Aon Head of the Harbour

Kate Leaming

Competed for: DIOC

Also attended: nzuu2018 || nzcc2018 || nicc2018 || more...

4girls U15 4X+

Sponsored by: Staples Rodway
Crew: DIOC 2 - Jordan Blum (stroke) | Georgia Barclay | Holly McKenzie | Jasmine Charteris + Kate Leaming (cox)
Coach - Sophie Wilson

17girls U16 8+

Sponsored by: Alto
Crew: DIOC 2 - Anna Kermode (stroke) | Tahlia Tomsett | Jasmine Charteris | India Ludbrook | Lucy Connell | Emma Kruger | Sarah Yzendoorn | Sydney Pollok + Kate Leaming (cox)
Coach - Cameron Smith

25girls U16 coxed quad sculls

Sponsored by: Citywide Engineering Ltd
Crew: DIOC 3 - Anna Kermode (stroke) | Tahlia Tomsett | Jasmine Charteris | India Ludbrook + Kate Leaming (cox)
Coach - Cameron Smith

37girls U18 4X+

Sponsored by: Shore Physio
Crew: DIOC 2 - Rosie McDermott (stroke) | Meghan Seel | Charlottte Orange | Sarah Caro + Kate Leaming (cox)
Coach - Rob Ryan




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