In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Zoe Chadwick
Competed for:
Also attended
girls U18 coxed quad sculls
Heat 2
: placed 4
A Final
: placed 8
1 -
Breana Pearce
(stroke) |
Rachel Sarten
Emma Holmes
Rachel Colson
Zoe Chadwick
Event #
1: girls U17 1X
2: girls U18 2-
3: boys U17 4+
4: boys U15 4X+
5: boys U18 2-
6: boys U16 2X
7: girls U16 4+
8: mens mst 2X
9: girls U17 8+
10: boys U18 4X+
11: womens mst 4+
12: girls U15 8+
13: boys U16 4X+
14: boys U15 8+
15: boys N18 4+
16: girls U16 2X
17: womens mst 2X
18: boys U17 4X+
19: girls U18 1X
20: girls U15 2X
21: girls U18 4+
22: boys U18 4+
23: girls U17 2X
24: mens mst 4+
25: girls U16 8+
26: boys U16 4+
27: boys U18 1X
28: girls U18 2X
29: boys U17 2X
30: girls U15 4X+
31: girls U17 4+
32: mixed mst 8+
33: boys U17 8+
34: boys U18 2X
35: girls U16 4X+
36: boys U15 4+
37: boys U16 8+
38: girls U18 4X+
39: girls N18 4+
40: boys U17 1X
41: girls U17 4X+
42: girls U15 4+
43: boys U15 2X
44: girls U18 8+
45: boys U18 8+
20: girls U15 2X
30: girls U15 4X+
42: girls U15 4+
12: girls U15 8+
16: girls U16 2X
35: girls U16 4X+
7: girls U16 4+
25: girls U16 8+
1: girls U17 1X
23: girls U17 2X
41: girls U17 4X+
31: girls U17 4+
9: girls U17 8+
19: girls U18 1X
28: girls U18 2X
2: girls U18 2-
38: girls U18 4X+
21: girls U18 4+
44: girls U18 8+
17: womens mst 2X
11: womens mst 4+
39: girls N18 4+
43: boys U15 2X
4: boys U15 4X+
36: boys U15 4+
14: boys U15 8+
6: boys U16 2X
13: boys U16 4X+
26: boys U16 4+
37: boys U16 8+
40: boys U17 1X
29: boys U17 2X
18: boys U17 4X+
3: boys U17 4+
33: boys U17 8+
27: boys U18 1X
34: boys U18 2X
5: boys U18 2-
10: boys U18 4X+
22: boys U18 4+
45: boys U18 8+
8: mens mst 2X
24: mens mst 4+
15: boys N18 4+
32: mixed mst 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Aquinas College
Auckland Grammar Rowing Club
Auckland Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Cambridge High School
Cambridge Rowing Club
Clifton Rowing Club
Counties-Manukau Rowing Club
Epsom Girls Grammar
Gisborne Rowing Club
Hamilton Boys High School
Hamilton Girls High School
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Mercer Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
St Georges Rowing Club
St Kentigern College Rowing Club
St Pauls Collegiate Rowing Club
Takapuna Grammar Rowing Club
Tauranga Boys College
Tauranga Girls College
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waihopai Rowing Club
Waikato Diocesan School
Waikato Rowing Club
Wanganui Collegiate Rowing Club
Wellington Rowing Club
Wentworth College
West End Rowing Club
Westlake Boys High School
Westlake Girls High School
Whakatane Rowing Club
Whangarei Boys High School
Whangarei Rowing Club
All athletes
Aaron Cleland (spcc)
Aaron Elliott (spcc)
Aaron Hutchison (went)
Aaron Sullivan (hamb)
Abbey Loveday (trgg)
Abby Rowlands (hamc)
Abigail Corkery (sgec)
Adam el Gana (sgec)
Adam Grinter (hamb)
Adam Jenkin (comc)
Adam Keat (camc)
Adam King (tawc)
Adam Smith (akgc)
Ahmed Al-Rikabi (tgsc)
Aidan Nel (sgec)
Aimee Burns-Mawson (whac)
Aimee Nicholls (eggs)
Akeneta Wacokecoke (sgec)
Alahna Walker (tgsc)
Alan Scandrett (wtlb)
Alathea Lockett (trgg)
Alex Bardoul (hamb)
Alex Coldicutt (camb)
Alex Deverell (camb)
Alex Hargreaves (spcc)
Alex Hodge (aklc)
Alex Mason (spcc)
Alex Nathan (camc)
Alex Rafe (tgsc)
Alex Speck (tgsc)
Alex Stevenson (samu)
Alex Stevenson (welc)
Alex Whyte (whac)
Alex Wilson (spcc)
Alexa Wiki (wkds)
Alexander English (wesc)
Alexander Fowler-Whalley (skec)
Alexander Fox (skec)
