Head of the Harbour

Katie Anderson

Competed for: GLDW

Also attended: mads2024 || niss2024 || hohc2024 || more...

Crew: GLDW 1 - Ellie Dobson (stroke) | Annabel Jones | Keana MacCallum | Yasmin Chantrey + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coaches - Hayden Shaw | Danielle McComish

7boys U16 4X+

Sponsored by: asBuilt Limited
Crew: GLDW 1 - Finlay Christensen (stroke) | Frank Ison | Joshua Scholtz | Campbell McAllansmith + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coach - Tom Gethin

18girls U16 8+

Sponsored by: Purple Shirt
Crew: GLDW 1 - Ella Halford (stroke) | Sara Cass | Eloise Hulbert | Ruth Gerson | Maddison Dale | Olivia James | Ella Russell | Keana MacCallum + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coach - Hayden Shaw
Crew: GLDW 1 - Ella Halford (stroke) | Sara Cass | Eloise Hulbert | Keana MacCallum + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coach - Hayden Shaw
Crew: GLDW 1 - Xavier Warren (stroke) | Finlay Christensen | Roger Pascoe | Oliver Henton + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coach - Tom Gethin

48boys N18 4X+

Sponsored by: Vista
Crew: GLDW 2 - Logan Ross (stroke) | Connor Hornibrook | Marcus Holland | Rory Smith-Rice + Katie Anderson (cox)
Coach - Kieran Smith




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