Christmas Regatta

Onslow College's strip

Onslow College

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1boys U17 1X

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Crew: ONSL 1 - Joshua Clark
Coach - Jason Theobald
Crew: ONSL 2 - Ryan Calvert
Coach - Jason Theobald

3womens Int 2X

Sponsored by: Just Horse'n Around

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (10:14.83)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Jane Lockhart (stroke) | Ana Dudley
Coaches - Paul Smart | Brent Dunshea

7boys U15 2X

Sponsored by: Concept 2

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: ONSL 1 - Liam Williams (stroke) | Joshua Elwood
Coach - Jason Theobald

8girls U15 4X+

Sponsored by: Wintech Racing

Heats: 1+2F2->A Final; R2+4F3->B Final

  • Heat 5: placed 8th (11:21.07)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Ellen Hammond (stroke) | Allegra Lennard | Nikita Godfrey-Billy | Artemisia Redgrave + Amber Hinkley (cox)
Coach - Georgia Henderson

9mens Club 2X

Sponsored by: New World Cambridge

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 6th (7:42.32)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Mark Cunningham (stroke) | Leon Dudley
Coach - Jason Theobald

13girls U18 2X

Sponsored by: Fresh Balance Catering

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 2: placed 5th (9:26.32)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Teneka Te Moananui (stroke) | Lucy Dunshea
Coaches - Brent Dunshea | Paul Smart
  • Heat 4: placed 7th (10:31.66)
Crew: ONSL 2 - Rose Holden (stroke) | Jane Lockhart
Coaches - Paul Smart | Brent Dunshea

16girls U16 1X

Sponsored by: Footloose

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Crew: ONSL 1 - Ana Dudley
Coaches - Paul Smart | Brent Dunshea
  • Heat 2: placed 6th (10:26.80)
Crew: ONSL 2 - Rose Smart
Coaches - Brent Dunshea | Paul Smart

24girls U15 4+

Sponsored by: Podium Lodge

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: ONSL 1 - Ellen Hammond (stroke) | Artemisia Redgrave | Beth Forgan | Laila Patchett + Amber Hinkley (cox)
Coach - Georgia Henderson

28girls U18 2-

Sponsored by: Waikato River Authority

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (10:29.96)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Bella Gauld (stroke) | Lucy Dunshea
Coaches - Brent Dunshea | Paul Smart

29mens Int 8+

Sponsored by: Z Huntly
Crew: ONS* 2 - Fraser Bailey (stroke) | Lucca Mansfield | Finn McKeefry | Guy Curry-Stanton | Tyler Florance | Jamie Reardon | Luke Schicker | Jack Duignan + Stephen Clarke (cox)
Coaches - Finlay Sherlock | Jared Cummings

30boys U16 4+

Sponsored by: FreedomRow NZ

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: ONSL 1 - Sean MacKiewicz (stroke) | Daniel Dolan | Morgan Smart | Jacob Butel + Isaac Living (cox)
Coach - Jason Theobald

32womens Nov 4X+

Sponsored by: Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd

Heats: 1->FA+1F2; R2->FB+2F3

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (11:35.89)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Allegra Lennard (stroke) | Nikita Godfrey-Billy | Beth Forgan | Laila Patchett + Amber Hinkley (cox)
Coach - Georgia Henderson

34boys U17 2X

Sponsored by: Just Horse'n Around

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 5: placed 5th (7:58.98)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Joshua Clark (stroke) | Ryan Calvert
Coach - Jason Theobald

35girls U17 1X

Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 3: placed 6th (10:47.47)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Bella Gauld
Coaches - Brent Dunshea | Paul Smart

39boys U15 8+

Sponsored by: Concept 2

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: ONSL 1 - Liam Williams (stroke) | Joshua Elwood | Jack Jordan | Jan Munroe | Sam Cooper | Oliver Southall | Oliver Mackiewicz | Alex Sawyer + Tarek Patchett (cox)
Coaches - Finlay Sherlock | Jared Cummings

41mens Nov 8+

Sponsored by: Wintech Racing

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (8:25.41)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Oliver Mackiewicz (stroke) | Luke Schicker | Jack Jordan | Jan Munroe | Guy Curry-Stanton | Alex Sawyer | Sam Cooper | Jamie Reardon + Stephen Clarke (cox)
Coaches - Finlay Sherlock | Jared Cummings

42mens Int 4X+

Sponsored by: Design Signs

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (8:43.53)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Zac Woods (stroke) | Zach Pitchforth | Mason Forsyth | Maximilian Te Moananui + Tarek Patchett (cox)
Coach - Jason Theobald

47boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: Five Stags Leamington Tavern

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (8:58.14)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Jacob Butel (stroke) | Morgan Smart
Coach - Jason Theobald
  • Heat 2: placed 7th (9:37.35)
Crew: ONSL 2 - Daniel Gorrie (stroke) | Thomas Signal
Coach - Jason Theobald

50girls U18 1X

Sponsored by: helloworld, Cambridge

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

Crew: ONSL 1 - Lucy Dunshea
Coach - Brent Dunshea

51boys U18 1X

Sponsored by: The University of Auckland

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 2: placed 6th (9:10.99)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Leon Dudley
Coach - Jason Theobald

53girls U15 2X

Sponsored by: Lakeview Lodge

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 4: placed 7th (12:49.59)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Ellen Hammond (stroke) | Allegra Lennard
Coach - Georgia Henderson

61boys U17 4+

Sponsored by: Kebabelicious

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Crew: ONSL 1 - Joshua Clark (stroke) | Ryan Calvert | Sean MacKiewicz | Daniel Dolan + Isaac Living (cox)
Coach - Jason Theobald

66womens Nov 4+

Sponsored by: Goldsmiths Gallery

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 7th (12:04.81)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Artemisia Redgrave (stroke) | Ellen Hammond | Beth Forgan | Laila Patchett + Amber Hinkley (cox)
Coach - Georgia Henderson

67boys U16 8+

Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats

Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

  • Heat 1: placed 5th (8:24.47)
  • Heat 2: placed 6th (9:23.26)
Crew: ONSL 2 - Sam Cooper (stroke) | Oliver Mackiewicz | Jack Jordan | Guy Curry-Stanton | Oliver Southall | Jamie Reardon | Luke Schicker | Alex Sawyer + Stephen Clarke (cox)
Coaches - Finlay Sherlock | Jared Cummings

72boys U18 2X

Sponsored by: New World Cambridge

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 1: placed 6th (8:48.39)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Mark Cunningham (stroke) | Leon Dudley
Coach - Jason Theobald

82girls U16 2X

Sponsored by: helloworld, Cambridge

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

  • Heat 2: placed 6th (9:39.44)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Rose Holden (stroke) | Ana Dudley
Coaches - Paul Smart | Brent Dunshea

86girls U17 2X

Sponsored by: Mitre 10 MEGA Cambridge

Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Crew: ONSL 1 - Bella Gauld (stroke) | Rose Smart
Coaches - Brent Dunshea | Paul Smart

87boys U17 4X+

Sponsored by: MobiComm Ltd

Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd

  • Heat 2: placed 7th (9:00.69)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Zac Woods (stroke) | Zach Pitchforth | Mason Forsyth | Maximilian Te Moananui + Stephen Clarke (cox)
Coach - Jason Theobald

92boys U16 1X

Sponsored by: Kebabelicious

Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

  • Heat 4: placed 6th (9:43.40)
Crew: ONSL 1 - Sean MacKiewicz
Coach - Jason Theobald
  • Heat 2: placed 7th (10:19.53)
Crew: ONSL 2 - Daniel Dolan
Coach - Jason Theobald




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