In this section
Upcoming regattas
Recent results
Pending results
All results
Event #
1: mens Open 2-
2: womens Open 1X
3: boys U17 2X
4: girls U18 8+
5: womens Open 2-
6: girls U16 4X+
7: mens Open 1X
8: mens Nov 2X
9: boys U18 8+
10: girls U17 2X
11: mens Club 4+
12: boys U16 4X+
13: womens Nov 8+
14: mens Club 1X
15: womens Club 4+
16: mens Open 4-
17: womens Open 2X
18: mixed mst 4-
19: mens Nov 8+
20: boys U18 4X+
21: womens U20 4X-
22: womens Club 1X
23: girls U16 8+
24: mens Club 2X
25: mens U20 4-
26: girls U18 4X+
27: womens Open 4X-
28: boys U16 8+
29: womens Nov 4+
30: womens Club 2X
31: mens Open 4X-
32: mens Club 8+
33: mens Nov 4+
34: womens Open 4-
35: womens Club 8+
36: girls U16 4+
37: mens Open 2X
38: womens Nov 2X
39: mst 1X
40: womens Open 8+
41: boys U16 4+
42: mens Open 8+
6: girls U16 4X+
36: girls U16 4+
23: girls U16 8+
10: girls U17 2X
26: girls U18 4X+
4: girls U18 8+
21: womens U20 4X-
2: womens Open 1X
17: womens Open 2X
5: womens Open 2-
27: womens Open 4X-
34: womens Open 4-
40: womens Open 8+
38: womens Nov 2X
29: womens Nov 4+
13: womens Nov 8+
22: womens Club 1X
30: womens Club 2X
15: womens Club 4+
35: womens Club 8+
12: boys U16 4X+
41: boys U16 4+
28: boys U16 8+
3: boys U17 2X
20: boys U18 4X+
9: boys U18 8+
25: mens U20 4-
7: mens Open 1X
37: mens Open 2X
1: mens Open 2-
31: mens Open 4X-
16: mens Open 4-
42: mens Open 8+
8: mens Nov 2X
33: mens Nov 4+
19: mens Nov 8+
14: mens Club 1X
24: mens Club 2X
11: mens Club 4+
32: mens Club 8+
39: mst 1X
18: mixed mst 4-
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
All clubs
Ashburton College
Avon Rowing Club
Avonside Girls High School
Burnside High School
Canterbury Rowing Club
Central RPC
Christ's College Rowing Club
Columba College Rowing Club
Cromwell Rowing Club
Cure Boating Club
Dunstan Arm Rowing Club
Kaikorai Valley College
Marian College
Nelson Rowing Club
North End Rowing Club
Oamaru Rowing Club
Otago Girls High School
Otago Rowing Club
Otago University Rowing Club
Picton Rowing Club
Rangi Ruru Girls School
Southern RPC
St Andrews College
St Bedes College
St Margarets College
St Thomas Of Canterbury
Timaru Rowing Club
Twizel Rowing Club
Villa Maria College
Waihopai Rowing Club
Wairau Rowing Club
Wakatipu Rowing Club
Wanaka Rowing Club
All athletes
Aaron Roydhouse (noec)
Abby McIlroy (timc)
Abby Shaw (rrgs)
Abigail Durrant (avnc)
Adam Hodge (ashb)
Adrian Els (stcc)
Adrienne Tameilau (noec)
Ahlia Hicks (wrac)
Aimee Fraser (marn)
Aimee McMaster (rrgs)
Alan Harvey (picc)
Alex Coulthard (stcc)
Alex Grogan (ctyc)
Alex Peacock (duac)
Alex Stuart (duac)
