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Canterbury Championships
Frankie Binnie
Competed for:
Also attended
No results for Frankie yet.
Event #
1: girls U17 8+
2: boys U17 4+
3: girls U15 4X+
4: mens Prem 1X
5: mens Snr 1X
6: womens Prem 4X-
7: womens U19 4X+
8: mens Open 8X+
9: mens Club 8+
10: womens Club 8+
11: womens Nov 2X
12: mens Nov 4+
13: boys U16 2X
14a: mens mst 1X
14b: womens mst 2(X)-
15: girls U16 4X+
16: mens Prem 4-
17: mens U19 4+
18: womens Prem 2-
19: womens Snr 2-
20: boys U15 4+
21: mens Club 1X
22: womens Club 4X-
23: womens Open 8X+
24: mens Int 4X+
25: girls U17 1X
26: boys U17 2X
27: girls U15 4+
28: boys U16 4+
29: girls U16 2X
30: womens Int 4X+
31a: mens mst 4X-
31b: womens mst 4X-
32: mens Nov 2X
33: mens Prem 2X
34: mens Snr 2X
35: womens Prem 1X
36: womens Snr 1X
37C: mens Club 4+
37U: mens Club 4-
38: womens Club 2-
39: womens Nov 8+
40: boys U17 8+
41: mens Int 4+
42: girls U17 4X+
43: boys U15 2X
44: womens Int 4+
45: girls U15 2X
46: boys U16 4X+
47: mens Prem 2-
48: mens Snr 2-
49: womens Prem 4-
50: womens U19 4+
51: girls U16 8+
52: mens Club 4X-
53: womens Club 1X
54: boys U15 8+
55: mens Nov 4X+
56a: womens mst 1X
56b: mens mst 2(X)-
57: girls U17 2X
58: boys U17 4X+
59: womens Int 1X
60: boys U16 8+
61: womens Nov 4+
62: mens Int 2X
63: mens Prem 4X-
64: mens U19 4X+
65: womens Prem 2X
66: womens Snr 2X
67: mens Club 2-
68C: womens Club 4+
68U: womens Club 4-
69: girls U17 4+
70: boys U17 1X
71: girls U15 8+
72: womens Int 2X
73: mens Nov 8+
74a: mixed mst 4X-
74b: mixed mst 2X
75: boys U15 4X+
76: girls U16 4+
77: womens Nov 4X+
78: mens Int 1X
79: mens Club 2X
80: womens Club 2X
81: mens Prem 8+
82: womens Prem 8+
83: mens U19 8+
84: womens U19 8+
99: mixed Open 8+ (500m)
45: girls U15 2X
3: girls U15 4X+
27: girls U15 4+
71: girls U15 8+
29: girls U16 2X
15: girls U16 4X+
76: girls U16 4+
51: girls U16 8+
25: girls U17 1X
57: girls U17 2X
42: girls U17 4X+
69: girls U17 4+
1: girls U17 8+
7: womens U19 4X+
50: womens U19 4+
84: womens U19 8+
23: womens Open 8X+
56a: womens mst 1X
14b: womens mst 2(X)-
31b: womens mst 4X-
11: womens Nov 2X
77: womens Nov 4X+
61: womens Nov 4+
39: womens Nov 8+
59: womens Int 1X
72: womens Int 2X
30: womens Int 4X+
44: womens Int 4+
53: womens Club 1X
80: womens Club 2X
38: womens Club 2-
22: womens Club 4X-
68U: womens Club 4-
68C: womens Club 4+
10: womens Club 8+
36: womens Snr 1X
66: womens Snr 2X
19: womens Snr 2-
35: womens Prem 1X
65: womens Prem 2X
18: womens Prem 2-
6: womens Prem 4X-
49: womens Prem 4-
82: womens Prem 8+
43: boys U15 2X
75: boys U15 4X+
20: boys U15 4+
54: boys U15 8+
13: boys U16 2X
46: boys U16 4X+
28: boys U16 4+
60: boys U16 8+
70: boys U17 1X
26: boys U17 2X
58: boys U17 4X+
2: boys U17 4+
40: boys U17 8+
64: mens U19 4X+
17: mens U19 4+
83: mens U19 8+
8: mens Open 8X+
14a: mens mst 1X
56b: mens mst 2(X)-
31a: mens mst 4X-
32: mens Nov 2X
55: mens Nov 4X+
12: mens Nov 4+
73: mens Nov 8+
78: mens Int 1X
62: mens Int 2X
24: mens Int 4X+
41: mens Int 4+
21: mens Club 1X
79: mens Club 2X
67: mens Club 2-
52: mens Club 4X-
37U: mens Club 4-
37C: mens Club 4+
9: mens Club 8+
5: mens Snr 1X
34: mens Snr 2X
48: mens Snr 2-
4: mens Prem 1X
33: mens Prem 2X
47: mens Prem 2-
63: mens Prem 4X-
16: mens Prem 4-
81: mens Prem 8+
99: mixed Open 8+ (500m)
74b: mixed mst 2X
74a: mixed mst 4X-
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Ashburton Rowing Club
Avon Rowing Club
Blenheim Rowing Club
Burnside High School
Canterbury Rowing Club
Cashmere High School
Christ's College Rowing Club
Christchurch Boys High School
Christchurch Girls High School
Columba College Rowing Club
Cromwell Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
Invercargill Rowing Club
Kings College
North End Rowing Club
Oamaru Rowing Club
Otago Boys High Rowing Club
Otago Girls High School
Otago Rowing Club
Picton Rowing Club
