In this section
Upcoming regattas
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Pending results
All results
Junior Regatta
Victor Evans
Competed for:
Also attended
No results for Victor yet.
Event #
1: boys U17 1X
2: girls U17 4+
3: boys U15 2X
4: girls U15 4X+
5: boys U18 2-
6: girls U18 2X
7: boys U16 4X+
8: girls U16 1X
9: boys N18 2X
10: girls N18 8+
11: boys U17 8+
12: girls U17 4X+
13: boys 16-17 4+ (L)
14: girls U15 4+
15: boys U18 4X+
16: girls U18 2-
17: boys U16 4+
18: girls U16 8+
19: boys N18 8+
20: girls 16-17 4+ (L)
21: boys U17 2X
22: girls U17 1X
23: boys U15 8+
24: girls N18 2X
25: boys U18 4+
26: girls U18 4+
27: girls U16 4X+
28: boys U16 2X
29: girls U18 1X
30: boys U18 1X
31: girls U15 2X
32: boys U15 4X+
33: girls U17 8+
34: boys U17 4+
35: girls 16-17 2X (L)
36: boys 16-17 2X (L)
37: girls U16 4+
38: boys U16 8+
39: girls U18 4X+
40: boys U18 2X
41: girls U15 8+
42: boys U15 4+
43: girls U17 2X
44: boys U17 4X+
45: girls N18 4+
46: boys N18 4+
47: girls U15 8X+
48: girls U16 2X
49: boys U16 1X
50: boys U15 8X+
51: girls U18 8+
52: boys U18 8+
31: girls U15 2X
4: girls U15 4X+
14: girls U15 4+
47: girls U15 8X+
41: girls U15 8+
8: girls U16 1X
48: girls U16 2X
27: girls U16 4X+
37: girls U16 4+
18: girls U16 8+
22: girls U17 1X
43: girls U17 2X
12: girls U17 4X+
2: girls U17 4+
33: girls U17 8+
29: girls U18 1X
6: girls U18 2X
16: girls U18 2-
39: girls U18 4X+
26: girls U18 4+
51: girls U18 8+
35: girls 16-17 2X (L)
20: girls 16-17 4+ (L)
24: girls N18 2X
45: girls N18 4+
10: girls N18 8+
3: boys U15 2X
32: boys U15 4X+
42: boys U15 4+
50: boys U15 8X+
23: boys U15 8+
49: boys U16 1X
28: boys U16 2X
7: boys U16 4X+
17: boys U16 4+
38: boys U16 8+
1: boys U17 1X
21: boys U17 2X
44: boys U17 4X+
34: boys U17 4+
11: boys U17 8+
30: boys U18 1X
40: boys U18 2X
5: boys U18 2-
15: boys U18 4X+
25: boys U18 4+
52: boys U18 8+
36: boys 16-17 2X (L)
13: boys 16-17 4+ (L)
9: boys N18 2X
46: boys N18 4+
19: boys N18 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
ACG Strathallan
Aquinas College
Auckland Grammar School
Baradene College
Bethlehem College
Cambridge High School
Carmel College
Composite School Crew(s)
Diocesan School For Girls
Edgewater College
Epsom Girls Grammar
Fraser High School
Gisborne Boys High School
Gisborne Girls High School
Hamilton Boys High School
Hamilton Girls High School
Hauraki Plains College
Hillcrest High School
Howick College
Huanui College
Hutt International Boys School
John Paul College
Kapiti College
Katikati College
Kings College
Kristin School
Lytton High School
Macleans College
Mt Albert Grammar School
Mt Maunganui College
Onewhero Area School
Onslow College
Otumoetai College
Pukekohe High School
Rangitoto College
Rosehill College
Rosmini College
Rotorua Girls High School
Rotorua Lakes High School
Rototuna High School
Sacred Heart College (Auckland)
Sacred Heart Girls College (Hamilton)
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
Sancta Maria College
Scots College
St Johns College (Hamilton)
St Kentigern College
St Mary's College (Wgtn)
St Patricks College
St Pauls Collegiate School
St Peters College
St Peters School
Takapuna Grammar School
Tauhara College
Taupo-Nui-A-Tia College
Tauranga Boys College
Tauranga Girls College
Te Awamutu College
Te Kauwhata College
Thames High School
Trident High School
Waikato Diocesan School
Wentworth College
Western Heights High School
Westlake Boys High School
Westlake Girls High School
Whakatane High School
All athletes
Aaliyah Ashford (teaw)
Aaron Cordes (wtlb)
Abby Bartels (splh)
Abby Evetts (shgh)
Abby Payne (wkds)
Abby Reader (haur)
Abigail Palmer (bara)
Abigail Webbon (camb)
Adam Clark (shak)
Adam Ford (stkt)
Adam Jefferis (splh)
Adam McRandle (sptw)
Adrien Canniveng (stkt)
Aidan Leuschke (splh)
Aimee Channer (trgg)
Aimee Cornhill (comp)
Aimee Cornhill (otum)
Aimee Harris (haur)
Aimee Nicol (comp)
Aimee Nicol (taup)
Alana Yorke (trgg)
Alanah Roberton (wkds)
Alecia Ireland (camb)
Alesha Lamont (stkt)
Alessandra Manikas (mtal)
Alex Abrahams (hamg)
Alex Collinson (stkt)
Alex Hynds (stkt)
Alex Johnston (stkt)
Alex Khatoev (hamb)
Alex King (howi)
Alex McRobbie (stkt)
Alex Sorensen (comp)
Alex Williams (puke)
Alexa Hood (taka)
Alexander Andersen (sjhm)
Alexander Goldstein (agsb)
Alexander Sutcliffe (kgca)
Alexandra Dobson (went)
Alexandra Godman (huan)
Alexandra Ward (taka)
Ali Henderson (hamb)
Alice Abery (otum)
Alice Cao (splh)
Alice Emeny (splh)
Alice Hill (camb)
Alicia Oswald (carm)
Alison Mills (hamg)
Alistair Sparke (teaw)
Alowesi Suveinakama (kgca)
Alya Mexted (teaw)
Alysha Kharpul (eggs)