Alexander MacKenzie (timc)
Alexander Yarnall (otac)
Alexandra Earl (curc)
Alexandra Harris (avsg)
Alexandra Pitman (wrac)
Ali Higham (noec)
Ali Pickering (burn)
Alice Darry (stmg)
Alice Luxton (rrgs)
Alice Murdoch (timc)
Alice Riley (stan)
Alice Williams (rrgs)
Alisha Duncan (stmg)
Alysha Sime (oamc)
Amelia Leavey (stmg)
Amy Jenkins (whoc)
Andrea Davies (avnc)
Andrew Annear (oguc)
Andrew Oliver (avnc)
Andrew Searle (oamc)
Andrew Taylor (stan)
Angus Gray (chcc)
Angus Howat (curc)
Angus Reid (wtuc)
Anna O'Leary (otac)
Anna Watson-Taylor (wnkc)
Annabel Angland (colc)
Annabel Ronald (whoc)
Annabelle Palmer (noec)
Anne Chiang (avnc)
Ashleigh Weir (oamc)
Ashley Armstrong (oamc)
Ashley Pont (chcc)
Asryal Anglem (burn)
Autumn Scarf-Matthews (oghs)
Ayaka Archer (burn)
Ayla Wilson-Bairds (curc)
Bailey Beecher (oghs)
Bailey Scott (croc)
Becky Tuke (ctyc)
Belinda Dryden (stmg)
Bella Giltrap (rrgs)
Bella Martin (wtuc)
Ben Alexander (noec)
Ben Crosbie (stan)
Ben Dewsberry (timc)
Ben Hammond (rpcc)
Ben Hull (wtuc)
Ben Innes (stan)
Ben Loeffen-Gallagher (chcc)
Ben Luke (wtuc)
Ben McLeod (whoc)
Ben Meates (stbd)
Ben Methven (stan)
Ben Scarlett (stcc)
Ben Sinnamon (noec)
Ben Wade (chcc)
Benjamin Cotter (noec)
Benji Barry (ashb)
Beth Jagusch (avnc)
Bianca Sisson (wrac)
Biddy Harris (rrgs)
Billy Clements (avnc)
Blake Houghton (avnc)
Bonnie Jones (marn)
Brad Walter (stbd)
Braden Scott (timc)
Breanna Earl (stmg)
Bree Thomson (stmg)
Bridget Cody (timc)
Bridget Hendry (noec)
Bridget McArthur (duac)
Bridget Richardson (vill)
Bridie O'Flaherty (burn)
Brieana Shea (noec)
Brittany Neal (stmg)
Bronte Haglund (burn)
Brook Robertson (rpcc)
Brooke Clemett (timc)
Brooke McCaw-Hurrell (stmg)
Brooke Parsons (oamc)
Brooke Rakowitz (burn)
Brooke Shepherd (whoc)
Bryce Abernethy (rpcs)
Bryony Harkeress (stan)
Caitlin Buist (oguc)
Caitlin Harvey (picc)
Caleb Stephenson (timc)
Callum Douglas (burn)
Calum Gordon (noec)
Cameron Arnerich (wnkc)
Cameron Crampton (rpcs)
Cameron Dadson (avnc)
Cameron Durham (stcc)
Cameron Kennedy (curc)
Cameron Moffat (timc)
Cameron Porter (burn)
Cameron Scott (stbd)
Cameron Williams (wtuc)
Canada Broad (vill)
Caroline Pearson (stmg)
Casey Gordon (oamc)
Caylah Kenny (wrac)
Cecilia Foster (stmg)
Charlie Sleigh (chcc)
Charlie Turner (wtuc)
Charlie Wallis (oamc)
Charlotte Campbell (vill)
Charlotte Holland (ctyc)
Charlotte Labudde (timc)
Charlotte McKee (wrac)
Charlotte Miles (curc)
Charlotte Paddon (colc)
Charlotte Smith (avnc)
Charlotte Sutherland (rrgs)
Charlotte Whitham (curc)
Chelsea Holland (marn)
Chelseigh Fransch (timc)
Chris James (wrac)
Christopher Harry (ctyc)
