Royston (obhs)
Samantha Duggan (rrgs)
Sarah Lindley (burn)
Scott Pink, Sean Birdling (roto)
Scott Pink, Sean Birdling (hlcr)
Scott Rogers (stan)
Scott Wilson (hamb)
Sean Durkin (wlco)
Sean O'Neill (mlbg)
Sebastien Eggermont (kgca)
Shawn McManus (stmg)
Sigi Davis (howi)
Simon Smith (duns)
Simon Van Rossen (rrgs)
Sophie Gilchrist (cbhs)
Spencer Nichols (whgg)
Spencer Nichols (huan)
Steve Brine (whak)
Steve Finlayson (mtma)
Steve Finlayson (aqui)
Stuart Wade (marn)
Taryn Abel (wtlg)
Ted Phelps (kati)
Terry Dolan (shak)
Terry McCarthy (onsl)
Thomas Polo (shak)
Tim Hopkins (avsg)
Tim Osmers (shir)
Tim Parker (kapi)
Tom Anderson (agsb)
Tom Clark (jpcr)
Tom Clark (rotl)
Tom Clyma (cbhs)
Tom Kerr (splh)
Tom Moore (macl)
Tony Burns (camb)
Tony Nelson (teaw)
Tony O'Connor (chco)
Trevor Wilson (twiz)
Tuscany Main (haur)
Tyler Scott (wncs)
Vickie Harrison (trdl)
Vicky Taggart (crai)
Wayne Asplin (teaw)
Will Fahey (wlgc)
Will Maling (agsb)
William Fahey (wlgc)
Zoe Stevenson (bara)
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