In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Aon Maadi
Lisa Gatward
Competed for:
Also attended
No results for Lisa yet.
Event #
1: boys U17 1X
2: girls U17 4+
3: boys U15 2X
4: girls U15 4X+
5: boys U18 2-
6: girls U18 2X
7: boys U16 4X+
8: girls U16 1X
9: boys N18 2X
10: girls N18 8+
11: boys U17 8+
12: girls U17 4X+
13: boys o15 4+ (L)
14: girls U15 4+
15: boys U18 4X+
16: girls U18 2-
17: boys U16 4+
18: girls U16 8+
19: boys N18 8+
20: girls o15 4+ (L)
21: boys U17 2X
22: girls U17 1X
23: boys U15 8+
24: girls N18 2X
25: boys U18 4+
26: girls U18 4+
27: girls U16 4X+
28: boys U16 2X
29: girls U18 1X
30: boys U18 1X
31: girls U15 2X
32: boys U15 4X+
33: girls U17 8+
34: boys U17 4+
35: girls o15 2X (L)
36: boys o15 2X (L)
37: girls U16 4+
38: boys U16 8+
39: girls U18 4X+
40: boys U18 2X
41: girls U15 8+
42: boys U15 4+
43: girls U17 2X
44: boys U17 4X+
45: girls N18 4+
46: boys N18 4+
47: girls U15 8X+
48: girls U16 2X
49: boys U16 1X
50: boys U15 8X+
51: girls U18 8+
52: boys U18 8+
31: girls U15 2X
4: girls U15 4X+
14: girls U15 4+
47: girls U15 8X+
41: girls U15 8+
8: girls U16 1X
48: girls U16 2X
27: girls U16 4X+
37: girls U16 4+
18: girls U16 8+
22: girls U17 1X
43: girls U17 2X
12: girls U17 4X+
2: girls U17 4+
33: girls U17 8+
29: girls U18 1X
6: girls U18 2X
16: girls U18 2-
39: girls U18 4X+
26: girls U18 4+
51: girls U18 8+
35: girls o15 2X (L)
20: girls o15 4+ (L)
24: girls N18 2X
45: girls N18 4+
10: girls N18 8+
3: boys U15 2X
32: boys U15 4X+
42: boys U15 4+
50: boys U15 8X+
23: boys U15 8+
49: boys U16 1X
28: boys U16 2X
7: boys U16 4X+
17: boys U16 4+
38: boys U16 8+
1: boys U17 1X
21: boys U17 2X
44: boys U17 4X+
34: boys U17 4+
11: boys U17 8+
30: boys U18 1X
40: boys U18 2X
5: boys U18 2-
15: boys U18 4X+
25: boys U18 4+
52: boys U18 8+
36: boys o15 2X (L)
13: boys o15 4+ (L)
9: boys N18 2X
46: boys N18 4+
19: boys N18 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All schools
ACG Strathallan
Aotea College
Aquinas College
Ashburton College
Auckland Grammar School
Avonside Girls High School
Baradene College
Bethlehem College
Burnside High School
Cambridge High School
Cashmere High School
Christchurch Boys High School
Christchurch Girls High School
Christs College
Columba College
Craighead Diocesan School
Cromwell College
Cullinane College
Diocesan School For Girls
Dunstan High School
Epsom Girls Grammar
Francis Douglas Memorial College
Fraser High School
Gisborne Boys High School
Gisborne Girls High School
Glendowie College
Hamilton Boys High School
Hamilton Girls High School
Hastings Boys High School
Hauraki Plains College
Havelock North High School
Hillcrest High School
Howick College
Huanui College
Hutt Valley High School
Iona College
James Hargest College
John McGlashan College
John Paul College
Kapiti College
Katikati College
Kavanagh College
Kings College
Lindisfarne College
Lytton High School
Macleans College
Marian College
Marlborough Boys College
Marlborough Girls College
Mount Roskill Grammar School
Mt Albert Grammar School
Mt Aspiring College
Mt Maunganui College
Napier Boys High School
Napier Girls High School
Nelson College
Nelson College For Girls
New Plymouth Boys High School
Nga Tawa Diocesan School
Onewhero Area School
Onslow College
Otago Boys High School
Otumoetai College
Pukekohe High School
Queen Margaret College
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Rangitoto College
Roncalli College
Rosehill College
Rosmini College
Rotorua Girls High School
Rotorua Lakes High School
Rototuna High School
Rutherford College
Sacred Heart College (Auckland)
Sacred Heart College (Lower Hutt)
Sacred Heart Girls College (Hamilton)
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
Sancta Maria College
Scots College
Shirley Boys High School
Southland Boys High School
Southland Girls High School
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Hildas Collegiate
St Johns College (Hamilton)
St Kentigern College
St Kevins College
St Margarets College
St Mary's College (Wgtn)
St Patricks College
St Pauls Collegiate School
St Peters College
St Peters School
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Taieri College
Takapuna Grammar School
Tamatea High School
Tauhara College
Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College
Tauranga Boys College
Tauranga Girls College
Te Awamutu College
Te Kauwhata College
Timaru Boys High School
Timaru Girls High School
Trident High School
Verdon College
Villa Maria College
Waikato Diocesan School
Waitaki Boys High School
Wakatipu High School
Wanganui Collegiate School
Wanganui High School
Wellington College
Wellington East Girls College
Wellington Girls College
Wentworth College
Western Heights High School
Westlake Boys High School
Westlake Girls High School
Whakatane High School
Whanganui Girls College
Whangarei Girls High School
Woodford House
All athletes
Aaliyah Ashford (teaw)
Aaron Cordes (wtlb)
Abbie Harrison (duns)
Abby Anderson (colu)
Abby Bartels (splh)
Abby Evetts (shgh)
Abby Griffin (colu)
Abby McBreen (stan)
Abby Payne (wkds)
Abby Stokes (marn)
Abella Yuen (mlbg)
Abigail Palmer (bara)
Abigail Webbon (camb)
Adam Clark (shak)
Adam Jonkers (gldw)
Adam Leach (onsl)
Adam Smith (wlco)
Adrien Canniveng (stkt)
Aidan Campbell (ashb)
Aidan Leuschke (splh)
Aimee Channer (trgg)
Aimee Cornhill (otum)
Aimee Harris (haur)
Aimee Nicol (taup)
Alana Yorke (trgg)
Alanah Roberton (wkds)
Alannah Hamilton (sthi)
Albert O'Shannessey (chco)
Alecia Ireland (camb)
Aleisha Bunting (cghs)
Alesha Lamont (stkt)
Alessandra Manikas (mtal)
Alex Abrahams (hamg)
Alex Cartwright (shir)
Alex Hynds (stkt)
Alex Iro (gldw)
Alex Johnston (stkt)
Alex Khatoev (hamb)
Alex King (howi)
Alex Landon-Lane (burn)
Alex Lynch (vill)
Alex McRobbie (stkt)
Alex Speer (samu)
Alex Summerfield (rrgs)
Alex Todhunter (chco)
Alex Urlich (onsl)
Alex Whitfield (ncog)
Alex Williams (puke)
Alexa Hood (taka)
Alexander Andersen (sjhm)
Alexander Byars (jmcg)
Alexander Goldstein (agsb)
Alexander Roberts (stbd)
Alexander Sutcliffe (kgca)
Alexandra Dobson (went)
Alexandra Godman (huan)
Ali Henderson (hamb)
Alice Abery (otum)
Alice Cao (splh)
Alice Chamberlain (sldg)
Alice Elworthy (stmg)
Alice Emeny (splh)
Alice Graham (rrgs)
Alice Hill (camb)
Alice Loretto (onsl)
Alice Rae (rrgs)
Alice Sproat (rrgs)
Alick McCalman (onsl)
Alison Mills (hamg)
Alistair Sparke (teaw)
Ally Keenan (culi)
Ally Taylor (stmg)
Allyce Campbell (vill)
Alowesi Suveinakama (kgca)
Alya Mexted (teaw)
Amanda Chong (puke)
Amber Cunningham (colu)
Amber Williams (rrgs)
Amberleigh Maartens (puke)
Ambrose Lee (kava)
Amedeo Ventresca (fran)
Amelia Barrell (wtlg)
Amelia Blamey (dioc)
Amelia Burley (stmw)
Amelia Buur (wegc)
Amelia Coles (stmw)
Amelia Davies (cghs)
Amelia Findlater (colu)
Amelia Hamilton (waka)
Amelia Hide (waka)
Amelia Parker (stmg)
Amelia Sharpe (stan)
Amie Meadowcroft (dioc)
Amy Barclay (gldw)
Amy Butler (stpc)
Amy Crabb (haur)
Amy Gilmour (bthc)
Amy Hill (dioc)
Amy Hunter (wtlg)
Amy Patten (bara)
Amy Taggart (crai)
Amy Walker (hlcr)
Amy Waugh (teaw)
Ana McCulloch (mtma)
Ana McGinity (shgh)