Christopher Harry (curc)
Ciaran Taylor (stbd)
Claire Pearce (wrac)
Claudia Dyet (noec)
Claudia Grave (otac)
Claudia le Breton (burn)
Claudia Maker (noec)
Claudia Paterson (noec)
Claudia van Dam (duac)
Cleonna Hocquard-D'Alliessi (wrac)
Cody Laing (duac)
Cole Gillman (ctyc)
Colin Thornley (xcom)
Connor Fraher (stan)
Connor James (stbd)
Connor Robinson (avnc)
Conor Paul (wrac)
Corey Lewis (noec)
Corey McCaffrey (rpcc)
Courtney Shea (noec)
Craig Quested (timc)
Cushla Houlihan (oamc)
Dacey Caldwell (avnc)
Daisy O'Connor (stmg)
Daniel Anderson (croc)
Daniel Halligan (wtuc)
Daniel Hobson (otac)
Daniel Johnston (ctyc)
Daniel Neild (otac)
Daniela Lemow (oghs)
Danielle Ackland (rrgs)
Danyon Pitt (avnc)
Danyon Trask (curc)
David Brydon (stbd)
David Childs (stbd)
David Malcolm (kvly)
Deenagh Farrelly (wrac)
Dejay Kane (oamc)
Delane Luke (stcc)
Della Hammersley (avsg)
Devaney Davis (timc)
Dominic Saladino (duac)
Doug Cryer (duac)
Duncan Grant (rpcc)
Durga Selvarajah (colc)
Dylan Davy (wtuc)
Dylan O'Connor (wtuc)
Eachann Bruce (otac)
Ed Sullivan (stbd)
Edward Grant (noec)
Eilish Hargen (stmg)
Eilish Platts (stan)
Eirlys Bond (duac)
Eliza Adams (noec)
Ella Fitzsimons (vill)
Ella Galletly (duac)
Ella Greenslade (stmg)
Ellen Graham (burn)
Ellen Seaton (noec)
Ellie Murphy (oghs)
Elliot Smith (stan)
Eloise Boon (wrac)
Eloise Gawler (timc)
Emerson Cosgrove (chcc)
Emily Boud (duac)
Emily Brown (vill)
Emily Hand (avsg)
Emily Smith (noec)
Emily Willis (curc)
Emily-Rose Clemence (rrgs)
Emma Alderton (stmg)
Emma Austin (rrgs)
Emma Harrison (timc)
Emma Henderson (stmg)
Emma Pearce (noec)
Emma Sorenson (timc)
Emma Trolove (timc)
Emma Wallace (noec)
Emma Winders (otac)
Erica Taylor (timc)
Erin-Monique O'Brien (rpcc)
Esther Austin (rpcs)
Etta Grant (duac)
Eugene Ahn (burn)
Evie Pitt (stmg)
Finbar O'Flaherty (burn)
Finn Montocchio (stbd)
Finn Ryder (oamc)
Florence McIntosh (wrac)
Francesca Guthrie (noec)
Francie Turner (ctyc)
Fred Coughlan (avnc)
Gabrielle Peach (avnc)
Geoffrey Wigley (avnc)
Georg Rohardt (duac)
George Bellamy (wtuc)
George Davidson (stbd)
George Dennison (wtuc)
George Howat (curc)
George Letham (stan)
George Mirfin (stan)
George Perkins (chcc)
George Sammons (noec)
George Thomas (noec)
George Win (chcc)
George Yeoman (chcc)
Georgia Bewley (wtuc)
Georgia Clarke (noec)
Georgia de Raad (oghs)
Georgia Doyle (stmg)
Georgia Gentle (whoc)
Georgia Hale (vill)
Georgia Lysaght (ashb)
Georgia Noble-Adams (rrgs)
Georgia Reekie (vill)
Georgia Rouch (vill)
Georgia Taylor (stan)
Georgia Voice (stmg)
Georgia Yaxley (whoc)
Georgina Andrews (rrgs)
Georgina Rodie (rpcc)
Georgina Williams (wrac)