Alexander Mudford (camc)
Alexandra Ford (wesc)
Alexandra Murden (went)
Alexandra Murray (bpcc)
Alice Ansley (bpcc)
Alice Draper (eggs)
Alice Joblin-Mills (unwc)
Alice Kavet (wesc)
Alice Kay (wkds)
Alice Leonard (hamc)
Alice Rump (wtlg)
Alice White (hamc)
Alison Lynch (eggs)
Alison Tubby (tgsc)
Ally Fullerton (wkds)
Alyse McNae (hamc)
Amanda Faletanoai (skec)
Amanda Maguren (hamc)
Amber Brierly (wtlg)
Amber Grimmett (trgg)
Amber Peffers (tgsc)
Amber-Rose Kempster (sgec)
Amelia Sidwell-Aranyi (sgec)
Amy Crawford (hamc)
Amy Dobinson (trgg)
Amy Edlin (camb)
Amy Kelly (aqui)
Amy King (tawc)
Anastasia Arends (camc)
Andrea Zorn (camc)
Andrew Chong (akgc)
Andrew Davidson (wtlb)
Andrew Mac (skec)
Andrew Oliver (merc)
Andrew Pittams (rotc)
Andrew Sumner (wtlb)
Andrew Williams (wanc)
Andy Williams (camc)
Angus Bews (skec)
Angus Dines (sgec)
Anna Buchanan (hamc)
Anna Christie (wesc)
Anna Cullum (trgg)
Anna Garrett (skec)
Anna Hamilton (merc)
Anna Robinson (welc)
Anna Saxton (camb)
Annalise Coglan (went)
Annalise Wilson (rotc)
Anneliese Lethborg (hamc)
Ansa Hammond (wtlg)
Anthony Allen (skec)
Anthony Bolger (camb)
Anthony Hughes (tawc)
Anthony Meehan (hamc)
Antony Brooker (comc)
Ariana Matthew (tawc)
Arianna Apiti (hamg)
Arie McOne (sgec)
Arielle Christiansen (hamc)
Arna Newton (tawc)
Arvind Nair (akgc)
Ash Thompson (comc)
Ashlee Caskie (merc)
Ashlee Numa (hamc)
Ashleigh Aitchison (sgec)
Ashleigh Hodge (camc)
Ashleigh Hutton (hamc)
Ashleigh McNie (sgec)
Ashleigh Vickers (hkic)
Ashley Buchanan (unwc)
Ashley Holland (gisc)
Ashton Cox (aklc)
Ashton Moorhead (camc)
Aspen Whalen (clic)
Autumn Lenzie-Smith (tgsc)
Avinash de Silva (akgc)
Awhina Hona (trgg)
Barbara Jones (hkic)
Bayly Camp (wkds)
Bayly Harris (hamc)
Beaudene Widdison (wesc)
Becky Hodgson (trgg)
Becky Tushingham (wkds)
Belinda Ketel (trgg)
Ben Clapp (skec)
Ben Goldsworthy (unwc)
Ben Good (camb)
Ben McArthur (akgc)
Ben McPherson (hamb)
Ben Peterson (aklc)
Ben Stokes (sgec)
Ben van Dalen (camc)
Benjamin Hussey (unwc)
Bennett Hume (tgsc)
Bernard Bruin (merc)
Bethany Hayman (wtlg)
Billy Kaumeafaiva (sgec)
Blair Brown (hamb)
Blair Pointon (hamb)
Blake Knight (skec)
Blake van der Maas (skec)
Brad Heath (akgc)
Brad Oberman (hamb)
Brad Rogers (merc)
Bradley Stein (went)
Breana Pearce (clic)
Brendan Murphy (hamc)
Brendan O'Halloran (hamc)
Brendan Russell (trgb)
Brenna Cockrem (hamg)
Brent Walker (hkic)
Brianna Wood (tgsc)
Briar Carss (hamg)
Briar Clark (wtlg)
Briar Murphy (camc)
Briar Stewart (skec)
Briony Andrews (skec)
Brittany McNeil (wesc)
Brittany Smith (wkds)
Brock Ruscoe (wanc)
Bronte Corke (eggs)
Bronwen Holmes (camc)
Brooke Hall (eggs)
Brooke Leonard (hkic)
Brooke Tuffield (wanc)
Brooklyn Phillips (sgec)
Bryn Gatland (hamb)
Brynn Engbers (wtlb)
Caitlin Lawry (hamc)
Caitlin O'Donoghue (sgec)
Caitlin Roa (camc)
Caleb Eady (whgb)
Caleb Eady (wrec)
Caleb Hoskin (unwc)
Caleb Shepherd (hamb)
Caleb Smaill (sgec)
Callum Dickson (hamc)
Callum Lott (unwc)
Callum McCormack (hkic)
Callum Milbank (trgb)
Callum Ross (akgc)
Callum Taft (rotc)
Callum Webber (bpcc)
Callum Wilcox (wtlb)
Callum Windley (spcc)
Cameron Bartley (spcc)
Cameron Davison (spcc)
Cameron Farrant (rotc)
Cameron Hussey (unwc)
Cameron Marshall (skec)
Cameron Robertson (bpcc)
Cameron Rowland (spcc)
Cameron van Tiel (akgc)
Cameron Watson (skec)
Cameron Webster (wtlb)
Campbell Rhodes (wesc)
Caren McConnell (whoc)
Caren McConnell (wkoc)
Carl Barnhill (sgec)
Casey Bradley (wtlg)
Cassidy Morris (went)
Catherine Bell (went)
Catherine Shaw (merc)
Cedric Kapa (sgec)
