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Bankstream Legion Masters Regatta
Mike Lobel
Competed for:
Also attended
mixed masters A-H coxed four
Division 2
: result (NRR)
1 -
David Milne
(stroke) |
Bronwyn Menhinick
Trish Hatton
Mike Lobel
Gay Costain
Event #
1M: mens mst C-H 2-
1W: womens mst C-H 2-
2M: mens mst A-B 2X
2W: womens mst A-B 2X
3M: mens mst D-H 1X
3W: womens mst D-H 1X
4M: mens mst C 1X
4W: womens mst C 1X
5M: mens mst A-B 4+
5W: womens mst A-B 4+
6M: mens mst D-H 8+
6W: womens mst D-H 8+
7M: mens mst A-C 4X-
7W: womens mst A-C 4X-
8: womens Corp 4+
9M: mens mst D-H 2X
9W: womens mst D-H 2X
10X: mixed mst A-H 4+
11M: mens mst A-C 8+
11W: womens mst A-C 8+
12M: mens mst C 2X
12W: womens mst C 2X
13M: mens mst New 4+
13W: womens mst New 4+
14M: mens mst D-H 4X-
14W: womens mst D-H 4X-
15M: mens mst A-B 1X
15W: womens mst A-B 1X
16: mixed Corp 8+
17M: mens mst A-B 2-
17W: womens mst A-B 2-
18M: mens mst C 4+
18W: womens mst C 4+
19X: mixed mst 2X
20M: mens mst D-H 4+
20W: womens mst D-H 4+
21: mens Corp 4+
22X: mixed mst 4X-
23M: mixed mst 8+
23W: womens mst 8+
23X: mens mst 8+
23W: womens mst 8+
15W: womens mst A-B 1X
2W: womens mst A-B 2X
17W: womens mst A-B 2-
5W: womens mst A-B 4+
7W: womens mst A-C 4X-
11W: womens mst A-C 8+
4W: womens mst C 1X
12W: womens mst C 2X
18W: womens mst C 4+
1W: womens mst C-H 2-
3W: womens mst D-H 1X
9W: womens mst D-H 2X
14W: womens mst D-H 4X-
20W: womens mst D-H 4+
6W: womens mst D-H 8+
13W: womens mst New 4+
8: womens Corp 4+
23X: mens mst 8+
15M: mens mst A-B 1X
2M: mens mst A-B 2X
17M: mens mst A-B 2-
5M: mens mst A-B 4+
7M: mens mst A-C 4X-
11M: mens mst A-C 8+
4M: mens mst C 1X
12M: mens mst C 2X
18M: mens mst C 4+
1M: mens mst C-H 2-
3M: mens mst D-H 1X
9M: mens mst D-H 2X
14M: mens mst D-H 4X-
20M: mens mst D-H 4+
6M: mens mst D-H 8+
13M: mens mst New 4+
21: mens Corp 4+
19X: mixed mst 2X
22X: mixed mst 4X-
23M: mixed mst 8+
10X: mixed mst A-H 4+
16: mixed Corp 8+
All regions
North Island
South Island
Bay of Plenty
Waikato/Bay of Plenty
East Coast
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Aramoho-Wanganui Rowing Club
Auckland Rowing Club
Bay of Plenty Coast Rowing Club
Cambridge Rowing Club
Cromwell Rowing Club
Hamilton Rowing Club
Hauraki Plains Rowing Club
Horowhenua Rowing Club
Mercer Rowing Club
North Shore Rowing Club
Petone Rowing Club
Rotorua Rowing Club
St Georges Rowing Club
Te Awamutu Rowing Club
Union Boating Club
Waikato Rowing Club
Wellington Rowing Club
West End Rowing Club
Whakatane Rowing Club
Whangarei Rowing Club
Whangateau Sculling Club
All athletes
Abigail Evans (nshc)
Adele Gordon (aklc)
Adie Pedersen (sgec)
Aimee Harris (hkic)
Alan Cleaver (merc)
Alan McLean (bpcc)
Alec Auld (wkoc)
Alison McLeod (sgec)
Allan Mills (welc)
Allen Loomb (tawc)
Amanda Puddle (camc)
Amy Green (aklc)
Andrew Bealing (horc)
Andrew Lawson (aklc)
Andrew Wild (welc)
Ann Edmondson (tawc)
Ann Tucker (sgec)
Anna Sissons (petc)
Annabelle Ryrie (nshc)
Anthony Spijkerman (rotc)
Astrid Nunns (petc)
Barbara Iversen (wesc)
Barry Sayer (welc)
Barry Swarbrick (aklc)
Benjamin Norling (petc)
Beverly O'Loughlin (aklc)
Bill Cargill (horc)
Bob Evans (awgc)
Bob Evans (unwc)
Brad Carter (welc)
Brent Smart (wesc)
Brett Wright (sgec)
Bronwyn McGill (nshc)
Bronwyn Menhinick (wesc)
