Christmas Regatta

St Johns College (Hamilton)'s strip

St Johns College (Hamilton)

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1boys U17 1X

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SJHM 1 - Reuben Lovell
Coach - Martyn Oleary

4mens Nov 2X

Sponsored by: Mitre 10 MEGA Cambridge

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

Crew: SJHM 1 - Jake Chapman (stroke) | Jack Pitchford
Coach - Alex Andersen
  • Heat 3: placed 7th (10:34.54)
Crew: SJHM 2 - Blake Taylor (stroke) | Jamie Mills
Coach - Sean Birdling

7boys U15 2X

Sponsored by: Crewroom

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SJHM 1 - Charlie Squire (stroke) | Joel Birdling
Coach - Sean Birdling

14boys U16 4X+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 5: placed 5th (8:02.61)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Dylan Singh (stroke) | Mathieson McCarthny | Ben Deason | Antoneo van Deursen + Tawera Marsh (cox)
Coach - Martyn Oleary

15mens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Top Notch Calves

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Crew: SJHM 1 - Lache Matafeo (stroke) | Hamish Wilke | Mason Smith | Blake Taylor + Noah Turner (cox)
Coach - Sean Birdling
  • Heat 2: placed 4th (8:56.10)
Crew: SJHM 2 - Taurean Matafeo (stroke) | Jonathan Langley | Rylan Toni | Jamie Mills + Bradley Kingma (cox)
Coach - Alex Andersen

30boys U16 4+

Sponsored by: Leigh Judd Law

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

  • Heat 2: placed 5th (8:57.58)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Dylan Singh (stroke) | Mathieson McCarthny | Joel Birdling | Charlie Squire + Tawera Marsh (cox)
Coach - Alex Andersen
  • Heat 2: placed 7th (9:30.67)
Crew: SJHM 2 - Antoneo van Deursen (stroke) | Ben Deason | Hamish Wilke | Mohnish Singh + Bradley Kingma (cox)
Coach - Martyn Oleary

34boys U17 2X

Sponsored by: Goldsmiths Gallery

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (9:58.37)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Reuben Lovell (stroke) | Flynn Ward-Allen
Coach - Martyn Oleary

42mens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Fresh Choice Supermarket Leamington

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: SJHM 1 - Jake Chapman (stroke) | Jack Pitchford | Hugo Downey | Jack Hallifax + Tawera Marsh (cox)
Coach - Sean Birdling
  • Heat 3: placed 8th (9:23.10)
Crew: SJHM 2 - Hamish Wilke (stroke) | Joel Birdling | Jonathan Langley | Mohnish Singh + Noah Turner (cox)
Coach - Alex Andersen

47boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: Comins Pharmacy

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Crew: SJHM 1 - Antoneo van Deursen (stroke) | Ben Deason
Coach - Martyn Oleary
Crew: SJHM 2 - Dylan Singh (stroke) | Charlie Squire
Coach - Alex Andersen

51boys U18 1X

Sponsored by: The University of Waikato

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

  • Heat 1: placed 5th (9:13.13)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Hugo Downey
Coach - Alex Andersen

58boys U15 4X+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Crew: SJHM 1 - Charlie Squire (stroke) | Joel Birdling | Mason Smith | Lache Matafeo + Bradley Kingma (cox)
Coach - Sean Birdling
  • Heat 4: placed 6th (9:58.77)
Crew: SJHM 2 - Taurean Matafeo (stroke) | Rylan Toni | Jamie Mills | Blake Taylor + Noah Turner (cox)
Coach - Sean Birdling

62mens Nov 4+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

Crew: SJHM 1 - Hamish Wilke (stroke) | Jake Chapman | Jack Pitchford | Jonathan Langley + Tawera Marsh (cox)
Coach - Alex Andersen

75mens Int 2X

Sponsored by: Fresh Choice Supermarket Leamington

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 4: placed 6th (9:34.36)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Jack Hallifax (stroke) | Flynn Ward-Allen
Coach - Martyn Oleary

77boys U15 4+

Sponsored by: Wintech Racing

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 2: placed 5th (10:04.25)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Lache Matafeo (stroke) | Taurean Matafeo | Mason Smith | Rylan Toni + Noah Turner (cox)
Coach - Sean Birdling

87boys U17 4X+

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 2: placed 6th (8:09.74)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Reuben Lovell (stroke) | Flynn Ward-Allen | Jack Hallifax | Mohnish Singh + Bradley Kingma (cox)
Coach - Martyn Oleary

92boys U16 1X

Sponsored by: Goldsmiths Gallery

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 1: placed 6th (8:58.49)
Crew: SJHM 1 - Mathieson McCarthny
Coach - Alex Andersen




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