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Riccarton High School
Shirley Boys High School
Southern RPC
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Margarets College
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Timaru Rowing Club
Twizel Rowing Club
Union Rowing Club
Wairau Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wanaka Rowing Club
All athletes
A J Humphreys (wnkc)
Aaron Maxwell (croc)
Aaron Maxwell (wnkc)
Abbey Bisset (croc)
Abbey Mason (oghs)
Abbey McCormick (timc)
Abbey Wilson (oamc)
Abbie Higgins (cash)
Abbie Maye (avnc)
Abbie Maye (burn)
Abby Baxter (stan)
Abby Phillips (duac)
Abby Phillips (wtuc)
Abe McArthur (chcc)
Abigail Gibbs (rrgs)
Abigail Mitchell (avnc)
Abigail Reid (rrgs)
Adam Cairns (blec)
Adam Chapman (shir)
Adam Raitt (chcc)
Adam Rhodes (otac)
Aden Hall (blec)
Adi Davies (noec)
Aimee Giles (cbhs)
Aimee Giles (cghs)
Alane Eve Berry-Rankin (timc)
Alannah Kys (colc)
Albert Eden (shir)
Alek Newland (stcc)
Alex Carrodus (stan)
Alex Cartwright (avnc)
Alex Clinch (cbhs)
Alex Fletcher (uncc)
Alex Kennedy (curc)
Alex McLachlan (obhc)
Alex Muirhead (cbhs)
Alex Soper (twlc)
Alex Speight (chcc)
Alex Tooman (kgca)
Alex Young (shir)
Alexandra Hopa-Parke (timc)
Alexandra Williamson (timc)
Alexis Cuaresma (oamc)
Alexis Phipps (colc)
Alice Davidson (stmg)
Alice Ferguson (rrgs)
Alice Hawkesby (rrgs)
Alice Merriman (oghs)
Alice Paterson (wrac)
Alice Quill (colc)
Alice Wallis (rrgs)
Alicia Webster (rrgs)
Alyse Johnson (avnc)
Alyssa McCartin (curc)
Amalia Ling (stan)
Amalia Shand (stmg)
Amani James (otac)
Amelia Chambers (ashc)
Amelia Craig (wnkc)
Amelia Gibbons (stmg)
Amelia Rowe (cghs)
Amelia Wilkinson (oamc)
Amy Hughes (stan)
Amy Reddish (curc)
Andreas Giannakogiorgos (duac)
Andrew Greig (stan)
Andrew Jolly (duac)
Andrew Jolly (wtuc)
Andrew Lindsay (cbhs)
Angela Robinson (avnc)
Angelique Doig (stan)
Angus Coull (ctyc)
Angus Hill (stan)
Angus Jensen (cbhs)
Angus Kenny (rpcs)
Angus Loe (otac)
Angus Lucas (stcc)
Angus Marquet (shir)
Angus McKenzie (cash)
Angus Wynn-Williams (chcc)
Angus Wynn-Williams (stmg)
Angus Zino (cbhs)
Anika Moetaua (wrac)
Anna Clinch (cbhs)
Anna Clinch (cghs)
Anna Divers (oghs)
Anna Fulton (noec)
Anna Price (ctyc)
Anna Walker (rrgs)
Annabel Uren (cghs)
Annabel Wynn-Williams (rrgs)
Annabelle Scott (timc)
Annie Airey (stmg)
Annika Houde (cash)
Anton Jones (timc)
Anton Jones (wnkc)
Apisalome Tudreu (noec)
April Linares-Fontona (oamc)
Arabella Acland (rrgs)
Arabelle McGuckin (rrgs)
Archie Batchelor (chcc)
Archie Batchelor (stmg)
Archie Chittock (obhc)
Archie Christian (stbd)
Archie MacDonald (cash)
Arlia Murphy (duac)
Arlia O'Sullivan (avnc)
Ashlee Tacon (stmg)
Ashley White (stan)
Ashley-James Fitzgerald (blec)
Ashton Corkery (avnc)
Ashton White (wtuc)
Athena Toeke (oamc)
Ava McIntrye (wtuc)
Bailey Chapman (oamc)
Bailie Lynch (oamc)
Barbara Tasker (avnc)
Barbara Tasker (curc)
Barend Erasmus (uncc)
Baxter McGillivray (kgca)
Becky Tuke (ctyc)
Bella Reddecliffe (cghs)
Bella Sarginson (wnkc)
Belle Richards (stmg)
Ben Allen (timc)
Ben Bartlett (timc)
Ben Campbell (wtuc)
Ben Donaldson (cbhs)
Ben Dyson (otac)
Ben Emslie (shir)
Ben Goldingham (timc)
Ben Hancock (stcc)
Ben Harris (cbhs)
Ben Mason (rpcs)
Ben Monk (cbhs)
Ben Williamson (timc)
Ben Zino (cbhs)
Benjamin Hartnell (stan)
Benny Chu (cbhs)
Beth Dunbar (curc)
Beth Farrell (uncc)
Bethany Mitchell (burn)
Billie Askerud (noec)
Billy Grant (duac)
Billy McCully (timc)
Blake Fitzgerald (blec)
Blake McGuigan (avnc)
Blake O'Neill (stcc)
Blake Ormiston (shir)
Blake Parker (timc)
Bree O'Malley (stmg)
Brendan Eyles (invc)
Brian Maye (avnc)
Brianna Yates (rrgs)
Bridget McArthur (noec)
Bridget O'Malley (wtuc)
Bridget Pye (rrgs)
Bridgette Sutton (colc)
Bridgitte Oleary (avnc)
Bridgitte Oleary (wrac)
Brielle Pierson (cghs)
Brodie Flett (stan)
Brodie Young (timc)
Bronte Murney (timc)
Brooke Kendall (colc)
Brooke Taylor (oamc)
Brooke Williams (duac)
Bryah Moriarty (burn)
Brydie Fox (noec)