Anabel Nicholson-Sell (cghs)
Anahera Karepe (hamg)
Anais Krynicki (bara)
Anastasia Alberts (mtal)
Ander Castelltort (rosm)
Andre Salvador (mlbb)
Andrea Fick (wtlg)
Andrea Phipps (hlcr)
Andrew Isaac (hamb)
Andrew Jantke (agsb)
Andrew MacRae (nelb)
Andy Register (mlbb)
Ane Foord (howi)
Angus Harper (wtkb)
Angus Hewett (obhs)
Angus Hunter (jpcr)
Angus Kenny (jmcg)
Angus Lill (cbhs)
Angus Shotter (wtlb)
Angus Taylor (wncs)
Angus Templeton (cbhs)
Angus Wilson (stkt)
Angus Young (stpc)
Aniela Dawson (puke)
Ann Cato (puke)
Anna Adam (whgg)
Anna Cairns (stpc)
Anna Douglas (jpcr)
Anna Fox (vill)
Anna Gallaher (hamg)
Anna Gregan (ronc)
Anna MacQuarrie (aote)
Anna Millar (eggs)
Anna Rikiti (sldg)
Anna Rowland (macl)
Anna Sinclair (jpcr)
Anna Wilson (ncog)
Annabel Averill (otum)
Annabel Maddock (stln)
Annabel Reburn (ncog)
Annabel Robinson (trgg)
Annabel Walsh (samu)
Annabelle Curry (ncog)
Annabelle McCulloch (rrgs)
Annabelle McGuire (stpc)
Annabelle Prescott (haur)
Annabelle Treacy (wlgc)
Anneka Calder (rrgs)
Anneka Schrader (teaw)
Annie Blakey (kava)
Annie Williamson (howi)
Anthony Peters (mtal)
Antipasa Fakalangi (puke)
Anton Verheul (stan)
Anton Waldmann (mtal)
Antonio Frances-Rees (ronc)
Aoife Taylor (aqui)
Arabella Deans (rrgs)
Arabella Hope (wtlg)
Arabella Mitchell (wkds)
Archie Porteous (gldw)
Aria Berg (stpc)
Ariana Speirs (eggs)
Ariane Smith (mtma)
Arie Magasiva (sptw)
Ariella Rosenbaum-Raynish (dioc)
Arlia O'Sullivan (avsg)
Artem Kravchenko (ashb)
Ashlee Ennis (mtma)
Ashleigh Riddle (rose)
Ashley Hanrahan (wtlg)
Ashley Manson (htvh)
Ashley Toovey (wlgc)
Ashton Corkery (stan)
Ashton Nelson (agsb)
Atlanta Bruce (wtlg)
Aubrey Sima (wtlb)
Austin Carter (agsb)
Austin Hewett (cbhs)
Ava Dunn (wkds)
Awni Barmada (wtlb)
Ayla Hawthorne (mtro)
Bailey Dowling (jmcg)
Bailey Morrison (haur)
Bailey Scott (crom)
Bailey Smith (crai)
Barnaby McFarlane (mlbb)
Baxter Holgate-Simpson (wtlb)
Beau Barret (whak)
Beckham Raffan (hamb)
Bella Illston (stpc)
Bella Jolly (waka)
Bella Wilson (stmg)
Belle Pankhurst (cghs)
Ben Abbiss (trgb)
Ben Blaikie (hamb)
Ben Farrell (stan)
Ben Fleming (stbd)
Ben Fullam (wtlb)
Ben Jury (wtlb)
Ben Lissaman (cbhs)
Ben Macdonald (jmcg)
Ben Mason (waka)
Ben McDonald (stan)
Ben Monaghan (huan)
Ben Needham (hamb)
Ben O'Sullivan (mlbb)
Ben Olsson (trgb)
Ben Oxley (stan)
Ben Randle (nelb)
Ben Ross (wlco)
Ben Scarlett (stcc)
Ben Stronach (chco)
Ben Taylor (stan)
Ben Thurnell (bthc)
Ben Tijsen-Cox (wnhs)
Ben Wright (stcc)
Ben Young (chco)
Benjamin Burgess (sjhm)
Benjamin Campbell (mtal)
Benjamin Haworth (hamb)
Benjamin Johnson (stpc)
Benjamin MacGregor (stbd)
Benjamin Ractliffe (wncs)
Benjamin Scott (agsb)
Benjamin Sherratt (wncs)
Benjamin Visser (stbd)
Benson Kershaw (agsb)
Bethany Lankshear (trgg)
Bethany Torr (wncs)
Billi Hedges (whhs)
Blair Ellis (hamb)
Blaire Fullerton-Smith (splh)
Blaize Lawrence (timg)
Blake Bradshaw (wtlb)
Blake Hogan (wncs)
Blake Jowsey (mtal)
Blake McGlashan (wtlb)
Blake McGuigan (chco)
Blake Todd (camb)
Blake Worthington (hamb)
Blane McCook (fran)
Bo Jacobsen (splh)
Bobbie Rushton (ashb)
Bonnielee Dippie (mlbg)
Bowen de Gouw (wtlb)
Brad Cvitanich (timb)
Bradley Bath (haur)
Bradley Forsyth (roto)
Bradley Jenkins (puke)
Bradley Leydon (jmcg)
Bradley Sanson (wncs)
Brady McNeill (wtkb)
Brahm Erdmann (wtlb)
Breah McKay (kapi)
Brendan Douglas (jpcr)
Brendan Eyles (jhar)
Brennan Knopf (culi)
Breydon Gallon (mlbb)
Briah Woolford (hamg)
Brian Patterson (shak)
Briana Perry (stpc)
Briana Watt (bara)
Brianna Davey (taka)
Brianna Green (gldw)
Brianna Harrison (crai)
Brianna Rogers (hamg)
Briar Adams (dioc)
Briar Grounds (sthi)
Briar Mallinson (timg)
Bridget Morris (cghs)
Bridget-Anne Horgan (qmar)
Bridgette Abernethy (wegc)
Bridie Lloydd (bara)
Bridie Logan (wegc)
Bridie Sheedy (qmar)
Brierly Dudding (otum)
Britney Cox (wngc)
Britta Collins (waka)
Brittany Bodie (kgca)
Brittany Pettit (jpcr)
Brittney McDowell (ronc)
Bronte Tuffery (wegc)
Brooke Andrews (rose)
Brooke Cederwall (wlgc)
Brooke Houston (stpc)
Brooke Kilmister (stpc)
Brooke Poutawera (trgg)
Brooke Rodger (sldg)
Brooke Vincent (dioc)
Brooke Walden (wkds)
Brooklyn Bayly (iona)
Brooklyn Elliott (hamb)
Brya Ingram (mlbg)
Bryleigh Bentley (stmw)
Burn Crang (sptw)
Byron Woods (macl)
C J Buscke (napb)
Caetana Langston (stmg)
Cairo Stark (gldw)
Caitlin Burns (stpc)
Caitlin Doddrell (haur)
Caitlin Fry (sldg)
Caitlin Harley (macl)
Caitlin Jamieson (cghs)
Caitlin Meister (stpc)
Caitlyn Boyle (sldg)
Caitlyn Byrne (ncog)
Caitlyn Hall (camb)
Caitlyn Wardell (trgg)
Caleb Akapita (hamb)
Caleb Houghton (hamb)
Caleb Parsons (stbd)
Caleb Pierre (ashb)
Caleb Smith (nplb)
Caleb Turnbull (jhar)
Callie Turner (colu)
Callum August (rotl)
Callum Barker (mlbb)
Callum Berkett (trgb)
Callum Booth (wtlb)
Callum Fleming (sptw)
Callum Hill (whhs)
Callum Jarvis (wtlb)
Callum McNab (nelb)
Callum McNally (stln)
Callum Miller (shak)
Callum Mowat (otum)
Callum O'Connor (sldb)
Callum Pratt (mtal)
Callum Smidt (shak)
Calum Harvey (wtlb)
Calum Henderson (puke)
Cam Sisson (scot)
Cameron Gordon (haur)
Cameron Henderson (cbhs)
Cameron Hodges-Ginns (trgb)
Cameron Lawrence (wnhs)
Cameron Leydon (jmcg)
Cameron Long (cbhs)
Cameron Mailer (hamb)
Cameron Maughan (shir)
Cameron McConchie (shir)
Cameron Murphy (waka)
Cameron Reynolds (teaw)
Cameron West (hamb)
Cameron Wilson (camb)
Cameron Wilson (stan)
Camille Dignadice (macl)
Campbell Crouch (hamb)
Capri Lonie (macl)
Cara Busse (colu)
Cara McAree (stmw)
Carolin Arndorfer (puke)
Caroline Maggof (shgh)
Caroline Sherratt (stpc)
Caroline Wells (stmg)
Carter Haddon (shgh)
Cartier Matthews (eggs)
Casey Calver (hamb)
Casey Herbert (vill)
Cassa-Bella Cottrell-Bone (rrgs)
Cate Wilson (wkds)
Catherine Pearce (wncs)
Cecille Grant (stan)
Celia Horn (cghs)
Chad Ricketts (nelb)
Chantelle de Koning (wnhs)
Charles Smith (chco)
Charlie Baker (cbhs)
Charlie Bushell (chco)
Charlie Campbell (waka)
Charlie Cleaver (tekc)
Charlie Hall (stbd)
Charlie McLiver (camb)
Charlie Murray (stan)
Charlie Smith (stan)
Charlotte Blakey (dioc)
Charlotte Brownlie (samu)
Charlotte Burton (eggs)
Charlotte Chapman-Cohen (sthi)
Charlotte Chatwin (shgh)
Charlotte Connor (eggs)
Charlotte Darry (stmg)
Charlotte Day (bara)
Charlotte de Montalk-Allen (bara)
Charlotte Freeman (vill)
Charlotte Grant (ronc)
Charlotte Gray (rrgs)
Charlotte Grey (wkds)
Charlotte Hall (timg)
Charlotte Idiens (stmg)
Charlotte Johns (stan)
Charlotte Leslie (wlgc)
Charlotte McKinlay (wncs)
Charlotte McQuade-Wright (otum)
Charlotte Menzies (marn)
Charlotte Molloy (rose)
Charlotte Murphy (bara)
Charlotte O'Brien (ronc)
Charlotte O'Rourke (vill)
Charlotte Robb (wncs)
Charlotte Siermans (stpc)
Charlotte Strowger-Turnock (samu)
Chelsea Cox (macl)
Chelsea Sherry-Tau (stpc)
Chevarn Parata (stmw)
Chloe Bingham (onew)
Chloe Cumming (camb)
Chloe Haglund (cghs)
Chloe Lennox (wncs)
Chris Stewart (howi)
Christian Clarke (rosm)
Christian Vujnovich (trgb)
Christie Wallace (culi)
Christopher McGrath (smco)
Christopher Roberts (hamb)
Ciara Thomas (wtlg)
Claire Hofman (stkt)
Claire Hollingworth (stkt)
Claire Taylor (colu)
Claire Watson (gldw)
