Head of the Harbour

Josie Treagus

Competed for: EGGS AKLC EGGS

Also attended: niss2024 || hohc2024 || anjs2024 || more...

14girls U15 4+

Sponsored by: Elizabeth Dairy
Crew: EGGS 2 - Ruby Turner (stroke) | Monique Lash | Josie Treagus | Estella Wheeler + Abby Munro (cox)
Coach - Jasmine Lash

18girls U16 8+

Sponsored by: Purple Shirt
Crew: EGGS 1 - Ruby Turner (stroke) | Emma Rereao | Josie Treagus | Isobel Day | Layla Ferris | Yafa Rowe | Grace McKenna | Emily Swain + Abby Munro (cox)
Coach - Jasmine Lash
Crew: EGGS 2 - Emily Hammond (stroke) | Emma Rereao | Layla Ferris | Estella Wheeler | Ruby Turner | Jasmine Forrest | Grace McKenna | Josie Treagus + Evie Wilson (cox)
Coaches - Molly Trotter | Jasmine Lash
Crew: EGGS 1 - Emily Hammond (stroke) | Estella Wheeler | Ruby Turner | Josie Treagus + Yafa Rowe (cox)
Coach - Jasmine Lash




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