Christmas Regatta

St Kentigern College Rowing Club's strip

St Kentigern College Rowing Club

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6girls U17 4+

Sponsored by: Just Horse'n Around

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Miabella Robertshaw (stroke) | India Nichols | Zoe Taylor | Isabella Mills + Charles McRobie (cox)
Coach - Loveday Yeoman
Crew: SKEC 1 - Henry Sutton (stroke) | Connor Mackie | Monty Neubert | Zac Woods | Joshua Irwin | Benjamin Rickard | Ethan Lao | Dylan Robinson + James Nicholson (cox)
Coaches - Hamish Mackie | Lewis Green

11girls U15 4X+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Sophie Sayer (stroke) | Keeley Bannister | Samantha Lum | Holly van der Mescht + Chloe Zeng (cox)
Coaches - Sarah Mackie | Lewis Green
  • Heat 4: placed 3rd (8:57.08)
Crew: SKEC 2 - Katie Hannan (stroke) | Gabriella Lamb | Keira Johnston | Eva Letcher + Isabel Gilbert (cox)
Coaches - Maddie Donely | Lewis Green

13boys U18 2-

Sponsored by: Defence Force Careers

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

  • Heat 1: placed 5th (7:39.56)
Crew: SKEC 1 - Nathan Kini (stroke) | Lachlan Wallace
Coach - Marty O'Brien
  • Heat 2: placed 5th (7:36.55)
Crew: SKEC 2 - Max Irwin (stroke) | Bruno Tebbutt
Coach - Marty O'Brien

15girls U18 2X

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Rosie Smith (stroke) | Zara Nelson
Coach - Loveday Yeoman

17boys U16 4X+

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Charles Hatherley (stroke) | Callum Nelson | Fletcher Clark | Angus Forrest + James Nicholson (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey
  • Heat 2: placed 5th (7:39.01)
Crew: SKEC 2 - James Guthrie (stroke) | Issac Sulu-Kiripati | Harrison Connell | Charlie Sheppard + Jessica Rankin-Mills (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey

20girls U16 1X

Sponsored by: Just Horse'n Around

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Olive Montgomerie
Coach - Loveday Yeoman

24girls U17 4X+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Zahra Abeysekera (stroke) | Cilla Fa'afua | Emma Mackie | Zoe Taylor + Charles McRobie (cox)
Coach - Loveday Yeoman

27boys U15 8X+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Henry Sutton (stroke) | Connor Mackie | Monty Neubert | Zac Woods | Joshua Irwin | Benjamin Rickard | Ethan Lao | George Hill + Harry Gardner (cox)
Coaches - Sarah Mackie | Lewis Green

29womens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Crewroom

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Jessica Rankin-Mills (stroke) | Emily Qian | Annabel Goudie | Shavaun Harvey + Chloe Zeng (cox)
Coach - Zoe Mills

30boys U18 4X+

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Finn Buckley (stroke) | Nathan Kini | Samuel White | Lachlan Wallace + Oliver Walsh (cox)
Coach - Marty O'Brien

32girls U18 2-

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (8:50.70)
Crew: SKEC 1 - Rosie Smith (stroke) | Zara Nelson
Coach - Loveday Yeoman
Crew: SKEC 2 - Miabella Robertshaw (stroke) | India Nichols
Coach - Loveday Yeoman

34boys U16 4+

Sponsored by: Fresh Choice Supermarket Leamington

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - James Knottenbelt (stroke) | Henry Morgan | Loukas Constantopoulos | Joey Zhang + Ethan Platt (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey
Crew: SKEC 2 - James Guthrie (stroke) | Charles Hatherley | Charlie Sheppard | Callum Nelson + James Nicholson (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey

36womens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: Fastest 8->A Final; Next Fastest 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Emelia Pulman (stroke) | Kate Slyfield | Isabella Mills | Shavaun Harvey + Isabel Gilbert (cox)
Coach - Lewis Green
  • Heat 3: placed 4th (9:20.35)
Crew: SKEC 2 - Ella Shaw (stroke) | Gabriella Lamb | Samantha Lum | Eva Letcher + Chloe Zeng (cox)
Coaches - Maddie Donely | Lewis Green

