ARC 6K Time Trial race

Boat # Club Crew Type Race time Prognostic %
7EBSCG. ReidM Mst 1x00:27:3486.99%
1WKOCH GillB U17 1x00:26:5785.30%
6AKLCWomen Masters DoubleW Mst 2x00:28:1085.14%
1WTMCBoys U18 LW Four coxedB U18 4+00:23:2883.89%
5AKLCMen Club FourM Club 4-00:23:5181.73%
AKLCG. CawoodM Mst 1x00:29:3481.11%
2EBSCMasters Women QuadW Mst 4x00:28:2580.90%
4WTMCBoys U16 Quad coxedB U16 4x+00:24:1980.16%
8KGCAU15 Boys DoubleB U15 2x00:27:0278.54%
7AKLCMen Masters QuadM Mst 4x00:24:5678.18%
4SHAKBoys U18 DoubleB U18 2x00:27:2078.17%
2WTMCBoys U18 Four coxedB U18 4+00:25:2477.50%
3AKLCC. de VilderM Mst 1x00:31:2976.17%
2SGECMasters Men QuadM Mst 4x00:25:4875.55%
3SGECMasters Mixed DoubleMx Mst 2x00:31:4172.72%
1SGECWomen Masters EightW Mst 8+00:30:5568.67%
2KGCAM. CaddieB U16 1x00:36:1565.68%
3WTMCGirls Club EightW Club 8+00:24:44Disqualified
3SHAKBoys U18 EightB U18 8+00:22:44Disqualified

The two disqualified crews failed to strictly adhere to the course. Unfortunately they did not go around the Green Marker by the Avenue Road Sailing Club and were consequently disqualified.

Results courtesy: B Lodder