Christmas Regatta

Westlake Boys High School's strip

Westlake Boys High School

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7boys U15 2X

Sponsored by: Crewroom

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: NSHC 11 - Julian Wahlmann (stroke) | Leo Durbin
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira

10boys U18 2-

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 2: placed 5th (8:01.25)
Crew: NSHC 11 - Gregory Severin (stroke) | James Jury
Crew: NSHC 12 - Connor Chatfield (stroke) | Finn Hoban

14boys U16 4X+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Crew: NSHC 11 - William Choi (stroke) | Aaron Bhuju | Simon Geertsema | Dylan Bush + Alan Angelo (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira
  • Heat 1: placed 4th (7:55.72)
Crew: NSHC 12 - Daniel Dunphy (stroke) | James Barnett | Joe Driver | Noah Henderson + Aden Angelo (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira
  • Heat 3: placed 6th (8:20.27)
Crew: NSHC 13 - Jack Martin (stroke) | Julian Wahlmann | Leo Durbin | Joseph Dennis + James Bosley (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira

15mens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Top Notch Calves

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (9:30.07)
Crew: NSHC 11 - Fletcher Harrison (stroke) | Zavier Curry | Lucas Peters | Angus Koolen + Liam Veldman (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson

20boys U17 8+

Sponsored by: New World Cambridge
Crew: NSHC 11 - Jacob Lean (stroke) | Ashton Brotherson | Oliver Durbin | Clark Offwood | Logan McAvoy | Alexanda Bruce | Christopher Simkin | Tadhg Farac + Nikolaos Matiatos (cox)
Coaches - Hannah Kennedy | Jake Jones

22boys U15 8X+

Sponsored by: Rob Bristow - rowing images

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: NSHC 11 - Alexander Jones (stroke) | Quinn Wiltshire | Jeet Patel | Matthew Young | Cody Butler | Luka Emidio | Joel Blijlevens | Fletcher Harrison + Alexander McGill (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson
  • Heat 2: placed 7th (8:57.52)
Crew: NSHC 12 - Cooper Howden-Waugh (stroke) | Kincaid Baxter | Adam Grapengiesser | Zavier Curry | Liam Harding | Lucas Peters | Leo Goodall | Angus Koolen + Tyler Bray (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson

26boys U18 4X+

Sponsored by: Five Stags Leamington Tavern

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

  • Heat 2: placed 6th (7:38.60)

30boys U16 4+

Sponsored by: Leigh Judd Law

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: NSHC 11 - Cruz Erdmann (stroke) | Leo Ranson | Jett Williams | Alex Logan + Aden Angelo (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira

39boys U15 8+

Sponsored by: Wintech Racing

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: NSHC 11 - Thomas Link (stroke) | Quinn Wiltshire | Ryan Haves | Robert Iuoras | Matthew Young | Alexander Jones | Luka Emidio | Jeet Patel + Leroy Bawden (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson

40boys U18 4+

Sponsored by: The University of Auckland

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

42mens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Fresh Choice Supermarket Leamington

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 3: placed 5th (8:28.61)

47boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: Comins Pharmacy

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 4: placed 7th (9:47.04)
Crew: NSHC 11 - Julian Wahlmann (stroke) | Jack Martin

58boys U15 4X+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 3: placed 7th (10:27.24)
Crew: NSHC 11 - Lucas Peters (stroke) | Zavier Curry | Leo Goodall | Angus Koolen + Tyler Bray (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson

61boys U17 4+

Sponsored by: Tree Town Kitchens

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: NSHC 11 - Ashton Brotherson (stroke) | Clark Offwood | Oliver Durbin | Logan McAvoy + Joaquin Umali (cox)
Coaches - Hannah Kennedy | Jake Jones
Crew: NSHC 12 - Jacob Lean (stroke) | Christopher Simkin | Tadhg Farac | Benjamin Sumner + Samuel Couch (cox)
Coaches - Hannah Kennedy | Jake Jones
Crew: NSHC 13 - Liam Reader (stroke) | Arno Reinecke | Connor Wiltshire | Jack Harrison + Henry Bishop (cox)
Coaches - Hannah Kennedy | Jake Jones

62mens Nov 4+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

Crew: NSHC 11 - Cooper Howden-Waugh (stroke) | Mikyle Fonagy | Joseph Dennis | Oliver Stuart + Leroy Bawden (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson
Crew: NSHC 12 - Thomas Link (stroke) | Alexander Jones | Luka Emidio | Jeet Patel + Liam Veldman (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson
Crew: NSHC 13 - Ryan Haves (stroke) | Robert Iuoras | Kincaid Baxter | Cody Butler + Alexander McGill (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson

67boys U16 8+

Sponsored by: Crewroom
Crew: NSHC 11 - Alex Logan (stroke) | Cruz Erdmann | Leo Ranson | Jett Williams | Simon Geertsema | Teodor Morris-Mandell | Alexanda Bruce | Dylan Bush + Aden Angelo (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira
Crew: NSHC 12 - Julian Wahlmann (stroke) | William Choi | James Barnett | Daniel Dunphy | Noah Henderson | Joe Driver | Aaron Bhuju | Jack Martin + James Bosley (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira

72boys U18 2X

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 3: placed 3rd (8:29.43)
Crew: NSHC 11 - Milarn Monk (stroke) | Nicholas Dean
  • Heat 1: placed 7th (9:00.72)
Crew: NSHC 12 - Matthew Hancock (stroke) | Mitchell Harding

77boys U15 4+

Sponsored by: Wintech Racing

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: NSHC 11 - Thomas Link (stroke) | Robert Iuoras | Ryan Haves | Quinn Wiltshire + Tyler Bray (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson
Crew: NSHC 12 - Matthew Young (stroke) | Oliver Stuart | Joseph Dennis | Cody Butler + Leroy Bawden (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson
  • Heat 4: placed 5th (9:39.68)
Crew: NSHC 13 - Fletcher Harrison (stroke) | Adam Grapengiesser | Liam Harding | Joel Blijlevens + Alexander McGill (cox)
Coaches - Mark Clemo | Lucy Anderson

78mens Club 1X

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: NSHC 2 - Callum Booth
Coach - Patrick Davenport

81mens Int 8X+

Sponsored by: Just Horse'n Around
Crew: NSHC 11 - Leo Durbin (stroke) | William Choi | Aaron Bhuju | James Barnett | Daniel Dunphy | Noah Henderson | Dylan Bush | Simon Geertsema + Alan Angelo (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira

87boys U17 4X+

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (7:49.98)
  • Heat 1: placed 5th (7:45.26)

89mens Int 4+

Sponsored by: Get More Kit

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

Crew: NSHC 11 - Cruz Erdmann (stroke) | Leo Ranson | Jett Williams | Alex Logan + Aden Angelo (cox)
Coaches - Anna Stanley | Campbell Teixeira

96boys U18 8+

Sponsored by: The University of Auckland

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated




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