Aon Head of the Harbour

Thomas Duffett

Competed for: MACL

Also attended: nzuu2021 || nzcc2021 || nzcc2020 || more...

9boys N18 double sculls

Sponsored by: Citywide Engineering Ltd
Crew: MACL 1 - Thomas Duffett (stroke) | Ryan McTigue
Coach - John Lawrence
Crew: MACL 1 - Thomas Duffett (stroke) | Josh Campion | William Zhang | Navradeep Sandhu | Kooshan Aryana | Thomas Paton | Callum Reynolds | Alasdair Rae + Caleb Speck (cox)
Coaches - John Lawrence | Keith Hibberd

23boys U18 4+

Sponsored by: Hunter Furniture
Crew: MACL 1 - Aidan Nel (stroke) | Scott Aitchison | Thomas Duffett | Ryan McTigue + Artiom Wilkie (cox)
Coaches - Alex Brown | John Lawrence

40boys U15 4+

Sponsored by: Warwick Fabrics Ltd
Crew: MACL 1 - Thomas Duffett (stroke) | Josh Campion | William Zhang | Navradeep Sandhu + Johanna Mouncey-Reidy (cox)
Coaches - John Lawrence | Keith Hibberd

44boys N18 4+

Sponsored by: Aon
Crew: MACL 1 - Thomas Duffett (stroke) | Josh Campion | Ryan McTigue | Navradeep Sandhu + Caleb Speck (cox)
Coaches - John Lawrence | Keith Hibberd




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