38mens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: NZ Community Trust

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (8:00.96)
Crew: SKEC 1 - James Guthrie (stroke) | Fletcher Clark | Harrison Connell | Issac Sulu-Kiripati + Charles McRobie (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey

44girls U15 8X+

Sponsored by: Get More Kit

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Eva Letcher (stroke) | Katie Hannan | Kate Slyfield | Keeley Bannister | Samantha Lum | Holly van der Mescht | Sophie Sayer | Ella Shaw + Isabel Gilbert (cox)
Coaches - Sarah Mackie | Lewis Green

52girls U16 4X+

Sponsored by: Crewroom

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Jessica Rankin-Mills (stroke) | Emily Qian | Annabel Goudie | Emelia Pulman + Chloe Zeng (cox)
Coach - Zoe Mills

53mens Int 1X

Sponsored by: Kaz - Design. Brand. Web.

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Finn Buckley
Coach - Marty O'Brien

60boys U18 1X

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Lachlan Wallace
Coach - Marty O'Brien

68boys U15 4X+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1->A Final + 3 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Connor Mackie (stroke) | Monty Neubert | Zac Woods | Joshua Irwin + James Nicholson (cox)
Coaches - Maddie Donely | Lewis Green
  • Heat 5: placed 5th (8:13.04)
Crew: SKEC 2 - Henry Sutton (stroke) | Dylan Robinson | Ethan Lao | George Hill + Harry Gardner (cox)
Coaches - Sarah Mackie | Lewis Green

70boys U17 4+

Sponsored by: New World Cambridge

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

  • Heat 1: placed 6th (7:11.50)
Crew: SKEC 1 - Henry Chafer (stroke) | Freddy Hitchcock | Max Irwin | Eden Mead + Oliver Walsh (cox)
Coach - Marty O'Brien

71girls U16 4+

Sponsored by: Footloose Cambridge

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Jessica Rankin-Mills (stroke) | Emily Qian | Emelia Pulman | Annabel Goudie + Isabel Gilbert (cox)
Coach - Zoe Mills

74boys U16 8+

Sponsored by: Kebabelicious

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - James Knottenbelt (stroke) | Joey Zhang | Callum Nelson | Henry Morgan | Loukas Constantopoulos | Angus Forrest | Charles Hatherley | Fletcher Clark + Ethan Platt (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey

79girls U18 4X+

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final

  • Heat 2: placed 6th (8:37.21)
Crew: SKEC 1 - Rosie Smith (stroke) | Zara Nelson | Emma Mackie | Olive Montgomerie + Charles McRobie (cox)
Coach - Loveday Yeoman

84boys U18 2X

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Finn Buckley (stroke) | Henry Sutton
Coach - Marty O'Brien

87mens Int 4+

Sponsored by: Mitre 10 MEGA Cambridge
Crew: SKEC 1 - Henry Morgan (stroke) | Joey Zhang | Max Irwin | Angus Forrest + Ethan Platt (cox)
Coaches - Chris Goudie | Stella Cressey

88girls U17 2X

Sponsored by: S L Racing

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 2 - Zahra Abeysekera (stroke) | Cilla Fa'afua
Coach - Loveday Yeoman
Crew: SKEC 1 - Sophie Sayer (stroke) | Katie Hannan | Kate Slyfield | Holly van der Mescht | Ella Shaw | Gabriella Lamb | Keira Johnston | Keeley Bannister + Chloe Zeng (cox)
Coaches - Sarah Mackie | Lewis Green

91boys U17 4X+

Sponsored by: NZ Community Trust

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Henry Chafer (stroke) | Eden Mead | Samuel White | Bruno Tebbutt + Oliver Walsh (cox)
Coach - Marty O'Brien

94boys U16 1X

Sponsored by: ONYX CAFÉ

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 NF; NF 8->B Final

Crew: SKEC 1 - Freddy Hitchcock
Coach - Marty O'Brien




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