Clare Milne (stpc)
Claudia Addock (bara)
Claudia Bethell (stmg)
Claudia Lamberton (trgg)
Claudia Lyons (bara)
Claudia McAfee (marn)
Claudia O'Shannessey (rrgs)
Claudia Reid (rrgs)
Claudia Waite (rgtt)
Clemens Hartmann (hamb)
Clora Quinlan-Thompson (colu)
Cobi McCook (fran)
Cody Dellaca (cbhs)
Cody Wright (gbhs)
Cole Brann (stkt)
Cole Stephenson (haur)
Connie Taylor (rrgs)
Connor Chetwynd (agsb)
Connor Hafoka (stpa)
Connor Johnston (nelb)
Connor Molloy (napb)
Connor Moore (wlco)
Connor Sheehan (stpa)
Connor Wanden (sptw)
Conor Campbell (gldw)
Conor Donovan (went)
Constance Stirling (onsl)
Corbin Harkness (wtlb)
Corbin Newlands (shir)
Cosmo Korte (stan)
Courtney Katterns (wtlg)
Courtney Ryan (trgg)
Cullam Smith (duns)
Daan Bolder (wkds)
Daisy Forsythe (eggs)
Dakota Bristow (stan)
Dallas Taikato (splh)
Dan Young (agsb)
Dani Walsh (crai)
Daniel Barron (puke)
Daniel Fraser (mtal)
Daniel Johnson (trgb)
Daniel McGill (shak)
Daniel Merwyn (tauh)
Daniel Mounsey (haur)
Daniel Pennell (shak)
Daniel Williamson (kgca)
Danielle Hart (puke)
Danielle Rutter (rrgs)
Danika Wilson (have)
Danya Kerr (ttai)
Dar'Ya Starykova (haur)
Darien Parsons (wncs)
David Brown (shir)
David Knight (nelb)
Deavon Abrahams (hamb)
Delanee Turnwald (onew)
Demetrius Crown-Harris (hamb)
Dennis Nieuwenhuizen (mtal)
Denzil Edwards (wtkb)
Devon Else (burn)
Devon Thorpe (wtlg)
Dewald van Rooyen (macl)
Dion Shen (stkt)
Dominic Bell (sptw)
Dominic Clarke (stan)
Dominic Edmond (chco)
Dominic Hawkins (agsb)
Don Lui (shak)
Donna Smit (splh)
Donovan Thompson (culi)
Dougal Burden (taka)
Douglas Walter (stbd)
Dylan Crick (nelb)
Dylan Maynard (wtlb)
Dylan McDonald (jhar)
Dylan McLeod (sjhm)
Dylan Roberts (taup)
Ed MacAlister (cbhs)
Eddie Brownie (huan)
Edward Blair (gldw)
Edward Clarkson (stpc)
Edward Dunne (wlco)
Edward O'Brien (stbd)
Edward Peak (chco)
Edwin Wills (splh)
Eleanor Cato (puke)
Eleanor Griffiths (dioc)
Eleanor McVicar (stmg)
Eleanor Paxie (stmw)
Elijah Coulston (shir)
Elijah Tanu (wtlb)
Elise McIntosh (howi)
Elise McKenzie (mtma)
Elise Nind (samu)
Eliza Reid (culi)
Elizabeth Ellis (bara)
Elizabeth Wylaars (marn)
Ella Bartram (wkds)
Ella Brownrigg (rrgs)
Ella Caverhill (whak)
Ella Creagh (duns)
Ella Dudley (wnhs)
Ella Fookes (rotl)
Ella Fry (sldg)
Ella Gleeson (gldw)
Ella Goddard (wncs)
Ella Greenslade (onsl)
Ella Groufsky (hlcr)
Ella Heffernan (colu)
Ella Henry (onew)
Ella Hughes (sldg)
Ella Lawson (iona)
Ella McHerron (vill)
Ella Muir (trgg)
Ella Murdoch (wegc)
Ella Nicholls (eggs)
Ella Reuss (waka)
Ella Rogers (wtlg)
Ella Smillie (colu)
Ella Stephens (eggs)
Ella Thomson (stpc)
Ella Wells (stmg)
Elle-Mai Wright (camb)
Ellen Foley (colu)
Elliot Jenkins (whak)
Elliot McCabe (onsl)
Elliot Willis (wlco)
Elliott Janissen (aqui)
Eloise Bloomfield (waka)
Eloise Gawler (crai)
Emily Ashley (onew)
Emily Beattie (vill)
Emily Black (timg)
Emily Downey (duns)
Emily Harvey (camb)
Emily Holland (trgg)
Emily Hurdle (sthi)
Emily Lott (stkt)
Emily Nicholson-Sell (cghs)
Emily Sue (hlcr)
Emily Suhr (samu)
Emily Swiatek (stkt)
Emily Young (stmg)
Emma Averill (otum)
Emma Barker (wkds)
Emma Brothers (mtal)
Emma Burnside (sthi)
Emma Christie (sthi)
Emma Cornhill (otum)
Emma Green (qmar)
Emma Haman (hlcr)
Emma Hartnell (cghs)
Emma Hutchinson (whgg)
Emma Jansen (ashb)
Emma Jarvie (crai)
Emma Kelly (hlcr)
Emma Leaming (dioc)
Emma MacDonald (sldg)
Emma McManaway (mlbg)
Emma O'Meara (sthi)
Emma Penney (macl)
Emma Roberts (stmg)
Emma Sampson (stkt)
Emma Stagg (ashb)
Emma Stephens (rrgs)
Emma Wellington (wlgc)
Emma Whight (wncs)
Emma Williams (wlgc)
Emmy Sullivan (wlgc)
Eric Gruythuysen (haur)
Erica Hipkins (bara)
Ericka Stark (camb)
Erik McBride (chco)
Erin Abernethy (gldw)
Erin Calder (duns)
Estelle Bilbe (rotl)
Ethan Alderlieste (mlbb)
Ethan Bargh (stcc)
Ethan Blight (stkt)
Ethan Bradbury (sjhm)
Ethan Cameron (jpcr)
Ethan Fookes (shak)
Ethan Graham (wlco)
Ethan Hight (hamb)
Ethan Saywell (shir)
Ethan Wildash-Chan (sptw)
Eva Millar (eggs)
Eva Mirko (gghs)
Eva Ruddenklau (eggs)
Eva Watson (cghs)
Evan Williams (taka)
Evan Young (stan)
Evana Main (haur)
Eve O'Connor (waka)
Evie Bond (samu)
Evie Eaton (stmg)
Evie Strawbridge (ncog)
Fanni Meron (dioc)
Farran Landers (timb)
Fearghus Bratten (chco)
Felicity Billingham (stln)
Felix-Foxx Burnell (wtlb)
Fenella Finlay-Yates (hamg)
Fenella Hemi (eggs)
Fergus Beadel (chco)
Fergus Bremner (otum)
Fergus Matla (agsb)
Fergus Murray (wlco)
Fergus Ritchie (lind)
Fergus Wilson (nelb)
Feyth Hogan (wnhs)
Ffion Lewis (macl)
Fin Smith (chco)
Findlay Carter (agsb)
Finlay Sherlock (onsl)
Finlay Watson (gldw)
Finn Bull (have)
Finn Hamill (sjhm)
Finn Hamilton (chco)
Finn Hawkins (stpc)
Finn Jeffery (whak)
Finn Jenkins (whak)
Finn Ocheduszko-Brown (shir)
Finn Palmer (shir)
Finn Southey (mlbb)
Finn Wilson (agsb)
Fletcher Anderson (chco)
Fletcher Corse-Scott (went)
Fletcher Joyce (timb)
Florence Webber (onew)
Flynn Barron (puke)
Flynn Dijkstra (stan)
Flynn Meyer (timb)
Flynn Ross-Wallis (agsb)
Flynn Watson (hamb)
Flynt Preston (stbd)
Frances Porter (avsg)
Frances Rainbow (napg)
Francesca Flynn (marn)
Francesca Gallaway (rrgs)
Francesca Kraayvanger (samu)
Francesca O'Malley (waka)
Francesca Treuren (gldw)
Frank May (lind)
Fraser Lewins (mtal)
Fraser Peach (wlco)
Fraser Waterson (scot)
Freddie Studholme (stan)
Freya Sirl (wkds)
Freyja Harris (stmg)
Freyja Rowley (bthc)
Gabby Hunter (sthi)
Gabriella Goodenbour (cghs)
Gabrielle Hannen (ncog)
Gabrielle Leonard-Hansby (haur)
Gaby McKellar (stmg)
Geena Langlois (mlbg)
Gemma Aveyard (camb)
Gemma Muir (camb)
Gene Offwood (wtlb)
Geneivre Stenklev-Gussey (onew)
Geoffrey Chang (stkt)
Geoffrey Patten (wtlb)
George Barry (agsb)
George Beggs (stkt)
George Copland (timb)
George Downey (sjhm)
George Fyfe (scot)
George Griffin (trgb)
George Hall (sldb)
George Johnson (shir)
George Miles (agsb)
George Rowley (bthc)
George Rutledge (stan)
George Watson (stbd)
George Wilson (splh)
Georgia Anderson (macl)
Georgia Barrett (htvh)
Georgia Batten (eggs)
Georgia Brooks (hlcr)
Georgia Clapcott (wkds)
Georgia Evans (stkt)
Georgia Foster (stan)
Georgia Gibson (dioc)
Georgia Gray (wtlg)
Georgia Gregory (dioc)
Georgia Harrold (whgg)
Georgia Hay (sthi)
Georgia Henderson (onsl)
Georgia Hewitt (onew)
Georgia Kerins (wncs)
Georgia Kimpton (wkds)
Georgia Leach (dioc)
Georgia Lund (stmg)
Georgia Pettengell (stkt)
Georgia Rich (samu)
Georgia Scott (cghs)
Georgia Sevier (cghs)
Georgia-Mae Couch (cghs)
Georgie Wells (stmg)
Geraldine Moffat (timg)
Germain Hellriegel-White (mtal)
Gina Damerow-Stephen (cash)
Gina Weston (marn)
Giorgia Parsonson (hlcr)
Grace Beattie (sthi)
Grace Brownrigg (rrgs)
Grace Carver (kati)
Grace Ede (trgg)
Grace Flowerday (trid)
Grace Galliven (ttai)
Grace Gardner (colu)
Grace Harris (otum)
Grace Hogan (wncs)
Grace Holland (trgg)
Grace Izard (crai)
Grace Johnstone (dioc)
Grace kai Fong (cghs)
Grace Lawson (mlbg)
Grace Loveridge (cghs)
Grace MacNab (wngc)
Grace Mathews (rrgs)
Grace May (wood)
Grace Mitchell (stmg)
Grace O'Leary (kgca)
Grace O'Sullivan (crai)
Grace Ohlsson (stmw)
Grace Payn (stkt)
Grace Petersen (iona)
Grace Redman (camb)
Grace Schaaf (wtlg)