Caitlin Dent (uncc)
Caitlin Muir (rrgs)
Caitlin O'Brien (colc)
Caitlin Te Tai (invc)
Caitlyn Alley (duac)
Caleb Brown (stan)
Callan Ogilvie (kgca)
Callum Moore (stbd)
Cam Scott (stan)
Cameron Abel (kgca)
Cameron Anisy (avnc)
Cameron Blyth (stan)
Cameron Henderson (avnc)
Cameron Leydon (duac)
Cameron Leydon (picc)
Cameron McFarlane (obhc)
Cameron Moffat (timc)
Cameron Smith (stcc)
Carlos Ruess (wtuc)
Cassie Welch (avnc)
Cat Cuthbert (duac)
Cecelia Russell (invc)
Charles Beale (chcc)
Charles Butterfield (stan)
Charles Finlayson (kgca)
Charles Nicholson-Sell (cbhs)
Charles Savage (ashc)
Charli Hellyer (cghs)
Charlie Bowker (shir)
Charlie Carran (otac)
Charlie Clemens (timc)
Charlie Dalling (chcc)
Charlie Dixon (stcc)
Charlie Hamilton (shir)
Charlie Norton (shir)
Charlie Pearson (otac)
Charlie Poulter (chcc)
Charlie Prusas (stcc)
Charlie Renner (blec)
Charlie Tisdall (obhc)
Charlie Woelders (cbhs)
Charlotte Carey (burn)
Charlotte Chater (cghs)
Charlotte Coughlan (stmg)
Charlotte Cox (ashc)
Charlotte Darry (rpcs)
Charlotte Fluksa (croc)
Charlotte McLaren (rrgs)
Charlotte Muir (wtuc)
Charlotte O'Connell (timc)
Charlotte Parker (stmg)
Charlotte Roxborough-Judd (rrgs)
Chloe Braas (ashc)
Chloe Robertson (duac)
Christina Blackford (avnc)
Christy Foster (noec)
Ciccone Tweedie (invc)
Clair Wild (colc)
Claire Shingleton (avnc)
Claudia Kinder (avnc)
Claudia Thomas (ashc)
Cleo Ingram (wrac)
Coby Goode (stan)
Coco Chaffey (cghs)
Cole Barfoot (kgca)
Connor Arnold (cbhs)
Connor Nicholson (chcc)
Connor Rocket (stan)
Connor Wheelans (cbhs)
Corbin Newlands (avnc)
Cruz Page (stcc)
Daendie de Beer (duac)
Daisy Sutton (cghs)
Daisy Vavasour (wrac)
Daisy-Bea Scrase (ctyc)
Dan McDowell (avnc)
Daniel Kara (shir)
Daniel Wyber (kgca)
Danielle Ewen (avnc)
Danielle Milne (oghs)
David Ayres (wnkc)
Dawn Armour (avnc)
Deb Hymers-Ross (uncc)
Dom Botherway (chcc)
Dominic Mahoney (duac)
Dylan Burton (blec)
Dylan Locke (blec)
Dylan Smith (stan)
Eamon Thwaites (invc)
Edward Botherway (chcc)
Edward Botherway (stmg)
Edward Lopas (cbhs)
Eilish McLeod (invc)
Eliana Roelofs (cash)
Elisha Carter (oamc)
Eliza Miller (rrgs)
Elizabeth Perry (rrgs)
Elizabeth Reid (invc)
Ella Barnes (wrac)
Ella Crooks (noec)
Ella Edwards (noec)
Ella Greenslade (avnc)
Ella Harris (rrgs)
Ella Kaler (wnkc)
Ella Nesbit (noec)
Ellee Wills (uncc)
Ellie King (duac)
Ellie Shuttleworth (duac)
Ellie Shuttleworth (wtuc)
Elliot Stanley (shir)
Elsie Burnside (noec)
Elsie Talbot (timc)
Elsie Ullrich (rrgs)
Elyse Davey (colc)
Elysia Holdsworth (avnc)
Emer Bryant (duac)
Emilie Poulsen (cash)
Emily Bowden (cbhs)
Emily Bowden (cghs)
Emily Cox (cghs)
Emily Esplin (oghs)
Emily Findlay (wnkc)
Emily Gollins (timc)
Emily Howick (wtuc)
Emily Lattimore (avnc)
Emily Ryall (burn)
Emily-Jane Clucas (timc)
Emma Ffowcs Williams (rrgs)
Emma Fitzpatrick (avnc)
Emma Flanagan (wrac)
Emma Gormley (cash)
Emma Inglis (stan)
Emma Keast (cghs)
Emma Keast (uncc)
Emma Spittle (oamc)
Emma Townend (rrgs)
Emma Wood (timc)
Emmanuel Landon-Lane (burn)
Emme Stephenson (burn)
Emmy Stedman (noec)
Enzo Boyce (stan)
Erica Morris (duac)
Erin O'Neill (colc)
Erin Yang (cghs)
Ethan Allison (stan)
Ethan Hamilton (cbhs)
Ethan Hill (avnc)
Ethan Hill (stcc)
Eva Bader (uncc)
Eva Hofmans (duac)
Eva Pepperell (cash)
Eve Nimmo (cghs)
Evie Leeson (stmg)
Evie Snow (wtuc)
Farren Landers (twlc)
Felicity Pye (stmg)
Felix Wingfield (stan)
Fergus Campbell (blec)
Fergus Johnston (chcc)
Fergus Rutledge (stan)
Ferne Harrison (avnc)
Ferne Harrison (burn)
Fin Muir (shir)
Finn Anderson (otac)
Finn Brook (stbd)
Finn Brown (wtuc)
Finn Gollan (timc)
Flynn Dijkstra (avnc)
Flynn Hutchison-Ray (shir)
Flynn Wilson (croc)
Frances Donald (oghs)
Francesca Richards (rrgs)
Frankie McArdle (stcc)
Fred Calder (cbhs)
Fred Vavasour (blec)
Freddy Todhunter (stan)
Freddy Wright (otac)
Freya Phillips (rrgs)
Fynn Allison (otac)
Gabriella Cusiel (rrgs)
Garratt Boyle (avnc)
Gemma Beckett (rrgs)
Gemma York (cash)
