PPCS Maadi

Tauranga Girls College's strip

Tauranga Girls College

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3womens U19 coxless pair

Sponsored by: Cuthbert Stewart Industries Ltd
Crew: TRGG 1 - Tasha McCarthy (stroke) | Chloe Reeve
Coach - Lance Stowe
Crew: TRGG 2 - Casie Anthony (stroke) | Brooke Vosper
Coach - Angela Moroney

8girls U17 8+

Sponsored by: Scottwood Trust
Crew: TRGG 1 - Chloe Jarrett (stroke) | Lucy Telfar | Rebecca Love | Emily Gilbert | Gemma Trask | Erin Saunders | Monique MacFarlane | Tessa Renton + Brigitte Simmons (cox)
Coach - David Clayton-Greene

10girls U19 coxed four (L)

Sponsored by: Logotech - Tauranga
Crew: TRGG 1 - Jessica Lowe (stroke) | Nicola Wood | Harriet Johns | Rebecca Robb + Bronwyn Cambridge (cox)
Coach - Angela Moroney

15girls U16 double sculls

Sponsored by: Friends of Karapiro
Crew: TRGG 1 - Rochelle Farmer (stroke) | Katrina Armstrong
Coach - Lance Stowe

18womens U19 1X

Sponsored by: Concept 2
Crew: TRGG 1 - Charlotte Smith
Coach - Angela Moroney

19girls U15 double sculls

Sponsored by: Cambridge Timber & Hardware Ltd - Mitre 10
Crew: TRGG 1 - Sophie Baxter (stroke) | Kirsty Baxter
Coach - John Frires

22girls U17 2X

Sponsored by: Marinetech - Cambridge
Crew: TRGG 1 - Tamsin Gilbert (stroke) | Michelle Managh
Coach - Lance Stowe
Crew: TRGG 2 - Kayla Lang (stroke) | Claire O'Neill
Coach - Angela Moroney

24girls U16 coxed eight

Sponsored by: Cuthbert Stewart Industries Ltd
Crew: TRGG 1 - Chloe Jarrett (stroke) | Lucy Telfar | Rebecca Love | Emily Gilbert | Nicola Wood | Erin Saunders | Monique MacFarlane | Tessa Renton + Brigitte Simmons (cox)
Coach - David Clayton-Greene

27girls U15 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: Steve & Glenda Saunders The Omnia Group
Crew: TRGG 1 - Chloe Jarrett (stroke) | Emily Gilbert | Erin Saunders | Nicola Wood + Brigitte Simmons (cox)
Coach - David Clayton-Greene
Crew: TRGG 2 - Sophie Baxter (stroke) | Kirsty Baxter | Joanna Winslade | Kathryn Lees + Desiree George (cox)
Coach - John Frires
Crew: TRGG 3 - Emma Williams (stroke) | Rosie Potter | Alice Berry | Briar Hughes + Elizabeth Speed (cox)
Coach - John Frires

31girls U16 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: Orbit Corporate Travel - Auckland
Crew: TRGG 1 - Tessa Renton (stroke) | Gemma Trask | Rebecca Love | Lucy Telfar + Bronwyn Cambridge (cox)
Coach - David Clayton-Greene

34womens U19 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: P & O Nedlloyd
Crew: TRGG 1 - Tasha McCarthy (stroke) | Tamsin Gilbert | Michelle Managh | Chloe Reeve + Michelle Taylor (cox)
Coach - Lance Stowe
Crew: TRGG 2 - Rebecca Robb (stroke) | Casie Anthony | Brooke Vosper | Charlotte Smith + Kimberley Robinson (cox)
Coach - Angela Moroney

35girls U17 coxed four (N)

Sponsored by: Steelbro NZ Ltd
Crew: TRGG 1 - Emma Williams (stroke) | Rosie Potter | Alice Berry | Briar Hughes + Desiree George (cox)
Coach - John Frires

38girls U17 4X+

Sponsored by: Mighty River Power
Crew: TRGG 1 - Rochelle Farmer (stroke) | Anna Holland | Katrina Armstrong | Sophie Collin + Bronwyn Cambridge (cox)
Coach - Lance Stowe

39girls U15 coxed four

Sponsored by: Fisher & Paykel Appliances Ltd
Crew: TRGG 1 - Cassandra Managh (stroke) | Lillian Clayton-Greene | Stacey O'Neill | Jess Emerson + Kimberley Robinson (cox)
Coach - Jon Brady
Crew: TRGG 2 - Samantha Bailey (stroke) | Kensie Phillips | Tracee Scott | Rose Binney + Elizabeth Speed (cox)
Coach - Jon Brady
Crew: TRGG 3 - Claire Callard (stroke) | Jodie Hewitt | Emily Bryce | Amber-Leigh Jones + Desiree George (cox)
Coach - John Frires

41womens U19 8+

Sponsored by: PPCS




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