Grace Small (colu)
Grace Watson (splh)
Grace Williams (crai)
Grace Wilson (ashb)
Grainne Walsh (bara)
Greer Halcrow (cash)
Greer Porter (mtas)
Griffen Bayley (sjhm)
Gus Hanham (splh)
Gus Olifiers (trid)
Gussie Cameron (rrgs)
Guy Flynn (chco)
Guy Johnson (stpc)
Guy Smith (cbhs)
Gyda Heidtke (stmg)
Hamish Bielby (wncs)
Hamish Burden (taka)
Hamish Foster (cbhs)
Hamish McKay (shak)
Hamish Veitch (stan)
Hana Stubbing (jpcr)
Hanna Scarlet (duns)
Hannah Avery (dioc)
Hannah Bewg (taka)
Hannah Coulter (taup)
Hannah Doocey (vill)
Hannah Glen (vill)
Hannah Kennedy (samu)
Hannah Lawson (iona)
Hannah Lidgett (puke)
Hannah MacFarlane (rrgs)
Hannah Moffatt (htvh)
Hannah Retimana (wtlg)
Hannah Simpson (onew)
Hannah Smyth (stpc)
Hannah Thomas (bara)
Hannah Veitch (gghs)
Hannah Zwalue (mtal)
Hannah-Rose Daldry (cash)
Hariet Scherp (duns)
Harriet Dennison (waka)
Harriet Fraser (burn)
Harriet Jolly (sthi)
Harriet Kitchingman (stmg)
Harriet Leslie (wlgc)
Harriet Norris (qmar)
Harriet Williams (have)
Harrison Davies (ashb)
Harrison Elliott (kgca)
Harrison Goodall (wtlb)
Harrison Hodges (sjhm)
Harrison Jones-Park (stan)
Harrison Lynch (stpc)
Harrison Ryan (obhs)
Harrison Strang (stkt)
Harrison Voice (chco)
Harry Bampton (timb)
Harry Beasley (wlco)
Harry Black (chco)
Harry Church (stkt)
Harry Davis (wncs)
Harry Dawson (hamb)
Harry Hawkins (chco)
Harry Lawson (napb)
Harry McCarthy (onsl)
Harry Medlicott (cbhs)
Harry Molloy (stpa)
Harry Newbury-Lee (macl)
Harry Numans (agsb)
Harry Oldham (ruth)
Harry Ramakers (stkt)
Harry Wilson (sldb)
Harry Yates (hamb)
Hasan Pathan (mtal)
Haxby Hefford (ashb)
Hayden Joyce (stkt)
Hayden Kennedy (timb)
Hayden Livesey (sptw)
Hayden Milne (sldb)
Hayden Rumble (wlco)
Haylee Budd (ttai)
Hazel Hall (wegc)
He Maari Simon (wncs)
Heath MacEwan (hamb)
Heath Shepherd (macl)
Heather McAfee (marn)
Helaena Ranson (bthc)
Helena Palmer (eggs)
Henry Bisset (taka)
Henry Briggs (agsb)
Henry Harrison (cbhs)
Henry Shaw (cbhs)
Henry Smith (macl)
Henry Ullrich (stan)
Henry Wells (chco)
Henry Williams (nelb)
Hillary Royds (rrgs)
Holly Alloway (wegc)
Holly Chaafe (mtal)
Holly Gray (wtlg)
Holly Hay (trid)
Holly MacDonald (macl)
Holly Manning (rrgs)
Holly Mathis (stpc)
Holly McCarron (rrgs)
Holly Mills (wkds)
Holly Roundhill (ncog)
Holly Schiele (dioc)
Holly Taylor (shgh)
Hugh Green (stan)
Hugh Ibbotson (macl)
Hugh Marshall (agsb)
Hugh Spence (whak)
Hugo Findlay (scot)
Hugo Hibbert (wlco)
Hugo Thomson (stkt)
Hunter Davies (mlbb)
Hunter Moon (hamb)
Hunter Pethers-Boak (wtlb)
Ian Qiu (wtlb)
Ieremia Moore (hamb)
Ilaria Earl (stmg)
Ilaria Vrensen (teaw)
Imogen Bell (rrgs)
Imogen Corbett (sthi)
Imogen Stythe (gldw)
India Phillips (puke)
Iona Anderson (taka)
Iona Morton (duns)
Isaac Kinder (gbhs)
Isaac West (splh)
Isabel Edmondson (gldw)
Isabella Adams (gldw)
Isabella Beale (bthc)
Isabella Carter (dioc)
Isabella Carter (rrgs)
Isabella Cooke (mtas)
Isabella Gibson (stmg)
Isabella Grey (eggs)
Isabella Inkson (rrgs)
Isabella Logan (wegc)
Isabella Morcom (dioc)
Isabella Muirhead (eggs)
Isabella Sherburd (avsg)
Isabella Walker (teaw)
Isabella Warner (samu)
Isabelle Bartlett (crai)
Isabelle Bradley (waka)
Isabelle Cox (stmg)
Isabelle Jelbert (onsl)
Ishaan Benipal (agsb)
Isobel Hume (whgg)
Isobel Mullins (eggs)
Isobel Sturgin (macl)
Isobel Watson (hlcr)
Issy Meikle (eggs)
Izzie Evans (rrgs)
Izzy Ahearn (shlh)
Izzy Rumble (wegc)
Jack Caldwell (splh)
Jack Castle (nelb)
Jack Chapman (cbhs)
Jack Clayton (timb)
Jack Davidson (cbhs)
Jack Drage (chco)
Jack Elvy (chco)
Jack Featherstone (taka)
Jack Foster (stln)
Jack Gibbs (ronc)
Jack Harvey (jhar)
Jack Hearn (shir)
Jack Heaslip (camb)
Jack Henry (onew)
Jack Higgins (shak)
Jack Holland-Spinks (obhs)
Jack Hurley (stcc)
Jack Leonard (haur)
Jack MacDonald (macl)
Jack McLaughlan (jmcg)
Jack Monckton (wncs)
Jack Monkley (camb)
Jack Norman (wncs)
Jack Pringle (wncs)
Jack Read (hamb)
Jack Ready (agsb)
Jack Rixontaylor (sptw)
Jack Ryan (crom)
Jack Smith (wtkb)
Jack Spencer (napb)
Jack Sutton (cbhs)
Jack Webber (obhs)
Jackson Baas (mtal)
Jackson Drake (shir)
Jackson Gavin (stbd)
Jackson Lewis (stan)
Jackson Taylor (stbd)
Jackson Wiggans (gldw)
Jacob Brown (burn)
Jacob Dunn (sjhm)
Jacob Franklin (sptw)
Jacob Houghton (hamb)
Jacob Jones (wtlb)
Jacob Lorkin (lind)
Jacob Mayer (cash)
Jacob Morrow (stpa)
Jacob Pye (chco)
Jacob Rhodes (wlco)
Jacob Smyth (stpc)
Jacob Stubbing (jpcr)
Jacques Balsom (camb)
Jade Fon (eggs)
Jade Raby (eggs)
Jadin Kingi (shak)
Jaime Breen (eggs)
Jaimee Bridger (wnhs)
Jake Haywood (jhar)
Jake Luthi (shir)
Jake Thompson (lind)
Jakeb Stent (hamb)
Jakiah Ineson (stcc)
Jakob Millar (camb)
Jamari Vou (timb)
James Alexander (shir)
James Archibald (kgca)
James Billows (jhar)
James Dalzell (cbhs)
James Davidson (timb)
James Dolan (stpa)
James Dunne (wlco)
James Fitz-Gerald (shak)
James Glover (cbhs)
James Goodman (chco)
James Hall (kgca)
James Harding (wtlb)
James Hazlehurst (camb)
James MacKenzie (gldw)
James Marston (onsl)
James McGregor (trgb)
James Mitchell (wtlb)
James Newton (chco)
James O'Brien (stbd)
James Scott (aqui)
James Scott (wtkb)
James Shefford (wtkb)
James Tavendale (stan)
Jamie Batchelor (chco)
Jamie Harris (wncs)
Jamie Hindle-Daniels (onsl)
Jamie Iro (gldw)
Jamie Lander (hamb)
Jamie Soper (stbd)
Jamie Thompson (timb)
Janae Squire (wtlg)
Jane Schellekens (eggs)
Janey Gibbons (colu)
Jared August (shak)
Jared Barry (wtlb)
Jared Mattson (ashb)
Jared Sinclair (jpcr)
Jarred Bond (trid)
Jarrod Martin (whhs)
Jas McIntosh (duns)
Jaslyn Humphries (ncog)
Jasmine Fountaine (splh)
Jasmine McLean (hamg)
Jasmine Paxton (wlgc)
Jason Heath (agsb)
Jason Nel (stpc)
Jasper Blokker (have)
Jaxon Langley (wtlb)
Jayde Hawkes (culi)
Jayden Aldridge (shir)
Jayden Derecourt (roto)
Jayden Eccles (gbhs)
Jayden Tabani-Ivi (wtlb)
Jayne Barclay (rrgs)
Jed Jager (trgb)
Jed Williams (macl)
Jemima Bell (rrgs)
Jemima Krauskopf (mtma)
Jemima Porter (rrgs)
Jemma Couillault (dioc)
Jemma Goodall (shgh)
Jemma Seymour (onsl)
Jenna Hoban-Watson (marn)
Jennifer Evans (wngc)
Jennifer Lewis (stan)
Jeremiah McDonald (splh)
Jess Dermody (sldg)
Jessamy King (stmw)
Jesse Heal (waka)
Jesse Homer-Pilcher (mtal)
Jesse Kerr (ttai)
Jesse Oconnor (roto)
Jesse Renner (hamb)
Jesse Webb (shir)
Jessica Cuttle (onsl)
Jessica Dasent (bara)
Jessica Dicker (waka)
Jessica Horrigan (wkds)
Jessica le Poidevin (stan)
Jessica McDowall (sldg)
Jessica McIntosh (gldw)
Jessica Miller (rrgs)
Jessica Taylor (macl)
Jessica Vandermeer (puke)
Jessica Williams (crai)
Jessie Hernawan (timg)
Jessie Rongen (qmar)
Jez Nicolson-Kelly (jmcg)
Jillian Allen (samu)
Joe Cambie (hlcr)
Joel Bartrum (camb)
Joel Clayton-Greene (haur)
Joel Coleman (shir)
Joel Dowden (hamb)
Joel Engelke (have)
Joel Lemalu (sptw)
Johanna Sahling (taup)
John Scarlett (kgca)
Johnny Hatch (nelb)
Johnny Lysaght (ashb)
Johnny Tsai (hlcr)
Johvaan Renata (stcc)
Jonathan Shutes (agsb)
Jonty du Toit (agsb)
Jonty Gallegher (chco)
Jonty Matla (agsb)
Jonty Thomson (wnhs)
Jordan Hicks (mlbb)
Jordyn Clark (waka)
Jordyn Robinson (crom)
Jordyn Stockman (hamg)
Jorja McGlinchey (onsl)
Jose Vaquero (sptw)