Chad Saunders (clic)
Chanel McCallum (clic)
Charles Rogerson (bpcc)
Charlotte Crowther (sgec)
Charlotte Dobier (wtlg)
Charlotte Gibson (tgsc)
Charlotte Mellar (eggs)
Chelsea Eckersley (hamc)
Chelsey Cameron-Empson (aqui)
Chenae Swinerd (tawc)
Chiharu Saunders (hamg)
Chris Hacon (merc)
Chris Hone (unwc)
Chris Poole (aklc)
Chris Whitton (hkic)
Christian Kellerher (aklc)
Christie Tucker (hkic)
Christina Ivory (wesc)
Christopher Butcher (comc)
Christopher Morrison (camc)
Christopher Norris (sgec)
Claire Taylor (camc)
Claudia Chandler (wtlg)
Claudia Hollobon (hamc)
Clay Reed (hkic)
Cleave Holmes (camc)
Clyde Smith (gisc)
Codi Upton (trgb)
Codie Perris (wrec)
Cody Pettit (trgb)
Cody Povey (hkic)
Cody Westerman (whac)
Cody Wheeler (skec)
Connor Roycroft (spcc)
Conor Carr (skec)
Conor McCowan (skec)
Cord Kerr (gisc)
Cormac O'Grady (aklc)
Courtenay Megson (trgg)
Courtney Adams (bpcc)
Courtney Sheehan (tgsc)
Crystal de Crom (hamc)
Crystal Monahan (wrec)
Crystal van der Heyden (camc)
Cullam Davie (trgb)
Daisy Discombe (comc)
Dan Tidbury (tgsc)
Dana McLachlan (hamc)
Daniel Bates (hamb)
Daniel Bradley-Prankerd (sgec)
Daniel Bridgwater (trgb)
Daniel Britten (skec)
Daniel Chambers (skec)
Daniel Edwards (wtlb)
Daniel Guthrie (skec)
Daniel Lee (wanc)
Daniel Mayo-Smith (sgec)
Daniel Shelton (gisc)
Danielle Botha (wkds)
Danielle Griffiths (hamg)
Danielle le Sueur (whac)
Danielle May (comc)
Danielle Peffers (tgsc)
Danielle Renai (samu)
Danielle Renai (welc)
Danielle Schofield (wtlg)
Danielle Shrubsall (went)
Danyelle Disher (hamc)
Dario Bauer (went)
Darrell Seiber (sgec)
David Driessen (trgb)
David Lazarus (camc)
David Maney (camc)
David Richardson (akgc)
David Rooney (spcc)
Dean Burfoot (wtlb)
Deen Wimbrow (wtlb)
Delaney Phillips (rotc)
Demi Arbuckle (whac)
Denis Schipper (hkic)
Devon Nicholls (eggs)
Diana Clarke (trgg)
Digby Dowding (wanc)
Dillon Maloney (bpcc)
Dion Downey (wesc)
Dirk Driessen (trgb)
Djon Pye (skec)
Dominic Bolton (aklc)
Dominic Newton (hkic)
Dominique Williams (hkic)
Doug Clapcott (hamb)
Douglas Burfoot (wtlb)
Douglas Rothery (trgb)
Douglas Watkins (bpcc)
Doyle Stanners (camb)
Drew Prendergast (aqui)
Duncan Shand (hamc)
Dylan Blakeman (tawc)
Dylan Lynch (hkic)
Dylan Mathis (camc)
Eddie Hogg (tgsc)
Edward Baddeley (wrec)
Edward Baddeley (whgb)
Eke Uinise (sgec)
Eleanor Bradley (eggs)
Elizabeth Adams (sgec)
Elizabeth Granville (eggs)
Elizabeth Mayo-Smith (sgec)
Elizabeth Millett (sgec)
Ella Madsen-Reid (wtlg)
Ellen Crane (trgg)
Ellen Hunt (wtlg)
Ellen Smith (comc)
Elliot Henare (tgsc)
Elly Moody (comc)
Eloise Dowse (camc)
Elsie Tischler (wkds)
Elyse Rothery (trgg)
Emilee Butler (clic)
Emily Anselmi (camc)
Emily Heaney (welc)
Emily Hodge (rotc)
Emily Levin (skec)
Emily Munro (camc)
Emily Palmer (camc)
Emily Rewi (hamc)
Emily Searle (comc)
Emily Speedy (hkic)
Emily Stonehouse (comc)
Emily Twiname (wtlg)
Emily Whitbread (camc)
Emma Byllemos (sgec)
Emma Chapman (wesc)
Emma Deeney (camb)
Emma Godfrey (trgg)
Emma Holmes (clic)
Emma Hutchinson (comc)
Emma Kutia (eggs)
Emma Rees (clic)
Emma Russell (wanc)
Emma Sisson (wtlg)
Emma Thyne (welc)
Emma van der Maas (skec)
Erica van der Zanden (hamc)
Erich Lee (skec)
Erin Jensen (camc)
Eseta Lealaiauloto (sgec)
Esther Austin (wanc)
Ethan Inglis (bpcc)
Ethan Jackson (aklc)
Ethan Monks (camb)
Felicity McCree (welc)
Felix Schmidt (akgc)
Finian Casey (hamb)
Fiona Bennett (trgg)
Fiona Mann (wesc)
Fiona Weleilakeba (wanc)
Fletcher Harnish (skec)
Frances Cornwall (sgec)
Frances Mitchell (welc)
Francis Snelgar (trgb)