Alyssa Sherry-Middlemiss (stpc)
Amanda Chong (puke)
Amarsh Raj (howi)
Amberleigh Maartens (puke)
Amelia Barrell (wtlg)
Amelia Blamey (dioc)
Amelia Burley (stmw)
Amelia Cohen Smith (eggs)
Amelia Coles (stmw)
Amelia Johnston (dioc)
Amelia Josephson (dioc)
Amelia Matthews (wtlg)
Amelia Mitchell (wtlg)
Amie Meadowcroft (dioc)
Amy Butler (stpc)
Amy Craab (comp)
Amy Craab (haur)
Amy Gillies-Smith (stpc)
Amy Gilmour (bthc)
Amy Hill (dioc)
Amy Hunter (wtlg)
Amy Patten (bara)
Amy Walker (hlcr)
Amy Waugh (teaw)
Ana McCulloch (comp)
Ana McCulloch (mtma)
Ana McGinity (shgh)
Anahera Karepe (hamg)
Anais Krynicki (bara)
Anastasia Alberts (mtal)
Ander Castelltort (rosm)
Andrea Fick (wtlg)
Andrea Phipps (hlcr)
Andrew Isaac (hamb)
Andrew Jantke (agsb)
Ane Foord (howi)
Angus Hunter (jpcr)
Angus Shotter (wtlb)
Angus Wilson (stkt)
Angus Young (stpc)
Aniela Dawson (puke)
Ann Cato (puke)
Anna Cairns (stpc)
Anna Douglas (jpcr)
Anna Gallaher (hamg)
Anna Millar (eggs)
Anna Perry (stkt)
Anna Rowland (macl)
Anna Sinclair (comp)
Anna Sinclair (jpcr)
Annabel Averill (otum)
Annabel Maddock (stln)
Annabel Robinson (trgg)
Annabelle Ireland (dioc)
Annabelle McGuire (stpc)
Annabelle Prescott (haur)
Annie Williamson (howi)
Anthony Peters (mtal)
Antipasa Fakalangi (puke)
Anton Oliver (stpa)
Anton Waldmann (mtal)
Antonia Bekker (went)
Antonio Afaese (stpa)
Antonio Barrio Frojan (stpc)
Aoife Taylor (aqui)
Arabella Hope (wtlg)
Arabella Mitchell (wkds)
Aria Berg (stpc)
Ariana Speirs (eggs)
Ariane Smith (comp)
Ariane Smith (mtma)
Arie Magasiva (sptw)
Ariella Rosenbaum-Raynish (dioc)
Ashlee Ennis (comp)
Ashlee Ennis (mtma)
Ashleigh Kroef (stkt)
Ashleigh Riddle (rose)
Ashley Hanrahan (wtlg)
Ashton Nelson (agsb)
Atlanta Bruce (wtlg)
Aubrey Sima (wtlb)
Austin Carter (agsb)
Ava Dunn (wkds)
Aveshan Naidoo (macl)
Awni Barmada (wtlb)
Bailey Morrison (comp)
Bailey Morrison (haur)
Baxter Holgate-Simpson (wtlb)
Beau Barret (whak)
Beckham Raffan (hamb)
Bella Illston (stpc)
Ben Abbiss (trgb)
Ben Blaikie (hamb)
Ben Canton (stkt)
Ben Franich (stkt)
Ben Fullam (wtlb)
Ben Hawthorn (onsl)
Ben Hemsworth (stkt)
Ben Jury (wtlb)
Ben Klein (taka)
Ben Monaghan (huan)
Ben Needham (hamb)
Ben Olifiers (trid)
Ben Olsson (trgb)
Ben Thurnell (bthc)
Ben Walden (agsb)
Ben Wight (macl)
Benedict Sheehan (stpa)
Benjamin Blackhall (shak)
Benjamin Burgess (sjhm)
Benjamin Campbell (mtal)
Benjamin Haworth (hamb)
Benjamin Scott (agsb)
Benson Kershaw (agsb)
Bethany Lankshear (trgg)
Bianca Parsons (rose)
Billi Hedges (whhs)
Blair Ellis (hamb)
Blair McCallum (comp)
Blair Wells (splh)
Blaire Fullerton-Smith (splh)
Blake Bradshaw (wtlb)
Blake Jowsey (mtal)
Blake McGlashan (wtlb)
Blake Nelson (shak)
Blake Paynter (comp)
Blake Paynter (samu)
Blake Todd (camb)
Blake Worthington (hamb)
Bo Jacobsen (splh)
Brad Edwards (splh)
Bradley Bath (haur)
Bradley Forsyth (roto)
Bradley Jenkins (puke)
Brahm Erdmann (wtlb)
Brendan Douglas (jpcr)
Briah Woolford (hamg)
Brian Patterson (shak)
Briana Perry (stpc)
Briana Watt (bara)
Brianna Davey (taka)
Brianna Rogers (hamg)
Briar Adams (dioc)
Bridie Case-Miller (shgh)
Bridie Lloydd (bara)
Brierly Dudding (otum)
Brittany Bodie (kgca)
Brittany Pettit (jpcr)
Brooke Andrews (rose)
Brooke Houston (stpc)
Brooke Kilmister (stpc)
Brooke Poutawera (trgg)
Brooke Vincent (dioc)
Brooke Walden (wkds)
Brooklyn Elliott (hamb)
Bruce Xie (agsb)
Bryce Geill (camb)
Burn Crang (sptw)
Byron Woods (macl)
Caelan Lodge (went)
Caitlin Burns (stpc)
Caitlin Doddrell (comp)
Caitlin Doddrell (haur)
Caitlin Harley (macl)
Caitlyn Hall (camb)
Caitlyn Wardell (trgg)
Caleb Akapita (hamb)
Caleb Cherry (stln)
Caleb Clark (stln)
Caleb Houghton (hamb)
Callum August (rotl)
Callum Booth (wtlb)
Callum Dawson (shak)
Callum Fleming (sptw)
Callum Green (camb)
Callum Hill (whhs)
Callum Jarvis (wtlb)
Callum McNally (stln)
Callum Miller (shak)
Callum Mowat (otum)
Callum Pratt (mtal)
Callum Prichard (stpc)
Callum Smidt (shak)
Calum Harvey (wtlb)
Calum Henderson (comp)
Calum Henderson (puke)
Cam Sisson (scot)
Cameron Edge (splh)
Cameron Gordon (haur)
Cameron Hodges-Ginns (trgb)
Cameron Mailer (hamb)
Cameron Reynolds (teaw)
Cameron West (hamb)
Cameron Wilson (camb)
Camille Dignadice (macl)
Campbell Crouch (hamb)
Capri Lonie (macl)
Cara McAree (stmw)
Carlos Rojas (shak)
Carmen Haybittle (carm)
Carolin Arndorfer (puke)
Caroline Maggof (shgh)
Caroline Sherratt (stpc)
Carter Haddon (shgh)
Cartier Matthews (eggs)
Casey Calver (hamb)
Cate Wilson (wkds)
Chandler Cunningham-South (hamb)
Charles Cave (kgca)
Charlie Cleaver (comp)
Charlie Cleaver (tekc)
Charlie Gerbich-Lee (stpc)
Charlie McLiver (camb)
