Aon Head of the Harbour

Isobella Rhodes

Competed for: EGGS

Also attended: nzuu2018 || mads2014 || niss2014 || more...

Crew: EGGS 1 - Sarah Smith (stroke) | Isobella Rhodes | Rosie Byrnes | Briony Fanslow + Hannah Worth (cox)
Coach - Sam Henry

20girls U17 1X

Sponsored by: Asteron Life
Crew: EGGS 3 - Isobella Rhodes
Coach - Sam Henry

27girls U18 single

Sponsored by: Malcolm & Barbara Iversen
Crew: EGGS 2 - Isobella Rhodes
Coach - Sam Henry

37girls U18 4X+

Sponsored by: Shore Physio
Crew: EGGS 1 - Isobella Rhodes (stroke) | Lucy Jonas | Rosie Byrnes | Briony Fanslow + Natasha Krofcheck (cox)
Coach - Sam Henry

47girls U18 coxed eight

Sponsored by: Citywide Engineering Ltd
Crew: EGGS 1 - Charlotte Spence (stroke) | Sarah Smith | Lucy Jonas | Lexi Kerr | Rosie Byrnes | Briana Siteine | Briony Fanslow | Isobella Rhodes + Hannah Worth (cox)
Coach - Sam Henry




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