Bronwyn Thompson (hamc)
Bruce Tate (horc)
Bruce Walker (aklc)
Bruce Wills (bpcc)
Bryan Beardshaw (aklc)
Bryan Walford (rotc)
Bryce Adern (aklc)
Caitlin Doddrell (hkic)
Caitlin Doddrell (nshc)
Cameron Turnwald-Hayward (wkoc)
Carol Neill (nshc)
Caroline Robertson (petc)
Catherine Staines (horc)
Catherine Staines (petc)
Catherine Stapleton (tawc)
Charlotte Denny (welc)
Chris Betty (merc)
Chris Brake (nshc)
Chris Brake (wesc)
Chris Fotherby (sgec)
Chris Jones (welc)
Chris Williams (wrec)
Christine Phillips (welc)
Clayton Nichols (wrec)
Clem le Lievre (whac)
Colin Smith (petc)
Corinne Monkley (hamc)
Dale Gyton (petc)
Daniel Benton (welc)
Danny Keane (petc)
Darren Hobbs (camc)
Darren van der Sandt (aklc)
Dave Hanley (petc)
Dave Vinnicombe (aklc)
Dave Waters (merc)
David Blewden (camc)
David Carr-Smith (welc)
David Lindstrom (petc)
David Littlejohn (wkoc)
David Luck (hkic)
David Mills (aklc)
David Milne (wesc)
David Rodger (petc)
David Vallance (nshc)
David Vallance (wesc)
Debbie Pahina (petc)
Des Cowie (bpcc)
Des Lock (petc)
Diane Brew (sgec)
Don Gordon (unwc)
Don Strachan (merc)
Donna Southwick (wkoc)
Donnelle Hamilton (merc)
Doug Payne (wkoc)
Duncan Cameron (rotc)
Dylan Swain (camc)
Emilie Nebulot (nshc)
Emily Watt (whac)
Emma Gatman (aklc)
Emma Martindale (hkic)
Emma Ross (welc)
Eric Ibarraran (wesc)
Eric Verdonk (wesc)
Evan Billington (hkic)
Evan Roose (tawc)
Evan Snyder (sgec)
Finn Palsson (whac)
Fiona Harris (petc)
Francee Piltcher (petc)
Francie Morrow (welc)
Frank van Rijen (camc)
Garth Bradford (hkic)
Garth Bradford (nshc)
Gary Andrews (sgec)
Gary McAdams (whac)
Gary Stewart (aklc)
Gavin Laurich (hkic)
Gavin Porter (hkic)
Gay Costain (wesc)
Geoff Vazey (aklc)
George Grove (aklc)
Gier Jong (aklc)
Gill Hawker (bpcc)
Glenn Hutley (merc)
Gordon Meyer (rotc)
Gordon Williams (hkic)
Gordon Williams (nshc)
Graeme Weston (whac)
Graham Sims (whac)
Graham Watt (whac)
Grant Bridgwater (bpcc)
Grant Pedersen (sgec)
Gregor MacKenzie (sgec)
Gregor Sedlmeier (aklc)
Guy Aitcheson (petc)
Hannah Worth (aklc)
Harry Waalkens (wesc)
Helen Baxter (petc)
Helen Chapman (rotc)
Helen Garland (hamc)
Helen Hansen (horc)
Helen Moore (wrec)
Huw Mitchell (welc)
Ian Boserio (petc)
Ian Clotworthy (wkoc)
Jacqueline Taylor (wrec)
Jacs Rush (awgc)
James Beech (welc)
James Boyce (camc)
James Boyce (rotc)
James Watson (horc)
Jan McPhail-Miller (wrec)
Janarie Jongkees (wrec)
Jane Evans (camc)
Janie Martin (hkic)
Jason King (welc)
Jeannette Lomas (aklc)
Jennie Evans (unwc)
Jill Austin (bpcc)
Jo Mason (horc)
Jo Mason (petc)
Jo-Anne Stokes (welc)
Joanne Boserio (petc)
John Argue (petc)
John de Pont (sgec)
John Glenn (unwc)
John Hitchcock (petc)
Judikje Scheffer (camc)
Judikje Scheffer (croc)
Judy Shadbolt (sgec)
Justin Tate (horc)
Karen Asquith (nshc)
Karen Bryant (nshc)
Kate Sullivan (hamc)
Kate Tidbury (aklc)
Kathryn McGredy (sgec)
Kathryn Sharplin (bpcc)
Keith Fraser (rotc)
Ken Howie (unwc)
Kerry Dombroski (horc)
Kevin Horan (horc)
Kevin O'Hagan (wrec)
Kevin Sanderson (nshc)
Kevin Stevenson (petc)
Kimberley Sutherland (petc)
Kimberly Forlong (hamc)
Konrad Wacker (nshc)
Kris Jochimsen (aklc)
Kyra Jones (petc)
Laura Bradbury (hamc)
Laura James (aklc)
Laura James (rotc)
Lauren Gibb (camc)
Leisha Currie (hamc)
Linda Thomas (sgec)
Lis Nielsen (unwc)