Charlotte Blakey (dioc)
Charlotte Burton (eggs)
Charlotte Chatwin (shgh)
Charlotte Connor (eggs)
Charlotte Day (bara)
Charlotte de Montalk-Allen (bara)
Charlotte Grey (wkds)
Charlotte Lobb (dioc)
Charlotte McQuade-Wright (comp)
Charlotte McQuade-Wright (otum)
Charlotte Molloy (rose)
Charlotte Murphy (bara)
Charlotte Siermans (stpc)
Chelsea Cox (macl)
Chelsea Sherry-Tau (stpc)
Chevarn Parata (stmw)
Chloe Bardsley (went)
Chloe Bingham (onew)
Chloe Cumming (camb)
Chris Holdsworth (agsb)
Chris Stewart (howi)
Christian Clarke (rosm)
Christian Sifakula (shak)
Christian Vujnovich (trgb)
Christopher McGrath (smco)
Christopher Roberts (hamb)
Ciara Thomas (wtlg)
Claire Hofman (stkt)
Claire Hollingworth (stkt)
Clara Walsh (eggs)
Clare Milne (stpc)
Claudia Addock (bara)
Claudia Lamberton (trgg)
Claudia Lyons (bara)
Claudia Waite (comp)
Claudia Waite (rgtt)
Clemens Hartmann (hamb)
Cody Wright (gbhs)
Cole Brann (stkt)
Cole Stephenson (haur)
Connor Chetwynd (agsb)
Connor Hafoka (stpa)
Connor Ryan (shak)
Connor Sheehan (stpa)
Connor Wanden (sptw)
Conor Donovan (went)
Conrad Bond-McCarthy (haur)
Corbin Harkness (wtlb)
Courtney Katterns (wtlg)
Courtney Ryan (trgg)
Craig Ford (stkt)
Daan Bolder (wkds)
Daisy Forsythe (eggs)
Dallas Taikato (splh)
Dan Young (agsb)
Daniel Barron (puke)
Daniel Bourke (stpc)
Daniel Fraser (mtal)
Daniel Johnson (trgb)
Daniel McGill (shak)
Daniel Merwyn (comp)
Daniel Merwyn (tauh)
Daniel Mounsey (haur)
Daniel Pennell (shak)
Daniel Pickles (macl)
Daniel Williamson (kgca)
Danielle Hart (puke)
Dar'Ya Starykova (haur)
Dean Palmer-Neels (agsb)
Deavon Abrahams (hamb)
Declan Jones (camb)
Delanee Turnwald (onew)
Dennis Nieuwenhuizen (mtal)
Devon Thorpe (wtlg)
Dewald van Rooyen (macl)
Dion Shen (stkt)
Dominic Bell (sptw)
Dominic Drury (stpa)
Dominic Hawkins (agsb)
Dominic Powell (stkt)
Don Lui (shak)
Donna Smit (splh)
Dougal Burden (taka)
Douglas Polo (shak)
Dylan Maynard (wtlb)
Dylan McLeod (sjhm)
Dylan Roberts (taup)
Eddie Brownie (huan)
Eddie Richards (haur)
Eden Shaw (camb)
Edward Clarkson (stpc)
Edward Dobbs (shak)
Edward Nelson (agsb)
Edwin Wills (splh)
Eleanor Cato (puke)
Eleanor Griffiths (dioc)
Eleanor Paxie (stmw)
Elijah Tanu (wtlb)
Elise McIntosh (howi)
Elise McKenzie (comp)
Elise McKenzie (mtma)
Elizabeth Ellis (bara)
Ella Bartram (wkds)
Ella Caverhill (whak)
Ella Fookes (rotl)
Ella Grayson (stln)
Ella Groufsky (hlcr)
Ella Henry (onew)
Ella Muir (trgg)
Ella Nicholls (eggs)
Ella Rogers (wtlg)
Ella Stephens (eggs)
Ella Thomson (stpc)
Elle-Mai Wright (camb)
Ellen Davis (kgca)
Elliot Jenkins (whak)
Elliott Janissen (aqui)
Elliott Joseph Rose (comp)
Elliott Joseph Rose (htib)
Emerson Swanson-Dobbs (stpc)
Emily Ashley (onew)
Emily Harvey (camb)
Emily Holland (trgg)
Emily Lott (stkt)
Emily Nicholas (eggs)
Emily Sue (hlcr)
Emily Swiatek (stkt)
Emma Averill (comp)
Emma Averill (otum)
Emma Barker (wkds)
Emma Brothers (mtal)
Emma Butcher (stpc)
Emma Cornhill (otum)
Emma Haman (hlcr)
Emma Kelly (hlcr)
Emma Leaming (dioc)
Emma Neal (kapi)
Emma Penney (macl)
Emma Sampson (stkt)
Eric Goodger (stkt)
Eric Gruythuysen (haur)
Erica Hipkins (bara)
Ericka Stark (camb)
Erin Porter (stkt)
Estelle Bilbe (comp)
Estelle Bilbe (rotl)
Ethan Batley (stpc)
Ethan Bland (went)
Ethan Blight (stkt)
Ethan Bradbury (sjhm)
Ethan Fookes (shak)
Ethan Hight (hamb)
Ethan Pointon (camb)
Ethan Wildash-Chan (sptw)
Eugene Castro (shak)
Eva Millar (eggs)
Eva Mirko (gghs)
Eva Ruddenklau (eggs)
Eva Sorensen (comp)
Eva Sorensen (tham)
Evan Williams (taka)
Evana Main (comp)
Evana Main (haur)
Eve McCallum (kgca)
Evie Howard (wtlg)
Faith Ball (comp)
Fanni Meron (dioc)
Felicity Billingham (stln)
Felix de Jong (mtal)
Felix-Foxx Burnell (wtlb)
Fenella Finlay-Yates (hamg)
Fenella Hemi (eggs)
Fergus Bremner (otum)
Fergus Matla (agsb)
Ffion Lewis (macl)
Findlay Carter (agsb)
Finlay Ebbett (teaw)
Finn Goddard (comp)
Finn Goddard (haur)
Finn Hamill (sjhm)
Finn Hawkins (stpc)
Finn Jeffery (whak)
Finn Tracey (macl)
Finn Wilson (agsb)
Fiona Wang (stkt)
Fletcher Corse-Scott (went)
Florence Webber (onew)
Flynn Barron (puke)
Flynn Ross-Wallis (agsb)
Flynn Thomson (camb)
Flynn Watson (hamb)
Francesca Vegas (eggs)
Francis Preston (went)
Fraser Lewins (mtal)
Fraser Waterson (scot)
Freya Sirl (wkds)
Freyja Rowley (bthc)
Gabriella Searle (otum)
Gabrielle Leonard-Hansby (haur)
Gemma Aveyard (camb)
Gemma Muir (camb)
Gemma Owen (howi)
Gene Offwood (wtlb)
Geneivre Stenklev-Gussey (onew)
Geoffrey Chang (stkt)
Geoffrey Patten (wtlb)
George Barry (agsb)
George Beggs (stkt)
George Downey (sjhm)
George Fowler (stln)
George Fyfe (scot)
George Griffin (trgb)
George Miles (agsb)