Fransois Eksteen (spcc)
Fraser Graham (gisc)
Freya Robinson (gisc)
Freya Sawbridge (sgec)
Gabriel Everett (wtlb)
Gabriella Bore (wesc)
Gary Tucker (wkoc)
Gary Tucker (hkic)
Gavin Laurich (hkic)
Gavin Laurich (wkoc)
Gavin Lawrence (unwc)
Gavin Porter (hkic)
Gavin Porter (wkoc)
Genevieve Small (sgec)
George Ellis (wanc)
George Forster (camc)
George Stafford (tgsc)
Georgia Brown (samu)
Georgia Brown (welc)
Georgia Hankins (wesc)
Georgia Hunt (hamc)
Georgia Morrison (hamg)
Georgia Nixon (went)
Georgia Perry (camc)
Georgina Hyde (rotc)
Georgina Speedy (hkic)
Georgina Tarr (wtlg)
Gillian Cooper (sgec)
Gina Nicolson (whoc)
Gina Nicolson (wkoc)
Gisele Foster (rotc)
Glenn Allison (unwc)
Gordon Kang (tgsc)
Gorgia Brewer (went)
Grace Donaldson (hamc)
Grace Eriksen (rotc)
Grace Howard (wtlg)
Grace Leonard (hkic)
Grace Living (tgsc)
Grace Miller (wrec)
Grace Train (wanc)
Grayson Croasdale (spcc)
Greer Murray (rotc)
Gregory Pallas (wesc)
Gus Black (spcc)
Guthrie Burns (akgc)
Hamish Carter (camb)
Hamish Mahon (spcc)
Hamish Mitchell (akgc)
Hamish Ramsay (skec)
Hamza Al-Rikabi (tgsc)
Hanna Longley (tgsc)
Hanna Spurdle (tgsc)
Hanna Zaloum (tgsc)
Hannah Duncum (camb)
Hannah Everitt (went)
Hannah Heskett (wkds)
Hannah King (skec)
Hannah Laloli (merc)
Hannah Maher (hamc)
Hannah Mills (welc)
Hannah Mills (samu)
Hannah Osborne (wkds)
Hannah Osborne (tawc)
Hannah Paterson (wesc)
Hannah Pawley (eggs)
Hannah Raos (aqui)
Hannah Rawnsley (merc)
Hannah Stannard (camc)
Harriette Moore (tgsc)
Harrison Barker (skec)
Harrison Bell (wesc)
Harrison Kay (wtlb)
Harrison Rose (akgc)
Harrison Woolf (skec)
Harry Edmonds-Bayler (wanc)
Harry Hughes (sgec)
Harry Missen (whac)
Harry Willis (sgec)
Harvey Nelson (camc)
Hayden Austin (whac)
Hayden Ellis (wtlb)
Hayden Goudswaard (hamb)
Hayden Shaw (comc)
Hayden Smith (hamc)
Haydn Jack (wtlb)
Heather McKey (sgec)
Helen Crouth (trgg)
Helen Payne (rotc)
Helena McHugh (hamc)
Henry Fitzgerald (aklc)
Holly Chandler (hamg)
Holly Gibson (wesc)
Holly Loft (hamg)
Holly Miller (wkds)
Honour Carmichael (eggs)
Hope Atutahi (hamc)
Hugh McKay (spcc)
Hugh Spiers (rotc)
Huia Ackerman (trgg)
Iain Maritz (camb)
Imelda Devaney (camc)
Imogen Ling (tgsc)
Isaac Algar (hamb)
Isaac Grainger (sgec)
Isabella Cochrane (camc)
Isala Dines (sgec)
Izak Eksteen (spcc)
Jack Alison (whac)
Jack Barry (comc)
Jack Blathwayt (tgsc)
Jack Donaldson (hamb)
Jack Kelly (spcc)
Jack Robb (trgb)
Jack Sargent (camc)
Jack Wilson (wesc)
Jackson Living (tgsc)
Jackson Power (tgsc)
Jackson Reardon (akgc)
Jaco Theunissen (akgc)
Jacob Baker (sgec)
Jacob van Tiel (akgc)
Jaeden Waldron-Lemon (merc)
Jaime Gunderson (wtlg)
Jaime O'Keefe (unwc)
Jaime-Marie MacFie (camb)
Jaimee Hoogeveen (hkic)
Jaimee Morley (went)
Jake Florence (akgc)
Jake Poole (tawc)
Jakob Zohs (rotc)
Jamaica Whaanga (sgec)
James Atherton (spcc)
James Bridgman (akgc)
James Chatfield (gisc)
James Clotworthy (comc)
James Hau (wtlb)
James Hope (trgb)
James Horner (tgsc)
James Hoskin (unwc)
James Kang (tgsc)
James Lynex (skec)
James Martin (camb)
James McElligott (camc)
James Merrett (hkic)
James Moody (comc)
James Pickford (spcc)
James Razey-Watts (akgc)
James Richardson (bpcc)
Jamie Keay (akgc)
Jamie Kingsford (bpcc)
Jamie Moore (bpcc)
Jamie Newlands (wesc)
Jamie Russell (bpcc)
Jamie Shearer (tgsc)
Janek Imiolek (camc)
Janie MacKay (wanc)
Jared Fox (bpcc)
Jarrod Gwynne (hamb)
Jarrod White (akgc)
Jarryd Walker (tgsc)
Jason Stroud (hamb)
Jasper Powell (sgec)
Jazmin Hopper (went)
Jazz Moncur (wtlg)
Jeffrey Brayshaw (bpcc)
Jemma Gibson (tawc)
Jemma Walker (hamc)
