88th Head of Harbour Regatta

Ollie Burton

Competed for: TGSC

Also attended: mads2024 || niss2024 || kric2024r3 || more...

5boys U18 2-

Sponsored by: The Devonport Flagstaff
Crew: TGSC 1 - Toby Smith (stroke) | Ollie Burton
Coaches - Sam Grant | Jamie Vukovich

12boys U17 coxed eight

Sponsored by: GWC Consulting
Crew: TGSC 1 - Benjamin Mansell (stroke) | George Layburn | Toby Foster | Ollie Burton | Charlie Tallon | Caleb Willman-Childs | Bill An | Leonardo Bacchus + Ashlee Bourke (cox)
Coaches - Sam Grant | Nabeel Khan

27boys U18 4+

Sponsored by: Elizabeth Dairy
Crew: TGSC 1 - Charlie Bourke (stroke) | Ollie Burton | Thomas Bloom | Taylor Dodds + Maia Stebbing (cox)
Coaches - Sam Grant | Jamie Vukovich

59boys U18 8+

Sponsored by: Extra Staff Ltd
Crew: TGSC 1 - Benjamin Mansell (stroke) | George Layburn | Toby Smith | Ollie Burton | Toby Foster | Caleb Willman-Childs | Bill An | Taylor Dodds + Ashlee Bourke (cox)
Coach - Sam Grant




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