George Rowley (bthc)
George Scott (scot)
George Wilson (splh)
Georgia Anderson (macl)
Georgia Batten (eggs)
Georgia Brooks (hlcr)
Georgia Clapcott (wkds)
Georgia Evans (stkt)
Georgia Gibson (dioc)
Georgia Gray (wtlg)
Georgia Gregory (dioc)
Georgia Grigor (stkt)
Georgia Hewitt (onew)
Georgia Kimpton (wkds)
Georgia Leach (dioc)
Georgia Peattie (camb)
Georgia Pettengell (stkt)
Georgina King (onsl)
Germain Hellriegel-White (mtal)
Giorgia Parsonson (hlcr)
Grace Carver (kati)
Grace Ede (trgg)
Grace Fifita (trgg)
Grace Harris (otum)
Grace Holland (trgg)
Grace Johnstone (dioc)
Grace Michie (dioc)
Grace O'Leary (kgca)
Grace Ohlsson (stmw)
Grace Payn (stkt)
Grace Redman (camb)
Grace Riley (dioc)
Grace Schaaf (wtlg)
Grace Watson (splh)
Grainne Walsh (bara)
Griffen Bayley (sjhm)
Gus Hanham (splh)
Gus Olifiers (trid)
Guy Weenink (stkt)
Hamish Burden (taka)
Hamish Joyes (splh)
Hamish McKay (shak)
Hamish McKenzie (stpa)
Hamish Robinson (howi)
Hana Stubbing (jpcr)
Hannah Avery (dioc)
Hannah Bewg (taka)
Hannah Caddie (kgca)
Hannah Coulter (comp)
Hannah Coulter (taup)
Hannah Falconer (stpc)
Hannah Flacks (dioc)
Hannah Jones (mtal)
Hannah Lidgett (puke)
Hannah Lucas (camb)
Hannah Parkman (dioc)
Hannah Retimana (wtlg)
Hannah Simpson (onew)
Hannah Smyth (stpc)
Hannah Thomas (bara)
Hannah Veitch (gghs)
Hannah Zwalue (mtal)
Harris Moana (splh)
Harrison Boles (macl)
Harrison Burns (stpc)
Harrison Elliott (kgca)
Harrison Goodall (wtlb)
Harrison Hodges (sjhm)
Harrison Lynch (stpc)
Harrison Strang (stkt)
Harry Church (stkt)
Harry Dawson (hamb)
Harry Molloy (stpa)
Harry Newbury-Lee (macl)
Harry Numans (agsb)
Harry Ramakers (stkt)
Harry Williams (stpa)
Harry Yates (hamb)
Hasan Pathan (mtal)
Hayden Joyce (stkt)
Hayden Livesey (sptw)
Heath MacEwan (hamb)
Heath Shepherd (macl)
Helaena Ranson (bthc)
Helaina Sealesford (wtlg)
Helena Palmer (eggs)
Henry Bisset (taka)
Henry Briggs (agsb)
Henry Smith (macl)
Henry Wang (stpc)
Holly Chaafe (mtal)
Holly Gray (wtlg)
Holly Hay (trid)
Holly MacDonald (macl)
Holly Mathis (stpc)
Holly Mills (wkds)
Holly Schiele (dioc)
Holly Taylor (shgh)
Hugh Ibbotson (macl)
Hugh Marshall (agsb)
Hugh Spence (whak)
Hugo Findlay (scot)
Hugo Thomson (stkt)
Hunter Henson (wtlg)
Hunter Moon (hamb)
Hunter Paine (camb)
Hunter Pethers-Boak (wtlb)
Ian Qiu (wtlb)
Ieremia Moore (hamb)
Ihapera Esson (hlcr)
Ilaria Vrensen (teaw)
Iliarne Watson (wtlg)
India Phillips (puke)
Iona Anderson (taka)
Isaac Astley (haur)
Isaac Gilbert (stln)
Isaac Kinder (gbhs)
Isaac West (splh)
Isabella Beale (bthc)
Isabella Carter (dioc)
Isabella Grey (eggs)
Isabella Morcom (dioc)
Isabella Muirhead (eggs)
Isabelle Howard (wtlg)
Ishaan Benipal (agsb)
Isobel Mullins (eggs)
Isobel Sturgin (macl)
Isobel Watson (hlcr)
Issa Njovu (scot)
Issy Meikle (eggs)
Jack Brennan (comp)
Jack Caldwell (splh)
Jack Featherstone (taka)
Jack Foster (stln)
Jack Heaslip (camb)
Jack Henry (onew)
Jack Higgins (shak)
Jack Leonard (haur)
Jack MacDonald (macl)
Jack Malone (stpc)
Jack Monkley (camb)
Jack Read (hamb)
Jack Ready (agsb)
Jack Redman (camb)
Jack Rixontaylor (sptw)
Jack Ross (stpa)
Jack Solomon (agsb)
Jackson Baas (mtal)
Jackson White (went)
Jacob Davey (taka)
Jacob Dunn (sjhm)
Jacob Franklin (sptw)
Jacob Houghton (hamb)
Jacob Jones (wtlb)
Jacob Morrow (stpa)
Jacob Smyth (stpc)
Jacob Stubbing (jpcr)
Jacques Balsom (camb)
Jade Fon (eggs)
Jade Perry (stpc)
Jade Raby (eggs)
Jadin Kingi (shak)
Jaime Breen (eggs)
Jak Tipping (taka)
Jakeb Stent (hamb)
Jakob Millar (camb)
James Archibald (kgca)
James Bird (macl)
James Dobson (went)
James Dolan (stpa)
James Duanmu (kgca)
James Fitz-Gerald (shak)
James Hall (kgca)
James Harding (wtlb)
James Hazlehurst (camb)
James McGregor (trgb)
James Mitchell (wtlb)
James Scott (aqui)
James White (kgca)
Jamie Lander (hamb)
Jamie Whittaker (wtlg)
Janae Squire (wtlg)
Jane Schellekens (eggs)
Jared August (shak)
Jared Barry (wtlb)
Jared Sinclair (jpcr)
Jarred Bond (trid)
Jarrod Dean (splh)
Jasmine Fountaine (splh)
Jasmine McLean (hamg)
Jason Heath (agsb)
Jason Nel (stpc)
Javien Harris (stpa)
Jaxon Langley (wtlb)
Jayden Derecourt (roto)
Jayden Eccles (gbhs)
Jayden Tabani-Ivi (wtlb)
Jazmine Rolton (stpc)
Jed Jager (trgb)
Jed Williams (macl)
Jemima Forsythe (dioc)
Jemima Heyward (dioc)
Jemima Krauskopf (comp)
Jemima Krauskopf (mtma)
Jemma Couillault (dioc)
Jemma Goodall (shgh)
Jenna Wilson (trid)
Jessamy King (stmw)
Jesse Homer-Pilcher (mtal)
Jesse Oconnor (roto)
Jesse Renner (hamb)
Jessica Dasent (bara)
Jessica Horrigan (wkds)
Jessica Taylor (macl)
Jessica Vandermeer (puke)
Jessie Bullians (carm)
Jett Wheeler (stpa)
Jibreel Aumua (kgca)
