Head of the Harbour

Alex Audley

Competed for: GLDW

Also attended: wktc2022r12 || wktc2022r1 || pupt2022 || more...

1boys U17 1X

Sponsored by: Bevie
Crew: GLDW 3 - Alex Audley
Coach - Ashleigh Richards
Crew: GLDW 1 - Micah Fitton-Higgins (stroke) | Alex Bavin | Alex Audley | Frank Ison | Luke Hulbert | Fraser Smith-Rice | Kieran Smith | Leo Audley + Jackson Brown (cox)
Coaches - Leo Strode Penny | Ashleigh Richards

21boys U17 2X

Sponsored by: Purple Shirt
Crew: GLDW 2 - Kieran Smith (stroke) | Alex Audley
Coach - Ashleigh Richards

46boys U17 4X+

Sponsored by: Devonport Aikido
Crew: GLDW 1 - Micah Fitton-Higgins (stroke) | Alex Bavin | Alex Audley | Kieran Smith + Rory Smith-Rice (cox)
Coach - Ashleigh Richards

52boys U18 8+

Sponsored by: Alpha Drain Unblocking
Crew: GLDW 1 - Micah Fitton-Higgins (stroke) | Alex Bavin | Alex Audley | Matthew Grace | Cade McAllansmith | Spencer Fitzpatrick | Liam Hendry | Kieran Smith + Logan Ross (cox)
Coach - Ashleigh Richards




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