Christmas Regatta

Auckland Rowing Club
- Showing all of this club's results
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Event 1: boys U17 1X
Sponsored by: Oarthentic Oars Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final
Coach - Michael Smyth
- Heat 5: placed 8th (8:31.53)
Coach - HOWI

Event 2: girls U17 4+
Sponsored by: Defence Force Careers Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - DIOC
Coach - DIOC

Event 3: womens Int 2X
Sponsored by: Footloose- Heat 2: placed 6th (8:43.05)
- Heat 6: result (SCR)

Event 4: mens Nov 2X
Sponsored by: Goldsmiths Gallery Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final

Event 5: mens Snr 2-
Sponsored by: Health 2000 Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
- Heat 2: placed 5th (7:23.84)

Event 6: womens Nov 2X
Sponsored by: Kaz - Design. Brand. Web. Progression
Heats: 1+2F2->A Final; R2+4F3->B Final; R3,4->C Final
- Heat 1: placed 6th (9:16.54)

Event 8: girls U15 4X+
Sponsored by: Shakespeare St Four Square Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final
- Heat 2: placed 4th (8:40.98)
Coach - DIOC
Coach - DIOC
- Heat 1: placed 5th (9:03.43)
Coach - DIOC

Event 9: mens Club 2X
Sponsored by: Leigh Judd Law Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
- Heat 1: placed 4th (7:09.03)
- Heat 2: placed 4th (7:17.83)

Event 12: womens Int 4+
Sponsored by: ONYX CAFÉ Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - Michael Smyth
- Heat 2: placed 6th (8:23.95)
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 3: placed 6th (9:25.22)
Coach - Paul Westbury

Event 16: girls U16 1X
Sponsored by: New World Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final
- Heat 1: result (SCR)
Coach - HOWI

Event 17: mens Snr 1X
Sponsored by: Podium Lodge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - Michael Smyth
Coach - Michael Smyth
- Heat 2: placed 4th (7:42.00)

Event 21: girls U17 4X+
Sponsored by: Goldsmiths Gallery Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final
- Heat 2: placed 5th (7:57.41)
Coach - DIOC
- Heat 3: placed 5th (8:17.58)
Coach - DIOC
- Heat 1: placed 6th (8:02.87)
Coach - DIOC

Event 24: girls U15 4+
Sponsored by: Footloose Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 2: placed 4th (8:23.75)
Coach - DIOC
Coach - DIOC
- Heat 2: placed 8th (10:06.29)
Coach - DIOC
Coach - HOWI
- Heat 3: placed 5th (9:05.64)
Coach - HOWI

Event 25: womens Club 4+
Sponsored by: Health 2000 Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 28: girls U18 2-
Sponsored by: Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
- Heat 1: placed 6th (8:28.63)
- Heat 1: placed 5th (8:21.24)
- Heat 2: placed 5th (8:25.07)

Event 29: mens Int 1X
Sponsored by: Shakespeare St Four Square Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final
Coach - Michael Smyth
- Heat 3: result (DNS)
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 30: boys U16 4+
Sponsored by: Defence Force Careers Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - HOWI
- Heat 1: placed 4th (7:24.07)
Coach - HOWI

Event 31: womens Int 4X+
Sponsored by: Comins Pharmacy Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - Michael Smyth
- Heat 1: placed 5th (8:14.00)
Coach - DIOC
Event 32: womens Nov coxed quad sculls
Heats: 1+2F2->A Final; R2+4F3->B Final; R3,4->C Final
- Heat 2: placed 8th (9:08.39)
Coach - DIOC

Event 33: girls U16 8+
Sponsored by: Fresh Choice Supermarket Leamington Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
- Heat 2: placed 5th (7:44.36)
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 1: placed 7th (8:13.36)
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - DIOC

Event 38: girls U15 8X+
Sponsored by: Mercury Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - DIOC

Event 41: mens Nov 8+
Sponsored by: Aon Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
- Heat 2: placed 6th (7:54.81)
Coach - HOWI

Event 43: girls U18 4+
Sponsored by: The University of Auckland Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 1: placed 5th (8:39.24)
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - DIOC

Event 44: womens Snr 2-
Sponsored by: Rocket Foods Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Event 45: girls U16 4X+
Sponsored by: New World Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final
- Heat 2: placed 7th (9:57.49)
Coach - DIOC
Coach - DIOC