Jo Millward (macl)
Joe Cambie (hlcr)
Joe Goldfinch (stpa)
Joe Taylor (kgca)
Joel Bartrum (camb)
Joel Clayton-Greene (haur)
Joel Dowden (hamb)
Joel Leishman (stkt)
Joel Lemalu (sptw)
Joel Mansell (rose)
Johanna Sahling (taup)
John Cheney (taka)
John Scarlett (kgca)
Johnny English (sptw)
Johnny Tsai (hlcr)
Jonathan Shutes (agsb)
Jonathon King (onsl)
Jonty du Toit (agsb)
Jonty Matla (agsb)
Jordyn Stockman (hamg)
Jorja-Bleu Nathan (howi)
Jose Vaquero (sptw)
Joseph Coulter (comp)
Joseph Coulter (taup)
Josephine Palmer (camb)
Josh Abobo (agsb)
Josh Adams (hlcr)
Josh Hamilton (agsb)
Josh Hogan (camb)
Josh Lowry (camb)
Josh Mallett (scot)
Josh Pettit (jpcr)
Josh Purdon (shak)
Joshua Bailey-Montgonnery (trgb)
Joshua Coleman (hamb)
Joshua de Wit (shak)
Joshua Gordon (hamb)
Joshua Haddon (sptw)
Joshua Kelly (gbhs)
Joshua Leigh (camb)
Joshua Moor (shak)
Joshua Rowan (sptw)
Joshua Shields (stpa)
Joshua Warren (stkt)
Josiah Preddy (hamb)
Julia Rose (trgg)
Julie Jacobs (jpcr)
Juliet Fordyce (stpc)
Justine Hobbs (camb)
Kaitlin Jaeger (carm)
Kaitlyn Humberstone (trgg)
Kaitlyn Shields (shgh)
Kalib Patterson (wtlb)
Kara Crawford-Smith (otum)
Kate Baddeley (dioc)
Kate Baille (eggs)
Kate Barwick (gghs)
Kate Fitzpatrick (trgg)
Kate Fryer (puke)
Kate Haines (dioc)
Kate Hamilton (howi)
Kate Lawrence (otum)
Kate Littlejohn (splh)
Kate Missen (shgh)
Kate Monkley (wkds)
Kate Speakman (bara)
Kate Tapper (dioc)
Kate Williams (taka)
Katelyn Donald (comp)
Katelyn Donald (taup)
Kathryn Haydock (stpc)
Katie Bell (stpc)
Katie Halliday (taka)
Katie MacKenzie (wkds)
Kayla Reidy (camb)
Kayli Singleton (macl)
Kaylin Wren (stpc)
Kaz van Genne (hamb)
Keegan Greig (kgca)
Keegan Rea (hamb)
Keelan McDonald (camb)
Keelee Anderson (comp)
Keelee Hoskin (stpc)
Keeley Sexton (hamb)
Keeli McNicholas (stpc)
Keely Paalvast (fras)
Keenan Whitcher (hamb)
Kelly Brown (trgg)
Kendall Payne (shgh)
Kendall Tozer (comp)
Kendall Tozer (mtma)
Kenna Richmond (rose)
Kent Davidson (splh)
Kenzie Smith (macl)
Kezia Deavoll (dioc)
Kheal Paddy (agsb)
Khyah Crooks (haur)
Kiara Hayward (comp)
Kiara Hayward (haur)
Kiardyn Hatch (wtlb)
Kiera Nelson (bara)
Kieran Blockley (stkt)
Kieran Joyce (hamb)
Kimberley Renolyds (stpc)
Kimberly Wallace (wkds)
Kip Watson (wtlb)
Kody Gorst (trgb)
Konrad Lotu-I'Iga (agsb)
Kris Penev (mtal)
Kristen Hansen (stkt)
Kyla Sandford (eggs)
Kyle August (jpcr)
Kyle Fogarty-Anderson (trgb)
Kyle Hebditch (stkt)
Kyran Henderson (wtlb)
Lachie Harvey (stkt)
Lachlan Crean (splh)
Lachlan Dixon (kgca)
Lachlan Pearce (mtal)
Lara Hindley (bthc)
Lara Menefy (comp)
Lara Menefy (mtma)
Latasha Yorke (trgg)
Laura Bell (stpc)
Laura Swann (wtlg)
Laura Wallace (fras)
Lauren Furley (dioc)
Lauren Gibb (stpc)
Lauren Oliver (stkt)
Lauren Page (bara)
Lauren Shields (trgg)
Lavinia Quensell (edwt)
Lawrence Birch (sptw)
Leah Hollingworth (mtal)
Leah Slykerman (carm)
Leah van Zyl (trgg)
Leander Schubert (scot)
Leetham Beatt (macl)
Leila Loosli (taka)
Leo Ashcroft (stkt)
Leo Ngatai-Tafau (stpa)
Leticia Haines (stpc)
Letty Hamlet (huan)
Levi Craven (hamb)
Lewis Brown (mtal)
Lia Chalmers (trgg)
Liam McAree (sptw)
Liam McGuire (shak)
Liam Scott-Russell (stkt)
Liam Tully (haur)
Liam Zinzley (shak)
Libby Carr (stpc)
Liberty Jack (stpc)
Lily Barrance (camb)
Lily Butler (stpc)
Lily Haydock (otum)
Lily Orsman (onsl)
Lily-Rose Gholam Hosseini (wtlg)
Linette Lengkeek (trid)
Lisa Gatward (edwt)
Lisa Weight (hamg)
Livvi Silverman (kgca)
Lloyd Scott-Russell (stkt)
Lochie Lawson Jones (comp)
Lochie Lawson Jones (taup)
Loek Johnston (taup)
Logan Burgess (sjhm)
Lotte Hart (bara)
Louis Dingemans (camb)
Louis O'Brien (shak)
Louis O'Keefe (taka)
Louis Phibbs (stpa)
Louis Siddell-Bradbourne (mtal)
Louis Wall (shak)
Louise Goodwin (shgh)
Luca Kirwan (shak)
Lucas Boennic (sptw)
Lucas Carroll (sptw)
Lucas Kershaw (agsb)
Lucie Harkess (dioc)
Lucille Reece (eggs)
Lucinda Trethewey (dioc)
Lucy Church (dioc)
Lucy Coulston (gghs)
Lucy Duncum (camb)
Lucy Farnsworth (stkt)
Lucy Fullerton-Smith (wkds)
Lucy Golding (stmw)
Lucy McIlroy-Foster (eggs)
Lucy Schaaf (wtlg)
Lucy Wilson (stkt)
Luka Harris (trgb)
Luka Hayward (stpa)
Luka Southcombe-Nguyen (sjhm)
Lukas Hakansson (agsb)
Luke Clinton (bthc)
Luke Desmond (stln)
Luke Peters (hamb)
Luke Taylor (hamb)
Lydia Finch (mtal)
Mackenzee Armit (went)
MacKenzie Brown (bara)
MacKenzie Perry (bthc)
Macy Smith (camb)
Madaline Stephens (shgh)
Maddison Brown (stpc)
Maddison Marshall (wtlg)
Maddy Parker (huan)
Madeleine Dickie (splh)
Madeleine Wilson (dioc)
Madeleine Wilson (stpc)
Madison Murray (rose)
Madison Norton (trgg)
Madisyn Bird (hamg)
Mahinarangi Clarkin (hamg)