Grace Cocks (stmg)
Grace Crawford (duac)
Grace Curtis (stmg)
Grace Lamont (stmg)
Grant Romeril (chcc)
Greg Brand (rpcs)
Gregor Martin (duac)
Greta Pearce (wrac)
Gussie Buchanan (noec)
Guy Collins (wtuc)
Guy Redpath (whoc)
Hamish Roulston (wnkc)
Hamish Sinclair (noec)
Hana Coulston (curc)
Hannah Chamberlain (stmg)
Hannah Coakley (marn)
Hannah Day (timc)
Hannah Duggan (otac)
Hannah Hocquard (wrac)
Hannah Moyle (croc)
Hannah Peterson (vill)
Hannah Warburton (wrac)
Hannah Wilson (colc)
Harriet Green (rrgs)
Harriet Stiles (duac)
Harriett Sutton (timc)
Harrison Joesph (stbd)
Harry Beadel (chcc)
Harry Hasselman (otac)
Harry McCormick (chcc)
Harry Stanley (stbd)
Hayden Bewley (wtuc)
Hayden George (noec)
Hayden Kerr (whoc)
Hayden Soper (stbd)
Haylee James (curc)
Heather Giles (curc)
Heather Livesey (whoc)
Heidi Wright (colc)
Henri Schneider (duac)
Henrietta Harper (timc)
Henrietta Hewitt (stan)
Henrietta Murray (rrgs)
Henrietta Tutton (stmg)
Henry Bell (chcc)
Henry Matthews (wtuc)
Henry McCallum (stan)
Henry McManus (stcc)
Holly Fletcher (avnc)
Holly Henderson (stan)
Holly McLeish (rrgs)
Holly Reid (rrgs)
Hooper Kelly-Smith (timc)
Hope Broad (vill)
Hugo Elworthy (chcc)
Hugo Falco (stcc)
Hugo Moffett (stcc)
Ian Seymour (rpcc)
Ingrid Binstead-Pickering (wrac)
Ingrid Mitchell (whoc)
Isaac Schimanski (stbd)
Isaac Zarifeh (stan)
Isabella Brokenshire (avsg)
Isabella McLoughlin (vill)
Isabella Nicholson (wtuc)
Isaiah McLeod (stcc)
Isaiah Nelson-White (timc)
Israel Lochhead (stcc)
Issac Robertson (stcc)
Ivana Moreton (stmg)
Izzy Goddard (stmg)
J Milne (timc)
Jacinda MacKie (duac)
Jack Boyd (noec)
Jack Bruce (duac)
Jack Bruce (wnkc)
Jack Caulton (chcc)
Jack Donaldson (stbd)
Jack Gibbons (otac)
Jack Harrex (duac)
Jack MacFarlane (chcc)
Jack Malcolm (kvly)
Jack O'Leary (otac)
Jack O'Neill (stbd)
Jack Porter (wnkc)
Jack Swale (wtuc)
Jack Waddell (noec)
Jacob Bowles (burn)
Jacob Flanagan (wtuc)
Jacob Sullivan (oamc)
Jacob Truscott (stcc)
Jacqui Bell (wtuc)
Jacqui Frizelle (rrgs)
Jacqui van Dam (duac)
Jade Silva (vill)
Jaime Bolster (marn)
Jaimee Cannell (timc)
Jake Carmody (stbd)
Jake van Peer (stbd)
Jakob Mangels (stcc)
James Beattie (stcc)
James Bithell (chcc)
James Chapman (chcc)
James Condon (stbd)
James Fleming (chcc)
James Hamilton (timc)
James Harvey (avnc)
James Holland (noec)
James Howard (avnc)
James Hunter (rpcc)
James Lilley (avnc)
James McMillan (ctyc)
James McNicol (noec)
James Preston (otac)
James Ramsay (wtuc)
James Redai (wnkc)
James Sandston (avnc)
James Tranter (stbd)
James Walker (timc)
Jamie Bowley (wnkc)
Jamie Gillingham (oamc)
Jamie Thomas (wrac)
