Dewar Shield Blue Lake Regatta


50: mens novice double sculls

A Final

1st Rotorua Rowing Club 3 C.Broughton (s), A.Lelievre NTT [6]
2nd Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 2 C.Chittenden (s), C.Hackett [5]
3rd Rotorua Rowing Club 2 J.Curtis (s), J.McNamara-Spackman [4]
4th Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 6 B.Renwick-Russell (s), S.Renwick-Russell [3]
5th Waitemata Rowing Club 1 M.Sammut (s), A.Rov [2]
6th Counties-Manukau Rowing Club 1 M.Tielemans (s), H.Shepherd [7]
7th Mercer Rowing Club 5 A.Schwass (s), C.Welch [1]
8th Mercer Rowing Club 8 L.Scheffer (s), S.Roberts [8]

B Final

1st Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 3 H.Evans (s), C.Edmonds NTT [4]
2nd Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 4 L.Corbishley (s), L.Herbert [6]
3rd Counties-Manukau Rowing Club 2 R.Pratt (s), J.Kirkwood [8]
4th Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club 1 D.Ngatai (s), L.Hardy [2]
5th Mercer Rowing Club 3 J.Baxter (s), S.Farmer [1]
6th Horowhenua Rowing Club 1 C.Stolting (s), J.Dorne-McDonald [3]
7th Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 1 A.Cole-Du-Toit (s), H.Nash [7]
--- Mercer Rowing Club 1 Z.Butters (s), F.Murphy DNF [5]

C Final

1st Rotorua Rowing Club 1 C.Starling (s), S.van Nieuwenhuizen NTT [1]
2nd Kings College Rowing Club 1 F.Uivaa (s), F.Siriwardena [9]
3rd Mercer Rowing Club 2 C.Voorburg (s), J.Hill [3]
4th Mercer Rowing Club 6 L.Betty (s), K.Campbell [5]
5th Wellington Rowing Club 1 B.MacRae (s), B.Tucker [8]
6th Whakatane Rowing Club 1 J.Hanretty (s), L.Hanretty [7]
7th Wellington Rowing Club 2 M.Brown (s), P.Glover [6]
--- Gisborne Rowing Club 2 E.S (s), A.Higham DNS [2]
--- Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 5 J.Weeks (s), M.Rennie NRR [4]

Heat 1

1st Rotorua Rowing Club 2 J.Curtis (s), J.McNamara-Spackman NTT [3]
2nd Waitemata Rowing Club 1 M.Sammut (s), A.Rov [2]
3rd Horowhenua Rowing Club 1 C.Stolting (s), J.Dorne-McDonald [8]
4th Mercer Rowing Club 3 J.Baxter (s), S.Farmer [5]
5th Mercer Rowing Club 6 L.Betty (s), K.Campbell [7]
6th Rotorua Rowing Club 1 C.Starling (s), S.van Nieuwenhuizen [4]
--- Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club 2 M.Fitzgerald (s), S.Hemmingsen NRR [1]
--- Gisborne Rowing Club 1 J.Holmberg (s), R.Hall NRR [6]

Heat 2

1st Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 6 B.Renwick-Russell (s), S.Renwick-Russell NTT [5]
2nd Counties-Manukau Rowing Club 1 M.Tielemans (s), H.Shepherd [3]
3rd Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 3 H.Evans (s), C.Edmonds [1]
4th Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club 1 D.Ngatai (s), L.Hardy [7]
5th Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 5 J.Weeks (s), M.Rennie [2]
6th Wellington Rowing Club 1 B.MacRae (s), B.Tucker [4]
--- Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club 3 G.Rowley (s), A.Boyte NRR [6]

Heat 3

1st Rotorua Rowing Club 3 C.Broughton (s), A.Lelievre NTT [3]
2nd Mercer Rowing Club 5 A.Schwass (s), C.Welch [5]
3rd Mercer Rowing Club 1 Z.Butters (s), F.Murphy [6]
4th Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 1 A.Cole-Du-Toit (s), H.Nash [4]
5th Wellington Rowing Club 2 M.Brown (s), P.Glover [2]
--- Gisborne Rowing Club 2 E.S (s), A.Higham NRR [1]
--- Waitemata Rowing Club 2 R.Blackman (s), R.Hawthorne NRR [7]

Heat 4

1st Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 2 C.Chittenden (s), C.Hackett NTT [1]
2nd Mercer Rowing Club 8 L.Scheffer (s), S.Roberts [5]
3rd Hawkes Bay Rowing Club 4 L.Corbishley (s), L.Herbert [2]
4th Counties-Manukau Rowing Club 2 R.Pratt (s), J.Kirkwood [4]
5th Mercer Rowing Club 2 C.Voorburg (s), J.Hill [7]
6th Whakatane Rowing Club 1 J.Hanretty (s), L.Hanretty [3]
--- Kings College Rowing Club 1 F.Uivaa (s), F.Siriwardena NRR [6]




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