Jenni Hoogeveen (camc)
Jenny Hughes (merc)
Jeremy Hudson (gisc)
Jeremy Oliver (akgc)
Jeshua Taucher (aklc)
Jesper Mannson (spcc)
Jess Fair (welc)
Jess Gillies (tgsc)
Jesse Arends (camc)
Jesse Fyfe (akgc)
Jesseca Souchon (wkds)
Jessica Clarke (wrec)
Jessica Donald (wanc)
Jessica Douglas (wtlg)
Jessica Field (camc)
Jessica Munro (camc)
Jessica Nesbitt (wkds)
Jessica Ria (camc)
Jessica Wooller (wkds)
Jim Tyler (camb)
Joanna Boonen (whac)
Joanna Whiteman (wkoc)
Joanna Whiteman (whoc)
Jodie Bowdler (sgec)
Joel Bateman (akgc)
Joel Murdoch (rotc)
Johannes MacPherson (spcc)
John Burrows (trgb)
John Hussey (unwc)
John Matthews (camc)
John McIntyre (camc)
Johnathan Tait (tgsc)
Jonathan Zouch (wtlb)
Jonathon Riddle (camb)
Jonny Brown (akgc)
Jonty Birch (merc)
Jordan Herewini (camc)
Jordan Kopittke (wanc)
Jordan Langeveld (hkic)
Jordan Patchell (spcc)
Joseph Gasparini (wesc)
Joseph Nihotte (wesc)
Joseph Power-Silk (wtlb)
Joseph Velzian (spcc)
Josh Hares (akgc)
Josh Houlton (bpcc)
Josh Illingworth (merc)
Josh Little (akgc)
Josh Stol (merc)
Josh Yang (akgc)
Josh Yong (bpcc)
Joshua Brown (wtlb)
Joshua Caddigan (camc)
Joshua Clapp (skec)
Joshua Clarke (tgsc)
Joshua Earl (skec)
Joshua Firmin (unwc)
Joshua Fleming (skec)
Joshua Morrison (camc)
Joshua Mounsey (hkic)
Joshua Schmidt (tgsc)
Joshua Sims (whac)
Joshua Spargo (trgb)
Josina Lam (hamc)
Josua Everitt (went)
Jovi Zak (hamc)
Judd Speedy (camc)
Julia Ferris (wrec)
Julia Herbst (wtlg)
Julie Caldwell (camc)
Juliet Whitaker (welc)
Kahurangi Butler (sgec)
Kaitlin Fewings (aqui)
Kaitlin Stacey (camb)
Kaitlyn Goodson (hamc)
Kaitlyn Smith (comc)
Kaleb Foote (hamb)
Kalise Parrott (trgg)
Kallan Jones (trgb)
Kane Calder (wtlb)
Kane Skelsey (wanc)
Karen Pembroke (hkic)
Karina Irwin (camc)
Karl Kennedy (akgc)
Karl Schwarz (skec)
Karl Williams (hkic)
Kasie Stockman (hamg)
Kate Findlay (skec)
Kate Loveys (eggs)
Kate Nicol-Williams (wkds)
Kate Oliver (rotc)
Kate Radley (wtlg)
Kate Smit (wesc)
Kate Wilson (wrec)
Kate Young (skec)
Katherine Batchelar (aqui)
Katherine Mead (wtlg)
Katherine Thomas (eggs)
Katie Coster (wkds)
Katie Delaney (samu)
Katie Hickey (merc)
Katie Noakes (trgg)
Katie Philp (tgsc)
Katie Seagar (sgec)
Katie Sheehan (trgg)
Katie Snowden (trgg)
Katie Wardlaw (hamc)
Katrina Craig (wesc)
Katy Loudon (skec)
Kayla Davenport (hkic)
Kayla Jans (camb)
Kayla Jones (clic)
Kayla Swinerd (tawc)
Kayla Wolfenden (comc)
Keegan Frost-Jones (spcc)
Keegan Oxenham (rotc)
Keiran Dale (spcc)
Keiran Griffin (gisc)
Kelly Lithgow (wesc)
Kelsey Crew (rotc)
Kelsey Pratt (eggs)
Kelsi Barnett (tawc)
Kelsi Chiles (hamc)
Kelsi Walters (comc)
Kendall Smith (wrec)
Kendra Holloway (wtlg)
Kendra Page (sgec)
Kennedy Wiltshier (aqui)
Kenyon Marais (hamb)
Khoa Huynh (sgec)
Khoti Clements (camc)
Kieran MacDonald (camc)
Kim Maurice (skec)
Kimberley Connolly (wtlg)
Kirstie Petch (camc)
Kirsty Gemmell (wtlg)
Kit Croxford (wanc)
Kobi Nicholson (hkic)
Kody Knight (hamb)
Kostya Selenzner (wtlb)
Kristi Kelly-Yates (bpcc)
Krystal McSheffrey (hkic)
Krystal McSheffrey (wkoc)
Kyle Lennon (wtlb)
la Sharn Satherley-Teece (hamg)
Lachlan Watson (wanc)
Laura Bonney (trgg)
Laura Botica (sgec)
Laura Campbell (wkds)
Laura Gibbs (tawc)
Laura Jeffries (wkds)
Laura Mulligan (wkds)
Laura Perry (trgg)
Lauren Clarke (wrec)
Lauren Cole (wtlg)
Lauren Green (sgec)
Lauren Kabutu (comc)
Lauren Nasmith (hamg)
Lauren Pearless (welc)
Lauren Russell (camc)
Lauren Wolfsbauer (sgec)
Leah Hankey (wesc)
Leah McMahon (bpcc)
Leah Searle (sgec)
Lewis Carter (wesc)
Lewis Hollows (wesc)