Jared Glue (rpcs)
Jarrod Wellman (wnkc)
Jarrod Wills (timc)
Jasmine Adams (stmg)
Jayden Miller (duac)
Jed Lee (stbd)
Jed McArthur (stbd)
Jeffery Cooke (ashb)
Jemima Allison (rrgs)
Jemma Rotch (ashb)
Jen Naoupu (avnc)
Jess Paton (rpcc)
Jess Taylor (noec)
Jess Wood (rrgs)
Jessica Bateman (avnc)
Jessica Deaker (wrac)
Jessica Donald (wrac)
Jessica Galbraith (marn)
Jessica Hayes (whoc)
Jessica Jary (ashb)
Jessica Martin (timc)
Jo Foster (ctyc)
Jodie Sole (timc)
Joey Blaikie (duac)
Johannah Kearney (rpcs)
Johnny Fitzpatrick (stbd)
Jonathan Rush (timc)
Jonathon Calder (chcc)
Jong Hoon Lee (wtuc)
Jono Martin (duac)
Jordan Kennedy (stbd)
Jordan Murphy (wtuc)
Joseph Ryan (stcc)
Joseph Swale (wtuc)
Joseph Trappitt (rpcc)
Josh Dolan (stbd)
Josh Harris (oamc)
Josh Hayes (whoc)
Josh Proctor (oamc)
Josh Speight (wtuc)
Josh Tell (wtuc)
Joshua Sim (curc)
Joshua Sutherland (burn)
Joshua Tuaine (burn)
Judge Crozier (stan)
Julia Driehuis (duac)
Julia Fauth (oamc)
Julia Landels (noec)
Juliette Alm-Lequeux (oghs)
Juliette Phillipson (burn)
Justin Dovestone (timc)
Justin Evans (wrac)
Justis Atkins (curc)
Kaine Marsh (picc)
Kalas Taukamo (oamc)
Kaleb Marshall (chcc)
Karley Wilden-Palms (oghs)
Kasia Stanicich (marn)
Kate Campbell (colc)
Kate Chapman (stan)
Kate Dore (avnc)
Kate Duthie (whoc)
Kate Hanning (vill)
Kate Hayman (ashb)
Kate Hurst (timc)
Kate Lindstrom (wrac)
Kate Macdonald (rrgs)
Kate McKenzie (ctyc)
Kate Rawcliffe (wrac)
Kate Shaw (timc)
Kathy Hogarth (ctyc)
Katie McKeown (oamc)
Katie Middleton-Tansey (avnc)
Katie Moffat (whoc)
Kayla Burton (curc)
Kelly Waud (timc)
Kelvin McPherson (oamc)
Kendal Everest (avsg)
Kendal Good (vill)
Kendra Dunstan (marn)
Keren Wright (timc)
Kerri Gowler (rpcc)
Keryn Tubbs (duac)
Kevin Strickland (nelc)
Kezia Forman (marn)
Kieran Gaudin (picc)
Kiri Williams (avnc)
Kirsty Thompson (nelc)
Kody Ferguson (avnc)
Lachie Davidson (ashb)
Larelle Bogdalski (stmg)
Latham Jones (wtuc)
Laura Anderson (oghs)
Laura Cockroft (timc)
Laura Duxbury (marn)
Laura Everest (avsg)
Laura Fenwick (oamc)
Laura Glen (vill)
Laura Hughes (timc)
Laura Obrien (vill)
Laura Siryj (vill)
Laura Tester (rpcc)
Lauren Bennett (stmg)
Lauren Clark (avnc)
Lauren Honeybone (wrac)
Lauren Parsons (oamc)
Lauren Sim (curc)
Lawson Morris-Whyte (curc)
Lee Wilson (duac)
Leon Smyth (avnc)
Lia Cameron (vill)
Liam Anderson (stbd)
Liam Cooper (timc)
Liam Cosgrove (stan)
Liam Guthrie (noec)
Liam McArthur (stbd)
Liam Pyott (stan)
Liam Seymour (stan)
Libby Barker (avnc)
Libby Davenport (timc)
Libby Higgs (curc)
Libby Vincent (rrgs)
Lili Sabonadiere (noec)
Lilly Hazlett (rrgs)
