Aon Head of the Harbour

Tristan Robinson

Competed for: STKT

Also attended: nzuu2019 || niss2018 || hohs2018 || more...

19boys N18 8+

Sponsored by: Pure Sports Nutrition
Crew: STKT 1 - Richard Smith (stroke) | Dylan Bartholomew | Lachie Harvey | Ryan King | Nikki Christian | Tristan Robinson | Zaine Adamson | Ben Canton + Thom Pettit (cox)
Coach - Chris Goudie

23boys U15 8+

Sponsored by: Asteron Life
Crew: STKT 1 - Bronson Gleye (stroke) | Ben Franich | Cameron Church | Josh Pearce | Nikki Christian | Tristan Robinson | Richard Smith | Geoffrey Chang + Robbie King (cox)
Coach - Chris Goudie
Crew: STKT 2 - Richard Smith (stroke) | Geoffrey Chang | Zaine Adamson | Tristan Robinson + Thom Pettit (cox)
Coach - Chris Goudie

52boys U18 8+

Sponsored by: Aon
Crew: STKT 1 - Tom Mills (stroke) | Oliver Rhodes | Jamie Sinclair-Eagle | Kieran Blockley | Kevin Reid | Edward Barry | Tristan Robinson | Finn Harris + Adrien Canniveng (cox)
Coaches - Hamish Ramsay | Geoff Perry




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