Aon Head of the Harbour

Hannah Zwalue

Competed for: MTAL

Also attended: nzuu2021 || mads2018 || niss2018 || more...

14girls U15 4+

Sponsored by: Conning Barraclough CA
Crew: MTAL 1 - Olivia Alberts (stroke) | Hannah Zwalue | Hannah Jones | Sophie Thomson + Leah Hollingworth (cox)
Coaches - Alex Brown | Will Maling

37girls U16 4+

Sponsored by: Tradextra
Crew: MTAL 3 - Olivia Alberts (stroke) | Hannah Zwalue | Hannah Jones | Sophie Thomson + Hugo Young (cox)
Coaches - Alex Brown | Will Maling

41girls U15 8+

Sponsored by: Aon
Crew: MTAL 1 - Alessandra Manikas (stroke) | Hannah Zwalue | Hannah Jones | Lydia Finch | Portia Parker | Jemma Aish | Freddie von Trott | Holly Chaafe + Leah Hollingworth (cox)
Coach - Alex Brown

45girls N18 4+

Sponsored by: Pure Sports Nutrition
Crew: MTAL 1 - Olivia Alberts (stroke) | Hannah Zwalue | Hannah Jones | Sophie Thomson + Leah Hollingworth (cox)
Coach - Alex Brown




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