Gendie Woods (avnc)
Gendie Woods (curc)
George Anderson (obhc)
George Brenssell (otac)
George Bushell (avnc)
George Campbell (wtuc)
George Cochrane (chcc)
George Gilbertson (cbhs)
George Higgins (cash)
George Howard (chcc)
George Howat (curc)
George Hudson (chcc)
George Johnson (avnc)
George Lindstrom (blec)
George Pirie (cbhs)
George Trolove (chcc)
George Trolove (stmg)
Georgia Dawson (stmg)
Georgia Harrison (timc)
Georgia Knowler (rrgs)
Georgia Marsh (cghs)
Georgia Thomson (stan)
Georgie Bethell (rrgs)
Georgie Lindsay (curc)
Georgie McCarthy (oamc)
Gio Minifie (burn)
Gio Minifie (shir)
Grace Cameron (curc)
Grace Farrell (stmg)
Grace Glassey (stmg)
Grace Hogan (avnc)
Grace Leckie-Zaharic (oghs)
Grace Loveridge (rpcs)
Grace McConnell (burn)
Grace McConnell (ricc)
Grace Straker (wrac)
Grace Twaddle (oghs)
Gracie Knoyle (stmg)
Graeme Black (avnc)
Grayson Small (obhc)
Greer Ferguson (croc)
Greg McLaughlin (duac)
Greg McLaughlin (picc)
Greta Hawke (avnc)
Greta Loffhagen (cghs)
Greta Lukosch (cash)
Gretal Tavendale (stan)
Gus Guzman (stbd)
Gus McQuarrie (chcc)
Gus McQuarrie (stmg)
Gus Orr (chcc)
Gus Orr (stmg)
Guy Daniels (stan)
Guy Taggart (stan)
Guy Trethewey (cbhs)
Gwain Smit (twlc)
Gwain Smit (wtuc)
Hamish Grigg (chcc)
Hamish Grigg (stmg)
Hamish Maxwell (avnc)
Hamish McCulloch (chcc)
Hamish McCulloch (stmg)
Hamish McIntosh (shir)
Hamish Yeatman (timc)
Hannah Bisset (croc)
Hannah Dicey (croc)
Hannah Horgan (avnc)
Hannah Lawrence (noec)
Hannah Thompson (curc)
Hannah Wylie (stmg)
Hannah-Jane Wilson (cash)
Harison Staples (stbd)
Harriet Blundell (wtuc)
Harriet Rance (cbhs)
Harriet Rance (cghs)
Harriet Simpson (stmg)
Harriet Thompson (oghs)
Harris Steel (stan)
Harrison Mcleod-Frewen (cbhs)
Harrison Mills (croc)
Harrison Thode (obhc)
Harry Burt (chcc)
Harry Graham (obhc)
Harry Greenwood (chcc)
Harry Greenwood (stmg)
Harry Johnston (chcc)
Harry Kellow-Cropp (avnc)
Harry Scott (otac)
Harry Scrymgeour (chcc)
Harry Seeto (wtuc)
Hayden Drummond (obhc)
Hayden Gaudin (picc)
Hayley Ambrose (wnkc)
Hazel Bown (cash)
Hazel Glover (wrac)
Heidi Bee (timc)
Heidi Curtin (duac)
Heinrich Muller (stbd)
Helena Rikiti (rpcs)
Henrietta Evatt (rrgs)
Henrietta Ullrich (stan)
Henry Clatworthy (cash)
Henry Clatworthy (ctyc)
Henry Farrell (stan)
Henry King (chcc)
Henry Kirk (obhc)
Henry Wallis (ashc)
Holley Dodd (oghs)
Holly Dalzell (croc)
Holly Dalzell (duac)
Holly Feltham (wrac)
Holly Hance (cghs)
Holly Lill (rrgs)
Holly Prickett (curc)
Holly Rogers (wtuc)
Honor Bradford (ashc)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (timc)
Hugh Malaghan (kgca)
Hugh Straker (blec)
Hugo Hay (kgca)
Hugo Johnson (wtuc)
Hugo Westphall (cbhs)
Hunter Burgess (obhc)
Hunter Halliday (stcc)
Hunter Leeder (shir)
Hunter Lewis (stan)
Hunter Nelson (blec)
Ian Cartwright (avnc)
Ian Macbeth (avnc)
Imojen Constable (cghs)
Indya Hillman (invc)
Isabel Gallagher (colc)
Isabel Wall (ashc)
Isabella Carter (rpcs)
Isabella Davey (colc)
Isabella McConaghty (uncc)
Isabella Pringle (rrgs)
Isabelle Scrymgeour (stmg)
Isabelle Williamson (cghs)
Isla Connelly-Whyte (ashc)
Isla Fulton (stmg)
Islay Merriman (oghs)
Ivana Giacon (avnc)
Izacc Carr (ashc)
Izzy Watson (uncc)
Jack Clinton (avnc)
Jack Dennehy-Coles (stbd)
Jack Hearn (avnc)
Jack Kemp (timc)
Jack MacDonald (cash)
Jack Mitchell (kgca)
Jack Pearson (otac)
Jack Pitts (stan)
Jack Savage (shir)
Jack Spriggs (croc)
Jack Stevens (blec)
Jack Trusler (kgca)
Jack Wassell (stcc)
Jackie Fetolofai (invc)
Jackson Binnie (cbhs)
Jacob Wadley (burn)
Jacob Wadley (cbhs)
Jacqui van Dam (invc)
Jade Jung (ashc)
Jaden Farrow (stcc)
Jaden Hu (stan)
Jake Burrowes (stan)
Jake Luthi (avnc)
Jakob Downing (duac)
Jakob Downing (wtuc)
James Arlidge (otac)
James Benetto (chcc)
James Chapman (kgca)
James Dobson (curc)
James Dobson (duac)
James Dunlop (chcc)
James Martin (cash)
James McLaren (stan)
James Patterson (timc)
James Tavendale (avnc)
James Walsh (stbd)
Jamie Rhodes (otac)