Lexi Kerr (eggs)
Liam Berryman (tgsc)
Liam Fuchs-Jansen (hamb)
Liam George (skec)
Liam Godfrey (trgb)
Liam Ryan (tgsc)
Liam Small (wesc)
Lillian Lusty (hamc)
Lily Maber (wtlg)
Lizzie Christmas (wkds)
Lizzie Morse (went)
Logan Berg (camc)
Logan Rasmussen (wesc)
Logan Rodger (hamb)
Logan West (hkic)
Louis van Velthooven (akgc)
Louise Anselmi (wkds)
Louise Ford (rotc)
Louise Oakley (trgg)
Luc Rodwell (spcc)
Lucas Martin (spcc)
Lucas Walton-Keim (tgsc)
Lucie Tasker (camc)
Lucien Nabbs (spcc)
Lucy Anderson (sgec)
Lucy Athy (gisc)
Lucy Clapcott (wkds)
Lucy Considine (wanc)
Lucy Coyle (merc)
Lucy Featherston (hamc)
Lucy Jonas (eggs)
Lucy McEwan (tgsc)
Lucy Pearce (wanc)
Lucy Travis (spcc)
Lukah Upton (trgg)
Luke Galli (skec)
Luke Robinson (sgec)
Luke Smith (hkic)
Luke Watts (unwc)
Luke Wyllie-Miln (spcc)
Lydia McClean (sgec)
Lydia Milne (trgg)
Lydia Twohill (tgsc)
Lydia Whittington (welc)
Lyndon Vickers (hkic)
Maddie Cruickshank (wtlg)
Maddie Dobier (wtlg)
Maddison Bews (skec)
Madeleine Matene (wesc)
Madeline Reid (wtlg)
Madeson West (wesc)
Madison Clarke (went)
Magan Schipper (hkic)
Maggie Roy (hamc)
Maja Molloy (tgsc)
Malcolm Forster (merc)
Malcolm Jensen (camc)
Marcel Madruga (hamb)
Marcelle West (camb)
Marco de Jong (akgc)
Marcus Williams (skec)
Mariam al Jawad (sgec)
Marika Williams (trgg)
Mario Parussini (tgsc)
Mark Oliver Milne-Murdie (merc)
Marshall Bull (akgc)
Martin Crawford (rotc)
Marty Davenport (wtlb)
Mathew Barry (wtlb)
Mathew Cole (wtlb)
Mathew Griffin (wesc)
Mathew McIntyre (wesc)
Mathew McNeil (comc)
Mathew Watton (comc)
Matt Berry (merc)
Matt Cashmore (camb)
Matt Corliss (skec)
Matt Illingworth (akgc)
Matt Owens (tgsc)
Matt Wilkins (sgec)
Matthew Baskett (skec)
Matthew Clark (camc)
Matthew Clarke (merc)
Matthew Cooper (rotc)
Matthew Dawkins (camc)
Matthew Dearsly (bpcc)
Matthew Dunham (camc)
Matthew Hughes (camc)
Matthew Husband-Dravitzki (spcc)
Matthew Lock (wtlb)
Matthew O'Sullivan (unwc)
Matthew Wolff (wtlb)
Max Anstis (wtlb)
Max Boonen (whac)
Max Burney (tgsc)
Max Christensen (hamb)
Max Clout (trgb)
Max Goodman (wtlb)
Max Lowndes (skec)
Maxine Hughes (sgec)
Maxwell Millett (sgec)
Maxwell Stuart-Jones (spcc)
McKenzie Lewis (skec)
McKenzie Macky (hamb)
Meaghan Liddle (merc)
Megan Brown (wrec)
Megan Crowley (bpcc)
Megan Dangerfield (welc)
Megan Dempster (wesc)
Megan Hamilton (hamg)
Megan Nicholson (bpcc)
Megan Thurlow (bpcc)
Megan Vaughan (camc)
Megan Walker (hkic)
Melissa Kelsey (comc)
Melissa Niemandt (tgsc)
Melissa Torstonson (hkic)
Meredith Graham (camb)
Merepaea Matthew (tawc)
Micaela Ashford (wkds)
Michael Beaumont (tgsc)
Michael Brake (wtlb)
Michael Dale (hamc)
Michael Harvey (sgec)
Michael Hodge (spcc)
Michael Karrebaek (wesc)
Michael Lineham (tgsc)
Michael Longuet-Higgins (akgc)
Michael Newton (sgec)
Michael Rasmussen (hamb)
Michael Redwood (skec)
Michael Rua (sgec)
Michael White (wanc)
Michaela Berry (hamg)
Michelle Petricevich (tgsc)
Mikaila Harris (sgec)
Mike Speedy (wkoc)
Milan Venter (camb)
Miles Ceannedigh (akgc)
Miles Ganley (tgsc)
Ming-Ken Yee (hamc)
Misaki Kato (tgsc)
Mischa Tosswill (akgc)
Mishalee Wickremesekera (welc)
Mitch Coldicutt (camb)
Mitchell Crowe (rotc)
Mitchell Dumergue (akgc)
Mitchell McNae (hamb)
Mitchell Molloy (wesc)
Mitchell Ryan (bpcc)
Mitchell Willetts (hamb)
Mollie James (wesc)
Molly Hermann (hamc)
Molly Parker (tgsc)
Monica Garrett (skec)
Monica Maddren (wtlg)
Monique Davis (tgsc)
Morgan Bennett (trgg)
Morgan Steel (hamb)
Murari Ramesh (sgec)
Murray Liddell (akgc)
Myles Durrant (tgsc)