Lilly Simpson (timc)
Lily Alton-Triggs (stmg)
Lily Cunningham (colc)
Lily Fincham-Wells (oamc)
Lily Spittal (timc)
Lisa Owen (rpcs)
Liv King (wrac)
Lochie Chittock (otac)
Logan Boyd (wtuc)
Logan Keys (ctyc)
Lola Garden (noec)
Loren Cunningham (oamc)
Loren Smith (marn)
Louise Livesey (avnc)
Lucas Wilson-Taopua (avnc)
Lucee Holland (curc)
Lucinda McLeod (rrgs)
Lucy Brownie (stmg)
Lucy Dickson (wtuc)
Lucy Geddes (duac)
Lucy Hutchinson (rrgs)
Lucy Morton (stmg)
Luke Austin (chcc)
Luke Cody (timc)
Luke Cracroft-Wilson (chcc)
Luke Watts (rpcc)
Lydia Clarke (stmg)
Lydia Milner (avnc)
Lydia Mossman (wrac)
Macaela Turfus (duac)
Mackenzie McNeill (curc)
Maddison Crawford (oghs)
Maddison Dixon (oghs)
Maddy Fleming (stmg)
Madelaine Ingham (stmg)
Madeleine Ashby (avnc)
Madeleine Davidson (ashb)
Madeline Gill (vill)
Madi Williams (burn)
Madison Fay (rrgs)
Madison Gillespie (timc)
Maggie Burns (noec)
Maia Bicknell (wrac)
Maisie Nattrass (rrgs)
Malakai Hia-King (stbd)
Margot Darling (colc)
Marita Naoupu (avnc)
Mark Dadson (avnc)
Mark O'Connor (rpcs)
Mark Tait (ashb)
Mark Taylor (oamc)
Martin Bell (chcc)
Mathew Lilley (stbd)
Matt Nicholson (wtuc)
Matt Radburnd (stcc)
Matt Wali (ctyc)
Matt Wali (curc)
Matthew Beveridge (ashb)
Matthew Bolch (croc)
Matthew Davies (burn)
Matthew Jones (stbd)
Matthew McNamara (noec)
Matthew Mullin (ctyc)
Matthew Parker (ashb)
Matthew Rae (ashb)
Matthew Robb (burn)
Matthew Staples (oamc)
Maysie Scott (oamc)
Meg Hocquard (wrac)
Meg Knowler (oamc)
Meg Lamb (wrac)
Megan Laby (burn)
Megan MacKenzie (rrgs)
Meghan Joshi (wrac)
Meisha Nicolson (avnc)
Mia Knott (noec)
Micaela Irvine (oamc)
Michael Allison (chcc)
Michael Foley (wtuc)
Michael Jones (avnc)
Michael Newton (chcc)
Michael Shearer (avnc)
Michaela King (oghs)
Michaela Watt (ashb)
Michelle Barry (avnc)
Mike Jones (xcom)
Millie Dutton (rrgs)
Millie Smyth (rrgs)
Milly Greenslade (wrac)
Milly MacFarlane (rrgs)
Milly van Dam (duac)
Miranda Roughan (wrac)
Miriam Hammersley (avsg)
Mitchell Falgar (stcc)
Mitchell MacKenzie-Mol (picc)
Mollie Weston (avnc)
Molly Lines (curc)
Molly Meates (marn)
Molly Ramsay (wrac)
Molly Somerville (wrac)
Monique Lynes (wtuc)
Monty Elworthy (chcc)
Morgan Henderson (oamc)
Morgan Shepherd (whoc)
Nadja Hyson (wrac)
Naomi Fahy (burn)
Naria Wilson-Bairds (ctyc)
Naria Wilson-Bairds (curc)
Natalie Allen (stan)
Natalie Bocock (stmg)
Natalie Grant (oamc)
Nathan Arscott (stbd)
Nathan Cradock (duac)
Nathan Parsons (ctyc)
Nathan Redai (wnkc)
Niamh Sullivan (marn)
Niamh Summers (twlc)
Nicholas de Lautour (stan)
Nicholas Jackson (wnkc)
Nicholas Marriott (stan)
Nick Foley (wtuc)
Nick Gemmell (chcc)