Jamie Wolfe (curc)
Janayha Johnstone (cghs)
Jared Brenssell (avnc)
Jarn Hollows (otac)
Jas McIntosh (duac)
Jasper Williams (chcc)
Jasper Williams (stmg)
Jax de Wys (stcc)
Jayden Sincock (shir)
Jed Amos (ashc)
Jed Mcintosh (duac)
Jed Tisdall (obhc)
Jem Curtis (wnkc)
Jemima Mckay-Lund (wtuc)
Jemima Porter (avnc)
Jemma Bent (timc)
Jemma Burrowes (stmg)
Jemmimah McCombe-Rae (croc)
Jemmimah McCombe-Rae (duac)
Jendi Minty (colc)
Jess Gould (wnkc)
Jess Hudson (wtuc)
Jesse Mullally (stcc)
Jessica Bennet (wrac)
Jessica Broderick (noec)
Jessica Hickling (rrgs)
Jessica McArthur (timc)
Jessica Munro (timc)
Jessica Tavendale (rrgs)
Jessie Workman (cbhs)
Jessie Workman (cghs)
Jimmy Dawson (cbhs)
Jimmy Healy (ctyc)
Jimmy Middleditch (cash)
Joe Ryan (stan)
Joel Arona (shir)
Joeseph Conolly (stan)
John O'Rourke (avnc)
John-Luke Fenn (curc)
Johnny Lee (chcc)
Johnny Lee (stmg)
Johnny McArdle (stcc)
Johnson Cleland (timc)
Jonathan King (curc)
Jono Henderson (chcc)
Jonty King (cbhs)
Jordan Light (noec)
Jorja Bacchus (wrac)
Jose de Sousa (avnc)
Joseph Drury (stan)
Joseph Welham (duac)
Josh Bartlett (timc)
Josh Hamer (stbd)
Josh Harris (shir)
Josh Kelly (avnc)
Josh Viana (wtuc)
Josh Watts (shir)
Juan Cronje (noec)
Juliet Ridgen (cghs)
Kahu Keenan (otac)
Kaia Sheehy Wikio (obhc)
Kaleb McCombe-Rae (croc)
Kaleb Poole (wtuc)
Kate Beaton (noec)
Kate Crawford (timc)
Kate Harrison (timc)
Kate Mackenzie (timc)
Kate Merriman (oghs)
Kate Pitcaithly (noec)
Kate Ryall (burn)
Kate Smith (cghs)
Kate Spriggs (croc)
Kate Wield (rrgs)
Kate Woods (wtuc)
Kathryn Glen (rpcs)
Kathryn Sutherland (avnc)
Katie Gardener (cbhs)
Katie Gardener (cghs)
Katrina Allan (invc)
Katy Mitchell (burn)
Kayla Hay (oamc)
Kaylee Butler (croc)
Keegan Piper (shir)
Keely Erskine (wtuc)
Keely Tasker (curc)
Keira Wolff (cghs)
Keiran Gaudin (picc)
Kelly Quirke (wnkc)
Kelsey Bell-Taylor (timc)
Kelsey Daldorf (wrac)
Kelvin Maker (noec)
Kendal Everest (avnc)
Kerri Taylor (avnc)
Kian Wills (timc)
Kiarn Collins (blec)
Kiera Williams-Knight (wtuc)
Kirsty Mahoney (duac)
Kobe Hansen (cbhs)
Kohan Carden (duac)
Korban Chevis (blec)
Kristen Froude (rpcs)
Kristiana Whiston (oamc)
Kururangi Wetini (shir)
Kyla Otway (rrgs)
Kyle Cabading (ashc)
Kyle Hughes (avnc)
Lachie Kendrick (shir)
Lachlan Moir (otac)
Lachlan Muir (stan)
Lachlan Nicholas (avnc)
Lachlan Odlin (stan)
Lachlan Pearce (kgca)
Laga Jensen (kgca)
Lara Bacchus (wrac)
Lauchie Craig (kgca)
Laura Dennis (invc)
Laura Jensen (ashc)
Laura Jones (avnc)
Laura Ring (noec)
Laura Sammut (colc)
Lauren Isitt (uncc)
Lauren Sim (ctyc)
Lauren Sim (curc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Layton Carr (stbd)
Leah Reid (ashc)
Leigha Stormont (wrac)
Leon Morris (duac)
Leon Poswillo (blec)
Lewis Hawkyard (shir)
Lewis Mazza-Carson (kgca)
Lewis Rooney (cbhs)
Lexi Judson (cash)
Lexi Laverty (wtuc)
Lexi Timpson (wrac)
li Na Chapman (wrac)
Liam Alexander (chcc)
Liam Alexander (stmg)
Liam Collins (shir)
Liam Duff (stbd)
Liam Macpherson (cbhs)
Liam Parker (timc)
Liam Ruru (otac)
Liam Taylor (ashc)
Liam Wagteveld (stbd)
Liam Wilson (shir)
Libby Handford (duac)
Libby McNee (stan)
Lilliana Murray-Orr (stmg)
Lilou Caspritz (timc)
Lily Crawford (wrac)
Lily Davidson (ashc)
Lily Moors (oghs)
Lily Rawson (oamc)
Liv Barnett (rrgs)
Liv Matthews (wrac)
Liv Theodore (wrac)
Lochlan Gilmour (blec)
Lochlan Herrick (oamc)
Logan Barr (cbhs)
Logan Docherty (wrac)
Logan King (cbhs)
Logan Noton (wtuc)
Lotte Hope (stan)
Lottie Heywood (rrgs)
Louie Bethell (chcc)
Louie Bethell (stmg)
Louie Murden (avnc)
Louie Nelson (chcc)
Luca Mains-Upson (twlc)
Luca Mains-Upson (wtuc)
Luca O'Malley Philcox (cbhs)
Lucas MacDonald (avnc)
Lucy Bird (invc)
Lucy Crawford (timc)
Lucy Haler (cghs)
Lucy Hamilton (stan)
Lucy Hilgeholt-Martyn (noec)
Lucy Jennings (cghs)
Lucy Leech (rrgs)
Lucy Merriman (oghs)
Lucy Tod (stmg)
Lucy Vance (rrgs)
Lucy Vaughan (rrgs)
Lucy Ward (rrgs)
Luka Bouchier (wtuc)
Luke Brady (rpcs)