Event 46: mens Club 4X-
Sponsored by: Z Huntly Progression
Heats: 1,2,3->Final + 2 Next Fastest
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 47: boys U16 2X
Sponsored by: S L Racing Progression
Heats: 1+2F2->A Final; R2+4F3->B Final; R3,4->C Final
- Heat 2: placed 6th (9:24.23)

Event 48: womens Nov 8+
Sponsored by: Health 2000 Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 3: placed 4th (8:24.71)
Coach - HOWI

Event 49: womens Club 2X
Sponsored by: Podium Lodge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final
- Heat 4: placed 6th (8:58.43)
- Heat 3: placed 5th (9:16.34)

Event 51: boys U18 1X
Sponsored by: Kaz - Design. Brand. Web. Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
- Heat 1: placed 7th (9:40.84)
Coach - Michael Smyth
- Heat 3: placed 8th (9:06.74)
Coach - HOWI

Event 53: girls U15 2X
Sponsored by: Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final
- Heat 2: placed 6th (10:21.17)

Event 55: womens Snr 2X
Sponsored by: Health 2000 Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Event 56: mens Snr 4-
Sponsored by: Comins Pharmacy Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
- Heat 1: placed 5th (7:03.55)
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 59: girls U17 8+
Sponsored by: Shakespeare St Four Square Progression
Heats: 1,2,3->Final + 2 Next Fastest
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - DIOC
Coach - DIOC

Event 62: mens Nov 4+
Sponsored by: Mitre 10 MEGA Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
- Heat 2: placed 5th (8:48.19)
Coach - HOWI
- Heat 1: placed 6th (9:25.12)
Coach - HOWI

Event 64: girls U16 4+
Sponsored by: ONYX CAFÉ Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
- Heat 3: placed 4th (8:49.43)
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - DIOC
- Heat 1: placed 3rd (9:15.13)
Coach - DIOC
Coach - HOWI

Event 66: womens Nov 4+
Sponsored by: Shakespeare St Four Square Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final
Coach - HOWI
Event 68: womens Int coxed eight
- A Final: placed 6th (8:21.95)
Coach - Paul Westbury

Event 69: girls U18 4X+
Sponsored by: The University of Auckland Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
- Heat 2: placed 4th (8:01.48)
Coach - DIOC
Event 70: womens Snr coxless four
- A Final: placed 5th (8:05.04)
Coach - Michael Smyth
- A Final: placed 2nd (7:33.10)
Coach - Paul Westbury
- A Final: placed 4th (7:45.58)

Event 71: mens Snr 2X
Sponsored by: Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated

Event 72: boys U18 2X
Sponsored by: Comins Pharmacy Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
- Heat 2: placed 8th (7:56.22)

Event 73: girls U15 8+
Sponsored by: Laszlo Boats Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 1: placed 5th (8:31.57)
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - DIOC
Coach - DIOC

Event 75: mens Int 2X
Sponsored by: Leigh Judd Law Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final
- Heat 3: placed 6th (8:17.92)

Event 77: boys U15 4+
Sponsored by: Lakeview Lodge Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - HOWI

Event 79: womens Club 1X
Sponsored by: Defence Force Careers Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final + 2 Fastest 3rd
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 82: girls U16 2X
Sponsored by: Wintech Racing Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final

Event 86: girls U17 2X
Sponsored by: Defence Force Careers Progression
Heats: 1->A Final + 3F2; R2,3+F4->B Final
- Heat 2: placed 8th (9:05.26)

Event 88: mens Snr 4X-
Sponsored by: Leigh Judd Law- A Final: placed 2nd (6:36.98)
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 91: womens Club 8+
Sponsored by: Waipa District Council- A Final: placed 5th (8:05.00)
Coach - Paul Westbury

Event 92: boys U16 1X
Sponsored by: Mitre 10 MEGA Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2->A Final; 3,4->B Final
- Heat 4: placed 7th (9:06.25)
Coach - HOWI

Event 93: womens Open 8+
Sponsored by: Footloose- A Final: placed 4th (7:12.44)
Coach - Michael Smyth

Event 95: girls U18 8+
Sponsored by: New World Cambridge Progression
Heats: 1,2,3,4->Final; Rest Eliminated
Coach - Paul Westbury
- Heat 1: placed 7th (7:28.20)
Coach - Paul Westbury
Coach - DIOC
- Heat 1: placed 6th (7:22.60)
Coach - DIOC