Josef Sullivan (wtkb)
Joseph Coulter (taup)
Joseph Hazelhurst (wncs)
Joseph Lawson (napb)
Joseph Young (nelb)
Josephine Palmer (camb)
Josephine Paxie (stmw)
Josh Abobo (agsb)
Josh Adams (hlcr)
Josh Dent (stcc)
Josh Grosvenor (stcc)
Josh Hamilton (agsb)
Josh Hogan (camb)
Josh Kelly (stcc)
Josh Mallett (scot)
Josh Miller (cash)
Josh Pettit (jpcr)
Josh Purdon (shak)
Josh Smith (jmcg)
Josh Stables (trid)
Josh Toa (nplb)
Josh Wilson (timb)
Joshua Bailey-Montgonnery (trgb)
Joshua Coleman (hamb)
Joshua Gordon (hamb)
Joshua Haddon (sptw)
Joshua Kelly (gbhs)
Joshua le Poidevin (stan)
Joshua Leigh (camb)
Joshua Rowan (sptw)
Joshua Sain (gldw)
Joshua Shields (stpa)
Joshua Vodanovich (gldw)
Joshua Wade (chco)
Josiah Duffield (wlco)
Josiah Preddy (hamb)
Josie Cook (sthi)
Josie Taggart (wlgc)
Julia Coppens (cghs)
Julia English (stmw)
Julia Rose (trgg)
Julia Wynands (vill)
Julie Jacobs (jpcr)
Juliet Fordyce (stpc)
Justine Hobbs (camb)
Kaia Holland (crai)
Kaitlin McGlinchey (onsl)
Kaitlyn Humberstone (trgg)
Kaitlyn Shields (shgh)
Kalib Patterson (wtlb)
Kallum Puttick (timb)
Kapila Tohiariki (sldb)
Kara Crawford-Smith (otum)
Kate Baddeley (dioc)
Kate Barwick (gghs)
Kate Boyd (rrgs)
Kate Cosford (wnhs)
Kate Edwards (sthi)
Kate Fitzpatrick (trgg)
Kate Fraser (marn)
Kate Fryer (puke)
Kate Haines (dioc)
Kate Hamilton (howi)
Kate Hanning (duns)
Kate Harris (stmg)
Kate Harvey (crai)
Kate Jackson (crai)
Kate Lawrence (otum)
Kate Littlejohn (splh)
Kate Mathie (marn)
Kate Missen (shgh)
Kate Monkley (wkds)
Kate Murray (rrgs)
Kate Poole (dioc)
Kate Speakman (bara)
Kate Williams (taka)
Katelin Bartlett (wncs)
Katelin Cotter (sldg)
Katelyn Donald (taup)
Katherine Ebbett (iona)
Katherine Lewis (stan)
Kathleen King (cghs)
Kathryn Glen (vill)
Kathryn Haydock (stpc)
Katie Bell (stpc)
Katie Bruce (mlbg)
Katie Dolan (ashb)
Katie Halliday (taka)
Katie MacKenzie (wkds)
Katie Schins (jhar)
Katy Daley (qmar)
Kayla Baker (ncog)
Kayla Horler (jhar)
Kayla Reidy (camb)
Kayla Rewi (hamg)
Kayli Singleton (macl)
Kaylin Wren (stpc)
Kaz van Genne (hamb)
Keegan Greig (kgca)
Keegan Rea (hamb)
Keelan McDonald (camb)
Keelee Anderson (mtma)
Keelee Hoskin (stpc)
Keeley Sexton (hamb)
Keeli McNicholas (stpc)
Keely Paalvast (fras)
Keenan Whitcher (hamb)
Keira Jonkers (burn)
Kelly Brown (trgg)
Kelsey Stubbs (napg)
Kendall Payne (shgh)
Kendall Tozer (mtma)
Kenna Richmond (rose)
Kent Davidson (splh)
Kenzie Smith (macl)
Kezia Deavoll (dioc)
Kheal Paddy (agsb)
Kiara Hayward (haur)
Kiardyn Hatch (wtlb)
Kiera Nelson (bara)
Kieran Blockley (stkt)
Kieran Joyce (hamb)
Kimberley Renolyds (stpc)
Kimberly Wallace (wkds)
Kinnley McAllister (timg)
Kip Watson (wtlb)
Kobe Miller (mlbb)
Kody Gorst (trgb)
Konrad Lotu-I'Iga (agsb)
Kris Godsall (mlbb)
Kris Penev (mtal)
Kristen Laing (marn)
Kurt Browning (culi)
Kyle August (jpcr)
Kyle Fogarty-Anderson (trgb)
Kyle Hebditch (stkt)
Kyran Henderson (wtlb)
Lache Melvin (ncog)
Lachie Hazlett (chco)
Lachlan Dixon (kgca)
Lachlan Nicholas (shir)
Lachlan Pearce (mtal)
Lachlan Stevens (mlbb)
Lachlan Sydney (stcc)
Lachlan Thwaites (jhar)
Lachlan Wells (stan)
Lara Biggs (ashb)
Lara Hindley (bthc)
Lara Menefy (mtma)
Latasha Yorke (trgg)
Laura Bell (stpc)
Laura Francis (wncs)
Laura Pinnell (cghs)
Laura Wallace (fras)
Lauren Furley (dioc)
Lauren Gibb (stpc)
Lauren Oliver (stkt)
Lauren Page (bara)
Lauren Shields (trgg)
Lauren Stapylton-Smith (rrgs)
Lawrence Birch (sptw)
Leah Hollingworth (mtal)
Leah van Eeden (ncog)
Leah van Zyl (trgg)
Leander Schubert (scot)
Leetham Beatt (macl)
Leila Barber (samu)
Leo Ashcroft (stkt)
Leo Hanna (wncs)
Leo Ngatai-Tafau (stpa)
Leon Barrowcliffe (stcc)
Leon Dudley (onsl)
Leticia Haines (stpc)
Letty Hamlet (huan)
Levi Carroll (wnhs)
Levi Craven (hamb)
Lewis Brown (mtal)
Lewis Meates (stbd)
Lia Chalmers (trgg)
Liam Behrnes (cbhs)
Liam Blackmore (timb)
Liam Bunting (cbhs)
Liam Cox (nplb)
Liam Grant (crom)
Liam Hattrill (stcc)
Liam McAree (sptw)
Liam McGuire (shak)
Liam Parker (timb)
Liam Tully (haur)
Liam Watters (onsl)
Liam Whitaker (shir)
Liam Zinzley (shak)
Libby Carr (stpc)
Liberty Jack (stpc)
Lilly Anderson (marn)
Lily Barrance (camb)
Lily Butler (stpc)
Lily Devereaux (stmg)
Lily King (rrgs)
Linette Lengkeek (trid)
Lisa Weight (hamg)
Lizzie Stevenson (stan)
Lochie Bain (jmcg)
Lochie Lawson Jones (taup)
Lochlan Mason (teaw)
Lochlan Morrison (burn)
Loek Johnston (taup)
Loftus Stanford (wncs)
Logan Anderson (stcc)
Logan Burgess (sjhm)
Logan Docherty (stkv)
Logan Mehlhopt (stcc)
Loic Billoud (waka)
Lola Verkerk (sthi)
Lotte Hart (bara)
Louie Kinder-Rycroft (chco)
Louie Murden (stan)
Louis Batchelor (chco)
Louis O'Brien (shak)
Louis Phibbs (stpa)
Louis Siddell-Bradbourne (mtal)
Louis Wall (shak)
Louise Goodwin (shgh)
Louise Swain (gldw)
Luc Wiegand (nelb)
Luca Kirwan (shak)
Lucas Carroll (sptw)
Lucas Kershaw (agsb)
Lucas MacDonald (shir)
Lucas Rawlings (wtlb)
Lucia Fuller (cghs)
Lucia King-Smith (waka)
Lucille Reece (eggs)
Lucinda Trethewey (dioc)
Lucy Botting (stmg)
Lucy Burrell (napg)
Lucy Church (dioc)
Lucy Coulston (gghs)
Lucy Davidson (stmg)
Lucy Dowman (wnhs)
Lucy Duncum (camb)
Lucy Dunshea (onsl)
Lucy Farnsworth (stkt)
Lucy Ford (vill)
Lucy Fullerton-Smith (wkds)
Lucy Golding (stmw)
Lucy Howden (rrgs)
Lucy Jackson (marn)
Lucy Johnson (rrgs)
Lucy Kennedy (vill)
Lucy Kerry (mlbg)
Lucy McCrostie (waka)
Lucy McIlroy-Foster (eggs)
Lucy Schaaf (wtlg)
Lucy Wilson (stkt)
Luka Harris (trgb)
Luka Hayward (stpa)
Luka Southcombe-Nguyen (sjhm)
Lukas Hakansson (agsb)
Luke Brady (nelb)
Luke Clinton (bthc)
Luke Desmond (stln)
Luke Mangels (stcc)
Luke O'Connor (sldb)
Luke Peters (hamb)
Luke Shannon (kgca)
Luke Taylor (hamb)
Lydia Finch (mtal)
Lydia MacLean (wncs)
Maaike van Eeden (ncog)
Mac Burdett (ashb)
Mack Hofma-Whitehead (chco)
Mackenzee Armit (went)
MacKenzie Brown (bara)
MacKenzie Doorey (gldw)
MacKenzie Ealson (duns)
Mackenzie Horwood-Verstappen (wlco)
MacKenzie Perry (bthc)
Macy Burns (wegc)
Macy Smith (camb)
Madaline Stephens (shgh)
Maddi Palmer (crai)
Maddi Robinson (ncog)
Maddie McLean (wncs)
Maddie Stead (stmg)
Maddie van der Plas (marn)
Maddison Brown (stpc)
Maddison Davies (cghs)
Maddy Devery (shlh)
Maddy Parker (huan)
Maddy Thornton (avsg)
Madeleine Dickie (splh)
Madeleine Wilson (dioc)
Madeleine Wilson (stpc)
Madeline Davidson (vill)
Madison Gundry (wncs)
Madison Norton (trgg)
Madison Taylor (samu)
Madisyn Bird (hamg)
Mae McLoughlin (vill)
Maggie Booker (onsl)
Maggie O'Connor (culi)
Maggie O'Leary-Noyer (wncs)
Maggie Quinn (wegc)
Maggie Smith (gldw)
Mahalia Shand (ncog)
Mahinarangi Clarkin (hamg)
Mahinarangi Fisher (lytt)
Manawa McLaughlin (nplb)
Marc McDermott (haur)
Marcus Bongers (waka)
Marcus Overwater (hlcr)
Marcus Winter (mtal)
Maren Howarth (wtlg)
Mari-Clare McLaughlin (rrgs)
Marieke Richards (mtal)
Marin Kittaka (stpc)
Mark Christopher (hamb)
Mark Cunningham (onsl)
Mark Lawrence (mtal)
Mark O'Shanassy (wnhs)
Mark Sinclair (jpcr)
Marley Cowland (eggs)
Martin Jonkers (gldw)
Martin Tamoaieta (sjhm)
Marty Williamson (ronc)
Mary-Rose Millett (gldw)
Mason Tupaea (hamb)
Mathew Anderson (crom)
Matilda Evatt (stan)
Matilda Hayman (rrgs)
Matt Botha (macl)