Natalie Comins (eggs)
Natalie Ewing (merc)
Natalie Hill (rotc)
Natalie Jamieson (merc)
Natalie Lipa (wesc)
Natalie Proctor (skec)
Natalie Turton (wkds)
Natalie Tushingham (wkds)
Natalie van Leewen (rotc)
Natasha Disher (hamc)
Natasha Walker (camb)
Nathan Patea (aklc)
Nathan Rew (sgec)
Nathan Toma (wanc)
Nathaniel Davy (wtlb)
Navin Kurup (akgc)
Neville Robertson (camc)
Nichola McLellan (camc)
Nicholas Anselmi (hamb)
Nicholas Meiklejohn (wtlb)
Nicholas Pacey (camc)
Nick Bennenbroek (merc)
Nick Coyle (trgb)
Nick Cupit (hamb)
Nick Goldsworthy (trgb)
Nick Pain (akgc)
Nick Ross (hamb)
Nick Strange (wtlb)
Nick Yang (akgc)
Nicola Rowe (comc)
Nicole Edwards (hamc)
Nicole Mitchell (merc)
Nicole Pyke (comc)
Niklas Erikson (akgc)
Nina Turnbull (wesc)
Oliver Aitchison (sgec)
Oliver Copsey (trgb)
Oliver McCowan (skec)
Oliver Paris-Piper (wtlb)
Oliver Park (hamc)
Oliver Sclater (wtlb)
Oliver Smith (comc)
Oliver Wood (wanc)
Olivia Ashby (rotc)
Olivia Bedford (went)
Olivia Gambitsis (trgg)
Olivia Griffith (hamg)
Olivia Hopkins (camb)
Olivia Hunt (wesc)
Olivia Renouf (camc)
Olivia Short (merc)
Olivia Smith (skec)
Olivia Tweedie (merc)
Olivia Walker (hamc)
Olivia Zeeders (hamc)
Oscar Mark (wtlb)
Paige Cox (tawc)
Paige Vallance (hamg)
Paris Theodosiou (went)
Paris Watson (welc)
Patrick Davenport (hkic)
Patrick Harrison (hamb)
Paul Coury (wesc)
Paul Symes (tgsc)
Penn Christie (gisc)
Peta van Rijen (camc)
Peter Boberg (akgc)
Peter Byllemos (sgec)
Peter Mitchell (akgc)
Phillipa Howe (hkic)
Phillipa Howe (wkoc)
Phillipa Howe (whoc)
Piri Craig (tawc)
Pirya Singh (comc)
Poa-Carlos Talataina (wesc)
Preston Fini (skec)
Preston Hobday (skec)
Quentin Johansen (hkic)
Quinn McKay (spcc)
Rachael Beaumount (tgsc)
Rachael Siohane-Royle (eggs)
Rachel Colson (clic)
Rachel Hogan (camc)
Rachel Sarten (clic)
Rachel Turton (wkds)
Raya Davis (hamg)
Rebecca Atkinson (spcc)
Rebecca Haeger (tgsc)
Rebecca McGill (trgg)
Rebecca Nolan (tgsc)
Rebecca Pay (tawc)
Rebecca Wilcox (camc)
Rebecca Wilson (trgg)
Regan Phibbs (bpcc)
Renee Brockie (clic)
Renee Hartshorne (skec)
Renee Rudd (wtlg)
Rerekohu Pewhairangi (wanc)
Reuben McMahon (tgsc)
Reuben Sandoy (akgc)
Rhea dec Barnes (wtlg)
Rhys Jones (wkoc)
Ricci Shannon (whac)
Richard Power (skec)
Rick Vetich (aklc)
Rick Wester (wesc)
Rihara Martell (hamb)
Riordan Morrell (rotc)
Robbie Dowden (akgc)
Robbie Parker (rotc)
Robert Duncan (akgc)
Robert Lewis (merc)
Robert Wynyard (trgb)
Robyn Heald (sgec)
Robyn Jarrett (bpcc)
Rochelle Wilson (sgec)
Rohan Krishnan (tgsc)
Rommel Layco (sgec)
Rory Accorsi (sgec)
Rory Crawford (akgc)
Rory Small (wesc)
Rose Crooks (tgsc)
Roselle Magon (hkic)
Rosemary Troughton (camc)
Ruby Dowd (wesc)
Russell Schaare (hamb)
Ryan Dwyer (sgec)
Ryan Goodson (camc)
Ryan Howard (whac)
Ryan Megson (trgb)
Ryan Rasmussen (hamb)
Ryan Thomas (sgec)
Ryan Tomsett (trgb)
Ryan Warner (clic)
Ryan West (hkic)
Sally Wills (wesc)
Sally-Anne Lynch (eggs)
Sam Archer (aklc)
Sam Fredheim (trgg)
Sam Gilchrist (hamb)
Sam Goldstine (skec)
Sam Hayman (tgsc)
Sam Henry (sgec)
Sam Hieatt (hamc)
Sam Jacks (akgc)
Sam McHugh (hamc)
Sam McKenzie (camb)
Sam van Oosterom (hamc)
Sam Wanless (tgsc)
Samantha Bishop (went)
Samantha Grace (rotc)
Samantha Mayo-Smith (sgec)
Sammy Thompson (sgec)
Samuel Badham (tgsc)
Samuel Bray (rotc)
Samuel Hines (wesc)
Samuel Kelsey (comc)
Samuel Thompson (hamb)
Samuel Turner (rotc)
Samuel Wojick (wesc)
Sara Pilkington (tgsc)
Sara Thomas (wtlg)
Sarah Accorsi (sgec)
Sarah Adamson (sgec)
Sarah Andella (eggs)
Sarah Cooper (bpcc)
Sarah Donougher (eggs)