Liz Forde (sgec)
Liz Forde (wesc)
Liz MacFarlan (sgec)
Liz McIntosh (merc)
Louise Algeo (welc)
Louise O'Hagan (wrec)
Loveday Yeoman (hamc)
Marcus Anderson (horc)
Margot Chandler (aklc)
Marie Devoy (sgec)
Marie Vermes (aklc)
Marion Ackers (wrec)
Mark Bellham (camc)
Mark Brown (welc)
Mark Gibb (camc)
Mark Jenkins (whac)
Mark Simmonds (bpcc)
Martin Bridger (unwc)
Mary Brice (petc)
Maxine Drabble (bpcc)
Megan Simmons (welc)
Meryl Bell (sgec)
Mia Jenkins (whac)
Michael Benge (petc)
Michael Hindmarsh (aklc)
Michael Smyth (aklc)
Mike Lane (bpcc)
Mike Lobel (wesc)
Mike Tolhurst (wesc)
Murdoch Dryden (aklc)
Murray Carey (awgc)
Murray Horne (wesc)
Murray McEwan (wkoc)
Natalee Taylor (nshc)
Natalie Wilson (camc)
Natalie Wilson (croc)
Natalie Wilson (nshc)
Nathan Twaddle (aklc)
Neil Pollock (merc)
Neil Watson (aklc)
Neville Robertson (camc)
Nick Dromgool (camc)
Nick Hanna (bpcc)
Nicky Knowles (aklc)
Nicky Knowles (camc)
Nicole Bitossi (nshc)
Niel Smith (hkic)
Nierensche Perese-Kuil (aklc)
Nina Brown (welc)
Olivia Bixley (petc)
Pat Spriggens (awgc)
Patrick Carroll (awgc)
Patrick Carroll (unwc)
Paul Coles (petc)
Paul Gibbard (aklc)
Paul Glover (welc)
Paul Stone (aklc)
Paula Brown (hamc)
Pauline Trow (welc)
Peer Nielsen (unwc)
Peter Brown (petc)
Peter Fraser (camc)
Peter Kokich (petc)
Peter Rowbotham (petc)
Phillipa Argue (petc)
Pip Crawshaw (hamc)
Pippa Jones (petc)
Ramon Cronin (camc)
Raymond Ormsby (tawc)
Rebecca Caroe (nshc)
Reg Kumpher (petc)
Rhonda Speedy (hkic)
Richard Bell (wrec)
Richard Brock (awgc)
Richard Hughes (aklc)
Richard McChesney (whac)
Richard Thompson (bpcc)
Rob Mallinson (sgec)
Robbie Robinson (petc)
Robert Young (aklc)
Robin Baird (merc)
Robin Harrington (camc)
Robin Harrington (nshc)
Robyn Cargill (petc)
Robyn Saulbrey (horc)
Robynne Squire (nshc)
Rod Calder (unwc)
Roger Watts (camc)
Ron Satherley (wkoc)
Ron Sweden (sgec)
Ronel Cloete (bpcc)
Ronel Cloete (nshc)
Rose McKinnon (aklc)
Sally Saunders (petc)
Sam Irvine (aklc)
Sam Tane (hkic)
Sara McFall (welc)
Sarah Boardman (aklc)
Sarah Carr-Smith (nshc)
Scott Alderson (aklc)
Scott Connew (welc)
Shannon Hennig (petc)
Sharon Bray (merc)
Sharon Hanna (bpcc)
Siebo Visser (camc)
Simon Corbett (wkoc)
Simon Malpas (nshc)
Simon Malpas (wesc)
Simon Tries (aklc)
Steph Rush (awgc)
Stephen Deverell (wkoc)
Stephen Laverick (hkic)
Steve Bielby (petc)
Steve Brine (whac)
Steve Mayo-Smith (sgec)
Steven Fox (aklc)
Steven Gibbons (camc)
Steven Wills (wkoc)
Stewart Hobbs (sgec)
Stuart Henderson (wgtc)
Sue Dromgool (camc)
Sue O'Leary (awgc)
Sue Wright (sgec)
Susan Dawson (wrec)
Tama Rameka (petc)
Tara Wilson (camc)
Tasha Carver (awgc)
Teresa Connor (wkoc)
Terry Coxon (unwc)
Tim Clarke (wkoc)
Tim Hurring (aklc)
Tim Ibbotson (hkic)
Tim Ibbotson (nshc)
Tim Jenvey (bpcc)
Tim Logan (petc)
Tim Russell (wesc)
Tim Yates (aklc)
Tonia Williams (nshc)
Tony Corkery (sgec)
Tony Edmondson (tawc)
Tony Upchurch (awgc)
Tracey Gardiner (petc)
Trevor Rush (awgc)
Trish Fenton (sgec)
Trish Hatton (nshc)
Trish Hatton (wesc)
Trish Kamizona (bpcc)
Trudy Moulden (merc)
Uwe Engbers (nshc)
Uwe Engbers (wesc)
Val Carlisle (wesc)
Veronique Gibbons (camc)
Vicki Wenmoth (rotc)
Viv Haar (petc)
Warren Quin (petc)
Wendy Cudby (tawc)
William Cargill (petc)
William Leizerowicz (wesc)
Yvonne Kasper (sgec)
Yvonne Priest (awgc)