Matt Kelly (stkt)
Matthew Archer (wtlb)
Matthew Austin (stpc)
Matthew Bartlett (bthc)
Matthew Carey (mtro)
Matthew Caro (kgca)
Matthew Cranefield (hamb)
Matthew Halford (napb)
Matthew Humphrey (hamb)
Matthew McHugh (camb)
Matthew McKinlay (hamb)
Matthew Mulitalo (sptw)
Matthew O'Riley (timb)
Matthew Paul (hlcr)
Matthew Quin (chco)
Matthew Smith (shir)
Matthew Wessels (rose)
Matthew Wheatley (sjhm)
Matthew White (cbhs)
Matthias Wong (wtlb)
Matthieu Lambert (wtlb)
Max Brown (wtlb)
Max Burggraaf (shak)
Max Caddie (kgca)
Max Calvert (howi)
Max Eversden (stpa)
Max Gomez (jmcg)
Max Goodwin (chco)
Max Keene (cash)
Max le Cren (agsb)
Max Marsh (chco)
Max McLean-Bluck (splh)
Max Mobberley (haur)
Max Nasmith (hamb)
Max Ngataki (shir)
Max Paku (napb)
Max Ranson (wtlb)
Max Reesby (agsb)
Max Romminger (went)
Max Smith (stkv)
Max Wilson (hamb)
Max Wilson (hlcr)
Max Zhang (cbhs)
Maximilian te Moananui (scot)
Maxwell Brady (kgca)
Maxwell Roach (splh)
Maxwell Smith (kgca)
Maya Speers (ncog)
McGregor Best (shir)
McKenzie Hansen (marn)
Meg Creagh (duns)
Meg Rolton (gldw)
Meg Scrimgeour (wkds)
Meg Thompson (stmw)
Meg Walden (wkds)
Meg West (rrgs)
Megan Bell (crom)
Megan Bol (bara)
Megan Farquhar (mtal)
Megan Howard (trgg)
Megan Maslin (colu)
Megan Thomas (stpc)
Meghan Templeton (crai)
Melissa Gray (sthi)
Mereani Doherty (whhs)
Mia Austin (hamg)
Mia Bisley (waka)
Mia Bradford (wtlg)
Mia Bushell (cghs)
Mia Coventry (wkds)
Mia Uluilelata (qmar)
Mia Woodley (cghs)
Miaa Brandon (wncs)
Mica Erdmann (wtlg)
Michael Avis (cash)
Michael Beattie (jmcg)
Michael Braem (shak)
Michael Coutts (went)
Michael Hiddleston (agsb)
Michael Manson (obhs)
Michael Morris (stbd)
Michaela Kennedy (crai)
Mikayla Manville (wnhs)
Mila Brennan (eggs)
Miller Hawkesby (agsb)
Millie Crossland (stmg)
Millie Harland (stmw)
Millie Knight (rrgs)
Millie Wright (colu)
Milly Dickie (rrgs)
Milly Nesbit (colu)
Minnie Robson-Cabout (cash)
Minnie Summerfield (stmg)
Miranda Phillips (eggs)
Miriam Lindsay (stmw)
Mitch Fraser (cbhs)
Mitch Thompson (sldb)
Mitchell Duncan (obhs)
Mitchell Evans (sjhm)
Mitchell Hohaia (wtlb)
Mitchell Kay (hamb)
Mitchell Lee-Cusack (hamb)
Mitchell Robertson (hamb)
Mitchell White (stan)
Mollie Gibson (ashb)
Mollie Nicol (qmar)
Molly Bradley (stpc)
Molly Butt (sthi)
Molly Campbell (waka)
Molly Flavell (splh)
Molly Floyd (ncog)
Molly Ford (marn)
Molly Gow (sthi)
Molly Marsh (sthi)
Molly McCulloch (ngta)
Montgomerie Izard (cbhs)
Monty Batchelor (chco)
Morgan Blind (stpc)
Morgan Brown (stpc)
Murphy Waters (puke)
Musa Kotze (napb)
Mya Nevin (ronc)
Mya Sutherland (iona)
Myles Daily (sptw)
Nadine Billing (wtlg)
Nakeasha Jarvis (trgg)
Nakita Horne (colu)
Natalie Pearce (sldg)
Nate Raffan (hamb)
Nathan Collins (shak)
Nathan Johnston (tekc)
Nathan Smith (mtal)
Ned Pene (hamb)
Neesha Dixon (wegc)
Neil Paver (timb)
Nelly Farmiloe (taka)
Nelson Pinder (wtlb)
Neve McDougall (ronc)
Ngaio Wilson (trid)
Niamh Cooper (shgh)
Niamh Kilpatrick (rrgs)
Niamh McHugh (bara)
Niamh Menzies (marn)
Niamh Monk (wnhs)
Niamh Mullany (wnhs)
Niamh Murfitt (stmw)
Niamh Murphy (wnhs)
Niamh Paterson (colu)
Nic Chamberlain (jmcg)
Nicholas Johnson (kgca)
Nicholas Lyon-Ramsdale (stkt)
Nick Turnbull (chco)
Nicky Murray (mlbg)
Nico Mitchell (splh)
Nicolas Garner (wtlb)
Nicole Derwin (crai)
Nicole Tweeddale (wncs)
Nihal Billing (hamb)
Nikita Clemens (crai)
Nikita Horan (stln)
Niko Hoare (agsb)
Nina Foley (dioc)
Nina Lawrence (wlgc)
Nina Tudehope (cghs)
Noah Hagar-Dent (roto)
Noah Kerbers (hamb)
Nopera Rangiuia Lindup (gbhs)
Norbert Muller (stbd)
Nyla Bunyan (wtlg)
Oksana Volkov (ronc)
Oliver Anselmi (stpc)
Oliver Bailey (stan)
Oliver Bisley (waka)
Oliver Burkhardt (agsb)
Oliver Duncan (hamb)
Oliver Eliot (wtlb)
Oliver Fahey (onsl)
Oliver Haig (obhs)
Oliver Heafield (gldw)
Oliver Herron (waka)
Oliver Ingram (mtal)
Oliver Kumarich (stpa)
Oliver Lydon (agsb)
Oliver Potter (hlcr)
Olivia Alberts (mtal)
Olivia Clark (onsl)
Olivia Elmiger (whhs)
Olivia Fellows-Ford (wkds)
Olivia Furrie (duns)
Olivia Gibson (ashb)
Olivia Hay (gldw)
Olivia Hofer (stkt)
Olivia Hughes (stmg)
Olivia Hutton (stmg)
Olivia Ikinofo (shgh)
Olivia Kikstra (cghs)
Olivia Knowling (splh)
Olivia Lengyel (huan)
Olivia Maxwell (dioc)
Olivia Morgan (wkds)
Olivia Noonan (rrgs)
Olivia Parsonson (hlcr)
Olivia Paterson (stmg)
Olivia Swann (wtlg)
Olivia Warlow (splh)
Olivia Whelan-Henderson (sthi)
Olivia Woodham (waka)
Olivia Wright (rrgs)
Olivia Wrigley (bara)
Olivia Young (otum)
Ollie Smith (timb)
Ollie Strang (stkt)
Oscar Andrew (wtlb)
Oscar Dorbeck (wtlb)
Oscar Floyd (nelb)
Oscar Rutledge (stan)
Paddy Hone (chco)
Paige Furrie (duns)
Parekura Kellow (went)
Paris Forster (htvh)
Pascale Peake (wkds)
Patrick Boyle (macl)
Patrick Dekker (ashb)
Patrick Griffin (stpc)
Patrick Topp (sptw)
Penny Wallis (camb)
Penny Young (vill)
Peta McKay (mtas)
Peter Keenan (obhs)
Peter Rowe (obhs)
Phillipa Wilson (wkds)
Phillippa Murphy (gghs)
Phoebe Archibald (dioc)
Phoebe Brown (wnhs)
Phoebe Burling (mtma)
Phoebe Klink (eggs)
Phoebe Pottinger (wlgc)
Phoebe Trolove (crai)
Phoebe Tumata (onew)
Pip Crowley (wegc)
Piper Adamson (vill)
Piper Maaka (wlgc)
Piper McConnell (trgg)
Piper Ryan (cghs)
Pippa Johns (shgh)
Polly Chamberlain (macl)
Poppy Holmes (bara)
Poppy Lawton (wegc)
Poppy McLeay (sldg)
Poppy Walter (mtal)
Pranesh Patel (gldw)
Presley Gibson (gghs)
Priscilla Tan (jhar)
Prudence Fowler (dioc)
Quentin Monaghan (stbd)
Quenton Yeo (gldw)
Quinn Tierney (shgh)
Rachel Taylor (mtal)
Raea Bainbridge (sjhm)
Raith Fullam (wtlb)
Raquel Dinan (mtal)
Raumati Meihana (stkt)
Rebecca Faletanoai (went)
Rebecca Gallaway (wlgc)
Rebecca Knight (eggs)
Rebecca Leigh (stpc)
Rebecca Powley (rose)
Rebecca Rietveld (colu)
Rebecca Scott (marn)
Rebeka Frood (trgg)
Rebekah Joshi (mlbg)
Reece Walthew (wtlb)
Regan Bernasconi (puke)
Renee Fettes (trgg)
Renee Grace (stpc)
Renee Henry (onew)
Renske Brabant-Weitkamp (trid)
Reuben Clutterbuck (stcc)
Reuben Corlett (smco)
Reuben McArley (obhs)
Reuben Ngapo (sjhm)
Reuben van Dalen (stpc)
Rhian Kocsis (howi)
Rhianna Loughnan (otum)
Rhiannon Koni-Webb (gldw)
Richard Harris (trgb)
Richie Faaumu (mtal)
Ricki-Lee Persen (hlcr)
Ricky Kiddle (wlco)
Riley Frecklington (wnhs)
Riley Thompson (obhs)
Robbie King (stkt)
Robert Coman (kgca)
Robert Turnbull (chco)
Rochelle Lowe (ngta)
Rohan Key (waka)
Roisin Laphen (sldg)
Rokko Lassey (bthc)
Ronan Brennan (sptw)
Ronan Fuller (splh)
Ronan Griffiths (jpcr)
Ronnie Brady (gghs)
Rosa Buxton (wlgc)
Rosa Davies (rrgs)
Rosa Edge (cghs)
Rosa Foster (stmg)
Rosa Jones (rrgs)
Rosalind Walker (ncog)
Rosanna Bedford (wkds)
Rose Ross (wnhs)
Rose Thomson (eggs)
Rosemary Bremner (otum)
Rosie Clibborn (tmth)
Rosie Frood (trgg)
Rosie Ireland (dioc)
Rowan Bull (have)
Roz Ahearn (bthc)
Ruby Butler (stpc)
Ruby Cotter (dioc)
Ruby Cox (stan)
Ruby Crowther (marn)
Ruby Gordon (stan)
Ruby Grave (sthi)
Ruby Hayes (dioc)
Ruby Hosking (stpc)
Ruby Hudson (wegc)
Ruby Leverington (samu)
Ruby Norton (avsg)
Ruby Obrien (bara)
Ruby Pringle (cash)
Ruby Tall (waka)
Ruby Thornton (camb)
Ruby Treadwell (qmar)
Ruby Young (ronc)
Rueben Carrodus (stan)