Nick Shields (whoc)
Nico Cronshaw (chcc)
Nicola Shanks (oguc)
Nicola Wright (stmg)
Nikita Parker (duac)
Nina Champion (wtuc)
Nina Hanlon (burn)
Oliver Davidson (stbd)
Oliver Jolly (wtuc)
Oliver Tyro (chcc)
Olivia Anderson (colc)
Olivia Berger (rrgs)
Olivia Clearwater (noec)
Olivia Cockroft (timc)
Olivia Coll (timc)
Olivia Fleming (ashb)
Olivia Lissaman (stmg)
Olivia Loe (rpcs)
Olivia MacDonald (whoc)
Olivia McLeod (rrgs)
Olivia Mendonca (stmg)
Olivia Norton (vill)
Ollie Sidey-Moore (otac)
Olly Bayley (chcc)
Olvia Luxton (rrgs)
Owen O'Brien (picc)
Paige Cook (timc)
Paige Morton (colc)
Paul Lee (chcc)
Penelope Barnsdale (whoc)
Philipo Georgiou (chcc)
Philippa Loveard (rpcc)
Phoebe McBride (otac)
Phoebe Robinson (rrgs)
Phoebe Spoors (rpcs)
Polly McMullan (otac)
Poppie Gerber (wtuc)
Poppy Friend (stmg)
Portia Barcello (wrac)
Quinn Houghton (stbd)
Rachel Chandler (wrac)
Rachel Clark (croc)
Rachel Kennedy (avnc)
Rachel Youngman (wtuc)
Rebecca Bain (oamc)
Rebecca Bush (stmg)
Rebecca Jones (curc)
Rebecca King (burn)
Rebekah Hill (rrgs)
Rebekah Johnston (burn)
Reed Frewen (duac)
Reid Long (wtuc)
Renee Olley (timc)
Rennae Edwards (ctyc)
Reuben Clutterbuck (stcc)
Reuben Mihaere (oamc)
Reuben Savage (noec)
Richard McLachlan (wtuc)
Richard Wilden (xcom)
Riley Bruce (wnkc)
Rireana Kirkwood (burn)
Rita Giles (curc)
Rob Cox (ctyc)
Robert Clifford (chcc)
Robert Earl (stbd)
Robyn Munro (rpcc)
Robyn Wright (timc)
Rory Smyth (burn)
Rosalie Calder (rrgs)
Rose Marshall-Lee (rrgs)
Rose McEwan (curc)
Rowan Biggs (wtuc)
Rowan Taylor (chcc)
Ruby McManaway (wrac)
Ruby Tew (rpcc)
Rupert Jackman (curc)
Russell Beattie (oamc)
Russell Crampton (rpcs)
Ryan Campbell (stbd)
Ryan Gaudin (picc)
Ryan Swale (timc)
Ryan Wilson (noec)
Ryan Wilson (rpcc)
Sally Yoemans (rrgs)
Sam Bingham (stcc)
Sam Bosworth (avnc)
Sam Collins (burn)
Sam Dick (timc)
Sam Dippie (noec)
Sam Doyle (chcc)
Sam Martel (stan)
Sam Munro (noec)
Sam O'Hara (stbd)
Sam Robertson (stan)
Sam Schroder (croc)
Sam Small (curc)
Sam Thomson (timc)
Samantha Lawrence (wrac)
Sammie Gordon (croc)
Sammie Woollcombe (wrac)
Samuel Gerard (chcc)
Sara Griffin (colc)
Sara Hill (otac)
Sara Lee-Anne Smith (avnc)
Sarah Brown (rrgs)
Sarah Creed (timc)
Sarah Graham (colc)
Sarah Heath (ctyc)
Sarah Lindley (avnc)
Sarah Nelson (rpcs)
Sarah Wyber (noec)
Sariska Adams (avnc)
Sasha Cran (rrgs)
Saskia Gilbert (stan)
Saskia Klinkenberg (stmg)
Saskia Lane (curc)
Saskia Whall (burn)
Scott Barnsdale (whoc)
Scott Bezett (noec)
Scott Jones (whoc)
Sean McCormack (ashb)
Sean O'Neill (rpcc)
Sebastian Downie (croc)
Shannoah McAlister (avsg)
Shannon Harrison (colc)