Mahinarangi Fisher (lytt)
Marc McDermott (haur)
Marcus Adams (stpc)
Marcus Overwater (hlcr)
Marcus Winter (mtal)
Maren Howarth (wtlg)
Margarita Baksheeva (howi)
Marieke Richards (mtal)
Marin Kittaka (stpc)
Mark Christopher (hamb)
Mark Lawrence (mtal)
Mark Sinclair (jpcr)
Marley Cowland (eggs)
Marlon Breen (shak)
Martin Tamoaieta (sjhm)
Mason Tupaea (hamb)
Mateo Simoncelli (haur)
Matt Botha (macl)
Matt Kelly (stkt)
Matthew Archer (wtlb)
Matthew Austin (stpc)
Matthew Bartlett (bthc)
Matthew Cranefield (hamb)
Matthew Darby (rose)
Matthew Doonan (stkt)
Matthew Humphrey (hamb)
Matthew McHugh (camb)
Matthew McKinlay (hamb)
Matthew Mulitalo (sptw)
Matthew Paul (hlcr)
Matthew Ryan (scot)
Matthew Wessels (rose)
Matthew Wheatley (sjhm)
Matthias Wong (wtlb)
Matthieu Lambert (wtlb)
Max Brown (wtlb)
Max Burggraaf (shak)
Max Caddie (kgca)
Max Calvert (howi)
Max Eversden (stpa)
Max le Cren (agsb)
Max McLean-Bluck (splh)
Max Mobberley (haur)
Max Nasmith (hamb)
Max Ranson (wtlb)
Max Reesby (agsb)
Max Romminger (went)
Max Wilson (hamb)
Max Wilson (hlcr)
Maximilian te Moananui (scot)
Maximillian O'Brien (kgca)
Maxwell Brady (kgca)
Maxwell Roach (splh)
Maxwell Smith (kgca)
Meg Scrimgeour (wkds)
Meg Thompson (stmw)
Meg Walden (wkds)
Megan Bol (bara)
Megan Farquhar (mtal)
Megan Howard (trgg)
Megan Smith (camb)
Megan Thomas (stpc)
Mereani Doherty (comp)
Mereani Doherty (whhs)
Mia Austin (hamg)
Mia Bradford (wtlg)
Mia Coventry (wkds)
Mia Cunningham South (wtlg)
Mia Dobbe (stkt)
Mica Erdmann (wtlg)
Michael Braem (shak)
Michael Coutts (went)
Michael Hiddleston (agsb)
Michael King-Farrington (shak)
Mila Brennan (eggs)
Milena Kuklinski (eggs)
Miller Hawkesby (agsb)
Millie Lovrich (dioc)
Miranda Phillips (eggs)
Miriam Lindsay (stmw)
Mitchell Evans (sjhm)
Mitchell Hohaia (wtlb)
Mitchell Kay (hamb)
Mitchell Kirk (howi)
Mitchell McGrath (comp)
Mitchell Robertson (hamb)
Molly Bradley (stpc)
Molly Flavell (splh)
Molly Reader (comp)
Molly Simes (stpc)
Morgan Blind (stpc)
Morgan Brown (stpc)
Morgan Easton (kgca)
Murphy Waters (puke)
Myles Daily (sptw)
Nadine Billing (wtlg)
Nakeasha Jarvis (trgg)
Natasha Young (taka)
Nate Raffan (hamb)
Nathan Collins (shak)
Nathan Smith (mtal)
Ned Pene (hamb)
Nelly Farmiloe (taka)
Nelson Pinder (wtlb)
Ngaio Wilson (trid)
Niamh Cooper (shgh)
Niamh McHugh (bara)
Niccolo Parrino (taka)
Nice Vasetsoi (howi)
Nicholas Johnson (kgca)
Nicholas Lyon-Ramsdale (stkt)
Nickolas Oliver (rose)
Nico Mitchell (splh)
Nico Muller (macl)
Nicolas Garner (wtlb)
Nicole Amundsen (howi)
Nihal Billing (hamb)
Niki McLennan (comp)
Nikita Horan (stln)
Nikki Christian (stkt)
Nikki Church (haur)
Niko Hoare (agsb)
Niko Kumerich (stpa)
Nikora Derby (haur)
Nina Foley (dioc)
Noah Fairfield (stpa)
Noah Hagar-Dent (roto)
Noah Kerbers (hamb)
Nopera Rangiuia Lindup (gbhs)
Nyla Bunyan (wtlg)
Oliver Anselmi (stpc)
Oliver Burkhardt (agsb)
Oliver Eliot (wtlb)
Oliver Ingram (mtal)
Oliver Kumarich (stpa)
Oliver Lydon (agsb)
Oliver McGill (sptw)
Oliver Potter (hlcr)
Oliver Shergold (stpc)
Oliver Toma (comp)
Oliver Toma (tauh)
Olivia Alberts (mtal)
Olivia Chiang (stkt)
Olivia Elmiger (whhs)
Olivia Fellows-Ford (wkds)
Olivia Hofer (stkt)
Olivia Ikinofo (shgh)
Olivia Knowling (splh)
Olivia Lengyel (huan)
Olivia Maxwell (dioc)
Olivia Morgan (wkds)
Olivia Parsonson (hlcr)
Olivia Sewell (stkt)
Olivia Swann (wtlg)
Olivia Warlow (splh)
Olivia Wrigley (bara)
Olivia Young (otum)
Ollie Strang (stkt)
Oscar Andrew (wtlb)
Oscar Dorbeck (wtlb)
Paige Badish (stkt)
Paige Stevenson (wtlg)
Parekura Kellow (went)
Pascale Peake (wkds)
Patrick Boyle (macl)
Patrick Griffin (stpc)
Patrick Topp (sptw)
Penny Wallis (camb)
Peter Morris (stpa)
Phillipa Wilson (wkds)
Phillippa Murphy (gghs)
Phoebe Archibald (dioc)
Phoebe Burling (comp)
Phoebe Burling (mtma)
Phoebe Klink (eggs)
Phoebe Tumata (onew)
Piper McConnell (trgg)
Piper Wight (dioc)
Pippa Johns (shgh)
Polly Chamberlain (macl)
Poppy Holmes (bara)
Poppy Walter (mtal)
Presley Gibson (gghs)
Prudence Fowler (dioc)
Quinn Tierney (shgh)
Rachel Goodin (haur)
Rachel Taylor (mtal)
Raea Bainbridge (sjhm)
Raith Fullam (wtlb)
Raquel Dinan (mtal)
Raumati Meihana (stkt)
Rebecca Faletanoai (went)
Rebecca Knight (eggs)
Rebecca Leigh (stpc)
Rebecca Powley (rose)
Rebeka Frood (trgg)
Reece Walthew (wtlb)
Regan Bernasconi (puke)
Renee Fettes (trgg)
Renee Grace (stpc)
Renee Henry (onew)
Renske Brabant-Weitkamp (trid)
Reuben Corlett (smco)
Reuben Ngapo (sjhm)
Reuben van Dalen (stpc)
Rhian Kocsis (howi)
Rhianna Loughnan (comp)
Rhianna Loughnan (otum)
Richard Clarkson (stpc)
Richard Harris (trgb)
Richard Ieremia (shak)
Richie Faaumu (mtal)