Rumaysa Barnes (hlcr)
Ryan Campbell (hamb)
Ryan Hart (trgb)
Ryan Morrow (wtlb)
Ryan Olsen (shak)
Ryan Parsons (howi)
Sabia Harrington (cghs)
Sadie Sumich (dioc)
Saffron Hann (trgg)
Sahmara Buscke (napg)
Salesi Tuipulotu (napb)
Sally Bird (htvh)
Sally Wylaars (avsg)
Sam Aitken (chco)
Sam Aldridge (sptw)
Sam Allen (otum)
Sam Anderson (ronc)
Sam Baker (cbhs)
Sam Brown (burn)
Sam Caldwell (cbhs)
Sam Cook (hamb)
Sam Cummins (kgca)
Sam Darry (chco)
Sam Garton (agsb)
Sam Harcourt (splh)
Sam Hogan (camb)
Sam Lecocq (wtlb)
Sam Logan (wtlb)
Sam McArthur (hamb)
Sam McWilliam (agsb)
Sam Moore (obhs)
Sam Morrow (stkt)
Sam Murphy (shak)
Sam Oliver (trgb)
Sam Paterson (stan)
Sam Pearce (mtas)
Sam Ready (agsb)
Sam Russell (stkt)
Sam Smith (chco)
Sam Taylor (cbhs)
Sam Treloar (gbhs)
Sam Tweedale (qmar)
Sam White Bai (roto)
Sam Winton (kava)
Sam Wright (stcc)
Samantha Bailey (whgg)
Samantha Crossley (cghs)
Samantha McCutcheon (taup)
Samantha Nally (jhar)
Samantha Summerfield (rrgs)
Samantha Vance (rrgs)
Samarah Garrett-Dalton (wtlg)
Sammy Moritz (nelb)
Samson Brown-Vaikoula (hamb)
Samuel Brewer (kgca)
Samuel Broadbent (haur)
Samuel Chote (mtal)
Samuel Davison (stpa)
Samuel Ingleton (stkt)
Samuel Jones (wtlb)
Samuel Kavanagh (camb)
Samuel Manson (wncs)
Samuel McRae (stln)
Samuel McStay (jhar)
Samuel Reed (stbd)
Samuel Rickard (wtlb)
Samuel Roys (stpa)
Samuel Shotter (wtlb)
Samuel Smith (stan)
Samuel Sparey (mtal)
Samuel Tierney (agsb)
Sanaaya Wadia (macl)
Sandalika Illangamudalige (trgg)
Sara Buerki (cghs)
Sara Cooper (rotg)
Sara Everitt (gldw)
Sarah Allen (hamg)
Sarah Bagley (qmar)
Sarah Bell (eggs)
Sarah Best (splh)
Sarah Cody'Mandell (cghs)
Sarah Forster (napg)
Sarah Green (stmw)
Sarah Kirk (wngc)
Sarah Krystman (stpc)
Sarah Martin (wkds)
Sarah Millar (crai)
Sarah Murphy (gghs)
Sarah Neal (wlgc)
Sarah Simpson (bara)
Sarah Templeton (crai)
Sarah Wade (hlcr)
Sascha Moltschaniwskyj (gldw)
Sasha Humberstone (trgg)
Saskia Riedel (tauh)
Savannah Barrack (bara)
Savannah Fowke-Short (wlgc)
Savannah Watson (qmar)
Scarlet Billingham (stln)
Scarlett Rumble (stan)
Scott Cosslett (wtlb)
Scott McDermott (haur)
Scott Milnes (cbhs)
Scott Shackleton (shir)
Seager Ray (camb)
Sean Dowling (haur)
Sean Hale (camb)
Sean McAndrew (onsl)
Sean McHugh (stpa)
Sean McKenna (stpa)
Sean Paget (shak)
Sean Patten (stkt)
Sean Swanson (chco)
Seaton Bayley (sjhm)
Seb Vanden Bosch (timb)
Sebastian Calder (stan)
Sebastian Fulton (sjhm)
Sebastian Solomann (gbhs)
Selby Filipo (bthc)
Seren Dixon (camb)
Seth Hope (camb)
Seth Ihaia (wnhs)
Seth Peake (splh)
Shakira Mirfin (sldg)
Shanae Coon (tmth)
Shanae Hoffman (teaw)
Sharni Ross (burn)
Shaun Nimo (sldb)
Shauna Glassie-Ryan (hamg)
Shayla Alexander (duns)
Shena Donald (went)
Shontelle Aitchison (haur)
Shreya Ekbote (trgg)
Siena Ash (qmar)
Siena McLean (wngc)
Sienna Cook (dioc)
Sienna Norman (taka)
Sinead Cooper (shgh)
Siobhan Bratten (rrgs)
Skye Calder (rrgs)
Skye Morton (duns)
Sophia Barrell (stpc)
Sophia Chiang (stkt)
Sophia Marshall (wlgc)
Sophia Meikle (eggs)
Sophia Meldrum (bara)
Sophie Anderson (colu)
Sophie Bowden (cghs)
Sophie Chisholm (wkds)
Sophie Clark (dioc)
Sophie Cook (ncog)
Sophie Davies (eggs)
Sophie Egnot-Johnson (wtlg)
Sophie Fullerton-Smith (wkds)
Sophie Gowans (marn)
Sophie Hill (cghs)
Sophie Humphries (stkt)
Sophie Lancaster (napg)
Sophie Lightbourne (crai)
Sophie Lyons (ronc)
Sophie Martin (rrgs)
Sophie McCartin (rrgs)
Sophie McKeogh (wlgc)
Sophie Mischefski (haur)
Sophie Nelson (rrgs)
Sophie Pye (rrgs)
Sophie Reeves (wkds)
Sophie Rowland (burn)
Sophie Sinclair (sthi)
Sophie Thompson (waka)
Sophie Tulley (crai)
Sophie Tumata (onew)
Sophie Williamson (duns)
Star Paenga (onsl)
Stella Blake (mlbg)
Stella Clayton-Greene (haur)
Stella Cressey (stkt)
Stella Griffiths (napg)
Stella Grigg (eggs)
Stella Humberstone-Hurley (eggs)
Stella Janissen (aqui)
Stella Keown (sthi)
Stella Parker (kapi)
Stella Shaw (bara)
Stephanie Beattie (stmg)
Stephen Stuart (mtal)
Stephenie Weston (culi)
Sujean In (stmg)
Sumer Harker (onsl)
Summer Jubb (jhar)
Sydney Johnson (stpc)
Sydney McLean (htvh)
Sylvia Leadley (wtlg)
Sylvio Billoud (waka)
Tahi Fagan (teaw)
Taila Marshall (whhs)
Tait Fuller (went)
Taleisha Hancox (burn)
Tamara Mason (sthi)
Tamara-Ruby Komarova (avsg)
Tamati Panoho (kgca)
Tammi Maier-Gant (stmg)
Tane Gregerson (wtlb)
Tane Norton (shir)
Tangi Isileli-Fo'Ou (puke)
Tanveer Billing (hamb)
Taotahi te Ua (splh)
Tara Campbell (stmw)
Tara Pickering (mtal)
Tate Drummond (obhs)
Tatyana Kooznetzoff (wlgc)
Tawhiwhi Watson (napb)
Tayla Burgess (stmw)
Tayla Clasper (bara)
Tayla Cook (camb)
Tayla Flight (wngc)
Tayla McCormick (trgg)
Tayla Stewart (stpc)
Taylan Boyle (howi)
Taylor Allan (crai)
Taylor Balme (splh)
Taylor Barry (sjhm)
Taylor Morrison (wtlg)
Te Aomihia Olliver-Samuels (hamg)
Te Ohongaake Swanson Hall (jpcr)
te Omeka Sigley (whak)
Teagan Knight (wkds)
Teegan Gulliver (teaw)
Tegan Fookes (rotl)
Tem Bennett (shir)
Teneka te Moananui (qmar)
Tess Allan (waka)
Tessa Campbell (colu)
Tessa Crean (bara)
Theo Casey-Pickering (mtal)
Theo Lotu-I'Iga (agsb)
Theo Mallinson (gldw)
Theo Wright (shak)
Theodore Clifford (kgca)
Theodore Davis (chco)
Theodore Giannakogiorgos (burn)
Thijs Johnston (taup)
Thom Simmons (gbhs)
Thomas Arscott (stbd)
Thomas Barrell (agsb)
Thomas Benny (jmcg)
Thomas Cotter (sldb)
Thomas Dobson (chco)
Thomas Flynn (ronc)
Thomas Fraser (camb)
Thomas Hall (kgca)
Thomas Leslie (trgb)
Thomas McCann (taka)
Thomas McDonald (stan)
Thomas McIntyre (stbd)
Thomas Murray (wlco)
Thomas Overy (agsb)
Thomas Reed (camb)
Thomas Russel (stan)
Thomas Ryan (obhs)
Thomas Young (obhs)
Tia Clark (crom)
Tiare Lambeth (mlbg)
Tim Edwards (shak)
Tim Hepburn (timb)
Timothy Heritage (cbhs)
Timothy Hughes (agsb)
Tina Stokes (taup)
Tindra Crossland (wkds)
Tine Louw (puke)
Tobi Oldham (ruth)
Tobias Sunter (stcc)
Toby Lennox (wncs)
Todd White (cbhs)
Tom Flavill (stan)
Tom Fraser (cbhs)
Tom Leonard (haur)
Tom Mills (stkt)
Tom Moffett (hasb)
Tom Mullally (duns)
Tom Murray (cbhs)
Tom Newton (shak)
Tom Parkin (taka)
Tom Russell (stpa)
Tom Scott (timb)
Tom Vincent (chco)
Tom Wild (gldw)
Tom Woelders (cbhs)
Tomas Broderick (gldw)
Tomas McCaffrey (hamb)
Tommy Glass (chco)
Tomos Hudgell (shak)
Toni Britow (wtlg)
Tony Chapman (jpcr)
Toria Clifford (howi)
Travis Cashmore (hamb)
Trent Marshall (macl)
Trent Sargent (teaw)
Troy Deakin (gbhs)
Tyler Guinea (wncs)
Tyler Stanley (shir)
Tyler Stewart (marn)
Tyrel McClelland (haur)
Tyrone Cox (ronc)
Tyson Lowry (hamb)
Ursula Crabtree (wlgc)
Vedran Ilich (shak)
Verity Andrews (dioc)
Veronica Bagley (puke)
Veronica Wall (ashb)
Victor Evans (trid)
Victor Hossbach (burn)
Victoria Chanwai (splh)
Victoria Edwards (wlgc)
Victoria Goodwin (shgh)
Victoria Shore (crai)
Victoria Voice (stmg)
Vinnie Hermann (sjhm)
Waldo Singleton (macl)
Wes Hitchcock (splh)
Whetu Meihana (eggs)
Will Chaffey (chco)
Will Edwards (jmcg)
Will Gilbert (cbhs)
Will Hausmann (wlco)
Will Healey (duns)
Will Mendiola (stbd)
Will O'Brien (stbd)
Will Turner (jmcg)
Willem Wylaars (stbd)
William Arrell (agsb)
William Koko (chco)
William Nicholas (hamb)
William Thomas (napb)