Luke Hickling (stbd)
Luke James (chcc)
Luke McBrydie (stbd)
Luke Menzies (chcc)
Luke Skinner (stan)
Lydia Pye (stmg)
Lyla Chamberlain (wnkc)
Mac Brown (timc)
Macaela Turfus (avnc)
Mackai Sparks (timc)
Mackenzie Bryant (duac)
Mackenzie Coupland (timc)
MacKenzie Ealson (duac)
Maddie Mitchell (avnc)
Maddison Booth (invc)
Maddison Gittins (cbhs)
Maddison Gittins (cghs)
Maddy Meates (stmg)
Madeleine Ogg (cash)
Madeline Clucas (stan)
Madison Sullivan (colc)
Maeve Power (rpcs)
Maggie Dowling (noec)
Maggie Hepburn (oghs)
Maggie Lane (wrac)
Maggie Stiven (ctyc)
Maia Greenwood (cghs)
Makayla Hulme (stmg)
Maki Porter (shir)
Malia Parsons (curc)
Mandela McKree-Jansen (kgca)
Mara Bentley (colc)
Marcus Reid (avnc)
Marewa Cryer (ctyc)
Marion Hardwick (avnc)
Mark Patterson (picc)
Mark Smith (otac)
Mark Taylor (curc)
Mark van der Klundert (timc)
Marley King-Smith (wtuc)
Martha Luisetti (stmg)
Marzella Debeer (duac)
Mason Henderson (blec)
Matai Washbourn (shir)
Matai Wells (wnkc)
Matilda Hlavac (rrgs)
Matt Rickard (wnkc)
Matthew Dennis (cbhs)
Matthew Dunster (cbhs)
Matthew Glen (stbd)
Matthew King (croc)
Matthew O'Meara (otac)
Matthew Pearce (ashc)
Matthew Smith (avnc)
Matthew Sutherland (avnc)
Matthew White (rpcs)
Max Clinch (cbhs)
Max Cookeson (chcc)
Max Good (wnkc)
Max Harris (chcc)
Max Hellyer (cbhs)
Max Henry Clayton (timc)
Max Radcliffe (cbhs)
Max Smith (duac)
Max Walsh (stbd)
Maya Bromby (colc)
Maycee Williams (duac)
Maysie Scott (avnc)
Meg Flanagan (wrac)
Meg Macdonald (cash)
Meg Macdougall (colc)
Meredith Lewis (cghs)
Mia Bohm (cghs)
Mia Bohm (uncc)
Mia Pagan (wtuc)
Mia Parker (timc)
Mia Uluilelata (avnc)
Michael Brownlie (stan)
Michael Taylor (chcc)
Michael Zhang (stcc)
Mikayla Donaldson (stmg)
Mila van Reusberg (wrac)
Milla Eathorne-Godfrey (rrgs)
Millie Dobson (stmg)
Millie Greenslade (rrgs)
Millie Scott (colc)
Millie White (cbhs)
Millie White (cghs)
Milly Farrell (stmg)
Milly Gallagher (rrgs)
Mitchell Taylor (ashc)
Mollie Phillips (timc)
Mollie Weston (avnc)
Molly Backhouse (stmg)
Molly Christiansen (croc)
Molly Glover (wrac)
Molly Judson (avnc)
Molly McKenzie (rrgs)
Morgan Fryer (burn)
Morgan Fryer (cbhs)
Morgan Fryer (shir)
Morris Gordon (otac)
Nadia van den Bosch (timc)
Narissa Diack (invc)
Nat Renouf (shir)
Natasha Bonham-Carter (avnc)
Natasha Santos-O'Connell (invc)
Nathan Luff (curc)
Neil Kamat (stbd)
Neve Bates (wtuc)
Neve Cassidy (stmg)
Neve Faed (wnkc)
Neve Hall (noec)
Neve Ramsay (oamc)
Ngakau Nixon (stbd)
Niall Alexander (obhc)
Nic Pilditch (uncc)
Nicholas Bailey (wtuc)
Nicholas Brown (chcc)
Nicholas McIntosh (duac)
Nick Hinton (otac)
Nick Isdale (shir)
Nick Todd (invc)
Nico Sia (stcc)
Nicole Vance (rrgs)
Nicolle Vincent (avnc)
Nierensche Perese-Kuil (avnc)
Nikita Bent (timc)
Nina Jarman (cbhs)
Nina Jarman (cghs)
Nina McKay (cghs)
Nina Oliver (cash)
Noa Visser (shir)
Noah Lewis (obhc)
Noah Smith (stan)
Nyah Reweti (rrgs)
Nye Jones-Hogan (oamc)
Oli Ellenbroek (stbd)
Oli Taylor (rpcs)
Olive Paterson (wrac)
Oliver Ellis (shir)
Oliver Hamilton (otac)
Oliver Horton (kgca)
Oliver McDonald (stan)
Oliver Monks (stbd)
Oliver Woodgate (stan)
Olivia Bisset (wtuc)
Olivia Caulfield (oghs)
Olivia Dawson (burn)
Olivia de Joux (stan)
Olivia Erasmus (noec)
Olivia Hawkes (stmg)
Olivia Joseph (cghs)
Olivia Key (wtuc)
Olivia Moriarty (avnc)
Olivia Moriarty (burn)
Olivia Ollerenshaw (noec)
Olivia Piebenga (croc)
Olivia Studholme (stmg)
Olivia Thorn (stmg)
Ollie Eden (shir)
Orla Fitzgerald (cbhs)
Orla Fitzgerald (cghs)
Oscar Clatworthy (cash)
Oscar Rutledge (stan)
Oscar Todhunter (chcc)
Oscar Todhunter (stmg)
Pablo Fitzgerald (cash)
Paige Butler-Baird (timc)
Paige Furrie (duac)
Paige Materoa (wrac)
Paige Mohs (cghs)
Paris Sutton (cbhs)
Paris Sutton (cghs)
Paul Middleditch (avnc)
Perri Hore (noec)
Peta Ericsson (noec)
Peter Midgley (ashc)
Peter Midgley (curc)
Petra Curd-McCullough (cbhs)
Petra Curd-McCullough (cghs)
Phoebe Cavanagh (wtuc)
Phoebe Harbutt (timc)