Ricki-Lee Persen (hlcr)
Robbie King (stkt)
Robert Paul (shak)
Robson Snookes (stkt)
Rokko Lassey (bthc)
Ronan Brennan (sptw)
Ronan Fuller (splh)
Ronan Griffiths (jpcr)
Ronnie Brady (gghs)
Rosanna Bedford (wkds)
Rose Pham (eggs)
Rose Thomson (eggs)
Rosemary Bremner (otum)
Rosie Frood (trgg)
Rosie Ireland (dioc)
Rowan Bekker (went)
Roz Ahearn (bthc)
Ruby Butler (stpc)
Ruby Cotter (dioc)
Ruby Hayes (dioc)
Ruby Hosking (stpc)
Ruby Methven (eggs)
Ruby Obrien (bara)
Ruby Thornton (camb)
Rumaysa Barnes (hlcr)
Ruth Taylor (howi)
Ryan Campbell (hamb)
Ryan Gass (macl)
Ryan Hart (trgb)
Ryan Morrow (wtlb)
Ryan O'Loughlin (macl)
Ryan Olsen (shak)
Ryan Parsons (howi)
Ryan Tyndall (splh)
Sacha Sampson (dioc)
Sadie Sumich (dioc)
Saffron Hann (trgg)
Sam Aldridge (sptw)
Sam Allen (otum)
Sam Barry (stkt)
Sam Beuth (shak)
Sam Cook (hamb)
Sam Cummins (kgca)
Sam Garton (agsb)
Sam Gollings (shak)
Sam Harcourt (splh)
Sam Hogan (camb)
Sam Lecocq (wtlb)
Sam McArthur (hamb)
Sam McWilliam (agsb)
Sam Morrow (stkt)
Sam Murphy (shak)
Sam Oliver (trgb)
Sam Ready (agsb)
Sam Russell (stkt)
Sam Treloar (gbhs)
Sam White Bai (roto)
Samantha McCutcheon (taup)
Samarah Garrett-Dalton (wtlg)
Samson Brown-Vaikoula (hamb)
Samuel Brewer (kgca)
Samuel Broadbent (haur)
Samuel Chote (mtal)
Samuel Davison (stpa)
Samuel Hinchcliff (shak)
Samuel Ingleton (stkt)
Samuel Jones (wtlb)
Samuel Kavanagh (camb)
Samuel McRae (stln)
Samuel Rickard (wtlb)
Samuel Roys (stpa)
Samuel Shotter (wtlb)
Samuel Sparey (mtal)
Samuel Tierney (agsb)
Samuel Wisniewski (shak)
Sanaaya Wadia (macl)
Sandalika Illangamudalige (trgg)
Sara Cooper (comp)
Sara Cooper (rotg)
Sarah Allen (hamg)
Sarah Bell (eggs)
Sarah Best (splh)
Sarah Dolan (kgca)
Sarah Krystman (stpc)
Sarah Martin (wkds)
Sarah Simpson (bara)
Sarah Wade (hlcr)
Sasha Humberstone (trgg)
Saskia Riedel (comp)
Saskia Riedel (tauh)
Savannah Barrack (bara)
Savannah Williams (camb)
Scarlet Billingham (stln)
Scott Cosslett (wtlb)
Scott McDermott (haur)
Seager Ray (camb)
Sean Daly (stkt)
Sean Dowling (haur)
Sean Hale (camb)
Sean McHugh (stpa)
Sean McKenna (stpa)
Sean Paget (shak)
Sean Patten (stkt)
Seaton Bayley (sjhm)
Sebastian Fulton (sjhm)
Sebastian Solomann (gbhs)
Selby Filipo (bthc)
Selin Akkaya (wtlg)
Seren Dixon (camb)
Seth Peake (splh)
Shanae Hoffman (teaw)
Shauna Glassie-Ryan (hamg)
Shena Donald (went)
Shontelle Aitchison (comp)
Shontelle Aitchison (haur)
Shreya Ekbote (trgg)
Sienna Cook (dioc)
Sienna Norman (taka)
Sinead Cooper (shgh)
Sophia Barrell (stpc)
Sophia Chiang (stkt)
Sophia Hynds (stkt)
Sophia Irvine (eggs)
Sophia Meikle (eggs)
Sophia Meldrum (bara)
Sophie Chisholm (wkds)
Sophie Clark (dioc)
Sophie Davies (eggs)
Sophie Egan (splh)
Sophie Egnot-Johnson (wtlg)
Sophie Fullerton-Smith (wkds)
Sophie Humphries (stkt)
Sophie Mischefski (haur)
Sophie Neal (kapi)
Sophie Reeves (wkds)
Sophie Tumata (onew)
Sophie Wallace (comp)
Sophie Wallace (kris)
Stella Clayton-Greene (haur)
Stella Cressey (stkt)
Stella Grigg (eggs)
Stella Humberstone-Hurley (eggs)
Stella Janissen (aqui)
Stella Shaw (bara)
Stephen Stuart (mtal)
Sydney Johnson (stpc)
Sylvia Leadley (wtlg)
Tahi Fagan (teaw)
Tait Fuller (went)
Tamati Panoho (kgca)
Tane Gregerson (wtlb)
Tangi Isileli-Fo'Ou (puke)
Tanveer Billing (hamb)
Tara Campbell (stmw)
Tara Pickering (mtal)
Tayla Clasper (bara)
Tayla Cook (camb)
Tayla McCormick (trgg)
Tayla Smith (stkt)
Tayla Stewart (stpc)
Taylan Boyle (howi)
Taylor Balme (splh)
Taylor Barry (sjhm)
Taylor Bell (stpc)
Taylor Morrison (wtlg)
te Aomihia Olliver-Samuels (hamg)
Te Ohongaake Swanson Hall (jpcr)
te Omeka Sigley (whak)
Teagan Knight (wkds)
Teegan Gulliver (teaw)
Tegan Fookes (rotl)
Tessa Crean (bara)
Theo Casey-Pickering (mtal)
Theo Lotu-I'Iga (agsb)
Theo Wright (shak)
Theodore Clifford (kgca)
Thijs Johnston (taup)
Thom Pettit (stkt)
Thom Simmons (gbhs)
Thomas Barrell (agsb)
Thomas Fraser (camb)
Thomas Grayson (stln)
Thomas Hall (kgca)
Thomas Kells (stkt)
Thomas Leslie (trgb)
Thomas Ludbrook (kgca)
Thomas McCann (taka)
Thomas Overy (agsb)
Thomas Reed (camb)
Thomas Whittle (mtal)
Tim Edwards (shak)
Timothy Hughes (agsb)
Timothy Leach (kgca)
Tina Stokes (taup)
Tindra Crossland (wkds)
Tine Louw (puke)
Toatahi te Ua (splh)
Tom Leonard (haur)
Tom MacFarlane (stpa)
Tom Mills (stkt)
Tom Newton (shak)
Tom Parkin (taka)
Tom Russell (stpa)
Tomas McCaffrey (hamb)
Tomos Hudgell (shak)
Toni Britow (wtlg)
Tony Chapman (jpcr)
Tony Khoo (agsb)
Tori Jones (dioc)
Toria Clifford (howi)
Travis Cashmore (hamb)
Trent Marshall (macl)
Trent Sargent (teaw)
Tristan Robinson (stkt)
Troy Deakin (gbhs)
Troy Houston (hamb)
Tyrel McClelland (haur)
Tyson Lowry (hamb)