William Thompson (hamb)
William Topham (stcc)
Willis Dunshea (onsl)
Willow Johnston (gghs)
Wilson Murray (chco)
Wyatt Burrows (ashb)
Wynn Craven (hamb)
Xavier Bell (sptw)
Xavier Jones (camb)
Xavier Mohr (culi)
Xavier Smidt (shak)
Xavier Wright (verd)
Xavier Yates (shak)
Zac Cran (chco)
Zac Paterson (hamb)
Zac Riedel (tauh)
Zach Bargh (sptw)
Zach Hough (wlco)
Zach Mirfin (sldb)
Zachary Ellison (sjhm)
Zachary Knight (wtlb)
Zackary Rumble (stan)
Zak Healey (duns)
Zane Goggin (wlco)
Zara Ely (macl)
Zara Iqbal (stkt)
Zara Patete (wlgc)
Zaria Harding (wncs)
Zeah Brewer (wnhs)
Zinnia Price (stmg)
Zoe Borman (timg)
Zoe Coventry (wlgc)
Zoe Johnston (haur)
Zoe Leen (crai)
Zoe Levien (cghs)
Zoe Marais (macl)
Zoe Mercer (dioc)
Zoe Mercer (ncog)
Zoe Millar (eggs)
Zoe Smith (wlgc)
Zoe Stubbing (jpcr)
Zyean Cutler (hamb)
All coaches
Aaron Farr (macl)
Abby Roberts (camb)
Ags Coaching Team (agsb)
Al Tattersall (nelb)
Alan Cleaver (puke)
Alan McLean (otum)
Alastair Riddle (whhs)
Alastair Riddle (jpcr)
Alastair Riddle (rotl)
Alex Brown (mtal)
Alex Hyland (lytt)
Alex Hyland (gghs)
Alex Kite (camb)
Allen Loomb (teaw)
Aly Dickie (qmar)
Andrew Bird (htvh)
Andrew Blake (mlbg)
Andrew Jolly (waka)
Andrew Taylor (chco)
Anthony Berkers (camb)
Axel Dickinson (shlh)
Bara Coaching Team (bara)
Bella Smolnicki (qmar)
Ben Hammond (stkt)
Bradyn Watson (macl)
Brenda Lawson (tauh)
Brenda Lawson (taup)
Brendan Boreham (kgca)
Brent Dunshea (onsl)
Brett Henry (onew)
Brian Hawthorne (ruth)
Brian Smith (timb)
Brian Stephenson (ronc)
Bridget Hendry (sthi)
Brook Walker (wlco)
Bruce Holden (hamb)
Caleb Smith (scot)
Callum Ross (mtal)
Callum Wright (camb)
Carina Burgess (napg)
Carina Burgess (have)
Catherine Duffin (samu)
Cedric Bayly (iona)
Ceri Armit (sptw)
Cghs Coaching Team (cghs)
Charles Haggie (puke)
Chris Brake (rosm)
Chris Brake (rgtt)
Chris Goudie (stkt)
Chris Pearson (jpcr)
Chris Pearson (rotg)
Chris Pearson (whhs)
Chris Pearson (rotl)
Chris Sellars (chco)
Chris Williams (whgg)
Christie Davis (wegc)
Claire Harrison (wtlg)
Clive Steenson (teaw)
Connor Frahar (stan)
Connor Robinson (marn)
Conor Burns (kgca)
Conor Mercer (kgca)
Craig Bocock (kati)
Craig Bocock (bthc)
Dale Maher (stan)
Daniel Ryan (stcc)
Danielle Schofield (gldw)
Danny Young (sldg)
Dave Dudley (wnhs)
Dave Williamson (mlbb)
David Carr-Smith (scot)
David Lindstrom (wncs)
David Mackintosh (napg)
David Potts (teaw)
Dean Milne (crai)
Des Lock (wncs)
Dio Coaching Team (dioc)
Dion Blackmore (onsl)
Doc McDonald (napb)
Don Baron (hamb)
Don MacDonald (lind)
Don McDonald (have)
Dougal Macdonald (sldb)
Drew Tierney (sjhm)
Dudley Storey (howi)
Duncan By Deley (trgg)
Duncan Grant (camb)
Dylan Swain (camb)
Eddie Sullivan, Hayden Soper (stbd)
Ella Campbell (wtlg)
Ella Fitzsimons (vill)
Ellie Dowse (stpc)
Emily Caldwell (stln)
Epernay Norman (taka)
Epernay's Norman (taka)
Epsom Coaching Team (eggs)
Evan Hamlet (huan)
Fiona McKay (stbd)
Gabrielle Peach (waka)
Geoff McCrostie (ronc)
Geoff Perry (stkt)
George Keys (stan)
Gideon Lessing (puke)
Glen Reichardt (jpcr)
Glen Reichardt (whhs)
Glenn Ross (hamb)
Graham Smith (gldw)
Graham Watt (whak)
Graham Watt (trid)
Guy Williams (stkt)
Hamilton Girls' Coaching Team (hamg)
Hamish Morton (duns)
Hannah Starnes (ncog)
Hauraki Coaching Team (haur)
Hayden Cohen (cash)
Hayden Shaw (stln)
Henry Morrow (kgca)
Henry Smith (chco)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (stmw)
Ivana Giacon (marn)
Jack Collin (ncog)
Jack Shuttleworth (stpc)
Jacob Merwood (mtal)
Jacqueline Chang (stkt)
Jaime Macfie (hlcr)
Jaimee Harrison (timg)
Jakob Scotts-Bahle (onsl)
James Lilley (shir)
Jamie McKenzie (obhs)
Jamie Vou (timb)
Janey Wackrow (stpc)
Jared Cummings (onsl)
Jarod Fleming (sjhm)
Jason Williams (nplb)
Jason Williams (fran)
Jeff Johnson (trgg)
Jemima Hylton (stpc)
Jeremy Coxon (lind)
Jim Matchett (tekc)
Jo Kearney (scot)
Jock Mackintosh (lind)
Jock Mackintosh (have)
Jodi Haskell (nplb)
Jodi Haskell (fran)
Joe Barclay (stan)
Joe Bennion (nelb)
Joe Findlay (sldb)
Joe Findley (verd)
John Frampton (waka)
John Lawrence (macl)
John Parnell (kava)
John Parnell (ttai)
John Robinson (ncog)
Jordan Stanley (wtlb)
Josh Dolan (shir)
Josh Everitt (gldw)
Josh Everritt (gldw)
Josh Schmidt (gldw)
Josh Wedlake (stpc)
Justin Wall (ashb)
Karen Adams (chco)
Karen Verwey (stpc)
Kaye Surgenor (nelb)
Keith Hibberd (howi)
Kelly Hamilton (trgg)
Kelly Pinfold (fras)
Kendal Everest (avsg)
Kevin Meates (vill)
Kiersten Dehaven (hlcr)
Kim O'Neill (stmw)
Kirsty Back (wncs)
Kylee Corboy (timb)
Lance O'Brien (wnhs)
Lauen Farnden (sthi)
Lauren Farnden (sthi)
Lauren Temple (onsl)
Leith Menzies (kgca)
Lily Millett (gldw)
Lisa Owen (stan)
Logan Walters (stln)
Loveday Yeoman (roto)
Lua Tuiomanufili (sptw)
Luke Jenkins (gbhs)
Mags Coaching Team (mtal)
Mark (mlbg)
Mark Clemo (macl)
Mark Day (verd)
Mark Day (jhar)
Mark James (mlbg)
Matt Hill (trid)
Matt Hill (whak)
Matt Lawson (napb)
Matt Lilley (marn)
Matthew Adam (colu)
Maurice Maxwell (wlco)
Megan Laas (vill)
Michael Berry (onsl)
Michael Goldsmith (jmcg)
Michael Hawthorne (ruth)
Michael Tielemans (stln)
Michael Tielemans (smco)
Mike McManaway (mlbg)
Mike Ruiterman (puke)
Mike Ruiterman (onew)
Mike Stanley (wtlb)
Mike Trautvetter (lind)
Mitchell Parks (jmcg)
Mr Owen Gould (wtkb)
Natalie Matheson (colu)
Nathan Wallace (wegc)
Nick Hanna (bthc)
Nick Lloyd (kgca)
Norm Charlton (stpc)
Ollie Behrent (waka)
Owen Gould (stkv)
P Benny (jmcg)
Pat McQuinn (stcc)
Pat Nichol (onsl)
Paul Clinton (bthc)
Pete Benny (jmcg)
Peter Abbot (went)
Peter Fraser (camb)
Peter Mason (stkt)
Peter O'Connor (avsg)
Peter Smith (wnhs)
Rachael Turnbull (jhar)
Rachel Gamble-Flint (samu)
Rebecca Green (camb)
Rex Jones (ngta)
Rex Ryan (sldg)
Rob Ansell (went)
Rob Bruce (mtas)
Rob Nichols (trgg)
Robin Clarke (hamb)
Robin Crooks (stpc)
Ron Neighbour (stln)
Rory Accorsi (macl)
Ross Collinge (htvh)
Ross Lindstrom (stan)
Ross Webb (tmth)
Roy Pickard (qmar)
Russell Everett (sldg)
Russell Jenkins (jhar)
Ryan Wild (fras)
Sacred Heart Coaching Team (shak)
Sam Whitburn (hamb)
Sandy Stuart (camb)
Sarah Lindley (burn)
Sbc Coaching Team (stbd)
Scott Gundesen (huan)
Sean Durkin (wlco)
Sean McVerry (sjhm)
Sean O'Neill (mlbb)
Sheldon Carr (samu)
Shgc Coaching Team (shgh)
Sigrid Davis (howi)
Simon Smith (duns)
Sophie Wilson (stkt)
St Bedes's Coaching Team (stbd)
St. Peter's Coaching Team (stpa)
Stacey Tamblin (whhs)
Stacey Tamblin (rotg)
Stacey Tamblin (jpcr)
Stacey Tamblin (rotl)
Star Coaching Team (wegc)
Stc Coaches (stcc)
Stcc Coaches (stcc)
Steph Taylor (samu)
Sue O'Callaghan (taka)
Ted Phelps (otum)
Tim Logan (wegc)
Tim Osmers (shir)
Tim Parker (aote)
Tim Parker (kapi)
Toby Patton (otum)
Toby Patton (bthc)
Tom Ferguson (taka)
Tom Moore (macl)
Tony Bone (wood)
Tony Bone (iona)
Trc Coaching Team (aqui)
Trc Coaching Team (mtma)
Trc Coaching Team (trgb)
Tufi Sele (onsl)
Tyler Scott (wncs)
Ubc Coaches (culi)
Ubc Coaches (wngc)
Waikato Dio Coaching Team (wkds)
Warrick Fowlie (onsl)
Wayne Asplin (teaw)
Wbhs Coaching Team (wtlb)
Wgc Coaching Team (wlgc)
Will Young (gldw)
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