Aon Head of the Harbour

Alexander Sutcliffe

Competed for: KGCA

Also attended: nvsr2017 || mads2017 || niss2017 || more...

Crew: KGCA 2 - Hunter Gaze (stroke) | Grayson Gaze | Harry Lee | Thomas Spillane + Alexander Sutcliffe (cox)
Coaches - Nick Lloyd | Jack Stevens
Crew: KGCA 1 - Max Caddie (stroke) | Thomas Spillane | Theodore Clifford | Matthew Caro + Alexander Sutcliffe (cox)
Coach - Jack Stevens
Crew: KGCA 4 - Timothy Leach (stroke) | Thomas Lapsley | Luke Shannon | James Duanmu + Alexander Sutcliffe (cox)
Coach - Kristian Barbarich

38boys U16 8+

Sponsored by: Brave Media
Crew: KGCA 2 - Max Caddie (stroke) | Theodore Clifford | Tyler Doherty | Thomas Spillane | Harry Lee | Matthew Caro | Nicholas Johnson | Tamati Panoho + Alexander Sutcliffe (cox)
Coach - Jack Stevens

44boys U17 4X+

Sponsored by: Step Forward Podiatry
Crew: KGCA 2 - Samuel Ludbrook (stroke) | Lachlan Cook | Lachlan Dixon | William Coman + Alexander Sutcliffe (cox)
Coaches - Conor Burns | Nick Lloyd




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