Phoebe Trolove (duac)
Phoebe Trolove (wrac)
Phoebe Wallis (rrgs)
Phoebe Wellstead (colc)
Phoebe Wilson (stmg)
Piper Spencer (cbhs)
Piper Spencer (cghs)
Pipi Horan (wnkc)
Pippa Ford (cbhs)
Pippa Ford (cghs)
Pippa Fulton (noec)
Pippa McAtamney (wtuc)
Polly Cross (rrgs)
Poppy Jarman (cghs)
Poppy Knight (burn)
Poppy Lane (wrac)
Poppy Nesbit (invc)
Poppy Wyndham (cash)
Preena Patel (ctyc)
Preston Kelly (stcc)
Primrose Johnson (duac)
Primrose Johnson (wtuc)
Primrose Porter (rrgs)
Quinn Abercrombie (cghs)
Quinn Plunkett (oamc)
Rachel O'Connell (wnkc)
Raniera Whiu (kgca)
Raymond Brooks (chcc)
Rebekah McLeod (duac)
Rebekah Skinner (rrgs)
Reed Frewen (duac)
Reuben Allison (otac)
Reuben Cook (obhc)
Reuben Dempster (blec)
Reuben Hewett (cbhs)
Rhys Salvador (blec)
Rianna Sheppard (oamc)
Richard Landon-Lane (avnc)
Riley Harris (ashc)
Riley Harris (obhc)
Robert Walls-Harris (avnc)
Roisin Laphen (invc)
Roland Ozanne (obhc)
Rosa Hill (stan)
Rosa Righton (cbhs)
Rosa Righton (cghs)
Rosa Robert (cghs)
Rosa Turner (stmg)
Rose McArthur (cash)
Rose Thompson (cash)
Rosie Gray (rrgs)
Ruby Boyd (wnkc)
Ruby Flannery (noec)
Ruby Giera (rrgs)
Ruby Hardacre (stmg)
Ruby Leverton (ashc)
Ruby Pringle (ctyc)
Ruby Smith (duac)
Rudi Marquez (avnc)
Russell Watson (uncc)
Ryan Caldwell (timc)
Ryan Egan (obhc)
Ryan Gaudin (duac)
Ryan Gaudin (picc)
Ryder McGuigan (avnc)
Ryder McGuigan (chcc)
Rylan Nichol (obhc)
Rylee James (avnc)
Sahahna Ainsy-Oudemans (timc)
Sahara Geary (oamc)
Sally Wylaars (rpcs)
Sam Clarke (shir)
Sam Clelland (cash)
Sam Earl (stbd)
Sam Evans (cash)
Sam Gamble (stan)
Sam Horgan (avnc)
Sam Jackson (stcc)
Sam Lamont (burn)
Sam Long (stan)
Sam McAtamney (wtuc)
Sam Moorhead (stan)
Sam O'Hara (noec)
Sam Rankin (burn)
Sam Righton (stan)
Sam Rogers (stan)
Sam Wilson (timc)
Sam Woodgate (stbd)
Samantha Day (stan)
Samantha Earl (croc)
Samantha Lewell (uncc)
Samantha O'Neill (timc)
Samara Goodall (wnkc)
Samuel Feltham (blec)
Samuel Hartnell (stan)
Samuel Muir (wtuc)
Sara Reynolds (colc)
Sarah Donaldson (noec)
Sarah Pahlen (avnc)
Sarah Stewart (invc)
Savanna Paul (timc)
Scott Shackleton (cbhs)
Sean Brosnan (noec)
Sean Fleck (ctyc)
Sean Millar (stbd)
Sean Templeton (cbhs)
Seb Vanden Bosch (timc)
Sebastian Kuhn (cbhs)
Semisi Taungapeau (noec)
Shae Gaudin (picc)
Shahid Ali (shir)
Shakira Mirfin (invc)
Shane Gibson (wnkc)
Shane Henry (blec)
Shanique Rose Anderson-Lundie (timc)
Shayla Tamakehu (croc)
Shella Luckhurst (duac)
Siena Snow (colc)
Sienna Godfrey-Chatterton (cghs)
Sienna O'Shannessey (rrgs)
Sienna Skilling (ashc)
Simon Lloyd (duac)
Simon Smith (duac)
Simon Smith (picc)
Simon Taylor (avnc)
Simone Wilson (croc)
Skye Duncan (cbhs)
Skye Duncan (cghs)
Sofia Bohm (cghs)
Sofia Chapman (cghs)
Sophia Linares-Fontona (oamc)
Sophia Rutherford (stan)
Sophie Chapman (cbhs)
Sophie Chapman (cghs)
Sophie Cusiel (rrgs)
Sophie Gibson (ashc)
Sophie McMillian-Sinclair (oamc)
Sophie McNee (stan)
Sophie O'Connor (stan)
Sophie Payne (rrgs)
Sophie Radcliffe (avnc)
Sophie Rasmussen (wtuc)
Sophie Ridley-Scott (wrac)
Sophie Rowland (avnc)
Sophie Rowland (burn)
Sophie Schneideman (rrgs)
Sophie Smith (duac)
Sopie Orchiston (oghs)
Spencer Welsford (stan)
Stacey Dennison (invc)
Stella Wright (stmg)
Stephen Kinder (avnc)
Steve Glen (avnc)
Stian Langvik (croc)
Stuart Wade (uncc)
Sullivan Sonntag (croc)
Summer Moriarty (oamc)
Susie Crawford (cbhs)
Susie Crawford (cghs)
Sven Ellis (shir)
Sydney Kay (duac)
Sydney Kay (wtuc)
Sylvie King (cghs)
Tahlia Nelson (duac)
Taine Borthwick (croc)
Taine Dyson (otac)
Talyah Sweney (invc)
Tamati Dennison (obhc)
Tamzin Burgess (colc)
Tane Norton (shir)
Tanja McDonald (uncc)
Tao Hawkey-Hight (croc)
Tao Hawkey-Hight (wnkc)
Tayla Lyford (wrac)
Taylor Anderson (colc)
Te Aria Jackson (kgca)
Ted Mayne (cbhs)
Tem Bennett (avnc)
Teri Climo (wrac)
Tessa Handford (duac)
Tessa Phillips (wtuc)
Tessa Reid (rrgs)
Thaddeus Cryer (kgca)
Theo Brett-Martin (cbhs)
Theo Hudson (uncc)