Shara Quin (stmg)
Sharne Jones (rrgs)
Sheridan Newson (curc)
Sierra Bayley (stmg)
Simon Caird (ctyc)
Simon Ellis (stbd)
Simon Garratt (duac)
Simon Lloyd (duac)
Simon Smith (duac)
Simone Woodford (avnc)
Skye MacDonald (rrgs)
Sophie Patton (croc)
Sophie Shingleton (rpcs)
Sophie Stone (noec)
Sophie Taylor (stmg)
Sophie Tunstall (stmg)
Sophie Warhurst (croc)
Stacey Chandler (wrac)
Stacy Low (duac)
Stanley Pont (chcc)
Star Davidson (stmg)
Stephen Dennehy (stbd)
Sukhmani Randhawa (burn)
Summer Nanai-Stewart (burn)
Surrey Collett (timc)
Sydney Cook (duac)
Taane Whetu (timc)
Taane Whetu (twlc)
Tabitha Seaton (oghs)
Taine Cragg-Love (stbd)
Talia Reid (duac)
Talya Sautos (wtuc)
Tamara Gillingham (oamc)
Tamara Porter (wrac)
Tarina Crampton (timc)
Tayla Brown (timc)
Tayla Duff (stmg)
Tayla Peter (timc)
Taylah Eder (stmg)
Taylor Kerr-Charnley (avnc)
Taylor McNamara (noec)
Taylor Oakes (oamc)
Te-Arahori Potaka-Osbourne (ctyc)
Tegan Williams (wrac)
Terian le Compte (stmg)
Tessa Barrett-Walker (marn)
Tessa Fulton (stmg)
Tessa Read (noec)
Tessa Young (rpcs)
Tessa-Jane Power (wrac)
Thomas Ballantyne (stcc)
Thomas Chapman (chcc)
Thomas Chin (noec)
Thomas Ecroyd (chcc)
Thomas Galbraith (oamc)
Thomas Gibbons (duac)
Thomas Jenkins (whoc)
Thomas McConway (otac)
Thomas Paterson (stbd)
Tim Coughlan (timc)
Tim Gardner (xcom)
Tim McCarthy (stan)
Tim Smitt (ctyc)
Tim Smitt (curc)
Tim Yaxley (whoc)
Timothy Osmers (avnc)
TJ Leeming (oguc)
Todd Bezett (noec)
Tom Brand (avnc)
Tom Coulson (burn)
Tom Darry (chcc)
Tom Essenberg (stcc)
Tom Foubister (stbd)
Tom Mee (otac)
Tom Murray (rpcc)
Tom Reid (stbd)
Tommy Brennan (chcc)
Toni Mulholland (colc)
Tori Dellaca (rrgs)
Tori Skene (burn)
Tory Williams-Brown (avnc)
Travis Clutterbuck (stcc)
Tremaine Cragg-Love (stbd)
Tufi Sele (rpcc)
Tuomas Tuhaka (ctyc)
Tuomas Tuhaka (curc)
Tyler Good (stcc)
Tyler McKendry (stbd)
Tyna Williams (wrac)
Valerie Kornienko (burn)
Victoria Broughton Hazlehurst (marn)
Weiting Zhang (burn)
Wendy Lawson (ctyc)
Whitney Middendorf (wtuc)
Will Saxon (wtuc)
Willem van der Kaag (wtuc)
William Beattie (stcc)
William Hudson (stbd)
William Meates (avnc)
William Methven (stan)
William Morris-Whyte (curc)
William Thomas (stan)
William Veitch (stan)
Woody Kirkwood (otac)
Yolanda Filipo (vill)
Zac Montgomery (stbd)
Zach Murphy (burn)
Zelda Glass (burn)
Zoe Dobbs (timc)
Zoe McBride (otac)
Zoe Sabonadiere (noec)
Meridian Canterbury Championships
George Gardner
Competed for:
Also attended
boys U16 4X+
Sponsored by:
Heat 2
: result (NRR)
1 -
Joshua Sim
(stroke) |
Naria Wilson-Bairds
George Gardner
George Howat
Lauren Sim