Unity Ngatai (stpc)
Valentina Rosenbaum Raynish (dioc)
Vedran Ilich (shak)
Verity Andrews (dioc)
Veronica Bagley (puke)
Victoria Chanwai (splh)
Victoria Goodwin (shgh)
Vinnie Hermann (sjhm)
Waldo Singleton (macl)
Wendy Ni (stkt)
Wes Hitchcock (splh)
Whetu Meihana (eggs)
Will Yates (shak)
William Arrell (agsb)
William Nicholas (hamb)
William Thompson (hamb)
William Titchener (went)
Willow Johnston (gghs)
Winnie Cao (howi)
Wynn Craven (hamb)
Xavier Bell (sptw)
Xavier Jones (camb)
Xavier McIntosh (haur)
Xavier Smidt (shak)
Xavier Yates (shak)
Zac Paterson (hamb)
Zac Riedel (comp)
Zac Riedel (tauh)
Zach Bargh (sptw)
Zachariah Jans (whhs)
Zachary Ellison (sjhm)
Zachary Knight (wtlb)
Zara Ely (macl)
Zara Iqbal (stkt)
Zeke O'Connor-Sapsford (scot)
Zoe Johnston (haur)
Zoe Marais (macl)
Zoe Mercer (dioc)
Zoe Millar (eggs)
Zoe Mills (eggs)
Zoe Stubbing (comp)
Zoe Stubbing (jpcr)
Zyean Cutler (hamb)
All coaches
Aaron Farr (macl)
Abbey Roberts (camb)
Abby Roberts (camb)
Ags Coaching Team (agsb)
Alan Cleaver (puke)
Alan Cleaver (tekc)
Alan Cleaver (comp)
Alan McLean (comp)
Alan McLean (otum)
Alastair Riddle (jpcr)
Alastair Riddle (whhs)
Alastair Riddle (rotl)
Alex Brown (mtal)
Alex Hyland (lytt)
Alex Hyland (gghs)
Alex Kite (camb)
Allan Vester (edwt)
Allen Loomb (teaw)
Anthony Berkers (camb)
Baradene Coaching Team (bara)
Ben Hammond (stkt)
Bradyn Watson (macl)
Brenda Lawson (tauh)
Brenda Lawson (taup)
Brenda Lawson (comp)
Brendan Boreham (kgca)
Brett Henry (onew)
Bruce And Allan Tong (went)
Caleb Smith (scot)
Callum Ross (mtal)
Callum Wright (camb)
Ceri Armit (sptw)
Charles Haggie (puke)
Chris Brake (carm)
Chris Brake (comp)
Chris Brake (rgtt)
Chris Brake (kris)
Chris Brake (rosm)
Chris Goudie (stkt)
Chris Pearson (rotg)
Chris Pearson (whhs)
Chris Pearson (rotl)
Chris Pearson (comp)
Chris Pearson (jpcr)
Claire Harrison (wtlg)
Conor Burns (kgca)
Conor Mercer (kgca)
Craig Bocock (bthc)
Craig Bocock (kati)
Craig Smith (wtlg)
David Carr-Smith (scot)
David Potts (teaw)
David White (went)
Dexter Peffers (taka)
Dio Coaching Team (dioc)
Drew Tierney (sjhm)
Dudley Storey (howi)
Duncan Bydeley (trgg)
Duncan Grant (camb)
Dylan Swain (camb)
Ella Campbell (wtlg)
Ellie Dowse (stpc)
Emily Caldwell (stln)
Emily Caldwell (rose)
Epernay Norman (taka)
Epsom Coaching Team (eggs)
Evan Hamlet (huan)
Fraser Coaching Team (fras)
Fraser Rowing Coaches (fras)
Gabrielle Smith (kgca)
Geoff Perry (stkt)
Graham Watt (whak)
Guy Williams (stkt)
Hamilton Girls' Coaching Team (hamg)
Hamish Ramsay (stkt)
Hannah Hood (taka)
Hannah Patterson (taka)
Hauraki Coaching Team (comp)
Hauraki Coaching Team (haur)
Hayden Shaw (rose)
Hayden Shaw (stln)
Henry Morrow (kgca)
Hillcrest High Coaching Team (hlcr)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (stmw)
Jack Shuttleworth (stpc)
Jacob Merwood (mtal)
Jacqueline Chang (stkt)
Jaime Macfie (hlcr)
Janey Wackrow (stpc)
Jaord Fleming (sjhm)
Jarod Fleming (sjhm)
Jeff Johnson (trgg)
Jemima Hylton (stpc)
Jo Etzinger (wtlg)
Johannah Kearney (scot)
John Lawrence (macl)
Jon Squires (wtlg)
Josh Wedlake (stpc)
Justine Brennan (comp)
Karen Verwey (stpc)
Keith Hibberd (howi)
Kelly Hamilton (trgg)
Kevin Herbison (wtlg)
Kim O'Neill (stmw)
Kirsty Dunhill (camb)
Leith Menzies (kgca)
Liam Cook (camb)
Logan Walters (stln)
Logan Walters (rose)
Loveday Yeoman (roto)
Lua Tuiomanufili (sptw)
Luke Jenkins (gbhs)
Mags Coaching Team (mtal)
Mark Clemo (macl)
Martin Simoncelli (tham)
Matt Hill (whak)
Micheal Teilemans (stln)
Micheal Teilemans (smco)
Mike Ruiterman (onew)
Mike Ruiterman (puke)
Nick Hanna (bthc)
Nick Lloyd (kgca)
Nick Tonkin (htib)
Nick Tonkin (samu)
Nick Tonkin (comp)
Nick Tonkin (kapi)
Nick Tonkin (onsl)
Norm Charlton (stpc)
Norman Sharp (stkt)
Norman Sharpe (stkt)
Paul Clinton (bthc)
Paul Westbury (eggs)
Peter Abbot (went)
Peter Fraser (camb)
Peter Mason (stkt)
Rebecca Green (camb)
Rob Ansell (went)
Rob Nichols (trgg)
Robin Crooks (stpc)
Ron Neighbour (rose)
Ron Neighbour (stln)
Rory Accorsi (macl)
Sacred Heart Coaching Team (shak)
Sam Livingston (stpc)
Sandy Stuart (camb)
Scott Gunderson (huan)
Sean McVerry (sjhm)
Shc Coaching Team (shak)
Shgc Coaching Team (shgh)
Sigrid Davis (howi)
Sophie Wilson (stkt)
Spc Coaching Team (stpa)
Ted Phelps (otum)
Toby Patton (bthc)
Toby Patton (otum)
Tom Ferguson (taka)
Tom Moore (macl)
Trc Coaching Team (aqui)
Trc Coaching Team (comp)
Trc Coaching Team (trgb)
Trc Coaching Team (mtma)
Trish Fenton (edwt)
Waikato Dio Coaching Team (wkds)
Waikato Dio Coaching Teami (wkds)
Wayne Asplin (teaw)
Wbhs Coaching Team (wtlb)
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