Theodore Giannakogiorgos (avnc)
Thomas Bishop (shir)
Thomas Forsey (stan)
Thomas Johnston (chcc)
Thomas Johnston (stmg)
Thomas McEwan (chcc)
Thomas McEwan (stmg)
Thomas Mitchell (wnkc)
Thomas Patterson (ashc)
Thomas Peacock-Price (burn)
Thomas Russel (rpcs)
Thomas Ryan (ctyc)
Thomas Scurr (obhc)
Thomas Woodgate (stbd)
Thornton Bickerstaff (croc)
Tilly Ensor (cghs)
Tim Bartlett (timc)
Tim Chapman (shir)
Timothy Heritage (avnc)
Tiwai Saxton (wtuc)
Tobi Rees (cghs)
Toby Beresford (chcc)
Toby Beresford (stmg)
Toby Middleton (stan)
Toby Morris (cbhs)
Toby Rorrison (wtuc)
Toby Smillie (avnc)
Tom Fraser (avnc)
Tom Hearn (shir)
Tom MacLean (stan)
Tom Martin (wtuc)
Tom Penberthy (cbhs)
Tom Picton-Warlow (chcc)
Tom Rutherford (stan)
Tom Smith (stan)
Toni Cranko (avnc)
Torben Craig (wnkc)
Travis Hibbs (stan)
Tristan Gregory-Hunt (wrac)
Ty Bishop (timc)
Tylah Bishop (cghs)
Tyler Stewart (avnc)
Tyler Ticehurst (blec)
Tyler Ufton-Tangaroa (shir)
Tyler Wright (kgca)
Tyran Carter (blec)
Veronica Wall (rpcs)
Vicki Dent (uncc)
Victoria Vincent (kgca)
Vinny Brown (otac)
Virginia Sweeney (invc)
Walter Wickham (blec)
Will Davidson (timc)
Will Donovan (wtuc)
Will Gilbert (rpcs)
Will Knight (cbhs)
Will Rattray (curc)
Willa Nicol (timc)
Willa Sonntag (croc)
Willa Sonntag (duac)
William Anderson (cash)
William Haley (obhc)
William Helm (obhc)
William Johnstone (duac)
William Johnstone (picc)
William Kamo (stan)
William Light (timc)
William Lindsay (cbhs)
William McIntyre (stbd)
William Pirker (shir)
William Prebble (stan)
William Talbot (timc)
William Tavendale (stan)
William Thomas (avnc)
William Tisdall (obhc)
William Twiss (stan)
William Voice (stan)
Williams Long (stan)
Xavier Anisy (stcc)
Xavier Edmond (otac)
Xavier Wright (invc)
Zac Harris (shir)
Zach Mirfin (invc)
Zachary Jenkins (blec)
Zack Cleaver-Donovan (otac)
Zane Cameron (ashc)
Zara Frost (rrgs)
Zara Mackley (wtuc)
Zeda Mata'u (burn)
Zinzan Bondarenko-Leatua (cash)
Zoe Cookeson (stmg)
Zoe Isbister (oamc)
Zoe Millar (curc)
Zoe Sullivan (cghs)
All coaches
A J Humphreys (wnkc)
Alex Coulthard (stcc)
Andrew Blake (wrac)
Andrew Jolly (wtuc)
Andy Oliver (timc)
Antonio Frances-Rees (timc)
Arlia O'Sullivan (cash)
Ben Wright (stcc)
Brian Smith (timc)
Cbhs Coaching Team (cbhs)
Charlette Grant (timc)
Christina Blackford (avnc)
Christina Blackford (burn)
Christina Blackford (ricc)
Clayton Lindstrom (blec)
Craig Deblecourt (oghs)
Dale Maher (stbd)
Dave Hanan (noec)
Dave Lindstrom (uncc)
David Ayres (wnkc)
David Lindstrom (cghs)
Dean Milne (timc)
Deb Hymers-Ross (uncc)
Edward Clark (obhc)
Edward Sullivan (cghs)
Emily Brown (cghs)
Emily Goodhew (timc)
Fran Connelly-Whyte (ashc)
Gareth Arnold (avnc)
Glen Patterson (timc)
Grace Kai Fong (cghs)
Grant Morgan (blec)
Hamish Fox (invc)
Harry Simperingham (noec)
Harvey Tyler (cghs)
Hayden Soper (cash)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (timc)
Ian Smith (invc)
Jack Allan (invc)
Jack McLachlan (obhc)
Jaimee Harrison (timc)
Jakob Mangels (shir)
James Lilley (shir)
James Lilley (burn)
Jamie Vou (timc)
Jim Little (uncc)
Joe Findley (invc)
John Morrison (wtuc)
John O'Connor (rpcs)
John Robinson (blec)
Josh Dent (stcc)
Josh Kelly (stcc)
Josh Schmidt (rpcs)
Julie Dyer (invc)
Justin Wall (ashc)
Kelvin Maker (twlc)
Kirsty Dunhill (obhc)
Lucy Travis (wtuc)
Mary Hefford (ashc)
Matt Rickard (wnkc)
Matt Straker (blec)
McGregor Best (shir)
Mike Goldsmith (noec)
Mike Jones (noec)
Mike McManaway (wrac)
Mitch White (shir)
Owen Gould (oamc)
Pat McQuinn (stcc)
Pat McQuinn (avnc)
Quentin Monaghan (stbd)
Rachel O'Connell (wnkc)
Rangi Ruru Coaching Team (rrgs)
Richard Barnett (cghs)
Riley Bruce (shir)
Russell Everett (wtuc)
Scott Gullery (noec)
Sean O'Neill (wrac)
Shane Muir (wtuc)
Simon Smith (duac)
St Andrews Coaching Team (stan)
Stuart Wade (uncc)
Sydney Telfer (cash)
Thomas Cummack (otac)
Thomas Ryan (obhc)
Tom Flavel (stbd)
Tom Flavill (stbd)
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