Lake Dunstan Rowing Regatta

Quinn Hawthorne

Competed for: NOEC

Also attended: siss2016 || casc2016 || sicc2016 || more...

6boys U16 2X

Sponsored by: Community Trust of Southland

Heats: 1,2,3,4->A Final; Rest->Eliminated

Crew: NOEC 1 - Hamish Wallace (stroke) | Quinn Hawthorne
Coach - Kelvin Maker
Crew: NOEC 1 - Mitchell Anderson (stroke) | Mike Freeman | Hamish Wallace | Dylan Hughes | Tony Lock | Quinn Hawthorne | Feng Goldsmith | Joshua Parcell + Mitchell Booth (cox)
Coach - Kelvin Maker

23Aboys U18 4X+

Sponsored by: Meridian

Heats: All->Final

Crew: NOEC 1 - Mitchell Booth (stroke) | Kyle Hughes | Mike Freeman | Quinn Hawthorne + Campbell Booth (cox)
Coach - Kelvin Maker

31mens Club 8+

Sponsored by: Lion Foundation
Crew: NOEC 1 - Fletcher Homan (stroke) | Ryan Wilson | Hayden George | Craig de Blecourt | Kyle Hughes | Mitchell Anderson | Mitchell Booth | Mike Freeman + Quinn Hawthorne (cox)
Coaches - Kelvin Maker | Alistair McClintock

36girls U16 4+

Sponsored by: The Southern Trust
Crew: NOEC 2 - Imogen Corbett (stroke) | Claudia Maker | Stella Keown | Lili Sabonadiere + Quinn Hawthorne (cox)
Coach - Lauren Farnden

37Aboys U18 4+

Sponsored by: Lion Foundation
Crew: NOEC 1 - Mitchell Booth (stroke) | Kyle Hughes | Mitchell Anderson | Mike Freeman + Quinn Hawthorne (cox)
Coach - Kelvin Maker




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