Sarah Freeman (rotc)
Sarah Hyland (gisc)
Sarah Joubert (camc)
Sarah Prigg (skec)
Sarah Rangi (bpcc)
Sarah Scott (tawc)
Sarah Smith (eggs)
Sarah Whitton (hkic)
Sariah Ratford (whac)
Sariska Adams (camc)
Saua Leaupepe (aklc)
Savannah Edwards (hamc)
Savannah Harley (comc)
Scott Aitchison (sgec)
Scott Anderson (rotc)
Scott Cameron (hamb)
Scott Houston (wtlb)
Scott MacAlister (rotc)
Scott Rowney (merc)
Sean Busler (skec)
Sean Doak (akgc)
Sean Lester (sgec)
Sean McVerry (camb)
Sean Watts (bpcc)
Shae Blackmore (camb)
Shaney Dawson (tawc)
Shanice Duggan-Keefe (wtlg)
Shannon Boyce (rotc)
Shannon Stewart (rotc)
Shaoqing Meads (sgec)
Sharleen Murray (whac)
Sharna Siemonek (gisc)
Sharney West (camb)
Sharon Jeong (skec)
Shaun Kirkham (hamb)
Shay Austin (hamb)
Sheldon Noyce (trgb)
Shyam Maharaj (skec)
Siale Mann (wtlg)
Simon Crane (trgb)
Simon English (wesc)
Simon Mathis (hamb)
Simon Reid (trgb)
Simone Goldsmith (whac)
Siobhan Reynolds (hamg)
Sofie Karrebaek (wesc)
Sonja Rose (hkic)
Sophia Burney (tgsc)
Sophia Rosser (eggs)
Sophie Davis (hamg)
Sophie Dec Barnes (wtlg)
Sophie Gleason (sgec)
Sophie Wilson (wkds)
Stefan Morrison (camb)
Stefan Wypych (wesc)
Stefanie Rogers (skec)
Stefanie Todorov (skec)
Stephanie Brown (sgec)
Stephanie Colenbrander (sgec)
Stephanie Kibblewhite (wkds)
Stephen Jones (wesc)
Stephen Khalil (camc)
Steven Gascoigne (aklc)
Steven Steyl (sgec)
Storm Taylor (wtlg)
Su Min Kim (eggs)
Sunita McPhee (wkds)
Sunniva Nasmith (hamg)
Talia Runga (hamg)
Tallis Karaitiana (hamb)
Talya Thomas (spcc)
Tane Geldard-Lorenz (wesc)
Taniela Tuipuloto (sgec)
Tara Moberly (rotc)
Tarina Fordham (hamc)
Tarquin Reti (sgec)
Tayla Barnett (tawc)
Tayla Jugum (camc)
Tayler Jacobs (hamb)
Tayler Matthews (eggs)
Taylor Burns (akgc)
Taylor Cooney (bpcc)
Taylor Jones (comc)
Taylor Matenga (wesc)
Taylor Pratt (hamg)
Taylor Watson (skec)
Taz Nicholson (hkic)
Teagan Firth (skec)
Teagan Dawn Adams (bpcc)
Tegan Thomas (comc)
Teigan Kelly (wtlg)
Teresa Higgins (whoc)
Teresa Higgins (wkoc)
Tessa Gray (eggs)
Tessa Michelson (eggs)
Tessa Ralston (welc)
Tessa Ralston (samu)
Tessa Stockdale (wkds)
Theo MacDonell (spcc)
Theresa Hill (skec)
Theresa Speedy (hkic)
Theresa Steiner (spcc)
Thomas Attwood (akgc)
Thomas Bailey (rotc)
Thomas Batts (akgc)
Thomas Duncan (sgec)
Thomas Fraser (tgsc)
Thomas Goldsworthy (unwc)
Thomas O'Neill (wanc)
Thomas Ryan (bpcc)
Thomas Shaw (tgsc)
Thomas Wright (trgb)
Thomo Hume (tgsc)
Tim Emery (akgc)
Tim Hofmeister (skec)
Tim McMaster (skec)
Tim Reeves (sgec)
Timothy Rew (sgec)
Timothy Zouch (wtlb)
Toby Cunliffe-Steel (trgb)
Toby Gibbons (camc)
Toby Hurley (wtlb)
Tom Abraham (wtlb)
Tom Healey (hamb)
Tom Liu (sgec)
Tom Lusty (hamc)
Tom McArthur (trgb)
Tom Rasmussen (sgec)
Tom Schicker (spcc)
Toni Burke (went)
Tori McGlade (hamg)
Tracey Powley (whac)
Tristan Balme (bpcc)
Turei Crew (rotc)
Tyler Scott (wanc)
Vanessa Fifita (comc)
Victor Brown (hamb)
Victoria Berkers (hkic)
Victoria Jaegar (eggs)
Victoria Melsom (aqui)
Waimoana Fotofili (camb)
Warwick Vaughan (whac)
Wayne Vickers (wkoc)
Will Guest (spcc)
William Cooper (spcc)
William Gregson (wesc)
William Heald (spcc)
William Phipps (skec)
William Rawlinson (tgsc)
William Rew (sgec)
Wink Cronin (camc)
Zaak Wijdeven (merc)
Zac Graham (merc)
Zac Howell (camb)
Zac Laurich (spcc)
Zac Smith (skec)
Zack Oliver (spcc)
Zane Crawford (skec)
Zara Bennett (camc)
Zeke Pullan (akgc)
Zoe Amphlett (sgec)
Zoe Chadwick (clic)
Zoe Hortop (sgec)
Zoe Lunniss (wkds)
Zoe Moore (sgec)
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